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Adam Lambert To Appear on MTV's European Music Awards!?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Anonymous said...

No way!!!! That would be soooo great! But I checked the website and he's not mentioned. The site said that they will take a look at last year's performances. Katy was there last time. Could it be about that (seeing that they like each other as performers?) OMG I hope it's about Adam attending.

LP said...

Adam is a great fan of Adele, and since she is English, she may be up for an award.

The Dark Side said...

Not enough information given to figure out what to watch, when or where? Hope someone can clarify.

Anonymous said...

ok Adam you can do better than that, give us more info please. You know us we will have you writing, directing, singing,dancing, handing out and winning an award if you don't tell us more. lol

LP said...

Adam just recently said he had two phone interviews Might be where they will show up.

Anonymous said...

looked up mtv on sunday--ema's not even listed in my tv watch pamphlet????

Anonymous said...

hmmm, letting my imagination run away with me, isn't ish time getting close?

Anonymous said...

Adam need now new fan base for his 2 album

Anonymous said...

killjoy is here.

Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up. Laughed at 8.15 comment, so true.
Also 8.31 I am sure it is pretty close to "ish" time, Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the "killjoy is here" comment! I laughed out loud! Thanks -- and so true!

LP said...

The EMA's are in Ireland this year. Do you suppose he went there?

Carlos said...

OMG!! He'll definetly be there. He might not perform but maybe he'll present an award? I can't wait!

LP said...

His single is due, and Sunday is his first anniversary with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

One theory or speculation is that Queen is performing. Think Adam may sing with them??? IJDK what to think except he must be involved somehow for him to tweet this. Adam you're killing us with just little bits and pieces of info!

glitzylady said...

Heard the "Queen" speculation...Its kind of a long-shot, ..but heck, anything is possible!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have this program on my cable. I have to call them tomorrow. Is there a livestream for this EMA? Didn't he win this award last year? There are tons of questions. Wished he was more specific why he wants us to watch this award show. Some European fans maybe can shed some light about this. Please!

HK fan said...

Could it really be????
add to that the 2 tweets earlier from @shoshannastone

welcome to Outside Edge @adamlambert we are soooo excited to be working with you?

(outside edge is a UK based PR company apparently)

I am officially ridiculously excited for the EMA's now. There will be a performance which will blow everyone away including me!

I'd settle for a performance with Queen, but how great would it be to debut his new single on such a big platform..

Anonymous said...

I`ll be front of my TV for sure!!!
Love from Finland, yeaaaah!!! :)

Rita said...

I found a link where the EMA's can be watched online, but not sure how reliable it may be. The anticipation is KILLING me!!!

Anonymous said...

Could Adam perform the single there??

HK fan said...

Here is Saulis latest Halloween blog, with some new pictures.

Anonymous said...

It's killing me now!!!!! Heart Attack!!!! Pls.?????

Love yah!! Adam.....


Anonymous said...

HK 12.55 Thaks for the link! Looks that they had a lot un fun. I can't imagine all of them inside a bus...OMG....ha ha ha!! Sauli seem to be sweet,funny, very respectfull and descreet about Adam.I like that.
I live in Europe and I still trying to find out where to watch the show. As soon as as know I'll post it here.
Can't wait!!Stretching my throat..just in case..for the screaming thing!Lol.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have a secret up his sleeve. I guess most of us will have to watch the EMAs online or posted on an Adam site after the fact. I'm SO excited to see what this is all about! I read Sauli's new blogs. He's so fun to read! Such good humor. I love how he mentioned the reaction to his "declaring his love." His observations of America (LA) are interesting and fun! And finally, OK, ADAM... "ish" time has arrived! We are all "ishing" for some new music!

Anonymous said...

I sure wish that Adam would tell us why & where to watch that awards show.He needs your votes here:

Anonymous said...

US Glamberts:
To watch EMA's in US you need cable or online:
I clouldn't find nothing more,sorry:(
Europe Glamberts:
Try to find the channel on your tv on this side:

Good luck Boys & girls!!


Anonymous said...

I hope It's about Adam himself doing something on the EMA's. I'm tired of all his tweeting about other artists that I don't care about. He may be a great friend by doing that, but he needs to realize that not all of his fans have the same taste in music as he does.

Anonymous said...

8:51 I like being introduced to other music. I don't always like everything but I have a shut off button. no big deal.

glitzylady said...

Okay, so here's the latest very intriguing info on the possibility that Adam WILL be in the UK during the time of the EMA's:

Apparently this man, who hosts "The Chart Show" in the UK, tweeted this info and than deleted it..He interviewed Kelly Clarkson last month, the interview in which she praised Adam, so this could very well be legitimate...Hmmmmmm.

OMG! @adamlambert is in town next week and he's going to play us a couple of new tracks! Too excited! His last album =one of my all time faves!"

Even tho he later deleted it, the tweet was "screen-capped" by some sharp-eyed fans...

Soooo, the plot thickens...

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:50am.....thanks so much for the info about the EMAs. Do you know what time it begins?is there a RedCarpet (celebrity arrivals) time too?

Adam wouldn't have tweeted this if it wasn't something important......unless he just wants us to watch his friend Katie perform or something like that. I sure hope it's Adam attending or winning an award though. Squeeee!


Anonymous said...

@glitzlady Yeah just saw that tweet then it was deleted. The plot does thicken and I don't want to get too excited but it seems like something big is going to happen.IDK Adam is very secretive but he did say an explosion in November!!!

Anonymous said... are a great detective! Thank you for always keeping us so informed. If you find out any further info about Adam and the EMAs, please post!

Thank you too to all other posters who regularly keep the rest of us up to date on what's happening with our RockGod!


Anonymous said...

CT 10.03 My pleasure!!
Red carpet stars at 20h (Europe time).
Show stats at 22h. (Europe time).



Anonymous said...

OOOPPSSS!! SORRY!! SHOW STARS AT 21h. (Europe time).


glitzylady said...

Its confirmed: Adam WILL BE AT THE EMA's:

Fan tweet:

I really hope you are going to be at the EMA's @adamlambert. Don't make us watch a stream of Bieber,Gomez and Gaga again ..plez

Adam's answer:

Adam Lambert
@Silliegirl oh I'm going to be there and more. ;)

I LOVE the AND MORE part!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What day is this again? How did I miss that?

tess4ADAM said...

OK!!! Here I am with my eyes WIDE OPEN so I'll know I'm not just dreaming!! If this is true ... I'll be sooo DISAPPOINTED if I MISS it so PLEASE post ANY & ALL info for programming time beginning with Red Carpet for the East coast USA EST. I'll keep checking my TV onscreen listings ... also hope they have some promos on MTV as well!! OMGosh ... if ONLY!!! ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Go to this link to find out what channel shows MTV's EMA.

Anonymous said...

I think this might be the real deal. The premiering of the new single. It is going to happen at one point right?!
I don't think fans who don't have cable need to worry. Every resource will be pulled to have this posted on line for everybody to watch asap.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Time difference:
Show stars East coast 16h.
Show stars West coast 13h.
Belfast (Ireland) time 22h.
Red carpet one earlier.
Finally one showtime I no need to stay up all night!!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm a little slow... I live in central US have MTV but couldn't find on program guide. Can anyone help please! If Adam is on tv and I miss it my heart will break, my head will explode, and I might just possilbly go insane...Renee

Anonymous said...

Sunday is November 6th - Adam and Sauli's one year anniversary. If Adam is in Belfast, Ireland, then surely Sauli will be with him. Then maybe a little shopping spree in London or Paris. Maybe even a little side trip to Finland. Oh, the possibilities.

Carlos said...

YES!! I bet he's going to perform. If he was gonna to present only he would say something like "be sure to catch me there" but the way he said it makes it seem like he's gonna be on the stage doing something big. I wonder if it'll be his new single or the Queen tribute. A lot of people think he sounds like Mercury so it would be fitting.. Crossing my fingers! I'm so glad we get to see it live on MTV latin america.

funbunn40 said...

@Renee, I've seen 2 different times for US,EST. Sun.Nov.6th @3PM and 7:30PM with the Red Carpet one hour earlier. Those times would all be one hour earlier,central standard time. We also have to consider that will also be the day daylight savings time ends and we fall back one hour. Hopefully better info will be posted. Adam is supposed to perform, but don't know if it will be new single. I have Time Warner cable in NC and get MTV, but not sure if US MTV will carry it or what channel it will be on. Oh, the uncertainty!!

MTV EMA awards 2011 live said...

Nice post! I really like it. It make me exciting to watch MTV EMA Awards 2011 Online. Me and my cousin will watch it together at my home on the net.