Adam Lambert's New Song Title "Freak Flag" Trends on Twitter
Filed Under (album news ) by Admin on Sunday, August 7, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, August 07, 2011

One of the new songs from Adam Lambert is titled "Freak Flag". And it is currently trending on Twitter worldwide! It has NOT been confirmed to be the first single nor has it been confirmed that it will be on the new album.
Lyndsey Parker mentioned the song in a new article about "Behind The Music" which aired tonight on VH1:
"Yes, Adam's "Behind The Music" covers the fact that...wait for it...he is gay. Shocker, huh? There's a great deal of emphasis on his sexuality throughout the special, perhaps too much emphasis--I personally would have enjoyed more music talk and more footage of him in the studio working on that second album, recording new songs like "Freak Flag." But the emphasis is still in the right place, as it's entirely positive. Adam's "Behind The Music" practically comes across as a one-hour Trevor Project "It Gets Better" PSA, and that's a very good thing. Because if there's anything that can convince sexually confused kids out there (assuming that kids actually watch VH1) that their future is glitteringly bright, it's this chronicle of Adam's journey from closeted theater gleek to out-and-proud pop star."
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I cannot believe that Adam would name or record a song called Freak Flag. That's insulting to everyone. I doubt Adam is foolish enough to sabotage his own new album. Gotta be a mistake.
Nothing yet, cant view the sneak previews, frustrated everyone will be home soon and I will have to wait till morning Im so impatient for a view of BTM.
Adam knows what he's doing. When I was doing my research last night on Freak Flag, the little song on the Shrek play was very positive. I was about being proud of who you are and the gifts you've been given no matter how odd others think those traits are. If that's the direction Adam is going with this song, then it's not a mistake. I'm sure everyone alive has something about them that others might think is freakish, so I think everyone could relate to a concept for a song like that. Can't wait to hear it.
OT but this is lovely:
Sauli posted a pic of himself: Sauli_Koskinen (on 14 Jun.)
Someone tweeted him: oddrely audi tarmin
wow do u belong 2 some 1? (on 14 Jun)
Sauli replied: Sauli_Koskinen Sauli Koskinen
@oddrely Yes. Yes I do. ;-)
(on 14 Jun)
@justpeachy Adam's mom said that he is living on the edge. So, I don't think Adam always knows what he's doing:)
@9:19 PM If Adam could sabotage his own first album (I'm talking about AMA) it is possible that he is foolish enough to do it with the second album.
Why must there always be someone questioning everything ADAM does?? Haven't you learned by now that ADAM K.N.O.W.S. what he is doing?? Relax!!
Nothing Adam does is insulting.
As Lyndsay Parker says "But the emphasis is still in the right place, as it's entirely positive." It's all good when it comes to Adam.
I guess "the guys" watched their fav tonight:
Sauli_Koskinen1 hour agovia Twitter for iPhoneTwitter
RT @adamlambert: #TrueBlood !!!!!
I just don't get it guys !! I mean i personally find nothing insulting or disturbing about this song titled "Freak Flag", so why are u tryin' to make a big deal of it ?!!! beside as some of you said above : Adam KNOWS what he is doing !!! and regarding that AMA comment : Adam made a mistake and admitted it , nobody's perfect !! and i'm certain that he has already learned from it !!
Moroccan Fan !!!!
Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Freak Flag:
A characteristic, mannerism, or appearance of a person, either subtle or overt, which implies unique, eccentric, creative, adventurous or unconventional thinking.
Doesn't sound like anything to be really concerned about. :)
@Moroccan Fan!!!! Wow! Great to see you here! I have always want to travel to Morocco. :)
hello-i assure you when it coem to adma lambert; all his songs-music very unique and wonderful its just this one song title freak flag-dont dont to conclusion it gonna be great.ull see.
adma lambert singer.
@Sister : Believe me you'll be always welcomed in my country and i'm looking forward for your visit!!I think it would be a very enjoyable and relaxing trip for you since it's always fun to kinda take a break from our stressful life and go discover new cultures and meet new people :)
Moroccan Fan !!!!
"Yeah, I'm a freak, but thanks for lovin' me, cause you're doin' it perfectly."
Let's all just keep on lovin' him, ok?
I'm beginning to think Adam wrote that Urban dictionery!
ADAM just tweeted .. The song called Freak Flag has a NEW title due to the change in lyrics but thank for the excitement .... NOW ... you can all Relax & quit second guessing ADAM ... the man K.N.O.W.S. what he is doing ....
Adam tweeted about Freak Flag: False alarm..
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
The song in question is no longer called "Freak Flag". It has a new lyric so it has a new title. But thanks for your excitement!!
35 minutes ago
Meant that to say ... thankS for the excitement ... sorry
Just read that the name of the song has been changed as the lyrics have changed. Go to Adam's twitter page.
Adam is freakin' fantastic! That's the closest I can come to associating the word freak with Adam. Welcome Moroccan fan! Another exotic country heard from! My husband brought back a beautiful handcrafted leather hassock cover from Morocco. When we moved, it mysteriously disappeared.Someone with the moving co. must have appreciated the quality too! funbunn40
@12:31 AM
Note copies of Adam's tweet about that change at 12:22 AM and 12:23 AM: no need to go to his twitter page. : )
This 9:19 P.M.
I'm relieved Freak Flag is out. Whether from lyric change or second thoughts. I don't want any more targets painted on him he's had enough problems getting his career started. Don't invite trouble from small minded people. He is phenomenal and will always be watched closely for a misstep.
Don't have time to read all comments...but please don't call album..."Freak Flag"....Adam we "get it" but please we want people to hear you sing....we love you and your voice...
@Choons and Daydreamin
The real Sauli's twitter is: @saulikoskinen1
Why some people criticize Adam with an album not even out . I love his voice, I go with whatever title he choose, maybe something much more controversial than Freak Flag.
I love the so called 'targets' in Adams career.
That's what makes him so unique and brilliant!
With Adam you have to be prepared for anything but one thing you'll be sure of, it will shine of total wonderment and perfection. Adam has a genius touch!
I loved the show and agree that emphasis on sexuality was a good thing. It's part of what shaped him into who he is today. But enough is enough. From now on can we concentrate on his work ethic, generosity, positive nature, humor, talent, honesty.... please?
I find nothing wrong with "freak flag" Letting your freak flag fly is all that Adam is about, just like GaGa (who's freakier than her)
But I do understand, I get it, Adam's fans are protective and want to protect from those small minded people.
***But be carefull not to stifle him***
10:19 I don't think people's opinions can ever stifle Adam. The man is not that a word?
Adam's gonna do what Adam's gonna do. True fans will love him as he continues to grow and possibly change.
6 weeks to 2 months ago Adam tweeted "I believe in more than I can see." I've wondered ever since if this is a reference to Sauli or a possible lyric in a new song. Either way or neither way, it is a beautiful sentence which has stayed with me.
It would be a lovely lyric and seems to me to be a profession of faith. Faith is believing more than we can see. Faith in God, Jehovah, Allah, or as Adam says, the Universe.
It's funny when fans get freak out right away about the2nd album. Can we just trust Adam and wait for the release and listen to it before you say something???
I know we all excited but we need to calm down and take a deep breath.
Peace and love to all the fans indeed.
@anon aug 8 1.11pm
we know 'I believe in more than I can see' is a lyric to a song, as it was an answer in one of his twitter parties to a question, can you give us a lyric from one of your new songs ( or words to that effect).
It that article it spoke of to much "Gay" talk. Why does this topic keep coming up? When is the last time you heard someone talk about being straight? What does it matter. I love Adam for his music and talent and self expression. Enough is enough already. enough "Gay" talk Ok! It turns me off every time I see articles written about that topic because they won't ask about his music as much as that. Getting the word out is one thing however this is rediculous to a fault. I never see them ask Elton about being gay etc. I bet Adam gets sick of this crap and so do I. Let it go people. I hope his new management gives him some advise on how to handle this CRAP!
8:13. Couldn't have said it better(er).
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