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Sasha Mallory's dance on tonight's 'So You Think You Can Dance'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Anonymous said...

Sasha was superb! Who knew? Maybe Adam!..JAK
An eye for talent?

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles

You can pick up 1st Prize on the Sam Sparro thread..........a "first" for me as well! JAK

Anonymous said...

I loved both numbers she did today. Man, those SYTYCD contestants work their booties off.

Anonymous said...

Gaga guest judge in her green hair!

lily said...

sasha so elegant and articulate. hope she wins.

Anonymous said...

Sasha is a beautiful dancer, she can do all type of dancing very well. She has a very nice shape and is a cutie. I would like to see her win. She is to dancing what Adam is to music.


Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG I just watched SYTYCD in West Coast and my God Sasha was incredible. Watch her full performances here:


I gotta go vote for her. Enjoy both of her performances!

Anonymous said...

Two hours left to vote for Sasha:

Call: 1-888-836-7601
Text: 1 to 83676
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Lady Gaga threw her shoe to Sasha's last performance.

International fans please vote for Sasha online. Her performances were exquisite. I am gonna watch them so many times. WOW!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

OT: Jay Leno mentions Adam's $6 million earnings...

Anonymous said...

Look at this GIF made right after Sasha's last performance. LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

The shoe Gaga threw on stage for Sasha's last performance, she signed it for her. How cool! Well deserved!

Anonymous said...

That last dance with Sasha and Melanie - WOW! Sasha Fierce for sure! I think she outdanced Melanie .. but then I'm sort of partial to Sasha A LOT!
Have been voting and voting, but it's getting late and gotta get some sleep.

Good luck, Sasha! You're awesome! LL

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Sasha!!! Wow! That woman can dance! Anything! Adam must have seen the talent. How lucky Sasha was to be part of the Glam Nation Live and how lucky Adam was to have Sasha Fierce! She's just the best. Good luck you!


Anonymous said...

I love Sasha's style. She is so physical, athletic and strong. Yet the grace and style comes through. Not one move is casual. Fun to watch. Plus she's so cute, especially when she flashes that lovely smile. You go girl.

HK fan said...

I think Sasha outdanced Melanie too, but then I haven't really got Melanie yet. She looked quite heavy and cumbersome next to Sasha. Sashas so fierce, but very light and graceful at the same time, whereas while I think Melanie is quite attractive close up, when I see her dance I just keep thinking of a man in drag.(sorry Melanie, was trying to think of a politer way of saying it!)
I'd like Sasha and Marko to be the final 2.

Anonymous said...

I'm still watching Sasha & Twitch's lil dance number, that was HOTT !!
Sasha has gotta win! I'm just so happy that Adam & his friends are out there for the world to see . They are all so very gifted artists, having the support from a very bright & beautifully gifted Adam Lambert! Yes , a very pleasant & positive group of young people.
Gotta check out more of Sasha dancing!
One more thing, I hope all the Glamberts out there , who are going to see Adam Friday in Canada , have a freaking wonderful time!! I'm really happy for all of you, & I'm very much looking forward to seeing some vids!!(suz 526 )! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what that comment to sasha about beyonce last night was? Didn't nigel mean to say adam instead? Right over my head. Off Topic: Adam levine was on pierce morgan last night- I tweeted pierce to have adam lambert on next lol

Anonymous said...

I am going to cry , I just now heard the wonderful comments from the judges on Sasha's dancing. It sounds as if she is a favorite among the judges. If she doesn't win, I'm going to cry. .& I don't even watch the show, but I'll support Sasha! She's Glamily & she is that darn good!! Mwah!! K
Ps. It would bring back that hurtful feeling inside from AIs8 finale. Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I can breathe now, right( too many tears right now) ?

Anonymous said...

Got to stick up for Melanie. She's a great dancer. Her number with Neil was remarkable. I predict the top three will be Melanie, Marko, and Sasha.

Anonymous said...

8:23 he was talking about Beyonce album Sasha Fierce. Nothing to do with Adam and let's keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

Sasha is just prooving to all the negative Adam fans that she can dance!! Remember when everyone was trashing her about a year ago. I have always loved Sasha and Taylor. Adam knows talent for sure.

Anonymous said...

@8:23 I believe he was talking about Beyonce's new video. Sasha could have definitely made the cut for that one

The Dark Side said...

Never heard that ppl were trashing Sasha or Taylor. Glad I missed that. Sasha danced so well last night. Thought Gaga's comments were very good to the dancers. Her outfit, not so much. Read somewhere she is losing her real hair and that's why she is wearing wigs. I know this is the Gaga persona, but...starting to look a little cartoonish. Still think she is great!

Anonymous said...

It looked to me as though Sutan did Sasha's makeup last night. She glowed. Some other nights makeup wise, not so much. Love her dancing.

Anonymous said...

@8:23 Nigel's quote was: "I wonder if Beyonce had you in mind when she came up with her character Sasha Fierce?"

Anonymous said...

So I lost track, who in the end did Nigel like better, Melanie or Sasha? He really is fickled.

glitzylady said...

RE the comment about Sasha being "trashed" last year when Adam first introduced his dancers: I don't recall Sasha ever being trashed as a dancer. It was just more of a general grumbling about Adam having dancers at all, and the fact that some found the dancers distracting when Adam first introduced them on a couple of TV performances..That was pretty short lived as a complaint. Also, the routines were tightened up by the the time the GNT started. I loved all of the dancers, and am so thrilled for Sasha. She's so beautiful and very sweet and gracious in person as well. I'm also a fan of her sister: They have such a beautiful and close relationship.

Nigel said he's "fickle" and goes back and forth between Sasha and Melanie as his favorites. I think he said Melanie was his final "favorite" last night but he figured he might change his mind again next week..He was pretty funny.( Sasha will always be my favorite. )

Anonymous said...

Nigel said the two girls were both so equally excellent that only a thin tissue seperates them.
It was a compliment to them both. No favoritism.
Skill can be judged but sometimes a great dancer is not given a great choreographer and you have to interpret what you're given.

I don't remember Sasha being critized during GNT
just Taylor and I agreed with that. He was obviously less skilled than the other three and I was surprised he'd been chosen. That does not mean I didn't like him. He showed his nature by coming to Adam's aid in the Miami beach scuffle, he pulled Adam away and ended the tussle with the pap that could have been worse.

Anonymous said...

If we Glamberts all stick together and vote for Sasha each week - she can win SYTYCD. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Our Glamily is doing great. Do you know that Taylor was on America's Got Talent last night? So sweet that Adam tweeted Sasha that he was proud of her.

Anonymous said...

yay! Sasha made it another week. I thought she was going to faint when she made it through. Why was Taylor on AGT last night? I always liked him and esp. after that pap thing.

Anonymous said...

@anon 6,42
Apparently he was a backing dancer for a guy with a yoyo!

Bing said...

@ANON JULY 27 AT 10:04pm - thanks so much for providing the links to Sasha's awe-inspiring dance routines. Sasha continues to prove her prowess as a dancer and she must be having the time of her life. This break she was given also paved the way for her to shine as a magnificent performance artist. Just like Adam we can all see that she loves to entertain her audience and would always give more than 100% to each performance.

In the Quickstep routine she effortlessly displayed versatility, elegance and grace. While in the Jazz routine where i just couldn't take my eyes off her, what i saw was her superiority in nailing that spectacular choreography.

Melanie is also a great dancer but Sasha's physique and unique abilities give her the advantage. Sasha's chances of winning is getting bigger. GO GO GO SASHA! You deserve to bring home the bacon girl!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Bing, I have to disagree with you. I think Melanie is a better skilled dancer. But Sasha may win. The audience and judges love her. I do think Sasha is very good. Much improved since the tour.

Bing said...

No worries @ANON at 11:38AM because you may be right after all and it could be that i'm simply biased. I think they both did very well in the Jazz number but i'm just so focused on Sasha because of the way she moves me. I have a little problem watching Melanie but i guess that's just me. So all is good. Wishing both of them the best of luck!