Skinpress Demo Rss

Adam and Sauli and Friends' Halloween Costumes

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Source: iltasanomat


Anonymous said...

To vote for the AIOTM go here:

Anonymous said...

add 2011/08 to the end of the 9:20am post if you don't see it.I wonder why sometimes that last part doesn't post,& sometimes it does.very strange.

Anonymous said...

are people still voting on that poll? That poll is a user,they haven't even bother to reset it for three months how can you even tell who won?

Anonymous said...

Those are some very good costumes!

Anonymous said...

Hey, is that Monte I see?

Anonymous said...

Omg, did you see the pic of the party bus Sauli also posted on his blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG, these pictures are so annoying and almost same as we saw last year Halloween and their are gonna be the same next Halloween!
Sorry, I am mistaken. Last year Halloween pictures were much better quality!