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Gay Marriage with the stars featuring Adam Lambert and others

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 17, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 17, 2011


Anonymous said...

I am a straight gurl who is into boyz, but if I had a bisexual marriage it would be to Hugh Jackman and Mariska Hargitay. yum!

Anonymous said...

When Adam gone a put he's singles out?

Anonymous said...

They were just saying, if you were gay, who would you pick. I'd say that I was a gay girl but was bi-curious and wanted to try out a guy and that would be ADAM. Think I could get away with that?

Love the last guys singing Meatloaf.

Adamluv said...

Sandra Bullock and Sofia Veggara (Modern Family) are my choices! But Mariska H. is an excellent choice as well! Did you notice how so many had to mention they were married since heaven forbid we might think they are gay! How sad. @Anon 5:07 - loved that too. That was Meatloafs song "I Would Do Anything for Love but I wouldnt do that". He never says what the "that" is. Always one of my favorites. BTW Adam looks fabulous!!!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I would stick to my own generation
which would limit my choices! ^o^
But without doubt or forever favorite....Vanessa Redgrave! We're the same height so would see eye to eye, plus she's so wonderfully British!


Anonymous said...

hmmm, I would steal Portia away from Ellen.

Anonymous said...

This is such a loving video which shows that gay/lesbian people are very warm, kind and understanding; and through some personal experience too. I wonder if having this male+female type brain is actually a good thing, minus the difficulty in adjusting to society. They understand the feelings of people better; being able to empathise both as a male and a female. Exactly what Leah Remini says in the video...she understands me.... Whoa! Adam looks smashingly handsome.

Lorraine said...

No hesitation for me ---I would pick Natalie Wood. Her eyes always captivated me {just like Adam's does}

Anonymous said...

@ Lorraine

I remember Natalie as a child actress. Her eyes were so expressive, she could have adults weeping in the theater. She was a beauty all her short life.


Anonymous said...

I'm too straight to answer that question. I couldn't kiss a woman to the lips tbh. But I'm not homophobic and I definitely support equality and gay marriage. By the way, where is Dennis Rodman? I've kinda liked his personality.

funbunn40 said...

Hmm, Susan Sarandon would be interesting,down to earth and we could try to change the world together.Ellen also would be fun! If I could be a gay male, I would be Sauli and have Adam all to myself!haha, totally my ultimate choice if living in a fantasy world! I'd also would have to make a major age adjustment!!

Anonymous said...

Easy question. Adele. She is the funniest, most down to earth kind of person. And she is drop dead gorgeous. Oh, and the voice!

If I was a guy - Adam! :)


Anonymous said...

Haha! That was quite hilarious.

Adam gave nothing away!

I'm not attracted to other women at all but I can immediately detect beauty in other women and admire them for it.

shayna said...


HK fan said...

mmmm, hard question as I don't really find myself attracted to women, but if I had to pick one, Kate Winslet, she's stunningly beautiful and comes from the same area as me in the UK, now if I was male. Gosh, thats hard...who could I possibly pick...mmm,thinking hard here......well, I suppose if I have to, Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've never been attracted to women, but If I had to choose I'll pick Angelina Jolie,I like that"fierce" beauty she has, If I was a male, I think there's no doubt a ménage à trios, Adam, Brad Pitt and me!! ha ha ha!!Is getting hot here..don't know why....Lol!!


shayna said...

since I'm attracted to both male and female...I'd go for a menage a trois with me,my girlfriend and Adam!!! That's a tasty combo!!!!

shayna said...

well....if i couldn't have my girlfriend i'd go with Kate Beckinsale! And Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

David Arquette has gotten freakin gorgeous with age!!! Didn't realize how handsome he was!

Anonymous said...

No one ... female that is. I like the feeling I get when I am encompassed in a man's arms ... so nice & warm & secure & comfortable ... like ADAM's or my hubby's ... but no ... I doubt I could have that same feeling with a female. Sorry ... JMO

tess4ADAM (lambert Outlaw)