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ET Online/Insider Interviews ADAM LAMBERT on Set of Majors & Minors

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 11, 2011


Anonymous said...

He's SO eloquent! It's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. Adam is articulate and humble as always. Funny how all the singers he admires are female - he is the only male who is really bringing it at the moment.

Anonymous said...

that was fascinating, the kids should pick up some good tips from him.

Anonymous said...

What's happens to Adam single it's not suppose to release this nov?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam said that, because of legal and other issues, his new single would be delayed. I think we might have to wait until 2012. Hopefully, we won't have to wait that long. I'm praying Adam won't be bogged down by the greedy people hounding him for cash now that he's a worldwide superstar. Adam knows his fans will wait for his music for as long as it takes. We're with you Adam!

Anonymous said...

Once again, another great articulate interiew from our adam!!! In some ways it's so hard being a glambert, I compare everyone to him (in todays music) No sure I'd say gaga, perry, beyounce inspire me(like adam said) becuz there is no music like there used to be in the 70's and 80's (that's inspiring) Adam is the only one in this decade (and adele) that can top the music that is still legendary till this day!!EX: Willow Smith went double platium for "whip your hair" WTF adam didn't even go platium , they are saying that 10 year old is a better singer than Adam??? I feel like staying under a rock until his next album comes out and america wakes u lol Just venting sorry!

Anonymous said...

6:37 since you ask that same question every other thread why don't you make it your pet project to find out the answer and come back and share it with everyone.

Anonymous said...

Willow Smith had an album out?? Adam did well with his single WWFM too.

LP said...

Adam has never been promoted properly. He now has the same management as Katey Perry. But it takes money like everything else, money talks. If Adam's new album doesn't have some catchy tunes, having a great voice won't help him.He has certainly had some super collaboration, and hopefully they will stear him in the right direction.Perry has done super well, but only has an OK voice, but her songs are catchy, and you find yourself humming them later. Adam needs more than good looks and great personality, he needs music that will set him apart from the others. Adele is a good example of that. I love Adam but you have to be realistic, and his fan club can only do so much, my dream is that he will set the world on fire with his music, and people will be clamboring to see him in sold out BIG venues. :)

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? I asked same question? Are you crazy 7:04?

This my 1 time coming here on this website,because I check info from Adams twitter and comeback here to see if someone know something.

Some people are bitch here and some of you are polite.

Anonymous said...

my granddaughter is determined that she seen adam lambert listed in the credits for geek charming on disney does anyone know for sure. thank you

Anonymous said...

Sorry my language.Katy perry management send her to superstardom straight away with her singles,I really want Adam to have amazing singles with twist edge to it that make him different .

My dream come true if Adam take him self seriously little bit so we could see him on big arenas and worldwide success.

I heard that Tedder said that Adam going to his rock root?I hope so

Anonymous said...

8:14 I hope both our dreams come true. Mine would be to come to this thread and not have to wade through your cow pies.

Anonymous said...

LP at 7:30- I totally agree with your comments. Others may not like what you have written, but I think it is very true. To me, Adam has the best voice in the music business today; he is a vocal powerhouse. But for some reason, he has not reached the success that he so deserves. He must appeal to as wide a range of people as he can get with a "catchy" tune, a high energy song that gets constant radio play and a great video to go along with it. Several of the individuals he has worked with on this new album have such high praise for him. And the performance with Queen just shows us his stellar voice and stage presence. Now all we need is that first single release to set him off on his journey to super stardom.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:23 PM

Thanks for my first laugh on a really bad day. "cow pies"!
So true! So expressive! My children used to call them "moo poo poos"!

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are such a great inspiration for these kids.
I always love to watch your interviews. You are talking absolutely fantastic. I think U'r born to be the mentor.

Anonymous said...

love epublican humble rick perry same last name of katy perry-its very nice. oh rick perry also hes for gays in military-obama is against it now is for it a political moves) adam lambert; like katy perry also; p;s cnat wait adam lambert singles or his album.

Anonymous said...

If you want to talk politics you've got a lot of reading to do.
Turn off Fox News!

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:18PM Please, don't talk about politics.
We just enjoy Adam's interview. I don't see any connection between this interview, kid names, and politics.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam still scheduled to be on the Sundance channel on Nov. 18?
We got info a couple months ago.
Another fashion gig, called something like On The Line??

funbunn40 said...

Adam was born to be a mentor and relates so well with kids. He does know what they are feeling, having been there himself and will put them at ease. He is always so thoughtful and well spoken, a great listener, totally engaged with to whom he is speaking. He looks fantastic!Can't wait to watch this Sunday on Hub at 7PM,EST. On ch 211 in NC through Time Warner Cable. I hope the legal issues will soon be resolved.

Anonymous said...

Love this M&M clip and can't wait to see the whole thing! BTW, I took my nephew to see Puss 'N Boots last night. Loved the movie; it's clever and fun for both kids and adults. I keep thinking how great it would be for Adam to do a voice in an animated movie. I know this has come up before. He has a recognizable voice, and the character that could be created for him could be fabulous! Hope it happens some day. Adam would be a great draw for an animated film. God knows, I'd go!

Anonymous said...

DRG love your idea!!

Anonymous said...

Willow Smith RU FKM>

The Dark Side said...

Another great interview. Adam not only is a great mentor, but he is a nice person, a quality that comes across every time he opens his mouth. Must be very refreshing with all the divas out there...hey we all know who they are.

funbunn40 said...

Well said, LP@7:30PM and anon @8:30PM. Totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Love to listen to Adam being interviewed. He is articulate, smart and so personable. He is an inspiration for these kids and was the right person to be one of their mentors on this show. Adam has taken the time to work with these kids in the middle of recording his second album and traveling to meet with various collaborators on it. No diva-like behavior from him esp. when he performed with Queen. In fact, his name wasn't even mentioned when they came on stage. Intentional or not, after he sang, I am certain everyone in that audience and home knew who he was or found out about him. Adam Lambert is in a league of his own, yet as down-to-earth as they come.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I listen to some of these so-called music performers do an interview, I am appalled at their inability to speak clearly or intelligently. Most can't even string two sentences together without using "like" or "you know what I'm sayin' "constantly. Yes, these are the people our tweens and teens look up to as role models. Then there is Adam Lambert...articulate, smart, and so humble in this interview and all the others I have heard. I am just so impressed when I listen to him and know exactly what he is saying. Add these traits to his powerhouse vocals along with his stage presence and to me he is the best in the music industry today. He is the perfect individual to have as a mentor on M&M and you could see how he really cares about these kids and speaks from his own background to them. Hoping that when his second album is released in 2012 that everyone out there realizes what a talented performer he is and gives him the success he so deserves.

tess4ADAM said...

OT ... sorry ... but found this on Google & found the article quite DISTURBING ... POOR ADAM!!
Nice 'friends'!?!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Tess4Adam Just one more proof that Hollywood is backward. Maybe Monte and Tommy will be at the awards.

Anonymous said...

I am totally disillusioned & disappointed with the both of them & will NEVER support either of them EVER!! What a shame!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

funbunn40 said...

@Tess4Adam,These 2 single videos that have been nominated don't contain Adam's voice and weren't songs that he had written. The video with Tommy and Monte was made before the Beg for Mercy boondoggle. I think shortly after the end of the GNT.I don't think there are any issues between Tommy and Adam. The songs in question were songs written long before Tommy knew either of them by Adam and Monte and had nothing to do with Tommy and they still tweet each other and have been at some of the same parties.Monte stood to gain alot of money from the Beg for Mercy album and therein lies the conflict. I think the real villian here is the marketing genius that decided to release the old tracks under the guise it was Adam's new album and ahead of Adam's release, which tho' legal, wasn't honorable, deliberately trying to mislead the public. Adam had een paid at the time and gave up all further financial and distribution rights. This production co. was really shady the way they went about it. If they had clearly stated that this was Adam's earlier works and timed the release differently Adam wouldn't have been pleased, but he would have dealt with itand moved on. I also don't think he would have understood Monte's financial benefit without such hard feelings. Now it's a big legal mess and the only ones that will profit are the lawyers. I hope Adam won't settle with any financial payment to these slugs. I'm just disappointed that Adam and Monte's over 10 year friendship was compromised as a result and I hope they will be able to work thru' it. Finances can test the best of friendships. Adam and Monte were a great team and Monte intuitivly could anticipate what Adam would do when he changed up a song. Sad to see them at odds. No one really knows what transpired between them. This is conjecture on my part.

funbunn40 said...

Oops! The word don't should have been deletedin my above comment where I said I thought Adam would have understood Monte's financial gain towards the end of my last paragraph.

Cameronmhxe said...

Is Adam still scheduled to be on the Sundance channel on Nov. 18? We got info a couple months ago. Another fashion gig, called something like On The Line??