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Preview Glimpse of ADAM LAMBERT On The Line With Joe Zee Season 2

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 27, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 27, 2011


Anonymous said...

what's this all about? Adam going to be on another program? cool.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well, here's another program with Adam on another channel that I don't get on my cable choices. I suppose I will just have to wait to see what is shown on this site once he makes his appearance. Thank goodness for the internet and sites like this that bring us the latest on Adam. Otherwise, you might think as many people do, that Adam has just disappeared from the scene and nothing is happening with him or his music career.

Anonymous said...

I could just watch :08/:09 secs all day!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous. Can not wait for the single promo when he hopefully will be appearing on lots of shows. Kelly has been doing a lot of tv shows. Her new album is really good. Girl can saaang! Maybe someday her and Adam could do a duet. Two powerhouse vocalists and the best to come off AI IMO

Anonymous said...

Seeing that Adam changed his AVI today for Halloween and that tomorrow is #FF day, it would be so nice if he could just give out a shout out to all his new followers on twitter and his 'likes' on his official Facebook page. Just noticed many new followers for Adam (people from sports world, from the UK (new ones!), a lot more from South America, etc. People like to be acknowedged (not necessarily by name -- impossible with millions of followers, but a general shout out would be nice). Just a thought :)

The Dark Side said...

Looking forward to this show. Adam did so well on PR that I am sure he will kill this. Can't wait. btw I understand the frustration of not getting these cable channels. Called my cable company several months ago as got a special deal for an extra $10 a month and got all these channels. Now I can even watch RuPaul. Cable wants our business, you just have to haggle a bit, or move to the dish.

Anonymous said...

Well, Stacy Francis is thanking her new followers.

Anonymous said...

Adam is like a Pied Piper, with new fans following in his wake. Everyone he touches seems to get a new boost of recognition.

Anonymous said...

12:49 that sounds like a plan, and that's what I am going to do. Thanks for the idea.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what channel this show will be on but I'll find out! Whew! Adam looks gorgeous !


Anonymous said...

This show will be on the Sundance Channel (which, of course, I don't get).

Anonymous said...

I don't get any of these channels either. Jeez we gotta get adam on prime t.v. Anyone know about MTV special or AMA's yet?

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't on the MTV special or the AMA's, only on chanels that nobody sees :(

Anonymous said...

I don't think new management doing the jobs right.Adam need to do more promo if he wants more new fans.

James durbin label pushing him so hard to be recognizable to gain new fans,already.

I don't want Adam loose he's fame and fans as well ,he's not gone a make it if he don't show him self more,and late album release.

Lots of luck Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anon 4:37 -- Adam's new management will take whatever necessary steps they need to take WHEN the time is right. An album name, a new single are prerequisites to promoting a singer. Adam's twitter followers and Facebook 'likes' are increasing daily and are more diversified than ever. While WE can't wait for new music, Adam is well aware of what needs to happen for his new CD, promotion wise. And his new management as well (they are not amateurs). Who in the US knew Adele before her amazing new CD was launched? Talent and amazing production will always win!

Anonymous said...

Every month for years I've grumbled when I paid the cable bill, husband chose the channels we get...too many. Now I pay happily, so far I've gotten every channel Adam has been on. Funny how my point of view has changed!
....^o^ JAK

Anonymous said...

@5:43 Agree with you. The time is coming soon for Adam's promo to start and his label knows what true talent he has. Look who he has working with him on his music! Durbin doesn't have one iota of the talent Adam has. He may sound O.K. on an album but singing live there will lots of pitch problems!

Anonymous said...

Hope we're not back to ADAM vs. Durbin again ... apples & plums comparison i.e. NO comparison between them. Durbin is being promoted by his fans on tweeter.faxo over & over ... ad nauseum!! Let's not do it here too ... Please!!

Anonymous said...

Just ignore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not talking about James voice,I'm talking about he's management or label pay for magazines to talk about James and promote him with exaggerating words in rock magazines and he's single release changes 2 times to get more money from he's fans because more delay cost them loosing fans and fame as well,if they release it after Christmas like they desperate.

Adam should be more visible.

Anonymous said...

7:15 please shut up.This is an AL fan site, what other entertainers are doing is big whip to me. whine, whine whine

Anonymous said...

7:15 relax, I think this is troll occupy 24/7 lately. lol try to ignore, she has no life, chronic trouble maker.

Anonymous said...

last comment meant for 7:38 sorry wrong number.

Anonymous said...

@7:15PM Finally, somebody agreed with me!
Ladies and gentlemen(why they said: gentle men:)!
Welcome to reality! Adam doens't care about anything except himself! He doesn't care about Sauli also. All of this few months story about"love of my life Sauli" is the joke and the perfect cover for man who doesn't want to do anything else in his life just have fun.
Adam coudn't get GaGa, Pink, or Kara!!!! to participate in his new album. Now he tries to create the magic and miracle and fantastic fog around his new album.
Have you ever thought that this album isn't so good as Adam talking about it?
May this album is complete sh....... and nobody will buy it except leftover few thousand American fans. Don't forget Billboard doesn't care about world fame!
I know, everybody love to have a wonderful dream about "lofe of my life" in our age. Okay, plus-minus:), when I talk about middle age women:)
May be we try to find the star who deserve much more attention because this genious has some achivments before his/her 30th birthday? Doesn't matter, if this person still alive or died.
Remember, Adam is gonna be 30 years old next year. What did he achive sience AI? Just one big Grammy hit and one big scandal which put in the sh... his carrier till rest of his life!
Just find somebody who create the magic, miracle, and something wich your never saw or heard in your life. Which is human genious never create before!nOBODY AND NEVER WILL CREATE APPLE MAC MIRACLE (STEVEN JOBS), NOBODY NEVER WILL CREAT "SUNFLOWERS" MIRACLE (VAN GOHG), AND NOBODY WILL CREAT "BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY"! AND NOBODY NEVER CAN EXPLAIN WHERE AND HOW THESE BRILLIANT STARS GOT THEIR IDEAS!
Sorry, but so far Adam didn't get any achivements and didn't create anything which I mentioned before.
i AM SURE THAT HE IS DIAMOND BOY. BUT i started to think that he is very talented lazy boy:(

Anonymous said...

Nasty, nasty TROLL. Get a life trolling elsewhere. This site is for Adam fans, not for over the top inane trolls.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:17PM I didn't get your point. Did you understand any word I read about or just are upset about my name?
Is is criminal if I'm waiting from Adam some magic and miralce. However all that I can get in last year just promises about November-sh single and springish album?

Anonymous said...

@ TROLL He is working with hit makers such as Pharrell, Rico, Bonnie etc on this album, and I think that is better than songs written by Pink and gaga that didnt make their album. Also he has been working hard, and been writing and recording around 30 songs. Just bcoz what is visible to fans on the internet is photos of him going out doesnt mean that is all that he is doing.

Anonymous said...

ummm.. Of course Adam hasnt been on prime TV, he hasnt had anything to promote!! Dont worry, he will be on TV a lot when his single and album comes out, he will do his talk show rounds, so chill! Geez.

Anonymous said...


Does it make you feel better to express your disappointment in Adam over and over again? I would think that it would make you feel worse. However, I can answer two of your questions.

First....About "why gentlemen".
At one time, long ago, ladies and gentlemen were people of high social position and wealth who did not have to work for a living.
Then the term was used to describe people who were courteous and honorable. Now, sadly, it just means Women and Men.

Second....I can't answer your question about Steve Jobs, but since Vincent Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists I can attempt to explain some of the sad facts that combined to create his genius.
He was physically and mentally ill and his condition was made much worse by his addiction to absinthe which contains a toxin. We don't know what kind of art he would have produced if he hadn't been ill from birth. He lived a life of misery, poverty and suicidal depression and shot and killed himself at 37. Not a happy story.

If you are waiting for Adam to produce a miracle or magic you will stay depressed. He is just an exceptional young man with an exceptional voice and fortunately for him is apparently sane and healthy.....I do wish you could cheer up....JAK

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam can wrote just one song by himself. I mean lyrics and music without any rock, pop, or whatever people who where invited in somebody else fame and achivements. And if this song would give everybody (not just Adam's fans but Adam's enemies) the goosbumps or stroke or heart attack, it will make Adam the big star, may be the legend, one day.
As far as Adam didn't write anysong by himself, he can be the star, by he never will be a legend.
Enjoy your friends love but listen your enemies comments. If you smart enough it will bring a big improvements and achivements

Anonymous said...

Why do you care if he's a legend? You don't even like him. He's a constant disappointment to you.
I no longer care if you cheer up obviously it would be an impossibility.

Anonymous said...

can't admin do something about this overbearing troll on here? Part evil and thinks she is a prophet now.

Anonymous said...

@JAK You didn't get my comment about gentle men:)
Believe me, as far as my great great grandparetns belong to some particular level of sociaty, I know what I am talking about.
When I made my comment, suddenly I found that this word "gentle man" sounds very interesting and different in our time.
I love Van Gogh a lot and know about his life and death.
ANd I made my comment about miracle and magic I'm waiting from Adam cause everybody else in this blog are waiting for it. And most of us have to relise that it is never will happen. Adam just a sexy not very young boy:), with big dreams. However, he can't rule his own way. And this is doesn't depend from management, it's depend from his agressivness(they used to call it ambissions in empoyee's annual reviews:)
However, I think ADam is not such a vampire in real life like everybody else in Stars Industry.
He needs to get "License to Kill" and not just for Haloween Party but for real celebrity life.
About killing somebody. I would start from Perez and Joan Rivers:)

Anonymous said...

Troll, you are officially unhinged now.