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Official: Adam Lambert To Perform with QUEEN!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 5, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, November 05, 2011

So it's official! Dan Kanter is the Musical Director and Guitarist for Justin Bieber. He tweeted that he can't wait to see Adam kill it with QUEEN!


Anonymous said...

we will rock you

Carlos said...

I've never left so many comments in this website but it's just that I'm so excited!!! Dream come true.

I can't wait another 18 hours. An article about it:

Anonymous said...

I cant find this tweet from dankanten... has he deleted this tweet?!!!

glitzylady said...

I heard he deleted it, but too late!

The Quote from the "Mirror" article:

"But I hear the jaw-dropping performance of the night will be from former American Idol contestant ADAM LAMBERT, who will join QUEEN on stage."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Yeah... the glamberts are the best & fast ;)
Maybe he FORGOT "It was a secret" hehe

Anonymous said...

OMG, can it really be true? I'm afraid to get my hopes up just in case. I can't concentrate on anything but tomorrow and the EMA's! Please, please let it be true! You Blow 'Em Away Adam!


Anonymous said...

How great is it to hear them say that Adam's performance will be "jaw-dropping," when usually all they talk about is Gaga or JB. Adam, this is a pivotal moment. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Days Are Here Again.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Is this true????!!!!! Holy cow I"m screaming non stop right now!!!!!

Everything is cancelled tomorrow!!!!

Knock them all ADAM!!!!


My daughter just said that I'm really crazy indeed!!!!


Anonymous said...

Here in Australia we are going nutso! OMG Adam performing with Queen! What an honor for ADAM and what a fantastic tribute for Mr Mercury!No one could do it better-er than ADAM! ADAM as always, will blow the entire performance clear out the water and off the planet! EMA's aired live here in OZ on MTV and repeated during the day.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is going to rule the world tomorrow at the EMA's.

fanatapan said...

wait, i thought the rumours were Lady Gaga was performing with them? but obviously not... hang on, does this mean Adam was chosen over her? Wow. and i mean WOOOOOW. :D

Cheril said...

Thank you Brian and Roger (Queen) for seeing the greatness in Adam and wanting him to sing with you as the band is honored tonight.
I grew up with Queen and now to have them hand pick Adam to sing with them is nothing short of awesome. This is a great day!