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The Color Purple

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 16, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, October 16, 2011

Trailer for the movie below:


Anonymous said...

I am ok until the end when she gets to see her kids she never knew. #sobbing

Anonymous said...

I can't watch it without crying either. Every cast member was a perfect jewel in the ensemble of actors. I wanted to hug those strong women. It took me a long time to like Danny Glover again in a film, he was so despicable in this one! CK

Anonymous said...

Wake up, Adam! This movie is classic! Have you ever watched Forest Gump or Schindler's List?

Anonymous said...

8:34 what are you talking about,wake up ? He said it gets to him every time which indicates to me he has watched it many times before.

Anonymous said...

Joe Jonas is beating Adam on the q102 hot boys brackets( by several percentage points) if anybody wants to vote for BB.

Anonymous said...

OT but I'm thrilled to find out that Dadbert is a Raiders fan and will be getting Adam the Al Davis commemorative shirt, "AL". Suitable for Adam, don't ya think??? :-)

Anonymous said...

@8:34 WTF?

Anonymous said...

I just voted Five hundred times on the Mtv poll. Oh Lord is my neck sore. That is a complicated poll, will be glad when it is over.

HK fan said...

This is a very good article about the 'fake' albums

HK fan said...

By the way anon 8.34, I've never seen The Colour Purple or Schindlers List - so sue me!!!

Eva said...

Warning! Be prepared for the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Eva, THANK YOU!! WWOOOWWW!!! I almost fall off the chair!! How am I suppose to concentrate at work?? The warning should be bigger!! I'm hypnotize.....and HOW IN THE WORLD he can be sooo hot at gas station!!???

Anonymous said...

@ Eva Woah Just fell off my chair! GORGEOUS!!! Can't wait to get my copy of the Advocate in November. Adam is now a little ahead of Joe Jonas on the ultimate hottie poll on q102. Pop in some votes after you do the fan army votes.

Anonymous said...

adam love valvet goldmine movie,im warn you all its too sexy.

HK fan said...

I just read that article Eva, Loved the interview, but felt a bit sad at the 'I feel like there's a collective eye roll when it comes to me, in the media and just in general', like he feels he's not taken seriously :(
And OMG, how can he look so f*****g good filling his car with petrol!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures and loved the Advocate article on Adam. Especially loved how he refers to his 'Amazing Glamberts'! It's a really great read and Adam gives a lot of his personal thoughts -- even about Sauli. Everyone should read it. It's also posted on Adamquotedaily:

Eva said...

I think he is self aware and has no illusions. He knows that some people never listens to his music just because he´s gay. Yesterday on twitter a jerk wrote "Adam´s releasing a new album (meaning the bastard album). Let´s hope it´s not a gay album".
Compare him to Gaga who thinks she is the best songwriter ever to walk on this planet. She has loads of illusions about herself. Adam is realness. That was a great article. The more you get to know him the more you love him.

Anonymous said...

its hes fault that media eyeroll him,because hes do that fugly crap album cover from 70s then have bad old fashiones disco songs instead of fye,iihy,fever.

he dosent take himself seriesly.old adam was cooler than new adam now the crap classic hes turn into,he definetly need to check himselfup in mirror and stop wearing crap cloth,giveus good music,fresh adam.

Anonymous said...

9:54 I appreciate your opinion but don't you ever get tired of writing the same thing over and over? We really get your message, honestly we do.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:32 AM

I admire your polite restraint!..JAK

Anonymous said...

2.28 agree! I don't think I could do it.