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Another Picture From The Advocate

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Anonymous said...

For the life of me I can't begin figure out that expression on his face. lol

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out that shirt! As the daughter of a seamstress I'm wondering if he bought it like that or had it altered. It's an extra extra large with the sleeve on one side gathered up in the shoulder seam.???? But, of course, on Adam it's cool!....:) JAK

Anonymous said...

....probably trying to get the person getting their picture taken to laugh since he has his hand like devil horns behind the photographer :)

Anonymous said...

He is really cool indeed..

Funny and charming....

I can't ask anything more....

He is full of humor.....


Anonymous said...

@JAK "apparel-ently" you've not been shopping the high end stores lately. It's ALL the rage

Anonymous said...

I've never shopped a high end store in my life.....well, except for Harrods in London!....Murrano in Venice!....Givenchy in Paris!....Piaget in Lucerne!....4711 in Cologne....and that little shop in the Hotel de Paris in Monaco! But if anyone wants a shirt like Adam's I could whip it up in 20 minutes! ^o^ Free!

Adam makes anything look good....
well, almost anything!.....JAK

Anonymous said...


I only want that shirt if Adam's in it!

Anonymous said...

My neighbor lost 80 lbs and has a dozen way too big tee shirts, I told her to get busy on her sewing machine.

Anonymous said...

In any group photo your eyes automatically are drawn to Adam.
He's striking!

Anonymous said...

Whatever he's wearing, I love it. He looks spectacular, especially with that gorgeous earring in his left ear that he's wearing on the cover pic. And that cover pic - OMG - don't care if it's photoshopped - it still looks like him - and it's absolutely incredible.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious comments! Wish Adam would actually read some of this stuff, he
would get a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

ok y'all I hope you are voting everyday on that funky Mtv poll, only about 4 days left, I think.FanArmy FTW.

Anonymous said...

is Sauli the love child of Adam and Kesha? Tommy is a long lost cousin.

daydreamin said...

Fan Army closes in 12 days...

Anonymous said...

I love the outfit!! well, Adam can wear anything and look good. about the face, I think he's triying not to laugh. One more thing, I love Adam's shoulders!Look the line!!!Is like 2 feet &...inches long!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love his fashion . . .

JAK . . you go girl!

Anonymous said...

Monte Pittman Speaks About Adam Lambert’s Beg For Mercy

Since last week’s announcement of the “Beg for Mercy” album, there has been an intense amount of speculation regarding this seemingly mysterious album. There has also been an extreme amount of criticism being slung around at myself and other musicians who were involved with this project. I would like to address this as honestly and as openly as possible, in hopes that I can shed some light on this for those who have until now been left in the dark.

Let me first start by clearing up the differences between “Take One”, “The Paramount Sessions” and “Beg For Mercy.” “Take One” & “The Paramount Sessions” are a group of songs written by a person under the moniker of Dublyn Jones. Steve Sidelnyk, Marcus Brown and myself performed the instrumental portion of those songs, as directed. I was asked if I knew of any good singers to sing on those songs, and since Adam Lambert and I had a band together at the time, we agreed that it would be a great opportunity for Adam, having never played in a band or recorded in a studio before, to sing on the tracks. Who wouldn’t want one of the best singers ever (in my opinion) singing on anything and everything? The whole session was engineered by Malcolm Welsford, the same producer of “Beg For Mercy.” At the time, we were all paid very generously.

The “Beg For Mercy” album contains songs that Adam and I wrote and recorded prior to him entering the “American Idol” competition. It was a collaboration between the two of us. Brian Frasier – Moore played drums; Rickey Pageot & Eric Mayron played keyboards on these recordings. I do not have any control of the release of any of these recordings, and I haven’t had any involvement with these songs since we recorded them. In fact, they have been out of my hands since before Adam completed Season 8 of “American Idol.”

Because we signed all of the associated legal paperwork, they are technically allowed to release it. Additionally, I have had and continue to have no control over the timing of these releases; I couldn’t halt or accelerate them even if I wanted to. All performers make money on all recordings that were played and/or written on.

From a purely artistic standpoint, I must admit that I am proud of this music, after finally hearing clips of these songs again as of last week (hearing finished for the first time here: I still think they’re great songs years later. There is a lot of heart and soul and positive energy that went into this at the time, which I cannot deny. I have always composed and performed music because I love doing so and because I have a true passion for it. It’s in my blood. And when we recorded these songs at the time, we hoped anything we did would be as big as it could possibly be; no limitations. And I’d imagine that would still come through in this music.

I can’t deny that “Beg For Mercy” is something we both put our heart and soul into at the time. However, I’m focused on my new album, “Pain, Love & Destiny”, which was released last week, and Adam is hard at work recording his new album.

With that said, my honest thoughts are that if you like what you hear, you should buy it and support everyone involved with this album. And if you don’t like it, then you shouldn’t buy it. As fans, that is your prerogative. However, illegal downloading of any music is wrong any way you look at it.

But I urge you to please not fling any unnecessary negative criticism or anger at any musicians involved with this project. At the end of the day, it’s just music. And music is the reason we’re all here, right?

Thank you for your support and for allowing me to address these rumors. Listen for yourself to the songs and you be the judge.

Monte Pittman

Anonymous said...

OK . . I went and listened to the clips . . .like it . . but does Monte, Adam and rest of the band get more money if this comes out? I know they got paid once. . .

Can now begin to understand Prince's problem with music industry.

HK fan said...

That message from Monte came out last week,and far from smoothing things over, it seemed to add fuel to the fire to many people on twitter and other blogs.

Anonymous said...

I can see Adam's point and Monte point . . . the thing that is sad is I love Adam's voice, the band and I like the clips I am on the fence as to downloading it. . . . .

Anonymous said...

I just wish Adam, Monte and other band members got money from record company putting this out now(at Adam's expense). . maybe this is another reason Adam is waiting till 2012 to release 2nd CD.

You know there are Citizen Vein fans that would enjoy this!

Anonymous said...

I just love the things that come up about Adam. The old music clips (school, theater. Zodiac, etc) clips of him as club kid, burning man. His many fashion changes (HAIRDOS and don't)
Everything I find interesting.

These are things that happen along the way. Adam is lucky he was discovered and he will be the first to admit this.

I am just enjoying the journey and the many things that make up the life of this amazing talent.

Love and Light

Eva said...

Monte is proud of the music. He promomotes BFM with a link to, knowing that Adam is against the release. The music is not representing Adams visions now 5 years later. If Monte is so proud and wants this released, why isn´t the album called Citizen Vein or why isn´t Monte Pittmans name even on the cover? No, because that would not sell albums for these scum producers. They do exactly the same thing now as 2 years ago, releasing a bastard album, using Adams name, to confuse the buyers, the casual fans who don´t follow Adams every step. This is so disgusting and sleezy IMO.
I won´t go after Monte. Everyone else is. He´s Madonnas guitarist and prob will tour with her and felt it didn´t matter if he burnt bridges with Adam. I don´t know his thoughts on this matter or if Adam still see him as a friend.

Anonymous said...

waaaayyy speculating there Eva

Anonymous said...

@Eva I agree with you. Adam does not want us to buy this and I won't. I'll wait for his real album and buy multiples!!!

Anonymous said...

well I made the mistake of buying take one - didn't know the situation back then. There were 1 or 2 songs that were very pretty- the rest didn't sound like adam at all. No major hits on that album for sure. most of those tracks will be on this so called beg for mercy album- same thing, different album title!

Anonymous said...

Books of million carrys this magazine- but they sell out quickly since its so hard to find. I've seen it at airports also. Hope this helps

Eva said...

@October 19, 2011 6:26 AM

BFM is Citizen Vein songs not Take One songs. The Paramount Sessions are remixes of Take One songs, if I understood that correctly. So there are two bastard albums out there. Confusing indeed.

Anonymous said...

Digital download of The Advocate magazine with Adam's picture on the cover is available here:

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:41 link not working....

Anonymous said...

I just purchased a digital copy of The Advocate magazine here:

Adam looks yummy in this magazine.

Anonymous said...

This is a longer URL for digital purchase of The Advocate:;jsessionid=93CFD497A0A3B705BC3E71FBB0327057.prd-main-news20?skuId=416194044

Anonymous said...

Adam looks cool here.<3<3<3

I only look at Adam as solo artist, not care much about the band. Adam should be the only one decides his music, it is his life. But if I have to look at Adam as a band, they should all write and practice music together and sure they are not! I am not going to support anything that Adam against.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line Monte is that Adam is being F*cked over. This album could have been released any time but it is being releasesd as close to possible as Adam's legit album. I hope you greedy guys sell about two c/ds.

Chrysalis said...

Regarding the Beg for Mercy these are all Citizen Vein songs?? I feel kind of conflicted here. I am pissed that this album is being released right now...right when Adam is finishing up his new album & it will surely confuse new or casual fans. Also, Adam is against it, I'm sure mostly for the above reason. I think Adam is proud of the CV songs; why would't he be? He just doen'st want this older material confusing anybody. As a huge fan of Adam, I am being pulled in two directions. That's because I love the Citizen Vein stuff & I want the Beg for Mercy album. On the other hand, I know Adam is against it. I wish he would address this matter in more detail. If Adam & co. get paid, then why not buy the album? I understand Adam is pissed that these ppl would release it right now, but what about the fans who adore the CV stuff & really want the album? It would be a def no-no if Adam wasn't being compensated, but now things are more complicated. I hope my feelings on the matter don't anger anybody, just my thoughts here. I don't know what would be better...buying the album & Adam gets paid, or downloading it illegaly & that way the scumbags don't get paid (or acknowledged with sales) but neither does Adam. What do you guys think?? Adam would probably say do neither! But I love the CV songs!

Anonymous said...

@ Chrysalis

I know just how you feel. When I first found the vids of Adam performing with Citizen Vein I was thrilled. A real rock Adam! I've watched them many times, each time wishing the speakers weren't quite so loud! I think I read that most of the vids were taken by Monte's wife so there is more of Monte than Adam. I Love Beyond the Sky and I see it is not included on the Beg for Mercy album. I hate to reward the guy who is putting the album out, cause it is a sneaky way he's doing it and yet I like the hard rocker Adam. I just wish Adam would re-record some of the better songs! Decision? ^_^ ?

Adamluv said...

I will not be buying this CD and find the timing of its release to be despicable. I agree with @Eva. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ 3:26AM

I think Adam and the CV musicians will get a percentage from this album. So, I can see why Monte might not knock it like Adam has.
But since I'm a fan of Adam not Monte I hope it tanks.

Mwah!! K said...

Oh boy! Decisions, decisions. Well, I have to it before & I'll confess again, I did buy Take One, two of them. I also love Citizen Vein music, the hard rocking' Adam Lambert! I love everything Adam sings cuz it's his voice that is just breathtaking! I mean, what other male artist sings like that? Adams voice takes me to another level , almost orgasmic! He has beautiful vocals & anything that comes out of that amazing man , I want to hear it, I want to hear it every day!
Adam has become a security blanket for me, I feel safe in the car while I'm listening to him, I feel like I can sleep well thinking about him before going to bed.
This conflict of interest between Adam , Monte, & this 3rd party , well, it's just wrong, & I feel if Monte doesn't see it that way, where or what is he thinking? The relationship between Adam & Monte, I thought was of a great musical friendship. What of friendships that once existed among other musicians, such as Jagger & Richards or McCartney & fellow Beatle members? @JAK , you may know more about musicians relationships . I heard their music but I have never been so involved in anyone as I am with Adam.
I just know, after buying TO, I have learned my lesson, & I owe it to Adam , my dedication & honesty , that I will not fall for something he doesn't support. & I will not hold it against any other Glambert if they were to buy this BFM. Because I did the same 2 years ago, but I won't do it again.
I love Adam Lambert & I support him in any way I can!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Eva, I will not buy anything Adam does not want us to support. Adam has brought music back into my life and allegance is to him.

Anonymous said...

well this is confusing indeed! The way I see it is all you fans that like CV- I would buy it becuz it doesn't seem like they have alot out there. I don't know- my heart is with adam- todays adam, although I love monte, tommy all of them ,it still to me all about ADAM. I never would of heard about any of them if adam wasn't involved, but then again there is nothing wrong with lovin other artists also. As long as adam's real 2nd album goes platium and gets reconized I don't care what else happens!

Eva said...

@ Chrysalis

You love Citizen Vein. A lot of people do and it is Adam Lambert singing so we want all music from Adam Lambert. If Adam gets paid or not is not the issue. If this album was released as a Citizen Vein album it would be ok to buy it, but it is promoted as an ADAM LAMBERT album. His name on the cover, not Monte or CV. Sometimes it says "Adam Lamberts NEW album". The purpose of this is to confuse people as the Take One album did 2 years ago. The promotion and advertaising is way more aggressive this time. They are determined and obviously put some money in to it. As it looks right now, it´s not working so well.

Shiggles said...

Adam is not responding to this BFM release other than to say he does not approve because to do so could get him into a law suit with the sleaze bags who are screwing him over. I must include Monte in this underhanded business. He is all for the release of both albums knowing that Adam is not. I guess this is a case of $$$ trumping friendship.

Since Monte was jumped on so hard by Adam's fans on twitter, he came out with the statement that was posted above but in it he continues to pimp these two new albums. It is my opinion that Adam's silence about Monte's behavior speaks volumes. If Adam thought his fans should back off Monte, he would say so.

I for one would like Adam to tour with a great guitarist - Orianthe or Slash. Monte is good at best and overplays Adam's vocals far too often.

Adam does not need Monte but is loyal to his friend which in this case could be to his detriment. Monte needs Adam and he also has a wife and four children and therefore needs the money.

When I learned Adam's position on the release of Take One, I did not purchase it. I will not purchase these new album releases either.

Anonymous said...

The cover of BFM is no good. There should read Citizen Vein in block capitals and why didn't they use a picture of the group with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Well I am curious about BFM but I haven't heard the clips yet. In any case I will not be buying the album simply because Adam made it perfectly clear he does not support the release of the album. The music on it does not represent his vision for his music now. My loyalty will always be for Adam first. I love all the members in the band and Monte is a phenomenal guitarist but I wouldn't 't have known any of them if not for Adam. Adam is a true gift to all of us and I won't do anything that may hurt Adam.

The producers of BFM obviously knew the timing of this release would confuse so many people........pretty dishonest in my opinion.......actually, pretty disgusting.


Anonymous said...

So So tempted to by BFM some way, as has been said just to hear Adams voice, but I to purchased Take One and am not going there again. Will patiently wait for Adams own album, for which he has put his heart and soul into.
These people and sadly I include Monte in this as I think Adam has been conspicuous in his slence on Montes involvement in this., are diliberatly choosing this time to fool waiting fans, especially those not so knowledgeable in all things Adam as we are.
So sad, money seems to be at the bottom of it not Adams success.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

If false marketing is used, it puts the record company into disrepute. I don't know what is the name of the label behind BFM release.

Anonymous said...

I listened to BFM and I perfectly understand why Adam doesn't authorize it. It's unfinished and it sounds like a demo. Adam learned and experienced a lot for the past six years and this doesn't represent his artistic vision now. He's been working hard for his second album and as a courtesy to him we shouldn't support or buy this outdated album. The timing of this album is off as well. Since it's old work of Adam they should've released it at earliest time. Like when he was doing Idol tour, maybe. It's obvious that they are using Adam's fame for their own benefit. Adam won't see a penny of it even though they are using Adam's promotional value at this time to make money. So fans please be patient and support Adam for his second album and single release.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's legal, they would have made sure of that. Now, is it ethical,that's another story. If, as Monte states, releases were signed then Welsford has the option to put out the album even against Adam's wishes since Welsford produced it he has money invested in it. I can definitely understand Adam does not want something of an inferior quality out there and I will content myself with the snippets of watching Adam perform some of the songs on youtube. I'm disappointed in Monte not backing Adam up and pimping the album. CK

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited if Robbie Williams and Adam even met each other. That would be the biggest thing for me. I'm also expecting Robbie's album, with or without Adam.

Anonymous said...

I am so PO'd, I have to sound off or have a stroke. What the heck does Adam have to do? Why all the sabotage? Is it the money or does someone really have it in for him? It seems as though his career has been two steps forward and one step back in everything he tries to accomplish which always keeps him from reaching his true goal. This man is an amazing singer, but gay. He is a fantastic performer, but gay. He's generous to a fault, but gay. He is astonishingly handsome, but gay. He is articulate, but gay. He is a grammy nominee, but gay. He does an interview in a gay magazine and then is called out for not being gay enough. He finds love in Sauli and it is called a lie...that he really wants Tommy who is not gay. And now, people come out of their rat holes to try to enrich themselves by releasing music he does not want released and who is pushing this release? His so called friend, Monte. WTF?????

Anonymous said...

2:56, Maybe, but it still comes very close to a marketing fraud.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:57

Whhhhhaaaaat? Really? Go on to sixth period and study hard. You need educating.

Anonymous said...

2:57, study hard, what? Also, I love love love, what Nile Rodgers tells about Madonna being a diva.

Anonymous said...

I meant to 3:05 ?

Anonymous said...

I honestly have a hard time believing that some people really could think this was Adam's new album....It is clearly not a release by his record company.No super excited tweets from Adam beforehand etc. I always try very hard not to criticize on sites but this level gullibility just baffles me.
I am not buying this Album, he is clearly and understandably not happy with the release and the greedy timing. My alliance is with Adam and not with Monte on this one.

I am very happy with the great article in The Advocate and I am full of anticipation for all the coverage he will get soon with the single dropping within a matter of weeks now. It will happen at one point!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Monte had been promoting BFM on twitter - but now he has deleted all of those tweets. What happened? Did he and Adam have a discussion? Hope they have settled it all - and are friends again.

Anonymous said...

When other artist become famous . people go back and try to find their earlier work . .what's the big deal . .if you don't want to purchase it don't . . don't try to turn Adam against Monte . . like some people try to turn Tommy against him . . Adam can sing the phone book and I would buy it . .

Anonymous said...

The plot thickens. I hope no harm has been done to Monte and Adams friendship also.
Oh to really know the true story, but what ever it is I think we can safely say Adam is not happy for this CD to be on sale. That is the bottom line. Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

No one is turning Adam against Monte or Tommy. It's Monte's and Tommy's fans' attitude that has been a problem lately.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam talked to him about pimping music that Adam is obviously not as proud of as Monte seems to be. Monte needs to realize that he CAN be replaced. He's a guitar player. There are lots of them out there; any studio/session player is better than he is. They have to be in order to get work. I'm sure that will ruffle some feathers, but it is true. Adam would introduce "my band" during gigs. Monte, Eric Clapton you ain't. As part of a headliner's band, anyone can be let go if they don't have the headliner's best interests in mind. The singer is the draw and sells the tickets. Monte better get a grip before he finds himself not touring next time. Let's face it, Madonna didn't push his face into the spotlight the way Adam did. Because of GNT, millions of people know who Monte is. And this is his payback? For shame.

Anonymous said...

Would hate to see all this hooplah ruin Adam's and Monte's long friendship. Fame and business can take their toll. Adam is not the front man for a band. He is a solo artist who happens to have a valued, and talented, old friend in the current band. Adam needs to look ahead. If that means new band members, so be it. I would think Monte, who's been playing for years, would understand the business enough to accept it. I bought Take One last year, and it really is NOT a good example of Adam's abilities. It's monotone-sounding and boring. Don't know about the other cd. I can see why Adam doesn't want these out there. All rising artists face these difficult times with old friends. Adam needs to think about what is best for himself. This is not selfishness; it's reality.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the boss and fans should see his band as part of his team, not as family members.

Anonymous said...

Fans are upset about this, out of nowhere album. They want to get their hands on Welsford but they can't. Closes link they could find was Monte. There aren't enough evidence to blame Monte for this. Just saying you can buy it or not or having the link on his recent blog doesn't prove anything. As Neil said in one of his tweet let your dollar do the talking just don't buy it. If you see sites that are promoting this as Adam's second album report it to @RCAPromo or Write your comments on this album's promotional sites that this is an old demo of Adam and he doesn't authorize it cause it's an unfinished old studio production songs.

Anonymous said...

We're doing it again, obsessing. Let's let it go.

Anonymous said...

No way, Robbie Williams would duet with Adele. Nooooo..

Anonymous said...

You see, Robbie is the only one Adele would accept to sing a duet with. Robbie, just say no and choose Adam.

Anonymous said...

I respect Adams band but I will only listen to Adam. I'm here because of him and no one else so forgive me for being selfish or what????

I'm just being honest and I will follow Adams career no matter what..

High and Low


LP said...

If Adam has his single ready now, aren't his band already on the CD?

HK fan said...

I agree with Eva and Adamluv. There are so many fans out there that would jump at the chance to buy a cd of CV and other pre Idol songs of Adams, if the producer had only marketed it as CV and stated clearly it was 'old' songs it wouldn't be such a problem. But they are deliberately trying to cash in on Adams new cd and ,marketing it as Him, and as his new release. It is on amazon as his 'new' cd, and they have sent press releases to all the radio stations advertising it as his new release, and Beg for Mercy as his new single. Hopefully by now most fans realise that Adam does not endorse this, but casual fans will not. RCA have sent press releases to 800 radio stations saying that his is not Adams new cd and is not authorised but I have seen several blogs etc that have not got the message and that are still promoting it as his new album. Clearly Monte does want it released, only time will tell whether it adversely affects their friendship. Its still not clear how much, if any money Adam will see from this.
I will also admit to having brought Take One, it was when I was really only just getting into following Adam and before I realised it wasn't his first album, and thanks goodness it wasn't as its really not that good.
as to wanting the CV music, and have quite a few of their songs on my Ipod, converting to mp3's from youtube, if you hunt around there are a few good quality ones that convert pretty well.

HK fan said...

ps, as to the poster who mentions Robbie Williams, I did see a rumour on twitter this morning about Adam and Robbiw doing a song together.

Anonymous said...

HK fan, yes I was lurking twitter too and I'm all excited. It would be the best duet ever. Robbie and Adam have both such a great sense of humour.

LP said...

Adam must be torn up about all of this, since it concerns one of his best friends. Adam is not a vindictive person, although he might be let down by Monte. He will probably say "it is what it is" since he can do nothing about it.I would like to see him with different band members, he has had to change the keyboardist several times as also the drummer.But he is such a loyal person, I would be surprised if he changed Monte for another guitarist.I don't see how Monte can do justice to two careers, his own and Adams, does he give up tour of his own to go on Adam's tour? I think it is time for Adam to form a new band.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that the studio musicians Adam has on his CD will be composed of his GNT band. This album will have a room full of musicians of all kinds and a sound engineer for those synth and electro sounds Adam likes. Some songs will probably have a full orchestra like he had with Soaked, etc. This is big time recording not a job for a 4 piece back up band....JAK....JMO!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

I have no idea where to find you but I wanted to tell you I finished up your Halloween ditty on Glamoween thread. Lam my seems to be missing at present so I stepped in!....Fun!....JAK

Anonymous said...

Somewhere I heard Monte say on an interview that he and the other band members were NOT going to be on the new album and obviously not in the recording studio with Adam. He didn't say why though. I wonder if there are any hard feelings about that?

Anonymous said...

Somewhere I heard Monte say on an interview that he and the other band members were NOT going to be on the new album and obviously not in the recording studio with Adam. He didn't say why though. I wonder if there are any hard feelings about that?

glitzylady said... 2 cents about this whole BFM fiasco, at least this part that was in my "face", so to speak.

Last night I was visiting my Facebook page, clicked on the Adam Lambert Fan Club post of The Advocate cover article ( I LOVE reading it!), looked to the side panel where there is always some advertising that is displayed, and WTF!!! What did I see but an advertisement for the BFM album AND a line that said:

Hear his new single, "BFM" on ***** free now.

I just about had a conniption! It's one thing to put this album out, unauthorized by Adam, and at this time to capitalize on his success, at the time when it's known in the music world and amongst his fans that he will actually be putting out his own new music/single. These guys (promoters) are smart and are working it as fast as they can. This advertisement was just too much however. To say this title song from this album is his "new single", as if to suggest he actually released it himself, was just the final straw for me. The problem is it will potentially confuse people and could cause some damage to his career if those who don't know otherwise assume this is indeed his new authorized single...Absolutely unbelievable!

I sent the info to @RCAPromo because they have asked to be notified of things like that.. Completely DECEPTIVE advertising re his "new single". The CD will undoubtedly come out as planned, but perhaps the "new single" promotion can be halted... I'm guessing Adam's record label are working on this situation, the same as they did the radio station promotion.

Never a dull moment...

glitzylady said...

@ Anon 7:56 PM
I don't think that was ever in the plan, for his band to be on the album..He's traveled all over the world recording new tracks..It would add more expense to bring his band along with him..Just a thought anyway. Adam is a solo artist: his band backs him during his live performances. Guess we'll see who's there at his next gig. : /

Anonymous said...

Just listen few clips from BFM
After all I understood why Adam didn't authorise this album release.
Montie, I don't have any idea what are you proud about! I always respect you as a great musician!How could you recomend to listen these unfinished tracks where Adam voice sounds very different. Sorry, but I missed Adam personality when I listened the clips.
Also, I didn't understand is this the rock, heavy metal or what?
Whatever. Too bad that some webs continue to advertise BFM.

LP said...

JAK, thank you for educating me about Adam's album. As soon as I read it, I realised how un-informed I was. Of course I now understand that all the music is already in the studeo. Beat me with a wet noodle, for being an idiot :)

HibaK said...

Those pants are the same ones he was wearing in the IIHY video! In the Mad Hatter look. :)

Anonymous said...

@ LP

No beatings for anyone who loves Adam!!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to read here that all Adam's true fans are supporting Adam!!! We all know that Adam is a perfectionist when it comes to his music, so we should respect his wish and not buy anything that is released without his approval. As matter of principle, we should not encourage greed and should do our best to prevent greedy and dishonest people from winning!

Anonymous said...

Does that go for elections too?

Anonymous said...

I see Amazon also has the musical "Ten Commandments" with Adam on cover . .original had Val Kilmer and I bought used for $2.00

When I try to get ring tones from Virgin Mobile they have 2 from FYE and the rest are from "Take One" WTF . .

Anonymous said...

I read many articles yesterday, some were telling the whole story correctly- Others WERE not. What really pissed me off were the comments. Most said it's not his new album, ect ect-don't support it but just as many said oh I can't wait, adam's new cd adam new single ect ect. Are these people stupid didn't they read about everyone sayin not to buy it? This will hurt adam, some peope don't have a clue what's going on!

Anonymous said...

Adam's stage band did not play on the FYE CD either. The songs were adapted for live stage performance. Same thing will happen for the new CD, regardless of who the band is. We all have become emotionally connected to Adam's band. Hope this current contention does not ruin it. If the same band members tour again with Adam, that's fine with me, as long as it's the best thing for Adam. Tommy, esp., has become a real "character" in the band and gets a lot of attention. i think these guys all would like to stay together if possible, but the priority is Adam's future. Studio music is always adapted for the stage performance, seems to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind Tommy being in the band as long as he doesn't take too much Adam's attention during performance. It underestimates the audience, tbh. Off stage it's not my business.

Anonymous said...

I could easily do without Tommy, because of GNT he's now a distraction.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is also happy about this article in the Advocate, because it turned out to be a success.

Anonymous said...

When Tommy auditioned for Adam, he did so as a guitarist. Monte was already the guitarist, so Tommy had to learn bass. He was hired because he was cute (something Monte is not). The only really talented one of the original group was Longineau Parsons, the drummer. Monte is ok at best and Tommy doesn't even reach that level.

Lee Cherry directed the 2 Zodiak Shows which featured Adam singing Change is Gonna Come and Crawl Through Fire. He also photographs Adam quite a lot and is the father of Riff, Adam's godson. I would love to be a fly on the wall during a discussion between Adam and Lee regarding Crawl Through Fire being released on Beg For Mercy. How in the world did THAT happen? Hmmm...maybe Monte knows.

Anonymous said...

Monte and Adam wrote it.