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Article: Adam Lambert's jaw-dropping performance!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 5, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 05, 2011

Apparently, rumors has it, Adam's performance will be THE performance of the night!

From Dean Piper (

I hear the jaw-dropping performance of the night will be from former American Idol contestant ADAM LAMBERT, who will join QUEEN on stage. Their late singer FREDDIE MERCURY will be honoured with the Global Icon Award.

Source: Mirror

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!


tess4ADAM said...

If I must be the first comment-er of this thread here goes ...


Can't WAIT for tomorrow night to get here ... I'm practically in tears with ANTICIPATION!! ENJOY all my lovely fellow Glamberts!! See you here after ADAM's **EPIC** Performance with **QUEEN**!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

And one more, this time a tweet from Adam to Sauli: Oh Adam!!!!!

Adam Lambert
Happy Anniversary Sauli!! One year ago tonight we met in Helsinki!!! I love you!!/adamlambert/status/132985174915952641/photo/1

Adam's twitter page:!/adamlambert

Anonymous said...

Group Hug Everybody! Adam's gonna do it! EPIC MOMENT


Anonymous said...

OMG what a day it has been. Queen, Adam's love tweet. OMG I'm in tears. Love you Adam and Happy Anniversary. We can wait to kill it tomorrow night with Queen. I have to go out tonight which really I don't want to but I know when I come home there will be more news to flail about. I don't know how I'm gonna handle tomorrow's EMA. I'll be dead. <333

Anonymous said...

Please God don't fuck this up for him

Anonymous said...

Please God don't fuck this up for him

Anonymous said...

OMG ,the heat is on!! I don't know how entertainers can stand it. His mom has to be so proud of him. love his love tweet too.

Anonymous said...

6:51 lol !!

LP said...

anon 6:51

That remark was in bad taste. And you psted it twice. We don't need those kinds of remarks on this site. Don't forget God was the One who gave him this super talent.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this performance. I don't have the cable channel that will have the EMA show on it, so I will have to rely on You tube and this blogspot for the pictures and vids. I feel like everyone else who has made comments. Adam's performance will be so worth it and then everyone who sees the show will finally understand what all of us who have been fans from day one love about Adam Lambert. To me, he is the best vocal talent in the music industry today and it is never boring being a fan of this special man. He seems to be happy in his life, in his career and in love. So it's all good. Now all we need is the first single from the new album and that will make it even better.

Cheril said...

Dreams do come true. Adam singing with Queen. Happy Anniversary Adam and Sauli.

All of your fans send you their in the moment and kill it! You were born for this moment for the world to see hear your magnificent voice.

So excited.

Anonymous said...

Freddie Mercury will be smiling:) this performance could send him into the stratosphere.

Anonymous said...

Hope the YouTube coverage is good, because that's where I'll be watching Adam! Love the comments from the other thread about how great he sounded in rehearsal. This is our boy playin' with the big dogs and getting the respect he deserves!

Anonymous said...

Love this news. He will be awesome. Just love to be on the journey with all of you following Adam and loving him and the music :)

Anonymous said...

All You Need Is Love........JAK

daydreamin said...

It will be very interesting to see how many twitter followers he gets after this performance, after the single release, and after the CD drops. It will also be interesting to see how many celebs suddenly want to befriend him and "follow" him on twitter. I see the storm coming! I wish I had cable!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I was right when I change my name from SADAL to HAL!
Congrads, darling!
I am sure Freddie will really enjoy to watch your performance.

Anonymous said...

It was jaw-dropping news for me that Gomez is gonna be hostage of the show and Beib got three nominations! For what? DId he release any album, or #1 in Billboard single?
Can't belive that Beib got same numbers of noms as Adele and Bruno Mars!
Okay, let this kid enjoy his last year of fame. He broke his voice two weeks ago.
Adam, you only one. Love you, can't wait new single, new album, and next tour schedule!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Adam..."I Want To Break Free"! You are the dawn of the Aquarius! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant Gomez is hosting this event.
anon 8:40PM

Anonymous said...

Oh! Adam baby my dear you will give us a heart attack tomorrow!!!! It's a nail biting for me!!!!!

I just cancelled my commitments for tomorrow indeed!!!!

Your mom is so proud!!!!

This will be your moment to show the world that you deserve the high recognition that your own country hasn't given it to you yet?????


Anonymous said...

Adam----from our little town in San Diego ----off to Belfast on the world stage---I;m so proud of you! And yes, as you tweeted, Ireland is soooo green . I lived there as a child and that was the first thing I said when our plane landed at Shannon airport. Loking down at those fields I cried out---Mom, it really IS sooo green!!!!

lorraine said...

And, continuing my comment above have a Guinness or 2 with Sauli for me.

Anonymous said...

It is 3am and I am wide awake. I must be on European Time....

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I love this song...When Irish eyes are smilimg...
Especially this line...And when Irish eyes are smiling...they will steal your heart away...:)
I'm going to change it a little bit if I may, to... And when Adam's eyes are smiling...they will steal your heart away...:)

cherch said...

Am so freaking excited!! Can't wait! Go stun them Adam!! What an amazing day to be a Glambert!! Queen and Adam Lambert again! Just wow!! Dreams come true, don't they? YAY!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

cherch said...

Try these online livestreams for the show. Hope at least one works for you

Anonymous said...

Queen and "the King"

Bing said...

There is no other way that anyone can describe Adam's performance but this. Remember WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS at AI, even when it was noticeable that he was holding back, that performance was still STUNNING AND MEMORABLE!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I am this excited!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hsven't been this excited since I saw Adam live in Albany a summer ago. We are all with you Adam. You are going to kill it. What a treat for us. I am so proud to be a Glambert!!!!

Anonymous said...

If my heart beats any harder, it's gonna burst!

Bing said...

LOL @DRG and i feel exactly the same way phew!

Cheril said...

Today is the day and I am beside myself. This is what I wanted for Adam. Brian sought out Adam for their special night to honor Freddie. It is so special and amazing. Freddie will be smiling down tonight to receive the honor and award that he deserved as an extraordinary talent. Adam will do him proud and in the process show the world that he ranks right up there with the great singers with one of the best rock bands of our time. I know Adam doesn't like this word...but it fits. It is EPIC!

Anonymous said...

This honor should be a repeat for the AMA's !!! So not fair, something as big as this should be world wide and this means the USA too !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:51 Your choice of words is wrong in the extreme and worthy of an apology.