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New Pictures of Adam from Terrance's birthday.

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 31, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 31, 2011


Anonymous said...

I love Adam in the color blue. Oh his eyes baby eyes.

Anonymous said...

Who is hanging on Adam ^^

Anonymous said...

No, it's not Sauli. It is the guy in this pic wearing glasses:

Anonymous said...

Terrance is so HOT!

Anonymous said...

Terrance is hot! Whereas Adam is cool! a disco days shirt!
They are handsome men. What is in the can Adam is holding? Even it is color matched.....JAK

Anonymous said...

That's "Monster Energy Drink"

Adamluv said...

The guy to the right of Terrance and Adam isnt hard on the eyes either! BTW @Bing - so glad to see you posting again and @funbunn40 and @anon - I posted on the thread from yesterday on the More Halloween pictures, my review (LOL) of the Ravi Dhar show from last nite. ... Adamluv

Adamluv said...

I meant our "left" side.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Adam's single suppossed to come out next week? Do they usually give a release date for singles in advance?

Anonymous said...

Blue colour theme party? :)


Anonymous said...

@3:05 Adam said sometime in November his single will be released. Hope he lets us know soon, can't wait. Then all the amazing promo will start. Read that on ebay a copy of the Advocate that Adam was on the cover sold for $153.00!

Anonymous said...

OT Only about 3 more hours to vote for Adam on the MTV Fan Army vote. Used mine all up today, so make sure everyone gets all their votes in!

Anonymous said...

FYI The MTV poll for Fan Army apparently is now unlimited voting till the end tonight. So, go vote some more if you want!

Anonymous said...

@3:05PM & 4:22PM When Adam said that he will the new single in November, did he mention the year?
Cause it can be November 2012:):):)

Anonymous said...

Adam is wearing blue!!! Isn't this a miracle?! May be one day he will try to wear white again!
Just wondering, why Adam thinks that he looks good in grey?

Anonymous said...

AL looks annoyed in the first pic.

Anonymous said...

I heard some fans was upset because they couldn't get copy of advocate .even in Adams twitter there is someone put he's advocate pic and saying I pay 20$ for it,maybe I read it wrong.

Fans still demanding for advocate mag.I hate when he dress like that it makes him so old.

HK fan said...

Adam just changed his twitter avi again.
And I just saw this cute Riff Halloween video

and Adam got a mention from Michelle Collins -she loves herself some Adam

Anonymous said...

Unlimited voting for MTV Fan army! Only one hour left, Go everyone and work our little fingers to the bone for Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

The mtv voting will say you maxed out votes, but it lets you come back on and keep voting.

daydreamin said...

Ha! Just saw Extra and they very quickly showed a Lady Gaga costume and a Guy Gaga costume that looked like an Adam costume!