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Adam Lambert's New Glampire Twitter Avatar!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 31, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 31, 2011


Anonymous said...

MTV Fan Army Vote for Adam is unlimited for the next 45 minutes. Even is it says you have maxed out go back and it will let you continue.

Anonymous said...

The site doesn't allow you to vote if you're not registered either to twitter or facebook.. Boo :(

Anonymous said...

Why he always do this with he's lips.?it's not sexy.As for fan army I don't think he will make it,there is tokio hotel fans power army there.

Anonymous said...

@7:29 Never give up. Just keep voting, you never know. We are powerful devoted fans!

Anonymous said...

I agree with team no on the pouty lips. This is a look for female runway models, not attractive on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe closing your lips over fangs gives you a pout.Eyes are hideous!

Anonymous said...

hello hottie ;) damn, sauli is a one lucky guy

Anonymous said...

Adam can do anything with his mouth that he my book! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the voting info. I managed to get in about thirty votes before they said voting is closed. I wish I would have known sooner, how did you guys know about it? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

loving me some lips there.

Anonymous said...

Please tomorrow, come quickly so we cam have nice, beautiful Adam's AVI back on his twitter page. Really don't like this pic.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is very good picture of Adam
He looks like he had biiiiiig nose:D

Anonymous said...

@8:06 I read it on adamtopia site. Adam didn't win fan army but won must follow on twitter!!!!Even better, so happy!

Anonymous said...

Adam must be happy with the picture or he wouldn't have made it his new avitar.

Anonymous said...

This picture is fugly

Eva said...

I don´t think Adam wanted to look "pretty" in this pic. He´s a werewolf.


Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam bothed looked demonic on Halloween. Sauli even more.

Anonymous said...

*both looked

Anonymous said...

There's no hair...I think he was a vampire again......looks like John Travoltra

Anonymous said...

We won on Twitter, YAY! Came in second on FanArmy, YAY! Both are great for Adam. Even second place is great behind TH. They have a huge fan base, so we still did well.

Anonymous said...

I think TH's popularity is based on their looks, not music. Teenage girls adore them. Never heard their music on the radio and I live in Europe.

Anonymous said...

10.37 I live in Europe too and I agree, but if you go to a music mega store they are everywhere, BUT also, they had a show in a famous arena and they only sold 1/4 of the tickets, so they had to gave them for free and still didn't fill the place. So that probes that what really matters is talent and Adam has tons of it!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:37's comment. Tokio Hotel's music is very juvenile sounding to me. Bill and his brother are very goodlooking, and I think that has a lot to do with their popularity.

Anonymous said...

Tokio Hotel in germany is like Justin Bieber here....

Anonymous said...

Adam looks sexy in a demonic way. I think he makes a great vampire.