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Neil Lambert's Halloween Costume

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 31, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 31, 2011

negativeneil: "I lost a duel at high noon for Halloween"


Anonymous said...

Nice one Neil.

But, is Halloween over yet? How about 3 minutes of gorgeous:

Anonymous said...

love the costume - very original

Anonymous said...

love the costume - very original

Anonymous said...

What a big ole' goof ball. Love him!

Anonymous said...

Too real, too scary, no candy for you

Anonymous said...

very original!! glad he is not trick or treating in my hood.

glitzylady said...

Neil's other tweet about his look:

@negativeneil Neil Lambert
makeup courtesy of @adamlambert
18 hours ago

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:51 PM
I thought we r talking about Neil costume,which is fantastic byr the way. It is more original than Adam's Vampire forever outfit.
Also, these 3 min reminded me that Adam was much more popular at the end of October 2009 than at the end of October 2011.
So, I don't think I realy enjoyed these 3 min gorgeousness:(

HK fan said...

adam just won the MTV award for must follow artist on twitter!!!

Anonymous said...

@HK fan Great news, so happy for Adam and thanks to all who voted. I think I have carpal tunnel now!

funbunn40 said...

Thanks for the info, HKfan. Glad Adam won that award after all of our voting! Tokio Hotel won the Fan Army contest, but don't know where he placed. Thanks for tweet info, GlitzyLady. Adam is also talented as a makeup artist! He's so creative. The dried blood clotted eyebrow is very authentic looking. Good choice of costume. Probably was Neil's idea, as he doesn't follow the crowd. Bet it was a fun party with Adam's family and friends. Wonder if he was the host. It was a nice compliment to be invited to Heidi Klum's party, but Adam never forgets those close to him, which is a pretty admirable trait. He could have hobnobbed with other celebs, but chose to be with those that matter the most to him. Saw there was a Adam party bus somewhere. Maybe there were several parties. Good idea to keep from drinking and driving.

Anonymous said...

Australia's is loving the Neil look!

Anonymous said...

7.51 Thaks for the 3 minutes of gorgeus. Adam's back...broad so sexy!


Anonymous said...

Heard we came in second to TH on the FanArmy poll. That's great, if you ask me. TH has a huge following, but so does Adam! We did ourselves proud!

The Dark Side said...

Neil take your camera man and get to Oakland, CA. Lots happening there and you need to be a part of it. btw love your costume. Very original.