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New Article From Electronic Edition of The Advocate

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ripped Via @latinglambertsarg

You can purchase the digital copy of THE ADVOCATE over at ZINIO.


Anonymous said...

I am a true addict, just read it all (again) and am now semi blind. The last few paragraphs got fuzzier and fuzzier, of course it is 12:30 A.M.

@ funbunn40.....check out Glamoween thread, Lam my is nowhere in sight so I finished up your vampire Halloween ditty!
Nice to have some fun!....Have to turn in now, I'm looking forward to our first cold snap of Fall. Temp. is supposed to drop to 60 degrees!.....YAY!.....JAK

daydreamin said...

New pic:

10-19-11 Guest judge at So You Think You Can Drag-NYC

daydreamin said...

More info for above new pic:

@ItsMikeull (Michael Hull) tonight: The fam (minus a few) with guest host ADAM LAMBERT! (ps such a sweetheart!)
(Note: As we posted earlier, ADAM was a guest judge tonight for So You Think You Can Drag at The Time Out New York Lounge's New World Stages in NYC!)

Anonymous said...

So he's in NYC again?? I thought he was here, busy working on the finishing touches for his single and album. I'm confused ....

daydreamin said...

Here is another pic of Adam as a guest judge:!/Feisty_DP/status/126896800857722880/photo/1

Anonymous said...

Please don't forget to vote for Adam over at MTV for the OMAMTV awards under the category of FanArmyWar. Remember Adam personally tweeted asking for our support on this one!

Also People's Choice is now voting on nominees for different categories. As before, Adam will have to be a write in (check "Other" and type in his name and then click on Cast Vote. I'm writing him in for Best Male Artist, Best Male Pop ARtist Best Tour Headliner (for GNT of course). Thank you xxoxoxo


daydreamin said...

Anonymous said...

I am the opposite:))

Where are you Ronnie and Eva,have not seen you for a while??

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin

I was hoping that photo had been lost.

Anonymous said...

Did Adam travel to NY to be a guest judge to a drag contest? Anyway, here's Robbie Williams in drags on his She's Madonna official music video. Great song and I like the video.

Anonymous said...

OT Do you all remember when Alison Porter tweeted You glamberts are gonna poop. Someone tweeted her about what she was talking about and Alison responded the music is good so so good! OMG Can not hold out much longer for Adam's first single and album. Hurry up November! I tell myself breathe, be patient!

Anonymous said...

Can't open the one pic link. Oh well. I guess we'll see more soon. I'm sure short jaunts here and there, even to NY, are not interfering with Adam's album completion. If they did, he wouldn't go. I kinda think the CD is pretty well done anyway.

Anonymous said...

The article in too blurry for me to read. Hope it's posted in a clearer form!

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling that Adam is sensitive to Adommy criticism. I don't think it's homophobic not to like it, because it's just an act. By the way, I found this gay joke Tommy made years ago.

glitzylady said...

@ Anon 6:56 AM
Its posted here on 24/7 "Adam Lambert Covers The Advocate"

Also "The Advocate" Magazine link "Reinventing Adam Lambert"

"Print" Versions

Anonymous said...

hey that was fun I just got a digital copy. I have done all kinds of cool things since I became a fan of Adam's and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. lol I didn't know I had it in me.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:21 AM

That's how I feel too. I bought a computor after Idol to stalk Adam
and admire from afar. I'd never used one before. For the first year I was terrified of it and whenever anything went wrong I would turn it off, close it and pray it would "heal" itself. That rarely worked and I had to resort to pestering my son in law to come and save me. Consequently we have become very close and I have gotten much braver!

I wouldn't want to go back to B.A,
(before Adam), life is much more fun watching his career grow....and running amok in Google. Last night I was up till 2:00 a.m. reading about banshees in Ireland, the quotes and inventions of Benjamin Franklin, Catherine the Great of Russia and disintegrating spinal discs! I have eclectic interests!....JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK ha,ha. I got a computer to stalk Adam too. It took me months and months before I got the nerve to make a comment. Now I am a pro, obnoxious and often being the first commenter. I am all over you tube, people everywhere hate me and I love it. J/K

Anonymous said...

JAK and J/K, my story is same as yours exactly, Adam has opened a brand new world for me. Before Adam my involvement with the computer was dusting it, now I have my own laptop and even though I am stll limited I can email and download etc. Lke JAK I have an unusual and mixed tastes (eclectic) in what I pursue.
Love our boy and just cant wait for the music, bring it on.
Jadam. NZ

Anonymous said...

11.21 Amen!! The same here!!

Anonymous said...


I know why you looked up banshees, I read the funbunn40 Halloween adventure she started and you completed. Loved your "I died a happy woman!". If anyone missed it its about to dissappear on the Glamoween thread. CK

Adamluv said...

After the AMAS, Melissa Elgeridge (sorry I know the spelling is wrong) said something like - give him a break, he's just learning how to navigate being gay and being in the spotlight. I've always liked her and even more when I heard her say those things.

daydreamin said...

My stalking/laptop purchase was for the same reason!! Thank goodness my boys were able to help me through all of my growing pains, just like I helped them (literally!) years ago! Turn-abouts' fair play~

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak, Thanks for adding to my Halloween ditty!Loved the dying a happy woman part! What a way to go!...I also bought a laptop to follow Adam. My kids still think I did to follow them on Facebook. My screensaver was an adorable pic of my great grandaughter playing in the sand, but it's now a full blown heart stopping pic of Adam. I love my family dearly and have a monumental gallery of all of them, but Adam's face is a sight to behold and starts my day with that extra burst of excitement!Hope you're feeling better JAK and enjoying your physical therapist. My husband had a great guy that came to the house after he had his 3 strokes. The therapist also was a personal trainer for some of the Nascar drivers and worked during racing season on teams as a tire changer. He invited me to his wedding shortly after my husband passed away. He always went the extra mile for us and was the best!When I worked for ortho surgeons, occasionally they would do a nerve block for patients that had chronic debilitating pain.That was many years ago, but there are pain clinics(we have an excellent, respected one in Charlotte)now that can deal very effectively with a wide array of pain solutions. Hope you get relief. I've been there and it can be exhausting.Adam is a great distraction! Hurry up November!