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Katri to Sauli: You met Adam Lambert?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Katri: Hey did you see Adam Lambert at the afterparty? yesterday?
Sauli: Yes... not yesteday but saturday!
Katri: What afterparty it was?
Sauli: They had gig and they were in some restaurant in Helsinki, where I saw Adam Lambert.
I talked with him a quite long time. He was so nice.
Katri: I'm so jealous!
I Heard he talked about astrology and other stuff?
Sauli: Well I don't know... lets not talk about details...
Katri: Yeah! Yeah!..
Katri: Now we are talking about dancing with the stars......

Thanks to pmpz82t!


LP said...

Sauli was quick to change the subject, which we know he did. He won't talk about Adam, although I think it would be nice for him to be interviewed about his time in the USA, and how he likes it, and some of the places he has been. No need to talk about Adam or his personal life.

Anonymous said...

Please note, this TUTKA vid is an OLD ONE from 2010, aired a few days after Adam's GNT gig in Helsinki (which was Nov 6, 2010)

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was obviously right after he met Adam in Helsinki in 2010. Nice to see that Sauli was already protecting Adam's privacy, as he continues to do. Such a nice, respectful man.

Anonymous said...

Sauli seems so nice, never exploiting his relationship with Adam. Adam and Sauli are two great people, but I am only obsessed with one haha

Anonymous said...

Sauli talks very casually about meeting Adam. He didn't know yet that he was going to start a relationship with him later.

Anonymous said...

I respect the fact that Sauli did not exploit that meeting with Adam,even tho'it was the first meeting. I would guess that he was aware of their mutual attraction and prudently was guarded discussing it. Sauli has proven himself to be a trustworthy partner, very worthy of Adam's love and respect. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

That's why don't judge the book by it's cover indeed!!!!

Adam found his love and I'm so happy for him......


Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

I was just wondering where you were. Thought maybe you were having Google Chrome posting problems. I agree with you and others about Sauli.......he's a good secret keeper!....JAK

HK fan said...

Where's Glitzylady too, she hasn't posted for a few days..

Anonymous said...

Adam's new picture

Anonymous said...

4:57 - I think the cover looks pretty good too!

Anonymous said...

At first I thought he was someone else until I saw the tattoo and his boyfriend. New haircut with new attitude and no makeup indeed!!!! Gorgeous young man.... Thanks for the link...


LP said...

When I first looked at the pic, I thought it was Neil. Prolly just the angle of the camera, it shows him with full cheeks, just like Neil.It is amazing how many different looks we get of Adam. Wonder what movie they saw. Sauli is smiling as usual. Love those guys.

Anonymous said...

This video is from Nov.8, 2010. Adam and Sauli met in the night between Nov.6-7. Sauli didn't know yet that there were pics taken of him and Adam kissing in the street. So, everyone (including Katri) thought then that they've been just talking in the night club.

The pics came out a couple of days later.

Anonymous said...

Still having problems posting comments unless I use Google Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli
As happy as can be
Their new found love
A stroke of chemistry
A tap on the shoulder
A twinkle of the eye
That was all it took
For magic to comply
Adam tells Sauli:
You're the apple of my eye
Sauli tells Adam:'re mine
Walking hand in hand
Across the desert sand
Saving all their love
Till the very end
We wish you all the best
Your love will manifest
Adam and Sauli
God will do the rest :)


Anonymous said...

WOW! Adam looks so much like Neil in this latest photo.

Nice poem Lam-my. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! Adam looks so much like Neil in this latest photo.

Nice poem Lam-my. :)

Anonymous said...

^Ooops, my post was posted twice!

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
: ) Thanks for missing me! I've actually commented on a couple of threads, but not a lot lately..Have been busy with "real life", family, and a little out of town travel..but am always "lurking"...can't stay away! For some weird (but obviously good..) reason I don't seem to be having trouble posting comments (yet.......), and I just use Google, not Google Chrome, or Firefox, or anything else..Very strange....Hoping everyone is able to get this problem solved and are back commenting again soon..I miss those we aren't hearing from.. We must get back to full capacity by the time Adam debuts his new single..which we are hoping is SOON!! There will be much flailing to be done, and to not be able to talk about it, would be pure torture! As Adam said..."Grrrr!", both in a bad way, and a very GOOD way!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dear10:30 for your appreciation! :)

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I forgot to say: Sauli is a complete gentleman, and a treasure. So glad the planets aligned, and he and Adam met in the restaurant/bar, Jenny Woo, that night in November 2010 in Helsinki: what a fateful and beautiful meeting, and the beginning of their lives together. I bet they still just shake their heads in wonder at their chance encounter. Makes you believe in the power of the Universe.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a full head of hair to balance out chubby cheeks, shaving is never a good option for him. So says my dad, hairstylist for 39 yrs.

Anonymous said...

adam needs a full head of hair to balance out chubby cheeks. so says my dad, hairstylist for 29 years/

Anonymous said...

That's 39 years, first comment disappeared and reappeared.
what's going on? Craziness!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a lie detector or something, but obviously Sauli hiding something at 0:16... :)

Anonymous said...

"Adam Lambert flashes a smile as he arrives at the ArcLight Theater on Monday (October 3) in Hollywood.

Joining the 29-year-old entertainer for his trip to the movies was his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen."

Anonymous said...

Lam-am I loved your poem, very readable. I read the article on J.J. and saw Adam's picture.Man the trolls were really out for that article, had to lol at some of their comments, they make it up as they go along.

Anonymous said...

Love Sauli! He's such a natural fit for Adam. Such common sense about their relationship.

Anonymous said...

God, I hate trolls. Why can't people just stick to the stars they DO like and ignore the ones they don't? That's what I do. Adam's fanbase is growing faster than the trolls, I hope.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Loved your poem - pure genius!

Anonymous said...

Nancdruuu2...That is some compliment there. Couldn't believe it...pure genius. Most heartfelt words I've ever heard! Thank you, nancdruuu2. :)

Dear9:11...Thank you for your kind, uplifting words and appreciation of my poem. :)


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my, Loved your poem too!Still smiling from reading it! You and JAK our resident poetess. Is that a real word? I'm at the point where I just ignore the trolls. I just consider the source and can't be bothered anymore. Maybe they'll get bored and go elsewhere if they get no response. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thank you funbunn40, "Still smiling from reading it..." makes me sooo happy! I checked the Thesaurus; it says poetess: feminine for poet. So looks like you have just promoted me to the status of poetess! Well well well. Thank you funbunn40. :)

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my

I'm curious....have you always enjoyed "rhyming" or is it a new interest? The "bug" bit me when I was about 10 years old.
It's great fun, isn't it?

For my fellow "rhymer"!

..........Poets juggle verse and rhyme..........
..........The muse they must entreat............
..........To call and court their aid...........
.......When thoughts fly fast and oh so fleet...
.........Record them quick before they fade.....
........Or chance they may stay lost in time....


Anonymous said...

JAK, great to hear from you! Wow, another of your prize-poems for this one! The language is something else. And so true about..."Record them quick before they fade..."
Yea, I have always loved rhythm, rhyme and beat. I started with haiku more than 10 years ago. It required only 3 lines and it is often accompanied with an illustration, which sort of combines art with verse. But the haiku structure is based on syllables (sounds of words) rather than rhythm, rhyme and beat. I have compiled a mini booklet of haiku, nature poems, verses cum pictures, more of a hobby. And then it was You who sort of lured me onto longer poems with less structure than the haiku. Rhyme verses are more spontaneous and fun. The real kick-restart was brought on by Adam. I had this terrible urge to express Adam in poetry. I couldn't just let those moments "stay lost in time..." But I hardly consider myself a poet; which I think requires a lot more study. You may have done that. Some of my favourite poems: Tiger tiger burning bright...Blake. Daffodils...Wordsworth. Ode To A Nightingale...Keats. Hope I got the Poets right. My deceased brother was a brilliant poet/writer; I have kept his 1000-line poem about his aspirations and life.
Thanks a lot JAK! Fellow rhymer! :)

Anonymous said...

OT..As a child, one of my fave books was 101 Bewst Loved Poems and Hiawatha by Longfellow always captivated me because of the opening line,"By the shores of Gitchee Goomie,"(loved the sound of the Indian words and Poe's The Raven. No tv in those days, for which I'm thankful! Reading, the radio and imagination was so exciting,conjuring up my own visions. I really thought Red Skelton was a red skeleton at 4 or 5 yrs old. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hi funbunn40, yes I do remember Hiawatha, I'm going to look that one up and Poe's The Raven. You're right, tv may have diminished the present day children's and youths' interest in poetry, which is rather sad. Poetry has a special way, like you say, of conjuring up one's own visions.

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40 and @ Lam-my

I wish we could sit and chat, we seem to have many of the same interests. I used to recite The Raven to my children, they loved it and would beg for the "ghost" story. I have 2 huge Indian Hawthorn bushes in my backyard which I have named Hiawatha and Minnehaha! Love narrative poems....At present I keep in the car to read at Dr.'s offices a copy of Evangeline! A couple years ago it was Hiawatha!. I'm glad I grew up in the time period when we were taught to recite poems....I can always entertain myself when necessary....I just rummage thru my brain and pull out a few poems to enjoy!.....I think today I would be called a geek!.........JAK :)

Anonymous said...

JAK, your vision of Poetry Club, suggested by you earlier, seems to be taking shape. We already have quite a number of new members right here! We might have to charge a small nominal membership fee if it expands further. Lol. :)