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Adam Lambert A Judge on So You Think You Can Drag contest last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 20, 2011

This was from last night October 19th, 2011 in New York City.


Anonymous said...

looks like he was having the time of his life!!

Anonymous said...

does anyone know who the other judges were?

Anonymous said...

I thought he didn't want to be known as the GAY singer. Seems like all the press is about this lately.
We really need some performances soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always going to do gay-oriented stuff in his life. Those who are not used to it by now probably never will be. Yeah, I want the new music, too, but I also love hearing about what Adam is doing, both in the straight world and the gay world. It's always going to be part of him.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he is having fun and enjoying himself as a judge at this drag contest. His comments about being known as the gay singer and then appearing at this drag contest seem to be a double edge sword. Those who don't like him will post negative comments about this appearance and those who are fans will accept his lifestyle, his interests, and his friends. Still don't like this shaved haircut above his ears, but that's Adam and his ever changing looks. Can't wait for the release of his first single next month and hope he will be on several talk shows to perform it. Ellen and Leno seem to be pro Adam and would be two good choices.

Anonymous said...

I really wish adam would go on pierce morgan, he has all walks of life on his show and adam would be an awesome person to interview. might just twitter pierce and voice my opinion lol. He had adam levine on a few weeks ago, the osbournes, gene simmons, just to name a few. Love seeing adam what ever he does, but he really needs to get on mainstream t.v. to go into the iconic level that in the stars for him!

Anonymous said...

I swear to God, I'll never enough looking into his eyes...and I want to put my fingers on that hair...what a feeling...mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

I love his voice and that should be the focus. Press is sensationalizing where he sticks it. I just think sexuality should be private. Sing if you're a singer.

Anonymous said...

a drag show! what a drag!

Anonymous said...

a drag show! what a drag!

Anonymous said...

Piers Morgan is a very polarizing performer from the UK. His feuds and scandals are numerous. I think Adam could hold his own with anyone though, so the prime time exposure would be good for him. So much is riding on the success of his new album....appearances on many programs will be coming, I hope, I hope!....JAK

P.S. I like the jacket on middle judge, looks a bit like West Point uniform jacket.

The Dark Side said...

Adam looks like he's having a ball. Good for him. He has a strong presence in gay and staight venues. Go Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Sauli was with him. Read Sauli's latest translated blog and he's taking up surfing. I'm guessing he's filling his time with new things while Adam has to do 'his thing'. Must be difficult to keep this relationship healthy while Adam is so busy and Sauli has to fill his time in the interim.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good thing for couples to not be glued to each others side. Seperate interests give you more to talk about when you are together.

Anonymous said...

I'm just happy that Adam's happy. He deserves this and I'm thrilled for him. He is happy in his own skin and can finally be who he is. He's gay people - like he said "how many ways can I say I'm gay." But he's also a singer and performer!
And a friend to everyone and intelligent and gorgeous and articulate and outgoing, etc. etc. etc. He's a man for all seasons as they used to say. Ok, I'm done now.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is not dependent, he's more like spontaneous.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is wearing a ring though.

Anonymous said...

Check out Adam singing Beg for Mercy on the unauthorized Monte Pittman/Adam record out in November. You can hear it on Adam Lambert Addictomatic. I think it is great/much better than anything on Take One.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the heck is going on that made Adam laugh so hard? He has me laughing too. I hope everyone in the audience had a great time .

LP said...

Did you see the doll of Sauli on The Real Steve Grey?
So cute, looks just like him.

Anonymous said...

Sauli was not wearing any rings on his latest Tutka with Katri.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should think twice before getting involved in more of these "drag" contests. It sends a
negative message to new fans.

Anonymous said...

Stop wearing the same cloth .

Anonymous said...

Adam's gonna do gay stuff with gay people sometimes. Let's get over it.

Adamluv said...

@anon (of course) 5:44 - cant you think of something original? It's the same crap everyday.

luc said...

Adam, I love you, I really do. You are one of the most talented singers today, but please, I beg you, please stop with all of the gay stuff. I support every gay cause and understand that you want to be a voice to those who are repressed, but your career needs to focus on the music and your VOICE. Use it to sing like the man we know you can. You are too good to be focusing on who sleeps with whom. Please! I want you and your talent around for a very long time.... love, luc.

Anonymous said...

Ditto for me 6:22 PM

Anonymous said...

In other words....Adam I love change!....If you told him to his face, if you took out a full page ad in LA paper, if you had a pilot skywrite it, Adam will be Adam. It's HIS life, HIS decision, HIS career....wishing isn't going to change anything....It's an act of futility to think you can offer him advice on how to live. Just let him be and enjoy his musical gift, pleasant personality and sweet face....let go and you'll be happier! JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:09PM Yes, he was! Look at his right hand. One ring.

Anonymous said...

Nobody can judge Adam about his decisions, his carrier, or anything in his life.
Adam used to say that he would like that media get him just as a singer but not as a gay performer!
So, what we have for today? For media Adam is some sort of gay singer who had provocative AMA performance.
And after all any article about Adam startes "openly gay runner-up Adam Lambert"!
I gave up, Adam. I thought you'r gonna be best singer and performer of this time. And I knew your are gay from the first second I saw you on AI. But the stage is not about 'I am openly gay singer"!!!! You have to slow down. Give us a chance to enjoy Adam Lmabert the best singer of 21st century, but not ADam Lambert is only open gay singer of 21st century.
After all everbody know that Elton John is gay. Does he talk about it in every interview he has?
SAD very SAD

Anonymous said...

I want Adam to go as high as he can careerwise. I think it is a mistake to be seen in so many drag events. It drags me down because it will prevent him from going all the way. I love and accept him and support him. I just want everyone to see that he is the best entertainer/singer of our lifetime. But all these pics do is perpetuate what he said he doesn't want - to be known as a gay singer. I didn't know he was gay until he said he was. He is more masculine than most straight men. We all have his best interest at heart. We are not anti-gay whatsoever. It just doesn't have to be the focal point. His talent should be all we really see. Everything else should remain private. So that is all we are saying.

Anonymous said...

all we use to hear about was black parties or white parties never both parties together black tv or white tv programs never mixed now we have both noone thinks any thing about it as it should be. I will really be glad when they stop talking gay or straight & have all in one as it should be because black or white gay or straight does not matter all as one as it should be. stop separating it when I was growing up we had both it just didn't matter as that is the way it should be the person inside is what makes the difference .

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:17PM yes, this is exactly what I am talking about.
Actually, I always want to know why GLAAD made Lady GaGa as a Hero and never mention Adam's name!
I don't think anybody knows that English Gay community was very upset that Freddie didn't include them in his will! And everybody know that Mercury donated millions for this Community!It was a big scandal! Adam has to remember that this is never enough, doesn't matter if you straight or gay and what kind of donations or charity you are making. For some people it is never enough. And it is doesn't matter for straight or for gays.
Just take care about yourself, Adam. You still need more fans, and most of your fans need little more music than you gave use during last two years.
Media cares about your songs, but not about your donations. This stupid JB got much more money on his pencils and hairs than you on your charites. Sorry, but this is reality.
Give us more chances to enjoy your vocals and. belive me, you will get few miilions follows on your twitter account.

luc said...

No one is asking Adam to change. He's shown himself to be a very nice person with a kind heart. But if he wants a career as a superstar, he needs to appeal to a wide range of people - and like it or not, some people are not comfortable with drag shows and other things that seem out of the mainstream. Lady Gaga does not talk about sexuality very much - her music is about sex, but her persona is not gay nor straight. Adam has the ability to appeal to all kinds of people and he needs to do just that if he is to be an international superstar. Enough with the small crap - he really needs to move on from this stuff. I think he is getting some very bad advice.

luc said...

I often return to his idol performances when everything was about his talent and not about sexuality. I wish we could go back to that and start all over again. I've said it over and over again: ADAM IS TOO TALENTED FOR THIS STUFF!! Enough with the gay stuff, the drag queens, the gay magazines....he needs to be on the cover of Vanity Fair, People, Time...not just the Advocate. Where are his managers?????? ARGH. Sorry to go on and on, but this is talent wasted on Drag Talent Shows?? Come on.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that I am only troll (or real Adam's fan) in this blog. I guess that to many people agree with any Adam's step, choice, move, or decision. Even his family or friends. However, sometimes somebody has to say "Adam, may be you made the wrong choice"! Cause it seems that Adam isn't perfectionet, but he thinks that he is perfect.
Why Sir Elton John, Boy George, or Freddie always preffered to live on the stage and forget about their' sexual orrientaion? You can be crazy, flamboyant, mr. fireworks on the stage and very and shy and boring person in real life. This is the reason why they call it the show! Media doesn't care who you are, just give them fire!
Just don't do to much fire on the first (or last) big show in your life!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anon 11:09PM This is not about internet or cell phones. Sir Elton Joh had much more interviews in his life than Adam. And he deff had to answer on the questions about his sexuality. However, have you ever heard or read something like this: "openly gay Sr. Elton John will perform on Golden Globe"? Or, England pop sensation Boy George will release his single on oct=====nov=====or====12/20/2012?

HK fan said...

@anon 11.29
I'm sure there were a lot of articles in the UK screaming the 'gay' thing when Elton John first came out. Now its not mentioned, (to be fair Elton Johns name doesn't appear very often anymore), because its really not such an issue in the UK, even Flecking records (the one site in the UK that regularly mentions Adam) doesn't usually label him as openly gay, or be all about gay, but about his charity work, his hair, his fans, what a nice guy he is etc.
And there certainly wouldn't be an article about 'english pop sensation' Boy George, he's not very well thought of in the UK.
As to Adam appearing at this drag contest, gay bars etc, we only know about these because we search for info on him everyday. None of this is really getting reported on mainstream media so the majority of casual fans don't know about it. Not that it should matter if they do, its part of what makes Adam Adam. I just think several of you are blowing it way out of proportion.

luc said...

Baloney...blowing it out of proportion....Adam is the FIRST one to complain that all interviewers want to talk about is his being gay. He says he wants it to be about the music, but he is allowing himself to fall into the sterotype trap. I love Adam and have seen him in 3 concerts and will continue to go because he is so good, but I think he needs to reframe who he is. Not deny his orientation, but just refuse to discuss it anymore. It's about talent. Period.

Anonymous said...

Drag queens are part of the entertainment business. There's nothing sensational about it anymore or maybe Europeans see things differently. Adam is just being a judge at a talent competition. That's how I see it.

Anonymous said...

However, Adam will have to answer questions about the stage gay. The Adommy just grew out of proportions.

Anonymous said...

nice to see our guy having a break from his recording , but this was work too, glad he could fill in at the last minute.

Anonymous said...

I will always believe that Adam will bring sexuality to the stage. If it wasn't TJR, it would be with someone else. He interacts with the males/females with him on stage. It won't change.