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Extended 5 Min ADAM LAMBERT Majors & Minors Preview Behind The Scenes

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 11, 2011


Anonymous said...

Adam is just the sweetest, kindest and most humble person! How he maintains his playful personality and positive outlook in such a cutthroat industry is beyond amazing. He is always true to himself ... a perfect role model for kids. I admire him so much.

Anonymous said...

what a dish

melliemom said...

Adam is the most evolved person.. I can't get over his generosity,his spirit and his total ability to relate to all types of people, young , old ,famous ,not famous. He shows such a love for humanity and shows such humility.

Lorraine said...

What a precious soul! 1:47----I was thinking the same thing.How does this man stay so loving, kind, caring and positive midst all the hate and negativity that comes his way all too often for me to comprehend. Along with his beautiful voice and persona, these are the characteristics that keep drawing me to Adam-and help me try to see the world in a better light. I don't think he'll ever know the powerful impact he has on so many. I wish him a loving and joyful life always. {And ,being a former elementary school teacher, I loved seeing the smiles on the childrens' faces as they listened to Adam. You could see them relaxing and "getting it" as he encouraged them to be themselves.}

Lorraine said...

What a precious soul! 1:47----I was thinking the same thing.How does this man stay so loving, kind, caring and positive midst all the hate and negativity that comes his way all too often for me to comprehend. Along with his beautiful voice and persona, these are the characteristics that keep drawing me to Adam-and help me try to see the world in a better light. I don't think he'll ever know the powerful impact he has on so many. I wish him a loving and joyful life always. {And ,being a former elementary school teacher, I loved seeing the smiles on the childrens' faces as they listened to Adam. You could see them relaxing and "getting it" as he encouraged them to be themselves.}

Lorraine said...

Sorry for the duplicate above-guess I clicked twice-

Anonymous said...

Honesty is a gift that Adam has and he wants to share it, letting this kids known that is the best way to go in live.Telling them that being a good person can make your dreams come true, along with good friends, friends that you can help and they help you back.That touches me a lot , because right now I'm talking to all my friends and friends of them to get to know people who lives in L.A,which is not easy, because I'll go there next year for a month and I would like to meet people, have lots of fun and make new friends and keep them for a long time.I hope that really will work. Work for all of us and specialy for thouse kid., so they will always remember that Adam Lambert told them that.
What a great man, I really admire and ADORE him so much and I always will.


Anonymous said...

What a great excerpt from the show. Isn't Adam just wonderful with these kids? He is so kind, humble, and caring in offering them advice. They certainly were listening to him esp. in his comments about keeping in touch with each other and seeking each other out in the future for advice or help in some way. Adam just lights up the stage even just sitting there and talking to the group. Each time I see a new interview or his appearance on another show, I am pleasantly surprised again by this man who is so full of life and love and kindness. He is truly "one in a million ". Adam Lambert is the perfect role model for kids.

Anonymous said...


Mwah!! K said...

First of all , I just want to thank all of you excellent writers for the words when describing Adam . I agree with everyone here. I go back to the beginning & the one word I always used to describe Adam was "MAGICAL" ! So therefore I will continue to say that Adam is a MAGICAL being , I love his passion! Adam is great with kids! Never thought how wonderful a mentor he would become!
As I read comments relating to his performance with Queen, a lot was said how Freddie Mercury is a much better singer than Adam , & they have that right to feel that way, but have they ever been so emotionally invested in him as we are with Adam? Can't see it , now Elvis or MJ? , I can see that . But we all know how beautiful & good of a person Adam is, he is so connected with us, just have never seen this with any other artist & their fans. Have you?
Adam is an amazing human being, he just is & that's what sets him apart from the rest ! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

My goodness, all of what has already been said states my feelings exactly. I was just so touched by his time speaking with these kids. As everyone has said, he's just so humble and relates so well to these talented kids, making them feel comfortable and special. No words to describe my feelings, other than to say I just love this man for all he is - 'one in a million' for sure.

Anonymous said...

I hope they remember the keep in touch and networking idea and that other guys story how it is true. I have seen wise cracks on here when people see Adam out and about and I hope they now realize it's an important part of his job. Can't wait for the whole program.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to sound so superficial but I wish Adam would keep this hair style. Beside his talent, generosity, sweetness, intelligence and all his other attributes that we all love, he can be so mighty fine to look at especially in this video.

Anonymous said...

@Mwah!! K:

IMHO Freddie wasn't a better singer than Adam, although he too was an exceptional artist. Freddie has the "benefit" of being dead and legendary. I remember the days of Radio GaGa where fans were slamming Queen and Freddie for doing pop, and I watched the Live Aid in 1985 live - Freddie was amazing, but couldn't sing live at the same level as on the studio records. So those people can talk all they want...

Anyway, I was wondering whether Adam knew at the point this interview was made about the Queen EMA invitation? He was explaining to the kids how being good to others and keeping connections can lead to invitations and opportunities... Either he already knew, or he is also secretly a clairvoyant (It's Voodoo,Voodoo,Voodoo... :o)

Anonymous said...

Everything was said so well on this thread, nothing to add, you all said it so wonderfully. Can't wait for sunday, I'll add that!


Oh IMHO I've always grown up listening to queen , never a die-hart fan of FM like adam is to me, in fact never a fan of anyone like this! I feel adam has a range that even freddy could not reach!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but Adam = the coolest man ever, expecially when he is interacting with kids. Sooooo cute, and so humble. Beautiful soul.

Anonymous said...

What a nice thread to read when I need cheering up. What you expressed from your hearts was a sunshine moment, though it's midnight here at the moment. Adam has such an "easy" manner, I've never seen him appear up tight talking with any group of people.
And his magic was working with the kids. His suggestions were right to the point and I liked his saying the kids should stay in touch with each other. When you are traveling a similar road it's nice to have companions. Plus the fact that many jobs come from connections you've made in the past. That's practical advice! I've had 3 jobs in my long life and they all came from someone who knew me recommending me for them. I never looked for a job...they found me! I look forward to the program Sunday...tho we've probably seen a great deal of it already!


funbunn40 said...

Adam is such a sweetheart and such a real,down to earth human being. He's just so darn likable. I can't imagine why anyone could say anything mean about him. He is filled with goodness and kindness. I hope it will all come back to him many times over.

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, I too have never looked for a job in my life. They were all offered to me by other medical colleages and even my brief time at the Wrigley Co. years ago, my only non medically related job. Adam is sharp and correct in the need to network and remain friends with those you trust. Still wondering if he and Monte will mend their fences. They had a long friendship and I hope it will remain in tact. Even if this album takes Adam in a new direction with neww musicians, that's the nature of this business and somewhere down the road they could play together again. This lawsuit may have strained their frienship. I hope not. I also hope that Longineau Parsons will have an opportunity to play with Adam in the future. He was also naturally in tune with Adam and is extremely talented. Isaac is more personable and is cute, but not in the same league talent wise as LP IMHO. Didn't mean to get so carried away.

Anonymous said...

Hey Funbunn40 (and everyone) - how are you doing?? Someone seems to have slammed down on the accelorator in my life, and - although I come to 24/7 every day to see what's going on, and try to keep up with the comments - I just can't do it anymore.

However, your comment about Adam and Monty having a falling out caught my eye. Say it ain't so!! What happened? I read about the lawsuit (grrr, makes me see red), but what did it have to do w/Adam and Monty's relationship? That would be very unfortunate, if they did, indeed, have a falling out.

Back to this Majors & Minors clip, though - as everyone already stated so eloquently - Adam is like a ray of sunshine when he enters the room. He is so "real" and easy to relate to (esp for these kids). He is wise beyond his years, and I love that building relationships is what he talked about, when he could've just passed on some advice about how to breathe while singing, or talked about his experience in theater. He is so well rounded, and deep! Never underestimate this man...he has so many appealing layers.

And on to the hair...i was tired of the Vanilla Ice shaved parts above his ears as soon as I saw them. Not flattering. But Adam is more than his hairstyle...will always adore him, no matter what his hair looks like.

OK, enough blithering from me.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Dear JAK,
When I feel down,what I do fist is watch Adam singing Soaked (sometimes it takes more than one), I "sing" along with him while I'm "crying a river", that way I "clean up" my soul with tears, feeling better, but what I want is to feel good and happy so, then I watch him and "sing along too" FEVER for several times and THERE YOU GO!! "A weight has been lifted"!!
I really hope it will work for you too.No side effects, only a little Adam's addiction....nothing to worry about.Lol.
Come on!! You can do it, dear!!!


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful, genuine soul, i just adore him, i agree with all comments a perfect role model for children, what a wonderful human being Adam is.

Anonymous said...

@November 11, 5.33pm ....‘Freddie has the "benefit" of being dead and legendary.’ What an unkind and unfeeling thing to say! I’m sure Freddie’s relatives and friends don’t feel that way.

I’m not a fan of Elvis and MJ so I don’t share your sentiments there.

Adam isn’t a better singer than Freddie and vice versa. They both have very special and unique voices and talent.

The Majors & Minors clip ..... Adam would make a wonderful teacher. He is so interesting and inspirational.

Anonymous said...

Wondering, how long time we will compare Freddie and Adam?
Most of us agree that this is not possible. And here we are again.
Okay, hope we will be alive after 12/20/2012:) and we can follow Adam carrier forever:)
We can compare Freddie and Adam, when Adam will be around 40 years old. Then we can compare their achivements, performances, CD's, and awards.

Anonymous said...

@ SG

I will never admit to how often I watch my Adam sanity would def be questioned. Well, maybe not by this group!
Other than all his interviews and early days songs I have in my favorites list on computer...and of course GNT dvd,
I have a VHS tape of ALL his performances on Idol! I think I watch it weekly. "Feeling Good" is my feeling good song!
From first glimpse of the white suit on staircase to last thrilling notes I am enthralled.
Adam is always good medicine for whatever ails me......sigh...
He weaves a spell that makes me well! :)


tess4ADAM said...

I loved this extended clip of ADAM & the kids (went to Ytube so I could ENlarge the video) ... can't wait for Sunday so I can tape it (VHS style)!!

As for ADAM & Freddie ... NO comparison ... shouldn't be ... ADAM & Freddie are BOTH unique ... EACH in HIS own way!! JMO

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

HK fan said...

Long time no see, welcome back.
I don't think anyones really sure of what happened between Adam and Monte. Soemthing to do with the BFM album, Monte appeared to be promoting it while Adam doesn't want it released. But I think it probably goes further back than that, there was all though tweets last year from his wife about someone (believed to be adam) which were, shall we say less than complimentary. And a few weeks ago Adam stopped following Monte on twitter.

funbunn40 said...

@ Adamfix, Been missing you! Glad you still can lurk! Real life has a way of cutting into our Adam flailing!I've become sleep deprived and miss some days, having to be productive. Family also feels like I love Adam more than them. haha Monte and Adam have unfollowed each other on twitter, leading to a supposition that they had a falling out over the release of the old Citizen Vein tracks that were touted as Adam's new cd release. The timing was deliberate and it was not in the direction Adam is going today. Dejavu, Take One.. Monte was in favor of the release, but the production of Adam's vocals were subpar and they misrepresented the album. I haven't heard anything more concrete, but I like Monte and he and Adam are so in tune with each other musically with over ten years of friendship between them. I hope there is no more to it. Adam is also collaborating with different artists and musicians on this new album that may not have included Monte, but that's the nature of the business and I think Monte would understand it, being in the business with Madonna, etc. Anyone out there have any other info? I really hope all is well between them.

coloforadam said...

Every time there is an interview like this to watch, I know my smile muscles will get a workout. How sweet and smart and encouraging he was with those kids and has he EVER looked more gorgeous?

HK fan said...

@funbunn and adamfix
I was just reading Thehomeplanet, and it seems Monte has been phoning some fans up trying to explain his side of things and asking how he can make things better with Adam, and then when they didn't agree with things he has created somesort of twitter list with their names calling them crazy etc...the plot thickens.

Bing said...

Adam seems to be really great with kids and i admire his excellent mentoring skills.

@Adam Fix - it's so nice to hear from you and i enjoyed reading your post. It's enough for me to know that you are still with us. I miss you a lot!

Love thru Adam,

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