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Improved Clean Version of "OUTLAWS OF LOVE" by Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 1, 2011

Posted at : Monday, August 01, 2011

Nice Clean Audio of Adam Lambert's new song "OUTLAWS OF LOVE" with the screams mostly muted! Captured at Sainte Agathe Festival in Canada on July 29, 2011.

Improved OUTLAWS OF LOVE by Adam Lambert via @scorptwitr by GaleChester

Thanks to GaleChester and @scorptwitr


Anonymous said...

This has got to be a mega hit. The most beautiful song and voice I have heard in ages. When can we buy it on Itunes?

Anonymous said...

I am so wanting to download this song for free, but I am holding out and going to honor all of Adam's hard work by paying for it when it is available for sale. He deserves that respect in my opinion. I won't steal it from him. I guess I will just be adding to the thousands of views on youtube until it becomes available in the near future. But I am chomping at the bit! LOL.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Gale ---It was so nice of you to tone down the screams and marry me stuff. The song give you goose bumps. I am constantly in awe of Adam. Beautiful song.

Anonymous said...

I also can't wait for Outlaws Of Love to be available on itunes! I won't download for free. Adam deserves the respect. He has worked so hard for this. This song is just so beautiful and heartfelt. I can only imagine how magnificent the whole album will be. Wow...Grammy's here comes Adam!


judys dancin said...

OMG!I love this new song! Really love his vocals! Very haunting!

Anonymous said...

I have downloaded it, but will still buy several CDs and buy it from itunes, am I forgiven?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful!

I don't mind the Screams at all, that's excited adoration and appreciaiton and can even be quite effective. It's the TAKING that just makes me furious. How CAN they... how DARE they be so rude and annoying when this incredible voice of an angel is LIVE in front of them!?
Thank you SO much to the poster for cleaning THAT up.

To the RUDE obnoxious people who ruined this beautiful WORLD PREMIER moment for everyone around you who paid the same amount YOU did... and WANTED to hear his beautiful voice,
Have some respect for the performer and awareness of where you are and others around you.

glitzylady said...

I've already downloaded one version [she says guiltily] but it will have no effect on the number of actual paid for downloads and CD's I will purchase as soon as the actual official CD version comes out. I just love listening to it, even though there are the background screams..and the "Marry me" scream in the one I have right now.The CD version will be superior in every way, I'm sure..although hearing him sing it in Quebec was amazing. What a fabulous surprise!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:38 PM
I agree, Its the incessant talking that is so obnoxious to me. The screams are less objectionable, except the really LOUD ones. Although, I would guess the sheer excitement of hearing Adam sing that song for the first time was amazing.

On a similar note, last year I went to a performance of the touring company of "Cats" at a local arena venue, which in my opinion was not the best place for it anyway. I was sitting toward the back of the venue, and on the other side of a curtain was the concession area. There was a constant buzz of loud conversation and laughing. I and many others around me were very upset because they were drowning out the production. It's really frustrating to be listening to "Memories" being sung so beautifully and to hear that chatter in the background. I think I heard that this constant chatter was a similar situation, especially in the VIP area, which should have been some of the best "seats" in the house. Apparently not. : (

Bing said...

Awwwww what a lovely rendition of an intense song Adam. Beautifully singing it from the heart as you always do but this particular performance must be so meaningful and truly special to you. Thanks so much for this wonderful treat Adam. Your gentle soul shines through each time you sing this way and i am in deep awe! A FAN FOREVER :D

glitzylady said...

I posted this comment on an older "Outlaws of Love" thread but its so far back I doubt it was seen. Since I was gone over the weekend, I was a little slow to post things..Think I'll move it up here because at the end there is a story of a friend of mine that is very poignant and is relevant to this song:

I think this song is so beautiful. It feels like Adam's most personal, deep within his heart and soul, song to date, and it makes me cry. Every time. It is not boring to me, nor is it written with radio play in mind, I would dare say. (But I could be wrong..hope so!) It expresses raw, basic emotion, something that seems to be lacking today in Top 40 (pop) radio. It is also not dance music, something we'll most likely also hear on Adam's album as well. It is simply and eloquently sung, to express those feelings of deep despair and longing, and also the tentative and wistful hope that someday all of us might feel the love that is the common denominator in our lives, that desire to feel whole as a person, and without condemnation. Adam speaks a universal language. Because in the end, we all want and need the same thing, to love and be loved. Who we love should not matter, except to those who are experiencing it. Isn't that really what any human being desires? Beautiful. Just truly beautiful.

Although I know not everyone is a fan of "Broken Open", it is truly one of my favorite songs on the album (in addition to all of them), and I was present in the audience to hear him sing it live several times, which was indeed an honor, because he has not sung it often live. Broken Open live is truly magical, and stunningly beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes. "Outlaws of Love" will have the same effect sung live, I'm sure, and is even more likely to draw tears from the audience.

Personal Note: This song reminds me of the story of an older gay gentlemen that I became acquainted with about 12 years ago. He was a wonderful sweet man whose life partner had died and he was feeling completely lost and alone, and was on the verge of suicide. He had never come out to his family about their true relationship because of their very judgmental attitude toward the gay community ("They say we'll burn in hell.."), and so as a result he could not openly or adequately express or explain his unbearable grief. He was indeed an "Outlaw of Love". He was also a very spiritual man who was looking for a community of faith to help him deal with his loss, one who would understand his pain, and not condemn. I was active in a very liberal church at the time who were "open and affirming" to all, regardless of sexual orientation, etc..He found an open caring group of people with whom he felt safe and loved. This song of Adam's would have undoubtedly had a very personal and profound meaning to this lovely man. I wish he had lived long enough to hear it. He has since died, but his last years were lived openly as a gay man, surrounded by many new friends who loved him for who he was, a beautiful human being.

HK fan said...

@glitzylady, sister and anyone else whos interested.
Saw a link for these photos this morning. Some are beautiful, the ones of the 2 elderly ladies brought a lump to my throat, thinking how long they must have waited for that moment.

Hk fan said...

well. I've copied and pasted this time. See if that works, it doesn't seem to be linking to what its supposed to.

Hk fan said...

OK. Ignore that. Its supposed to be a facebook page with many beautiful photos of people getting married in NY.

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
The link opened fine for me! Thanks..beautiful pictures! Yes, some have waited almost a lifetime for that moment that many of us take for granted. Most never had the chance up until recently. My state (Washington) may be one of the next: Perhaps in 2012..We're close.

Anonymous said...

I have already had a few version of mp3 and video of the this song on my computer. I need to sort out which one is the best to make it on my playlist. I play this thousands times with the screamer on and my little boy know exactly when to scream and yell to marry me. LoL! Of course I will buy Adam's new CD, it is a MUST for collection!!!

Anonymous said...

Foremost THIS SONG IS MAGNEFIQUE!!!!! Secondly, I would like to complain about the complainers who complain about the screaming. Total silence c'mon THAT would hardly make Adam happy. NOT a library. This was a CONCERT! I believe she said magnefique not marry me ( I could be wrong. LOVE THE ENTHUSIASM!

tess4ADAM said...

Didn't know where to post these two GEMS that I found on Ytube sometime ago ... hope here's OK

Adam Lambert & Eden Espinosa: You've Got a Friend

RARE: You Can't Win Adam Lambert: Upright Cabaret

I included the titles in case I messed up the links ... I LOVE these two performances by ADAM ... they are real gems ... I think they should have more views ... I hope you all ENJOY
One more thing ... how do I get these links to Liam McEwan in NZ so he can play them on his ADAM LAMBERT HOUR radio program? If anyone knows how Please send these to him .. he'll FLIP!!


Anonymous said...

The song is heartwrenching. Reminds me of the characters in Broke Back Mountain .... "nowhere to grow old...". That was such a courageous film. The men were loving, loyal and absolutely without understanding in this world, but from each other. This song honors that courage that can be lonely and confusing. Adam has to know, however, that he has a legion of us ...... family, friends, fans ...... who would surround him in an instant, in ANY way that he needed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful song with a strong message and Adam voice is amazing. This song will touch many hearts. It already has.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Hollywood Gossip's site and tried to give a vote for this song. It didn't accept my It's okay vote, but accepted the I love it vote. I didn't even try the I hate option, but it's strange, if the I love it is the only option that works.

Anonymous said...


I can't wait to see what has been done with the studio recording. I hear in my head a full orchestra as back up.

@HK fan

Thanks for the link! It worked for me. Lots of love on that page. :) Love is love.


Anonymous said...

@ sister I'm with you I'll wait and pay for it!!!!

It's nice to see your tag here!!! You are not leaving us anymore. LOL!!! Take care


Anonymous said...

I just played Outlaws of Love for hubby. He said "if anyone thinks Adam can't sing, they don't know anything about music". Then he added, " and music has nothing to do with who a person sleeps with". My hubby makes me mad sometimes, but I love him dearly when he sticks up for Adam. He is 77 yrs old. Pretty hip guy!

I got a chance to use computer, as grandson is here from Vegas, and taken over computer. This grandson lived with me since birth, until I got sick. I miss him so much.


Anonymous said...

I have listened to the TALC video of Outlaws of Love a thousand times now. If you listen at 4:04, where he sings "we've been branded enough", you can hear his voice crack a little from the welling up of emotions that he carries. He sings from the heart and touches the soul. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

@Glitzylady Thank for sharing the beautiful story of a man in search of love and acceptance.

Your husband rocks! You are a lucky woman.

I think you are teasing me. :)


Anonymous said...

This is a hauntingly beautiful song both musically and lyrically. I have always said that Adam has the best voice in the music industry today and this song certainly proves it. I am sure that each one of us who has heard it can relate to the meaning of the words in some way or knows someone whose story or experiences fits the lyrics of this heartfelt song. It is just so personal, so profound that it brings up all kinds of emotions in me every time I listen to it. It may never get radio play or make the top 20 list, but it certainly is on the top of my list of favorite all time songs.

Anonymous said...

love this beautiful...way to go adam...but as usual...adam always comes through...he is amazing

Anonymous said...

@11:28 AM

That song and "story" resonates with me. I had family members in Vienna,Austria in the 30s when Hitler was coming to power. They had a bakery and 3 sons who would be forced into the German army so they sold their shop and home for gem stones which they sewed into their clothes and left for Switzerland (no, they weren't the Von Trapps) after a long trip thru Europe they were able to sail to the USA. They didn't trust banks so they buried their wealth in a jar in their New Jersey backyard. That jar became a family joke for years...if money was low they would say "get the jar"! We still say it and that jar has been gone for half a century.

Many families have those stories and people my age (advanced) have heard them from grandparents.
I agree the song wouldn't get radio play, but I'd love a nice clear orchestrated single of it to send to a lot of my relatives who would like it even though they have never heard of Adam! JAK

Anonymous said...

@ sister,

I'm not teasing you my dear.. I'm just happy that you are back because I rely on your updates as well. I'm enjoying to read all the comments bad or good we learn with each others experience.


Anonymous said...

P.S. to you sister,

We are family here indeed....

The Dark Side said...

Not only is this song beautiful in it's message and simplicity, but Adam can sing emotional songs like none other. Anyone who watched him on S8 and beyond knows there is something special about this guy. He awakens things in us, we have mostly forgotten. This sans marriage proposal is wonderful. btw are these marriage proposals a sign of denial or what? I understand yelling I love you in the moment, but...

Anonymous said...


Thank you for telling us about your gay friend who was finally able to grieve and get love from open minded people.

When my brother died twenty years ago, I sought the help of a highly recommended psychiatrist. He helped me through the grief and taught me coping skills that have served me well through the years. He was the kindest, most caring person. When he died of AIDS a few years later, I attended his funeral. There were over a thousand people there: His friends and family, his medical colleagues and his former and current patients. Everyone there had known he was gay from their first meeting, but he had such an aura of love surrounding him. He knew instinctively how to reach out to people and help them. His life ended just two days after seeing his last patient. I will never forget him and neither will the hundreds of people who listened to his funeral service on loudspeakers outside the packed church. The line of cars to the cemetary was over 6 miles long and needed 37 motorcycle policemen for the escort from the church to the cemetary. No one there cared that he was gay, we payed our respects to a beloved man who at 41 died way too early.

I usually post my tag, but for this I wish to remain Anon.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:56PM

You brother sounds like he was beautiful human being. What a loss to our global community. It sounds like he touched so many lives with the love that he embodied. Thank you for sharing his story. I am sure he is still missed by many.


Anonymous said...

Don't jump all over me for this, but it just occurred to me that this song could be sung very up-tempo and fierce. I adore it the way he sings it, but I wonder if he'll ever play around with it and change it up.