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Adam Lambert Getting Coffee at Starbucks in NYC (10/20/11)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 20, 2011

Source: @Alex_Garvey


Anonymous said...

Looking very slim and GORGEOUS! I'm even starting to like that haircut.

Anonymous said...

I agree @9:24 I am liking his haircut too. It's edgy and that's what Adam is.

Anonymous said...

Are those two suits bodyguards? haha

Anonymous said...

They do look like bodyguards don't they.This starbucks is two blocks from RCA. Please be going there today Adam to pick your single and give us info soon!

Anonymous said...

He's listening music, I think.Maybe his own!!! Lucky you Adam!! but we want it tooo!!!!

Anonymous said...

God! He's beautiful! So cliche, but so true. Bodyguards, too. Big-time star!

Anonymous said...

Love when his hair is kinda fluffed up in the back like that.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we a fickle bunch lol.I'm liking the haircut now also. Haven't seen that coat before?

Anonymous said...

OT: i called the advocate to see if I could buy a single copy- completely sold out! Then I asked, what if I subscribe for a year would I get the copy. No- all out, then he told me you can get it digital, I want the hard copy however- maybe others will take notice how fast adam sells. The guy said he hasn't seen anything like it, made me smile like you wouldn't believe!

Anonymous said...

I also called The Advocate this morning and asked for a hard copy....nope, none availabe. He said to me there seems to be a very large interest in this issue!!! I laughed happily, Oh Yeak! Anyway, I'm ordering the digital copy and printing it out. He suggested that so I could have the cover picture! I didn't want him to think it's only about the pictures so I emphasized how wonderful the article was and how much the fans appreciate it LOL!


Anonymous said...

@11:17 and CT Your stories make me smile! Yes Adam on the cover of any magazine would sell it out.

Anonymous said...

Bodyguards don't wear restrictive clothing, Adam has Woody Woodpecker hair at crown of lovely head. Hasn't that haircut just about run it's course? Shirt is the one from Paris photoshoot with Adam sprawled in bed (gasp).

Now about the lack of copies of the Advocate....where is their office located? Perhaps a quiet orderly demonstration outside the office with signs "MORE ADAM ADVOCATES" would be an Occupy Wall Street moment!

But then again, I just came from Dr.'s office and am shot full of cortisone and painkillers and am more than slightly loopy!....good news is for next 6 weeks I'm going to be going to a physical therapist who looks like Ryan Gosling....God works in mysterious ways!....JAK

Anonymous said...


Been kinda lurking for months, but your comment's made me come back out of hiding..temporarily, at least.

First of all - how are you? I hope the pain's not too much and that the pills they gave you work..

Secondly - LMAO! Ryan Gosling, indeed :)


PS I don't know why, but for some reason, when I look at this pic, Adam looks kinda lost to me. Missing a certain someone perhaps?

glitzylady said...


Hi Elli! nice to see you here again! Actually, I think Adam is pretty happy...if you look closely... : )

glitzylady said...

Sauli's latest blog: I loved seeing comments/pictures of "Wasteland" New, Used, and Vintage clothing on Melrose Ave. because I've shopped there: could you imagine running into Sauli/Adam!

He also talks about losing his phone (eek!) and going surfing.

Lost and found
October 20th, 2011
Translation by Miachihu (@miachihu), posted on October 20th, 2011
Pictures from the original blog by Sauli Koskinen

Translation link:

Original Blog link:

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

Hi glitzy! *waves*

Hmm..must be something wrong with my eyes because it still looks to me like he's deep in his thoughts and somehow lost.. Oh well..

The close up on his hair looks fab! Wish I had the guts to cut my hair like that :)


Anonymous said...

@ Elli

You've made my day! I have missed you terribly. No one to talk plot bunnies to!

I'm fine, falling apart piece by piece, but in good spirits and am used to pain, I rarely bother to treat it anymore, but my optimistic doctor keeps thinking he can "fix" me, so to make him happy I let him try! And Anders ( the physical therapist) and I have a long standing relationship....we trade and "talk" books!

Please don't disappear again, we need input from your country and your viewpoint.....<3 ....JAK

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're not bodyguards, but I still can't imagine Adam walking around NYC completely alone.

Anonymous said...


Aw, I've missed you too my glamma gramma :)

I've been here most days, checking out the news threads. It's just that at one point there were so many trolls and so much ugliness around here that I just sorta grew tired of it all and went away for a while..

You are not allowed to fall apart, JAK. I hereby order you to take as good a care of yourself as humanly possible. This blog would be nothing without you.

Blot bunnies are harder to catch this time of the year. It must be the cold weather making me slower in catching them :D


Anonymous said...

plot bunnies, not blot bunnies. LOL


Anonymous said...

The Advocate has been asleep at the wheel. Did they not remember what happened with RS!!!!Some people still don't take us serious, we traveled over the whole country and the frikkin world for GNT and we would not buy a magazine with Adam on the cover?
BTW somebody on the fan site wrote that the RCA HQ is 2 blocks from this Starbucks!!!! Looks like this is the real reason why Adam is in NYC!! Sauli is busy in LA trying to retrieve his phone, go to thrift shop and learn how to surf.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Still loving Adam. Still not liking the haircut.

Anonymous said...

11.21 Where did you ordered the digital copy of The advocate? I have to have it!!

Rita said...

I noticed the earbud in Adam's ear. Wonder if he is listening to his upcoming music for the new CD? Love Adam and any haircut he may have, because after all, it is HIS hair and he is the Adam I love and adore! :)

Rita said...;jsessionid=728B0CD86AFE6E3464752D00FA730B5B.prd-main-news6?skuId=416194044

To order the digital copy of the Advocate.

glitzylady said...

Video/Interview with Leila Lambert: The Advocate Magazine

"The Impact of Adam Lambert"

Like mother, like son: both beautiful, inspiring, and exceptional human beings...

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady You beat me to it ! Love this interview. Lela is a beautiful person. No wonder Adam is so wonderful and of course his Dad did a great job too.If all children had such loving and accepting parents the world would be a better place. I always felt Adam came into our lives not just for his angelic voice but to make us better people and change one person at a time to accept differences in each other..So she heard his album and said it was awesome!

Adamluv said...

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined getting so excited about seeing some hot rock dude at Starbucks? WTF has happened to me? I dont know and certainly dont care - just know I'm enjoying every bat shit crazy moment of loving this man. Any amens to that? ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Dear Adamluv,
You're not alone, we're all feeling that way about Adam! He's our music and brings us sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the song Beg for Mercy from the Adam/Monte Pittman album that will be released in November. It is now available on the internet and I liked it! It is much better than anything that he recorded on Take One.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Thanks for the link to the interview with Leila. It's almost scary how similar her and Adam's facial expressions are..

If anyone's interested, here's the newest Tutka show

Unfortunaly I don't have the time/patience to translate the whole thing now. But I can say that in the beginning they're talking about Halloween. Sauli seems a little overwhelmed by the whole concept. He also says he's thinking about dressing as a vampire. He'd be the sweetest lil' vampire ever, methinks :)


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady Thank you. I'm holding back my tears. Lela can really get into your heart. Love her.Words aren not enough.

Anonymous said...

Loved the Leila interview! When we fell in love with Adam, we entered into a whole family along with it, Leila, Eber, Neil and others. I think a lot of us have learned a lot and even changed out attitudes about a lot of things. I don't know how many other singers who have a fanbase that also follows their family, but it enriches the experience for me. It's like we know these people and like them and embrace them along with Adam. Good feeling!

Anonymous said...

OT to Jak - yes, I have always loved Ryan Gosling. His new movie is really good, The Ides of March. He is so humble, he said his mom paid all those girls to cheer for him haha. Yeah, right...
Of course, also love Adam more!

glitzylady said...

Translation of new Tutka, with Sauli Koskinen and Katri Utula

"Dance-Tutka: Smile, Jani!/BB-tutka: These guys make you lose your nerves!"
October 20th, 2011

Translated by Miachihu (@miachihu)

Note: there are two parts:

Anonymous said...

Someone tweeted that they saw Adam in Barneys NYC. He couldn't be in NYC without doing a little shopping.

Anonymous said...

Great News from twitter you guys:

Beg For Mercy album is no longer available for pre-order on Amazon. All the pre-orders have been canceled.

Anonymous said...

anybody like beg for mercy

Anonymous said...

@4:02 I take it you are a troll working for Welsford. Beg For Mercy is an unfinished demo which Adam recorded it over five years ago. It's an unauthroized album which is exploited using Adam's fame. As courtesy to Adam's wish, we (Glamberts) won't buy this album even if it goes on sale for a penny.

Anonymous said...

@libracatz That is good news. Beg for Mercy is not Adam's new album. Thank goodness it is not going to be sold.When Adam's real album comes out in 2012 then we can all celebrate. Of course his new single should be out in November. Terrible how unscrupulous people try to deceit the public.

Anonymous said...

I mean deceive

Anonymous said...

He looks so good!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love how strong she is, as she must have been with the partner of 6 years who did not care to support the gay rights vote and dismissed something he knew she cared much for, especially with a son like Adam. I can see where Adam's strength of conviction comes from. Adam is such a beautiful human being that he makes me want to be an even better being. Few can navigate the challenges of being a gay artist as deftly as Adam has, and the strong core Adam's upbringing proves so much the importance of the unconditional love,and how that nurturing encourages the kind of explosion of potential we get from Adam. atm

Anonymous said...

glitzylady @ 12:11, you naughty girl! But, still not crazy about the hair.

Anonymous said...

he's thinking "Please don't recognize me."

HK fan said...

ha ha Glitzylady, I hope I'm not the only one that went back to look at the full picture to see his 'happiness'!!!

@Elli, good to see you back posting.

@anon 2.17, I had heard that the BFM people had guys posing as fans on fansites to promote the cd, so now we know thats true...

Like the tweet from Libracatz, but does that mean its just not going to be available on Amazon, but still available elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

@5:29 Beautifully said!!!

Anonymous said...

He's listening to music, maybe reviewing his own demo.
I don't care if Adam shaves his head.
I love his hair but he is not his hair, he is not his clothes, he is so much more. A gorgeous vibrating creative force with a heart of gold.

Looking beautiful in NYC getting a cuppa'. So NOT a diva dude.

Anonymous said...

HaHa @ glitzlady and HK fan I noticed his happiness too!!!Adam is so gifted in many ways lol

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Thanks for link to BIG PICTURE. But I'm beginning to worry about that boy, what kind of coffee is he drinking? Side effects astounding!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I have been lurking also, I agree with @Elli about the ugliness on here. It was hard to read all the garbage. To tell the truth I have been lurking at Adamtopia also, and Adamquotedaily.
@Jak hope you feel better, pain is something I have lived with for years, so I know how you feel.

@Adamluv: Amen!

I saw the big pic of Adam getting his morning coffee and yes he was "up" early. Haha

Adam is very lucky to have a great family, and it shows by him being a great person.

@Glitzlady I take it your arm is better. Glad to hear that.

Take care everyone and I hope this site gets back to being fun.


Anonymous said...

First chance I got to see the full haircut. Uh, not loving it. Hope it changes soon. Good to see him out and about doing everyday stuff though. Just wish he would quit cutting his hair like that. It depresses me.

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

My unique collection of various pain points and I live in uneasy harmony....but occasionally one will attempt to "do me in" so I head for the emergency room or as I think of it anteroom to hell.
The part I hate most is that quiz ,"on a scale of 1-10 how bad is your pain?" I explain that if it were an 8 or 9 I'd be home in my comfy bed with codeine, curled up with heating pad or ice pack, but it's a raging "10" therefore I'm lying on this hard gurney wired up wearing a drafty gown with my purple panties and knee socks on and freezing! I rarely give in and go to hospital. This time a very yummy therapist is going to torture me a few weeks and guarantees I'll be able to tap dance once more, I'm pretty sure he's kidding about that part!

I agree we need more of our old silly fun....maybe a Halloween Rap from Rappinanaflappin!....JAK

Anonymous said...

This is a fun page to be on. I have spent 5 hours cleaning and came here to relax, I love it when everyone is happy and joking around. Adam does make us happy, and sometimes anxious for him.
Talking of pain I also suffer from a mild form of spondilitis in my spine, so m feeling real sore after my cleaning frenzy, but it feels good now.
We have our long weekend for Labour Day here in NZ so we are looking forward to that.Love you guys, strange you can feel an affinity for people you havent yet met.
I will have no chance of buying The Advocate here. When I first started following Adam I used to go to Adam unofficial offical site, some one come up with the idea of adopting an overseas or out of US fan and sending them the mags it was Details etc back then, and we used to pay by PayPal. It worked well. but the Advocate seems to be hard to get even in America is thias correct?
Thanks again you guys for the fun.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Adam, for give us a chance to see your picture on Starbucks! What kind of coffee you like? I will start to drink the same one from tomorrow!
Where are you from, people? I never heard about AL planet! I think most of you need rehab.
Adam is not such a big star as he was after AI or during GNT!
He just gives us chance to enjoy his pictures and interview, but not his vocals and stage persona!
Oh, yeh. you will wait till next year or next life! Just want to know your life or Adam's stage life?

Anonymous said...

For P.A.S and Jadam

Remember the beat is pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

TROLL you may scroll on by...this is for those who enjoy a bit of silliness.


Ghosts came a callin..... my front door.
Peeked in my closets.....
.....danced on my floor.
Bathed in my bathtub.....
.....sat in my chairs.
Bounced on my sofa.......
.....climbed up my stairs.
I hid in my room......... quietly pout,
As they all had fun......
.....and floated about.
I became very angry...... you'd be no doubt
Marched out in the hall..
.....and began to shout!
Get Out! Get Out! Get Out!
Get Out! Get Out! GET OUT!!!!!!!!

by Rappinanaflappin.....aka JAK

daydreamin said...

@JAK, ok, so you had me dying here with the purple panties and the knee socks! I know what you mean about freezing hospitals! I hope they can fix you right up! Loved your ghostly poem too!

Troll, you are right about one thing, YES, we are all addicted and admittedly so. If you don't like know the saying I am sure!

@Adamluv-AMEN! Love hearing from you!

@Glitzylady, I hope your arm is feeling better and that you are getting used to being one handed. Are you ok to work?

Argh! I am mad at myself. I walking right past a Barnes & Noble and knew there was a reason I wanted to go in there and couldn't think of it!

My dream is to run into Adam in a store, parking lot, etc, etc, etc.

daydreamin said...

A tweet to Adam and his response:

SkylarGrey Skylar Grey
If I had a baby with @adamlambert would our child be the lead singer of @tokiohotel ?
19 Oct
in reply to ↑

Adam Lambert
@SkylarGrey haha. Probably so... ;) disfunction junction.
18 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

daydreamin said...

Here's video of Adam as a judge last night!:

funbunn40 said...

The ghosts left JAKS house and to mine they soon came,they rattled my windows and called out my name. Their feelings were hurt and felt most unwanted.They vowed to get even, my house is now haunted! They picked up my cats and spun them around,taking their toys, never more to be found..How will I ever get rid of these pests? My ranting and raving doesn't cease the unrest. I called Ghostbusters, they soon will be here, I'll fix them a feast and ply them with beer. When their job is complete and life is as before, the ghosts will be gone, and I'll be happy once more!

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak The purple panties are so glam. Hope the knee socks had some glitter!The hospital gown.....Next time ask for a heated blanket. Most hospitals will oblige. Glitzylady, I hope your arm is getting better.

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak The purple panties are so glam. Hope the knee socks had some glitter!The hospital gown.....Next time ask for a heated blanket. Most hospitals will oblige. Glitzylady, I hope your arm is getting better.

funbunn40 said...

Adam's happiness looms large in the close up full sized that coffee definitely perked him up!

Anonymous said...

Adam one year ago to this day you were wearing the same beautiful shirt with us at the Enmore!
Can it be that long ago?! AHHHHHH!
We miss you!

Anonymous said...

@JAK Drafty gown.....The last time I was in the ER a couple of months ago, I refused to wear the gown. They couldn't believe it, but I stood my ground.
Hoping things will be sliding down on the pain scale soon.
I am glad there are all these great pictures of Adam surfacing to keep the smiles on our faces and in our hearts.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I've been called a troll many times here. I just ignore it. Many trolls are open minded, even well educated, but if they don't get your humour, you're called a troll.

Anonymous said...

To be more specific, there were a few regulars on this site in the beginning and they want things to be like that again.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I admit I was among the first to ruin this site and the first Finn here..

Anonymous said...

Since I'm on a rant I might as well have one more say. I hope Adam has no time to go to the reopened Studio 54 while he's in NY. I would be very upset, because Sauli couldn't go and he's a disco boy.

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

Sorry my ghosts found their way to your house, but it sounds like you took care of them!! Rhyming is contagious, I expect it to break out all over the blog! Good! JAK

Anonymous said...

this site is a riot, now we have the open minded, well educated humorous trolls at hand. Oh well, I am just here to get on y'all cases to vote on the Mtv poll FanArmyFTW. The daily gragh looks pretty high to me since we left the twitter poll.Y'all get busy now hear?

Anonymous said...

Danger is over. I was busy and only read the headline of the story. Studio 54 was only open one night, on tuesday. Sirius XM held a party.

Anonymous said...

@JAK and funbunn40

I enjoyed your rhyming very much. I never was very good at doing that. You hit the hospital scene right on the head. God what they ask you to do with your body. I can not lay on my left side at all. My back is all out of whack, but thank God I can still walk, not far, with a cane, sit and sleep on my right side. It is a real fight with my body to get my toenails cut. Sorry if that bothered anyone, but it is kind of a funny picture. I usually swear alot trying to accomplish this feat.

Sounds like Niles is loving our Adam, and who doesn't love his vocals. I hope Niles agree to do the track with Adam. Maybe even more songs. Niles has had so many hits in his lifetime. Right now he is free of cancer, so his blog said.


Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

I'm picturing you cutting your toenails :))))! I gave up after losing a pint of so of blood every time and now go to a podiatrist!....JAK

Mitchell said...

I've been called a troll many times here. I just ignore it. Many trolls are open minded, even well educated, but if they don't get your humour, you're called a troll.

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