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Adam Lambert wins Must-Follow Artist at MTV's O Music Awards!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 31, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 31, 2011


Source: omusicawards


Anonymous said...

Watch Adam winning MTVOMA Must Follow Artist on Twitter at 41:50 here:

Anonymous said...

What does it mean?is this important?

Anonymous said...

WOW,that is a shock I was all set to lose because of all kind of reasons. Never say never!!

Anonymous said...

Yes It is real important. He was up against Gaga and Beiber. Actually MTV did not have him on this list. Us Glamberts wrote him in, got him on the list. Then we voted our little fingers off and Adam WON! Don't forget when his single comes out and the video we want MTV to play and support it. By Adam winning this it gives him even more credibility.

Anonymous said...

@9:54 We better get used to Adam winning many more things once his new music comes out. We will only be shocked when he doesn't win. Congrats to Adam and all of us who voted so hard. We are a determined bunch!

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Well done all you fans who were able to vote, so proud of your cant wait to see video clips etc. Have just got home from work so missed the livestream. Congratulations Adam.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse this award is important. It's MTV and he was nominated by us writing him in this category. He won against Beiber, Gaga, Cher, Blake Sheldon. Yayy, power of Glamberts and congratulation to Adam winning it. Love him!

Anonymous said...

thanks to everyone who thought of the stradegy on how to vote. I came to this site for advice and you said vote for the twitter poll first and that's what I did. Great work all!!

HK fan said...

Here's the youtube link of just Adams award

HK fan said...

Adam unfollowed Perez H today too, so 2 good things happened to him today..

Anonymous said...

You guys I'm over the moon because of this MTV award. 2012 will be a Time For Adam's Miracles. New album, music videos, singles, hopefully Grammy nominations for GNT CD/DVD, VMA, People's Choice, etc. etc. Yeah, guys, we're the best and Adam's the best!

Anonymous said...

One word, INFINITY!

Anonymous said...

two more words ... and beyond

glitzylady said...

Adam also came in second in the Fan Army category..behind Tokio Hotel. I am very proud of Adam and us fans for his wins in both.

The you tube vid of Adam's acceptance speech was taken down due to copyright issues, but here's a another link: Last time I looked it was still up!

[Thanks to Gale Whittington]:

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is great news! I didn't think he would win this one since he was up against Gaga and Bieber but look what the Glamberts determination and devotion can do! So proud of all us fans and super proud of Adam.

Does any one know if he also won the FanArmy category too? How awesome that would be.

This is great exposure for Adam on MTV and just before his new single is released. Yaaaaay!


HK fan said...

Who are Tokio Hotel,
saw a video of them once on MTV a year or 2 ago, but had naver heard of them before. Never see any news items about them, or pap pictures, or see them in the charts, or hear their name, apart from fans on twitter saying how much Adam is copying the lead singer. Just seems strange that they would win over Gaga and Beiber...
Even when I've visited Europe in the last couple of years I've never heard them.

Anonymous said...

They are a German band and very popular in Europe.

lorraine said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Adam. You deserve every recognition coming your way. I hope you know how much you are loved-and appreciated for all you have given to us.

Carlos said...

WE DID IT! You deserve it Adam, you asked us to vote and we did. I casted over 1500 votes I think. I know a lot of fans casted way more than that but under my own standards I was proud of myself. Good job Glamily!

funbunn40 said...

@HKfan, Adam unfollowing PH warms my heart.Big loss and message to Perez.You were right about Monte's name not being there. I just have a hard time thinking that Adam and Monte would let anything interfere with their over 10 year friendship and wonder if the nasty tweets sent to Monte encouraged Adam to change twitter to maybe stop the bad tweets that fans would know Adam would see. Adam also may have different musicians on this cd and maybe the old band wasn't a fit right now. Monte knows how the business works, however. I just don't think the release of the Adam'Monte cd that was just shot down would be that important to damage their friendship. They both are reasonable men with affection for each other. I hope all is good between them. Tommy was looking fine at the Halloween party with Sauli and Adam. Perez certainly is no loss to Adam and feeds on drama.

Anonymous said...

Thank you fans around the world who voted and another success for all of us indeed!!!! Hardship pays well!!!!

Congratulations and keep loving our Adam.....


Anonymous said...

He won!! We all won.The timing is perfect 'cause Adam get promotion just before he release the 1st single and specially on MTV!! Always good! I hope they show the new video as much as he deserve.Now we should make sure the single goes nÂș1 EVERYWHERE!!
HK T Hotel are really famous in europe...unfortunetely...more than Adam... I REALLY hope that change soon,because they are the spoiled and arrogant.
Adam needs to be better known in Europe.I hope he'll gets it with the 1st single!! SURE!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and love from Finland. Today both FYE and IIHY on the radio, also waiting new music. Fine news!!

Anonymous said...

Love and congratulations from Barcelona.

Anonymous said...

1:40 AM

It was PH who first unfollowed Adam.

Anonymous said...

5.11 Someone from Barcelona too!! YEEAA!!!


Anonymous said...

It's ok if Adam and Perez no longer follow each other. They feel so differently about Stacy Francis.

Cheril said...

This is a great day for Adam. No room to talk about backstabbing people like PH.

Congratulations Adam for being the Must Follow Artist...we all know that you are and now many, many more people are on board.

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAAY! We did it! All the hard work paid off! This really keeps Adam up at the top. I don't think we have anything to be ashamed of with the FanArmy vote. We did great! To come in second to TH, who has an incredible following, is really amazing, I think. I voted last night till the voting was closed. We made a great showing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah- Glamberts- we did it!! Even when bieber has 13 million twitter followers, we beat him. That's no small feat. Coming in 2nd on fan army is also a win. OT: There are some articles now on how adam's advocate is in demand, it's plastered on telephine poles for $20.00 a issue to buy. That's a huge win also because other mag will take notice that adam SELLS!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Adam won the Must-Follow Artist on the MTV O Music Awards!!Now he needs your votes on the AIOTM.url is Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anony November 1, 2011 6:45 AM: Regarding your comment about Advocate Magazine business... Lambert is such a hot seller indeed, and from a business standpoint specifically, I do wonder somtimes why the publishers of hard copy mags don't use him more... and now, I'm especially hoping that the folks at People Magazine see this and conjur up the balls to put Adam on their Sexiest Man Alive issue... where he belongs!

Anonymous said...

Tokio Hotel are the "Justin Bieber" of Germany..

Also Adam was sporting his hairdo while Bill Kaulitz was still in grade school . . .

Anonymous said...

OMG . . .AFL . .
The Advocate Magazine is at the moment going for $71.00 and the bidding is still going on . . on Ebay........

Anonymous said...

"We Are Glamily"! We should all sing this to the tune of "We are Family". Where are all the poets on this site? C'mon ladies.

The Dark Side said...

I think every award that Adam wins is significant. Especially since he has no new music out at this time. Keeps him in the spotlight. Besides Glamberts are a power house.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, but did Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel get plastic surgery on his face??? He looks like he did something to his nose.

Anonymous said...


tess4ADAM leads the way
on each thread every single day.
Stirring up everyone's motor
she's Adam's faithful #1 voter.
The Glamily who fall in line
should toast themselves with a glass of wine.
To produce this result, he was
"written in"
To have left him out would have been a sin.
I can't imagine any confusion
that he would win.....seems
a foregone conclusion.
It would have been hard to swallow
if they'd chosen any other
"must follow"!
We know he's above all the rest
so of course he won..He's the Best!

.......Happy Day......JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Just watched Adam accepting award (video) on MTVOMA ...Cute as a button

HK fan said...

Thanks for the info on TH, I did know they were a German Band as I googled them once, I just find it strange their huge following, Like I said I go to Europe once or twice a year, but never see or hear anything in magz, on tv, radio. Even in Austria this year, where I would presume they'd be big, just strange...Oh well, someone said Adam came second, and as we know 2nd is not a bad place to be!!

Anonymous said...

JAK love your poem especially the shout out to tessforAdam. She works so hard on each and every poll and has got me moving more than once. She is a shut-in and can only type with one hand but sure can keep things moving. THANKS tessforAdam, hope you get to read the poem.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of us who, for one reason or another like tess4ADAM,
need a little Adam to cheer up our day. We're lucky to have him.

Nice job JAK, thanks :)

daydreamin said...

Love the poem once again @JAK! Another shout out to TESS4Adam for all the many times she gets info to us to vote for Adam, not to mention all the great posts! Thanks TESS!

Anonymous said...

The Advocate magazine on EBay is selling for over $100.00. I read that Adam's Japanese fans are the ones that are demanding this magazine and they are willing to pay any prize for it. What a great PR for Adam. All online sites are picking up the news. If the demand for it gets more severe T.V. and radio entertainment news channels will talk about it. I think it is a great PR for Adam. We should all request to get to have a hard copy of this magazine.

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, Great tribute and so fitting! Tess4Adam has several times inspired me to vote when my fingers were already worn to nubs, but I'd go back again, thanks to her! Great job, Tess and to all that spent so much time supporting our BB! It worked, power in numbers! We are a mighty bunch! I'm still curious about the two phone interviews Adam did and when they will be aired. Anyone out there hear anything yet? Missing Fan4fun and Icon!Where are you? Glad to see Just Peachy back on another thread! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for nice words...I do love rhyme time!......JAK

tess4ADAM said...

AWWW! JAK ... THANX for the tribute but I really can't take all the credit ... every single one of you Glamberts must SHARE in the support ADAM receives from his fans in one way or another. Some of you have a poetic heart like you JAK & Lam-my ... some of you post links for articles/pics/Ytube vids ... and I'm guessing that ALL of you VOTE whenever ADAM needs the votes (a few reluctantly) but you DO VOTE!! I LOVE you all for the lovely posts. You have all really made me feel Special again like when I used to sing & everyone told me how much they enjoyed it ... As for the VOTING ... I have fun doing it & even tho' I'm a pain in the 'butt' about encouraging you to JOIN me ... I really want ADAM to be #1 on every poll no matter how minor they may seem to some. To me they are ALL "MAJOR" b/cus they pertain to ADAM ... I want the WORLD to hear about him & these polls help to do that!! Here is another NEW poll I have been busy VOTING at ... ADAM has been nominated for 5 categories ... so PLEASE VOTE!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)