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New Old Picture of Taylor, Sauli and Terrance at Terrance's Birthday Party

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

Awww, I like Terrance and Taylor. Our boy Sauli has knowledge about human nature. Terrance seem like an honestly nice person. Taylor is smart. Remember when Adam wrestled with the pap. Taylor was the only one who intervened and prevented worse from happening. No one else cared.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:07 AM
@Really???? "No one else cared"?? I would guess EVERYONE else cared, but were perhaps too stunned or too far away to react.. I do agree, Taylor was brave and a sweetheart to do what he did.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, Neil and Tommy were there, but they were not quick enough.

glitzylady said...


Its confirmed: Adam WILL BE AT THE EMA's:

Fan tweet:

I really hope you are going to be at the EMA's @adamlambert. Don't make us watch a stream of Bieber,Gomez and Gaga again ..plez

Adam's answer:

Adam Lambert
@Silliegirl oh I'm going to be there and more. ;)

I LOVE the AND MORE part!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady I love you, you always beat me to posting Adam's tweets. Thank you!The and more part very exciting. Singing maybe? The Adam Storm is beginning and I am not taking cover!!!

Anonymous said...

YES! YES! YESSSS!!! OMG!! MY HEART!! and I love the AND MORE part too!! He really knows how to make us feel "on the edge"...of a nervious breakdown!!!Lol!


Anonymous said...

I am jumping up and down with excitement!!!! Now, I hope we can WATCH the EMAs, if not on TV, then at least online! Big names at the EMAs, right???? Wonder what Adam will actually DO?

Anonymous said...

If Adam performs at the EMA's, I hope, hope, hope he doesn't do anything shocking. Europeans may not care, but American media will be watching. If he pulls another stunt, they may not give his new music a chance here in USA. Please don't get mad at me for saying it. Look what they did after the AMA's. His first album should've gotten much more attention than it did.

Anonymous said...

Let's be optimistic and hope that Adam debuts his new single internationally.

Anonymous said...

Hope there is nothing wrong with she who is always right.

Anonymous said...

They're honoring "Queen" at this event, so I'm wondering if Adam will sing with them. That would be AMAZING!!! Guess we'll just have to wait and see, since Adam's only teasing us with his tweets.

Anonymous said...

Go to this link to find out what channel shows the MTV's EMA:

Anonymous said...

anom.1:03 PM,What channel did you find that will be showing the EMA Awards show?I went to that link you posted,but did not find any results after putting in a search.Please post your answer so I can search my channels.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief......I can't believe this! I read Eber's tweet and my heart almost stopped, now this!!!
Am I dreaming? Adam on European TV? Perhaps singing?...^o^ JAK

LP said...

What a lovely anniversary gift to Adam and Sauli. Everyone is speculating that Adam will either perform with KISS or sing his new single. Win win situation. I live in A=Californis and have Direct TV, the channell for me is # 445, in the afternoon. Check out your own TV network and see if they are broadcasting the EMA's 2011

Anonymous said...

So Adam and Sauli will celebrate their first year anniversary in Ireland. Beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

I think you can get this live-stream on the internet. saw some links today on twitter. we only have 4 days to work this all out. date-times. ireland time is different than eastern u.s. time obviously. anyone know?

daydreamin said...

It is 7 hours time difference from Belfast and California. Calif is behind 7 hrs.

daydreamin said...

A UK PR firm has updated their list of clients to include Adam:

daydreamin said...

IMPORTANT INFO from AdamLambert fanclub facebook site here (see info below for Livestream of EMA's:

Adam Lambert Fan club
LIVESTREAM & WORLD CLOCK INFO FOR MTV EMA BROADCAST! Excellent News! We have found someone reliable who is going to be Ustreaming the MTV EMA's for worldwide viewing on Sunday at 4pm ET! We'll post the link when it gets closer to the event, so keep an eye on this page! You'll be able to watch it from our page as it happens! (Note: There is something fishy about the livestream link at You have to upload an app and fill out a bunch of personal info, so be careful!)
We set this up: Find your city's time on the World Clock for the Nov 6 EMA's [MTV European Music Awards]: Red Carpet 1 hr earlier!) Keep in mind some schedules show it occurring at a different hour because they don't take into account the change from Daylight Savings Time!
To watch on TV, check your local listing for all the MTV or MuchMusic channels via your TV provider. Keep in mind MTV3 is also known as Tr3 and MTVS in some areas.
Or 2 C if U get MTV TR3 4 EMA's enter your zip code here>
Image from