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Two New Old Photos!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 30, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Old picture of Adam Lambert at The Upright Cabaret

New Old Picture of Adam Lambert at the California Equality Awards (EQCA) on Aug 13, 2011 by Kevin Calhoun.

Thanks to Adam Lambert Fanclub!


Anonymous said...

It makes my day when I see his beautiful smile... Whew!!!!:)


glitzylady said...

The rest of the pictures of Adam at the Upright Cabaret from Feb. 2008 in Palm Springs (first picture) are here: Several individual pictures:

glitzylady said...

If that one doesn't work, due to it being cut off and under the comment box, here's another alternate link to the same article above:

LP said...

Nice pics, that is Sauli behind the 2nd pic,

LP said...

He is talking to Adams mom.

Anonymous said...

Is that Stacie in the front row? So they have met. That girl is not truthful

Anonymous said...

No, that is Jennifer Leigh Warren, don't be so quick to call someone a liar.

glitzylady said...

No that is not Stacy Francis: she was not there. Its Jennifer Leigh Warren, who replaced her. ...This is an excerpt from the article I posted above. This picture is from this article..The director/producer of The Upright Cabaret tweeted this article and the info about Stacy's response to the poster that was circulating around with her picture and Adam's and the cause of the PH blog where he accused her of lying...

"Upright Cabaret continues as the monthly smash-hit poolside dinner and concert experience produced and hosted by Chris Isaacson and Shane Scheel that The Desert Sun declared "brings sexy back to Palm Springs". Aigrot was joined on-stage by an all-star cast of performers, including Wilson Cruz (Rent, "My So-Called Life"), Jennifer Leigh Warren (Little Shop of Horrors), Adam Lambert (Wicked) and Elizabeth Brackenbury (Reprise! Sunday in the Park with George), under the musical direction of the legendary Gerald Sternbach."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

OT My wish for this week would be for Adam to give us news of his single! Anyone else up for that, getting hard to wait. So curious as to what the single will sound like. Funk or pop.Just as long as it's Adam's beautiful voice I don't care.Don't forget to vote in MTV Fan Army. Believe this is the last day.

glitzylady said...

Opps! Again,use this link..and then click on back to article:

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures! Just think all Adam has been through since that cabaret picture, it makes my head spin. lol...I sure have been entertained following him.

Anonymous said...

MTV vote is one more day. @7:24 We certainly have been entertained by Adam and so much more exciting entertainment to come!He truly has come a long way and has been such a blessing to all our lives!

Anonymous said...

We still need some more votes @ the AIOTM ( & the MTV ones,if this is the last day) The url for the idol voting is

Anonymous said...

That Stacy girl sure stirred some shitty stuff on internet. Wished Adam didn't follow her. I don't find her appealing. Sure she's got great voice but her whole sob story from the beginning seems like Danny Gokey sob story. Total turn-off and annoying.

Adam if you read this comment please know that most glamberts aren't on her bandwagon and we aren't inclined to vote for her. You, Adam, have enought voting polls that we have to support and we want you/us to win those polls. We won't be doing it for some one you haven't met yet. Love you though very much BB! Also, please ignore that a**hole blogger PH. He is a trouble maker with sick intentions who steals stories from unreliable sources.

daydreamin said...

Well, I for one love Stacey Francis. She has a valid reason to sob. Her ex abused her and always told her she wasn't good enough. Don't worry, she will calm down the further along she gets and with time. She sounds like the next Aretha Franklin to me. She's great and Adam has a great ear!

Sligo cute said...

Happy helloween everyone

Anonymous said...

@LP, I can't see Sauli in any of these pics.

Anonymous said...

I'm not LP, but look behind woman standing next to Adam. Over one shoulder is Sauli's shaven head with silver Mohawk and over other shoulder is Leila's dark hair. She wore a red dress that night which you can see as well.

Anonymous said...

I like Stacey but haven't made my mind up who I would want to win. All the contestants are overly dramatic to me so her antics were no big deal. The producers run the show. I'll will be glad when AI starts, XFactor is ten times more cornball than AI.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pix of Adam and friends. I'm praying that this will be the LAST time that Adam waits so long between albums. I know this next one is his first one that he has invested so much time and effort in, but geez, it does have an effect on the fans and his visibility in the media. Hope Adam realizes this and doesn't let it happen again. It makes us all so cranky and touchy. This new single and CD WILL be hits and will make it easier to get the momentum going again. Also, he seems to have recorded lots of songs, far more than needed for the CD. That means he'll have plenty of music to choose from and work with for the third CD. Won't have to start from scratch. I just want Adam in the public eye again and see him on TV and let non-fans know how important and relevent he is the music scene. When he assured us he would be making appearances to promote the new music, I sure hope he was serious. We have to see him on media that a big cross-section of viewers watch, not just us die-hard fans. Hope his management is making this happen. Surely they realize what a jewel they have on their hands.

Anonymous said...

OT ... but ... I have VOTED my fingers to the bone at all the polls ... especially q102 ... but you know what? How many polls does ADAM have to win over Archuleta? AND ... if anyone with good eyesight prefers Archuleta rather than ADAM ... it's THEIR loss!! Let's stand these two young men side by side & THEN vote at that poll!!! PUH-leese!! I certainly don't need a poll to prove that ADAM is HOTTER than David!! Enough said!!
Yes! I too can see Sauli & Mombert behind ADAM in that pic ... it was taken on the Red Carpet @ Equality Awards Dinner. Sauli & Leila were having a Great time while ADAM was being interviewed/photographed ... ~~~thanx~~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM Of course Archie is hotter than Adam HAHA!!! We had more important voting to do like MTV Fan army and most followed on twitter award.

Anonymous said...

Gotta give the Archie fans credit. They supported their guy. Archie's a nice guy but not hot at all. We Glams had MTV, People's Choice, etc. to vote for, too. We know HOT when we see it!

Anonymous said...

tess we just had too many polls this time. Adam won that poll last year and I never heard a thing about it afterwards.The faxo one is going to be completely off my radar too and I usually vote about 6-7x's/day.

Anonymous said...

yay, Adam won must-follow artist on twitter on the MTVOMA awards program.