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New Adam and Sauli Picture From Halloween Night!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Updated with another Sauli picture. THanks Glitzylady!


glitzylady said...

One more picture of Sauli as an incredibly scary vampire, along with Adam's friend Danielle Stori...

Anonymous said...

Sauli's hair looks so cute. When my kids were babies I use to comb their hair like that after their baths. They hate those pictures now. lol

Anonymous said...

He makes my knees weak so he can Bite Me anytime.
Both Adam and Sauli take my breath away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sauli is like a waspish demon.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is all kinds of yummy, by any standard IMHO. Glad for BB.

Anonymous said...

Seems they had a really good time!! I like Sauli's hair, cool! Speaking of which, just saw J.Beaber new hair cut, he copy Adam's,so sad.....only Adam looks MUCH MUCH better!! I can't help it, just don't like that brat at all...

Anonymous said...

3rd pic - Sauli and Danielle.

There have been lots of pics of them having fun together.

Anonymous said...

I mean 2nd pic - Sauli and Danielle.

Anonymous said...

Justin Bieber didnt copy Adam. The look is in , deal with it.
Anyway, copying is a high form of flattery.

Anonymous said...

Adam had his way na na

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has met his match, Sauli seems as in to Halloween as Adam. Halloweens over I hope they revert to their usual handsome selves quickly!...JAK

glitzylady said...

Cute Fan Vid "Glamoween 2011" by glitters4adam

Anonymous said...

On the AIOTM contest,Adam is losing his #3 lead( compared to how much it was,@#4 will prob catch up & pass him soon.)Let's keep BB @ # 3 anyway,ok?THANKS,fans!The url is

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:12 -- It's people like you that give Glamberts a bad name. I just saw Bieber on Ellen's show and he is sporting the look very well. They all are sporting this look now. Adam was probably the first to do it back in 2009 in his "For Your Entertainment" video, but others can sport it well too. That kid is adored by 14 million fans on twitter. Ellen said that he was an amazing teen! Adam is our amazing rock god! Everyone's happy.

Anonymous said...

Would LOVE to see a new AVI now that Halloween's over...
Noticed a lot of new younger followers for Adam after they saw his pic in "The Advocate" article. The current one can be a little scary for potential new followers not knowing Adam like we do :)

Anonymous said...

2.04 I don't think Glamberts have a bad name anywhere.About 12.12 Freedom of expressio. We can agree or not but it's just one opinion, that's all.So as you said everybody is HAPPY because Adam's single is getting closer! That's what really matters!!!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My post @ 1:58pm should have been The last part didn't post for some reason.Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It didn't post AGAIN!!Darn!!The last part was supposed to be 2011/08 I KNOW I typed it in both times.If it doesn't post again,it still takes you to a page where you can click on the right page to vote.

Anonymous said...

On Adamquote daily 1 copy of The Advocate with Adam cover $125.00!

LP said...

I don't know if it is just me, but I rarely see Justin Bieber looking happy. I know his career has taken away from his teen years, hope he doesn't regret it later. Money cannot buy happiness. I actually feel bit sorry for him, he seems like a nice person. I would never buy any of his music.

Anonymous said...

Beiber is a totally different type of singer than Adam. It's all about the teeny boppers flailing and really he may be a nice kid, but can't sing so great live. Adam is pure talent, pure sexy rock god with a heart of gold and wonderful personality. Intelligent and well spoken. I don't think the world has seen a talent like Adam in a very long time. His voice and charisma are unbeatable IMHO.He won most interesting beautiful male in the world. Think that was the title of the award. Johnny Depp came in second, but Adam won by a mile!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this was Sauli's first time celebrating Halloween.. We don't really celebrate it here in Finland. Only in the last five year's time there have been some Halloween decorations for sale in the stores. It's weird though. I mean, why force a holiday on a country that has never had it as a tradition. Commercialism...


Anonymous said...

1 most fascinating beauty of the world

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted make sure you tune into the EMA's this Sunday. That is the European music awards. Wonder why, hum. Adam is keeping lots of secrets very well. Guess one day we will just see his tweet, my new single is out next week or something.Then I will scream with excitement!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:08 PM

That scream may be heard world wide if we all get the news at the same time. Pentup frustration, excitation and anticipation can be a mighty force....^o^....JAK

Anonymous said...

All kinds of speculation on adamtopia about why Adam tweeted to watch the EMA's on Sunday. If you get MTV3 you can watch it, don't know the time. If I had a real important secret I would tell Adam cause he sure knows how to keep one. Not a leak about the single!@JAK Many objects will be shattered worldwide with our screams!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are lucky to have each other to, uh, you know, snuggle with. LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam the euphoric glampire
Count Dracula requires a squire
A classy conspire
You are worthy for the hire
Hope nothing bloody transpires
At his castle's quagmire
Glampire Adam starts a-winding
Up the long hillroad reclining
The horses, trotting and galloping
A sinister full moon shimmering
When his glam carriage rolls in with a swing
Count Dracula is ready for the sting
A werewolf howls at the castle brink
Dracula offers an effervescent drink
The multi-pop-rock king bursts out and sings
Dracula evolves....a werewolf springs
Glampire Adam flashes....his laser ring
A hot beam sears the wolf to a kink

Congratulations handsome Adam on your winning the MTV Award, your star is shining!!


Anonymous said...

Don't like these Sauli photos but he's certainly a cutie minus Halloween "costume".

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey SG...A TERRIIFFICC Thank you!! You are indeed very, very encouraging and inspiring! :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks truly evil in these photos, it gives me the creeps looking at them. Great job with the make-up though, and Lam-my your poem is fantastic I really enjoyed reading this.


Anonymous said...

Sauli looks truly evil in these photos, it gives me the creeps looking at them. Great job with the make-up though, and Lam-my your poem is fantastic I really enjoyed reading this.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sara...Thanks a million!! Happy that you enjoyed reading it. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't want Halloween commercialism to Finland either. If kids want to dress up it's ok, but I'm not gonna start to celebrate it. I have a pumpkin candle light though. Kids already dress up as witch trolls on Easter time and collect candy. There was great enthusiasm for vampires in the early 90's in Finland, about the time of the movie An Interview With the Vampire.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, You made my day!!THANKS TO YOU!! Now I feel greeeeatttt!!! see??:)))))ha ha ha!!


Anonymous said...

Wow SG...You sure are one helluva happy queen! If I get to know you in greater depth, I might even write a poem about you. Actually, you made my day with your effervescent personality. :)

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you call Danielle a fruit fly?

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

Forgot where to find you so left you a message on Eber thread. JAK

Magliaro said...
