Robin Thicke: I love Adam Lambert
Filed Under (praises ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Robin Thicke had some nice things to say about Adam in his newest interview with Advocate magazine.
Advocate: "With which openly gay artist would you most like to collaborate?"
Robin Thicke: "I love Adam Lambert — he’s great, man, and really exciting. But I don’t really reach out for too many collaborations except with producers, rappers, or soul singers like Faith Evans or Mary J. Blige."
Source: The Advocate
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That suits me fine, I really don't like his voice, but it was nice of him to compliment Adam!
Oh No! 1:30 AM....Nite all..
I love Robin but can't picture him and Adam doing collaborations either.
He sounds a little arrogant to me and Adam is doing just fine without RT.
Sorry but I don't know who Robin Thicke is? What kind of music does he sing?
Thicke sings like a prepubescent Girl, absolutely no comparison to the talent of Adam !!!
what is this news about adam fighting with sauli on finland huh? :O i cant belive this plz answer if u know anything im seriensly crying my heart out right now.. and they got arrested? omg i cant even..
12:00 Relax. Probably just jealousy drama. I'm sure they will be released soon.
adam has been in lockup in finland
I honestly dont believe that Adam and Sauli would fist fight.. This can't be real ='(
I don't know, maybe Sauli admitted he's got feelings for Tommy and he and Adam got into it over their love for TJ xDDD
Trust me, I love all y’all, but if you’re seriously believing that Adam and Sauli were openly fighting and are now in jail, yooouuu need to check your priorities—and your facts. Js.
Note: Not trying to be a prissy queen here, but people have a tendency of jumping the gun. Just want to avoid that.
What the actual fuck???????? is this like a joke?
I think the police is now saying it was a basic bar brawl. Sorry, but i keep laughing at this too.. xD
It says in the paper that Adam and Sauli were fighting with each other, and when two people, a man and a woman, went to stop them, Adam hit them as well.
How embarrassing. Being drunk is no excuse Adam. I'm extremely disappointed with my idol.
I know nothing about Robin Thicke and I don't know anything about this arrest of Adam. Hopefully, more detail will come to hand re Adam's arrest.
I'm fairly sure it's true. It's in multiple papers and on the website of a TV channel, and Sauli's friend Katri also commented on it already.
It DOES seem like they were both seriously drunk (Sauli was taken to a specific place where the police takes people who cannot take care of themselves because of being so drunk). And people do stupid things when drunk. "The crime" doesn't seem too serious. But it's very embarrassing, and there is never an excuse to being violent, unless you are defending yourself.
It's being said on twitter that they are actually in the town Drunk Tank and NOT jail.
Daydreamin, some news said that Sauli is in the drunk tank and Adam is at the police station. The latest news said that Adam is being interviewed right now by the police.
Yup, saw these news here in Finland...
So they are both in the drunk tank, but not in the same place. Adam is in Pasila, Sauli is in Töölö. What makes me worried is that they had a fistfight. Only words can make bad damage, why use violence as well to a person you love?
They're both just humans, but once being celebrities and rolemodels to some people, I only wish they'd think twice before doing things like this in public. Love and fights don't ask a place or time, but still.
At this moment polices are hearing Adam, but that's all we know so far :P
The tabloids want to sell the mags and dramatize the situation. The police is being professional and calming the stir. I believe more what they say. This type of incidents happen quite often outside night clubs, when people are drunk, so it's no big deal here. There will be no mug shots of the boys, or anything like that.
Anon1:18, Adam spent the night in drunk tank IN police station :)
Iltasanomat has now posted an English-language article on their website.
Police: Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen will be interrogated today
Adam Lambert and his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen will be questioned later today, Helsinki’s police told Thursday.
Lambert and Koskinen got into a heated fight between each other when they were partying in Helsinki. Lambert and Koskinen were taken into jail.
- They will be questioned during this morning after they have sobered up. We have to wait until that, police officer Petri Juvonen told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat.
Both men will be held in custody during interrogations. After questioning Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen will be released.
The reason of the quarrel between the two lovers has not yet been confirmed. According to the police possible injuries are not severe.
- Our assumption is that people were very intoxicated when the officers arrived to the scene, Mr. Juvonen told.
I hope Adam is getting on a plane to the US a soon as possible. He doesn't need this mess.
I hope Adam is not leaving. That would be too hasty.
@ 1:28 AM
Oh, and I suppose you also think that Adam didn't do anything wrong? He was a part of "this mess". Hitting two unknown people is no joke. I believe the laws concern even famous singers.
1:23am: I'm not sure why they would have taken Adam to a different place just in order to keep him in the drunk tank. I've never seen the interior of either one of these two locations (have had a couple of fairly close calls back in the day though...), so I don't know if you can separate people safely in Töölö drunk tank. It may be because they wanted to separate them and let them sober up and cool down.
@ adamofficial many people doesn't believe this thing is real. i don't have a account to that website, but in case someone in here doesn't believe Adam had a fistfight with Sauli and beated up a man and woman too, here's one more source...
It's a radio interview in radio Aalto's news, the police is telling what happened and what might be the consequences of this case. Nothing too bad, I'm only worried 'bout their relationship (wishing only the best for Adam and Sauli) and their public image.
Too lazy to translate, they telling pretty much everything that is said in here already. But you can hear both Koskinen and Lambert's name when he speaks :P
I don't know why people are trying to excuse this like it's no big deal. Adam got arrested. Adam and Sauli can't control their tempers around each other in public and create a scene like this? The media will be talking bad about Adam now.
Perez Hilton is all over the place badmouthing Adam. Please don't open his blog. Just saw his headlines.
Police: Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen, will be interrogated today
Published: 22/12/2011 10:36
Adam Lambert and his boyfriend , Sauli Koskinen, will be questioned later today, at Helsinki's Police Told on Thursday.
Lambert, Koskinen, and got into a heated fight Between Each Other When they were partying in Helsinki. Lambert, and Koskinen, were Taken into jail. - They will be questioned during Easy this morning-after they have sobered up. We Have To wait between now and That, police officer , Petri Juvonen Told the Finnish newspaper Evening News. Both men Will Be Held in Custody During interrogations. After questioning, Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen, will be released. The reason of the quarrel Between the two lovers not yet Been HAS CONFIRMED. According to the Police, Possible Injuries are not severe. - Our Assumption Is that people were very intoxicated When the officers arrived to the scene, Mr. Juvonen Told. Adam Lambert arrived in Ireland for Christmas on Friday December 19th.
daydreamin, you mean Adam arrived to Finland, not Ireland, right?? ;)
The last thing that Adam needs is this kind of news. I hope he is fine and fly back to the US soon.
I hope he won't fly back to US right away! Things won't get any better if he just runs away from this. Would make him spineless, imo. It's all his and Sauli's business, but if I'd be him, I'd give some little interview and tell the truth to everyone or some kind of statement what really happened. Apologize or something.
Then I'd met Sauli's parents again - what would that be, boyfriend who comes and hurts their son and leaves right after that, lol?? That would make too much drama. :D
Soon we'll see what Adam and Sauli will do. Hoping they'll be fine, and this wasn't any big big deal to their relationship, thing that they can't get through.
One report says Adam kicked bystanders that tried to get between he and Sauli..I am picturing the time he kicked something off the stage during the AI tour and I hope everyone is ok..Adam and Sauli in jail is hard to think about..hoping for the best and everything will be ok soon..
2:33 I agree. It would look bad if he just left and didn't look back. The situation is not that bad, imo, that he and Sauli could not confront it.
hoping Adam and Sauli have a get out of jail free card to play..just kidding this is sad..hope it blows over soon and we can see happy together pics
2:33am: I agree.The best crisis management (and that is what Adam needs, no matter what people think) is to get sober, sleep a little and make a statement where he tells what happened and apologizes. Then Sauli should keep his blog closed for a while and they both should lay low for some time so that this blows over.
I have been a little worried of some of the comments the fans make about how "cute" it is that Adam is jealous. There is nothing cute in excessive jealousness. And as my dad used to say when I was a teenager: That sickness will only get worse when people get older. Not that we know at all what was behind this particular tussle.
Not making excuses or assumptions, but could the cold, alcohol, jetlag, exhaustion,and lack of sleep have made Adam lose perspective and temper? Adam, please take care.
Oh what the heck, fly Adam to Oz instead!
I hope that the situation between Adam and Sauli can be solved and has no further consequences.
It is very sad to have fought and also in public. I think they should talk to each other and apologize.
Adam should not leave Finland until everything will be fine. It is best to leave the city and go to a quiet place like Lapland a couple of days and there talk quietly and solve their problems.
I hope that they can spend a happy holiday together with Sauli family.
I think they really love each other and everything will be solved
Today I am very sad
From Barcelona
Bitch slapping . . .
I'm praying that this is not real for Adam and Sauli's sake. I guess if too much drinking is involved, anything can happen. Stay strong Adam. We all love you and Sauli.
Hey Guys! Iltalehti has some news about last night, so here's what they're writing about it:
Let me tell you what is it about! First Sauli and Adam went to have a glass of glogg, and after that they had a dinner. They arrived to DTM late at night, and that's the place where fighting started. In DTM there was also Niko Nousiainen (Sauli's good friend since Big Brother, also BB-winner later on) and his girlfriend, miss Sofia Ruusila. It seems like Sauli got upset with Sofia, (we don't know the reason) and kicked her in the head. Then Niko came to defend his girl, and that's when Adam hit Niko.
So that's what I found out couple of minutes ago. If this is how it went, maybe they fought for their friends? I'd imagine Sauli didn't like Adam hitting his good friend, altough it seems he started the whole thing... But none of this is really confirmed, so we have to wait and see!
And btw, I'm the same person than behind the text at 2:33 :P I've been writing here without name for a while now, but guess I could pick a nickname and use it, would be easier to discuss with people, when they know I'm the same person... :D So, it shall be:
FinnTiina (my nationality and name! simple! :)
Oh no, I wonder if this will be the end of Adam and Sauli's relationship.
With the release of his new single, Adam certainly doesn't need this controversy.
Welcome and thank you for the Information
From Barcelona
FinnTiina, everything you wrote last, is rubbish!!! You should read more sources before you write here anything; so now read Iltasanomat!!
Iltalehti just changed their article, now it says that Niko Nousiainen called Iltalehti today and denied that his girlfriend Sofia Ruusila had been kicked last night by anyone.
3:53 AM, HAHA, nice to meet you too!! I just wrote here what Iltalehti said at the moment, nothing more. Now they have changed their tittle and wrote some more information, this is all speculation : like I said, nothing has been confirmed yet. The polices haven't give exact information yet.
So relax, this is just a website, I think everyone is allowed to write here what they want :P.
FinnTiina: I saw the article too before they changed it and it was just as you translated, it's Iltalehti so I bet there will be lots of changes in the info they share as the day goes on ! :)
RIGHT NOW: BTIKM on the radio!!!
Love from Finland
I heard that the reason was Adam´s jealousy. He did not like that Sauli talked with other guys - that´t how the fight started. I see some earlier signs that this might be true.
I hope he does not ruin his beautiful relatioship with over possessivenes??
Sauli just gave comment saying that they just were too drunk and there were some "hugging" - nothing else. Police is still questioning Adam but is waiting to get this thing out of their list. Case closed.
These things are unfortunate but I think everyone knows how it ends sometimes when people are getting maybe a little bit too drunk (at least among my friends this has happend TOO many times haha!) and I bet you guys have also done things when drunk that you regret next morning! Hope everyone who were part of this are okay!
Sauli is already released. He had said they were only hugging with Adam. I understood from the police statement that the police is still questioning Adam whether he has any claims.
So Sauli didn't kick Niko's girlfriend in the head? I read that she said something to Sauli (he didn't like) and he kicked her in the head, Niko intervened and then Adam intervened. Possibly a load of ol' cobblers. I'll wait to see what Adam says, if he says anything about it at all.
I think it was just drunken silliness. Why should Adam or Sauli explain anything if they don't want to. They are not being accused by anyone, so let's move on.
No, that kicking Niko´s girlfriend was not true at all and made up by Iltalehti. She denied that herself.
Adam got jealous and boys had a fight.
They both out now.
Sofia Ruusilainen says that she was trying to console crying Adam after the fight and then Adam accidentaly pushed her or something. She then says again that it was definitely an accident and that she and that Sauli did nothing to her.
I can hardly believe this!!I hope it's blown out of proportion,& BB makes a statement asap.Adam should stay in Finland until things settle down,then come back to LA.This just shows what too much drinking can cause.Both he Sauli should cut out the booze..Maybe all the jetlag,booze,etc didn't help,but their disagreements should be in private.Who knows what really happened..hope we know soon.
Some websites write that the reason behind the fight is that Adam didn't like that Sauli was talking to other guys or something. Don't know if this is true tho.
Hope they get this all sorted out and can spend a happy Christmas !
Why the fuck Adam should make a statement? He's not working for the government.
5:10 AM haha "not working for the goverment" made me laugh so hard !!
Did my best to translate Sauli's newest blog post:
Publicity isn't easy. But also celebrities are only humans. Love isn't easy either but it's everlasting!! Thank you Nami, dtm and precious friends for unforgettable night and sorry for the hassle and worry but everything is well for real!! Now I'm living privately and won't comment anything. Everyone seems to know things better than me anyway. Hey, night was extremely fun and hangover will be gone fast! Yay!!
P.S. By the way, paparazzi, also police stations have back doors. Go home already!
- FinnTiina
Sauli has publish a new comment on his blog
From Barcelona
Both released! Be safe Adam and Sauli!
Niko Nousiainen tells his side of the story and tells that he and Sofia were leaving the bar when the bar staff came to ask their help. Adam and Sauli had a fight in the bars kitchen and Niko took Sauli out of the situation and Sofia consoled Adam.
Niko also says that he did not want to get in the middle of all this but after he read the "news" that were spreading in the internet he wanted to tell his own version.
He also said that the fight was not so rought as the news claim and hopes that afterwards they can all laught to this!
Awww, they made up and will continue to spend the holiday together. I'm so relieved.
@5:33 AM .... thanks for letting us know. Hopefully this will all go away very soon and we can concentrate on the MUSIC again.
5:41 AM agreed !!
People are commenting about this "fight" under the Vevo version of BTIKM on you tuube.we all need to go there,listen more to the song & make positive comments.Both Sauli & Adam have been released,right?I read that,anyway..hope this blows over very soon!
Niko and sauli are big brother bromance .you can watch the videos on big brother.
They act as lovers,so maybe they get close so much and Adam didn't like it.
Please Adam stop making problems .
Sauli and niko are more than friends ,I would be jelous if someone get close to me.
5.33 thank you.
I hope they can have a happy holiday together
From Barcelona
I'm a Finn and Finns are quite passionate people. A bit like latin Americans i suppose, because Finns also love the tango. I read a comment made by another Finn few years back that said Finnish gay scene is also passionate. There may be some truth in it.
FinnTiina That is totally wrong story. Niko and Sofia has both make that clear that neither Sauli or Adam hit Sofia or Niko. Well Adam by accident "hit" Sofia with his hand but not in purpose and Sofia didn't got hurt.
I just read Sauli's blog and I think it was just a fight between two people in love.They got too passionate and alcohol doesn't help...
There are many kinds of love,the company love, two persons that like each other company and don't want to be alone.
Sweet love, people that need to hug and kiss and be together all the time.
Then, the best or the worse kind...I don't know...The passionate love,when you have no control over your heart or head sometimes...when what you feel for the other person is stronger than you, when you can't measure your feelings for the other,
when that love posses you in a way you can't imagine, is like a drug-love that controls you and it's REALLY hard to control it back.
I know that because I had it.Like I said, I don't know if it's the best or the worse, but I'm absolutely sure there's NOTHING like that.Maybe they have that kind of love....
Now I hope they go to Lapland, relax, have fun and have a happy hollydays.
PHEWWWWWWWWW! This is exhausting! Maybe Adam was acting out a new video
for his song BTIKM. Just kidding!
Anyway, it sounds like it's over and everything is OK. I hope the glamily didn't have a coronary over this. I felt like I did!
Happy Holidays to Adam and Sauli and all Adam fans who post here!
adam just tweeted, its all ok:
"Jetlag+Vodka=blackout. Us÷blackout=irrational confusion. jail+guilt+press=lesson learned. Sauli+Adam+hangover burgers= laughing bout it. :)"
I alreay smell Perez with his discussing comments and remindings about Lady GaGa's birthday story:(:(:(!!!
I think boys have to remember that they are celebrities they are not humans! Don't care what Sauli think about this fight. Plus for Adam this is bad publicity in US and Finland.
Adam is lucky that their were not any papz around
Adam arrested in Finland.
Crap! Here we go again! Adam needs to learn to set a drinking limit. lol
Ok really the haters in the world like Perez Hilton can blow this up while someone like Bruno Mars can be a cokehead and get indicted on possesion charges early in his career but that's fine.
Am I the only one who finds Adam's fiery nature a bit of a turn-on
Sauli should be more responsible partner to understand Adam's career not to ruin his career with his too much drinking. I read that Adam was sobbing before the fight. Poor Adam doesn't need this right now. Come back home, Adam.
Adam just tweeted:
adamlambert Adam Lambert
Jetlag+Vodka=blackout. Us÷blackout=irrational confusion. jail+guilt+press=lesson learned. Sauli+Adam+hangover burgers= laughing bout it. :)
Well, at least it looks like all is well between them - thank goodness. Now it will just be Adam having to deal with all the crap after this incident. ugh
@December 22, 2011 8:09 AM: No, me too. I believe in personal responsiblity, and want him to do right by his career and talent, but having said all that, I'm right there with you peep. ;)
FROM: December 22, 2011 8:16 AM
that was to 8:09 #1
8:08 That is so true.
Didn't Adam lose his temper with the paps in Florida right before his world tour? Now he loses his temper right when his single is coming out. Planned or coincidence?
Story trending on my Yahoo Page . . it will be all over
shows tonight.... hope Adam and Saule release something about it eas just a drunken tiff...LOL
Wish this trending was about his new single!
Over doing the booze is just a bad idea! I am glad they are both ok and seem to be forgiving and forgetting but I want Adam to be in the spotlight for his music and not for stuff like this!! It's all over the People and Us magazine websites! Ugh! Sick of having to defend him all the time against stupid paps! This kind of stuff sells so I am afraid we are gonna hear about it for awhile!!! Alcohol changes alot of people and it sounds like Adam should try to avoid the excess! Love him and will be glad when he comes home and this dies down!! I know he is human and people make mistakes. Hope he learns to keep this at home. Merry Christmas everyone!! Btw have you guys been hearing Adams song on radio? I haven't!! I will have to listen more!!
Oh please no one have a video of this!!!!!! Please, Please, Please!! Can you imagine? Ugh!!!
What is so telling here is what Sauli said in his recent blog post. That love is not easy but it is everlasting. Adam has admitted he has a jealous streak. Sauli has admitted to "hugging". Both boys have passionate love for his other. Enter becoming drunk and things can have consequences.
Hopefully, this will only teach them to control things a bit more and their love and bond will just be that much stronger. A necessary caution because of being celebrities.
Lack of sleep has not helped too much either. Sauli and Adam both have beautiful families and friends who will all support them now.
From what we know from Adam's dad he probably has tweeted a few humorous remarks to Adam already.
Adam is a passionate person in everything he does. Sauli and Adam need to enjoy the Holidays now and put this behind them.
I feel Sauli is in this relationship to take fun ride. He isn't helpful to Adam's career. He slowed Adam's down this past year. Just reading Adam was crying before they took their argument to back of the club it breaks my heart. Adam doesn't ticked off easily. Something must have pushed him to the edge.
If the album don't do well, Adam can still tour with the Queen. This incident won't change it.
Anon @5:10am: Making a statement to explain what happened and apologizing is the first, very elementary step in crisis management. When news like this spread around the globe on someone who has an image to maintain, there should be crisis management. Adam did do it with his tweet. It actually may have been a very good way to do it, and he said that he has learnt a lesson. People expect some remorse when you screw up.
On some sites people are talking about the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation. That is NOT the direction where Adam should build his image, I think we can all agree on that. CB is very talented, but his temper pretty much destroyed his career. And the fact that he never really seemed to understand that he did something wrong, and the crisis management for that situation was not what it should have been.
Adam is jealous of Sauli. For what he should be jealous of? Give me a break. Sauli is a fame hugger. He is taking a fun ride. Living in best location of Hollywood. He is ruining Adam's career with his drunken action. Read Adam cried before the fight just breaks my heart.
why they blame adam in diffrent country again?
its like everyone know j-lopez in us but not mark anthony then they protect j-lo and blame mark on everything.
kim kardashian protected as angel and husbend blame for it as bad person.
It´s not that Finns are blaming Adam about anything. Simple fact seems to be that he was jealous of Sauli and that is what people in that bar told a finnish magazine.
If you love someone you might get jealous sometimes.. If you´ve never experience that, too bad, then you have no idea what you are talking about.
Is there ever a fuken dull moment around here? You have to be careful what you wish for, the other day I was sort of sad I never see Adam on Yahoo home page!! Now I will never wish that again,well maybe only for good things.
All of the Saulibert comments sure are funny now aren't they. AWE, Sauli's Adam's angel isn't he?? I'm sorry but you guys asked for this. - romanticising something you knew nothing about and wasn't your business anyway!!!
I dare anyone to respond to me.You can't can you?
I like to think Finland is now Adam's second home. No one is blaming him here. My biggest fear was that he would get pissed and take the first flight back to the US, tbh. I'm glad he is staying. I hope he and Sauli will enjoy the holidays relaxing and take it easy. :)
Again, I read this that Adam was jealous of Sauli. FOR FUCKING WHAT? Sauli is having a time of his life being in a relationship with a famous singer. He is not only helpful but he is ruining Adam's career with his drunken action. He should be a responsible partner but he is not showing it to make some fans believe in him. Adam's fans shows more responsibility and care about Adam's career than Sauli does. NO I'M NOT ADOMMY FAN. I'M ONLY FAN OF ADAM AND WANT THE BEST FOR HIM.
Wow! What a crazy night!! I'm on the US West Coast and all this started about the time I should have been in bed..still haven't been to sleep..Started following it on twitter and Finland news media, and couldn't go to sleep until it was all cleared up...
Bottom line, the guys had a bit too much to drink, and one thing led to another, they were still jet-lagged, had a spat of some sort, and ended up spending the rest of the night in jail to sober up and get things sorted out by the authorities. No charges filed, Adam and Sauli are together, no doubt feeling rather ridiculous. Rumors sorted out. And now every media outlet in the world has their own version of what happened.
The Glamberts of the world were holding our collective breath for hours. Its very bonding if nothing else. So many scary rumors and allegations, which mostly proved to be false and rather overblown. There were two main news sources in Finland that were reporting this events, one a tabloid, the other a reputable news source. Spent a lot of time using Google Translate.. Will be interested to see if Adam says more than what he has already tweeted.. I do hope the actual facts are reported worldwide at some point, like today, and not just the unproven rumors..that have long since been dismissed. This may take a little time to clear up in the media, to get their facts straight. Let us hope.
But on the other hand, again, publicity for Adam's new single and upcoming CD. Maybe not the way he might have wished, but publicity just the same. I also might suggest that the blogger whose initials are PH, start heading for the hills, because Adam will not be amused by his blog. Good thing they are on separate continents. Hopefully all of the BS has been deleted by said blogger. So not go there by the hits for his blog.
This too shall pass. And no one said being a fan of Adam Lambert was going to be easy..Off to take a nap..Gotta say too, still love those two in spite of the fact they almost gave me a heart attack last night! If it hadn't been so late at night for me, I would have joined them in a drink or two to calm my frayed nerves. Now I just need to take some Tylenol for this headache the events of the last 10 or so hours have given me. I happened upon it literally as the first links appeared on Twitter, just happened to go on there just at that moment and before long my twitter feed was all saying (pardon me..) WTF??? So off I take care of this'd think I was the one with the hangover!
I don't know if Adam take the lesson remembering what happened in Gaga's birthayday party but hope so.
@8:58AM I'm never romanticising Adam and Sauli relationship. And I'm absolutly agree that Sauli is slow down Adam with releasing new album and new single. And we still don't have the video of BTIKM because ADam is too busy. Most of artists are busy also! And they're still working hard to make new releases. Even this jerk JB works much harder than Adam!
I made a comment about this once. And everybody called me troll.
I don't care about any other celebrities behavior. Adam is still not such a celebrity to get so much bad publicity in two years. He just starts his carrier.
P.S.Don't care,if somebody has problem with my writing problem.
December 22, 2011 9:11 AM Well ppl have told that Adam got jealous when Sauli was speaking with other guys. Helsinki is a small city were gays goes to the same places and know each other. Adam has himself said that he got easily jealous in a relationship and try to learn control that.
Just a stranger here reading this blog, the only thing I have to add is I like his new song. Some of the words might even pertain to this incident.I am going to go listen to it again.
Here is an article in a French gossip web-site which says that Adam and Sauli were arrested last night in Finland. If you want me to translate it completely just leave a commentor contact me via Twitter (VS_Ju) and I'll be pleased to do this for AdamLambertTv :)
Anon@9:26, that's interesting. Adam comes across as being more secure than to be jealous of someone. Adam needs to realize that Sauli is the lucky one to have him!IMO
All the blame, why?
They have sorted it out, so what's the prob??
Behind a successful person is a supportive partner. Sauli isn't in anyway helping Adam with Adam's success. He slowed down Adam's success in 2011.
Maybe this incident will go far in quieting those who are bent on seeing Adam as perfect and are shocked when he is pretty amazingly normal. He has said many times that he his anger can flare - who can blame him? We have seen it several times and personally, I think it is HOT!!! He has so many sides - sweet, smart, articulate, gentlemanly, loving, devoted, talented, strong and FIERCE!!! People who don't like him because he is gay will use incidents like this to justify their snobbery. Those of us who love him unfailingly, will love him even more for his humanness and his willingness to let us follow his life, ups AND downs. Isn't it amazing that when a straight Rock/Pop singer gets drunk and does a little swinging and yelling, it enhances their image.
Be Safe and Intact Always, our Wonderful Obsession.
Why blame Adam? When Sauli came to US for the first time, Adam took him to Disneyland, Bora Bora and other places. What does Sauli do? Takes Adam to a bar makes him drunk and makes himself more drunker. Puts Adam's career in jeopardy. Sauli slowed down Adam's career in 2011. This definitely wasn't a wise thing for Sauli to do when they are in jet lag. Sleep deprivation. I don't get bad publicity is good for Adam's success with his second album. Obviously, didn't do it for his first album. Why would this help Adam with his second album?
December 22 10:01 AM Don't be pathetic. Adam is adult and decide himself what he drinks, how much and is responsibility of his behaviour as well as Sauli of his own.
I posted on the top thread, but I'll repeat here. Sauli could be Adam's "calm" asset, if he wants to be. They're both young and in the celebrity/party scene. Adam seems to be the one who needs a calming force in his life, kind of like a stable pony to a race horse. They both need to realize that getting drunk is no longer cool. They're getting too old for that. I still love Adam, and this too shall pass. Let's get ready to buy some music in 2012!
@10:01AM ADam was very popular and on the way to his fame on 2009. He put himself in trouble. He could sell million album during few months after release. I don't think anybody care that he is gay. They even invited Adam to catholic chirch sunday school before AMA. But Adam lost about 70% of his fans after AMA
Now, another bad publicity. And ADam isn't such a famous anymore.
Just check the Itune # in US. I don't care about Finland, New Zealand or Middle East.
This story will not help with new album sales #
10:17 you do like to repeat yourself ,don't you? lol
I think he is making a drama of what happened. They fought, yes, they had drunk too much, had jet-lag and probably had not rested too, yes, yes yes. But everything seems to have been settled between them, and Adam says he has learned the lesson and Finland has closed the case.
And here we all talking and speculating. Some support and other trying to denigrate. We do not know what really happened or not happened. But do not think it so grave
I personally will continue to support Adam and Sauli, and buy his music and go to his concerts if some day come to my country. I think everyone should give our support and encouragement.
From Barcelona
I have to laugh at dad Eber's tweet.
Yes Barcelona, I more than agree with you "I think everyone should give our support and encouragement."
And yes, I loved Eber's tweet!!!
Love you Adam and Sauli!
6:55 AM, my answer comes late because I've been working all night. But if you would have read the other messages i sent after the one you read, you would have understood the situation. I translated what the finnish press was saying at the moment, BEFORE Niko called to the press and told them they had wrong information :P. So the story was wrong, but I didn't make it up.
"The Show Must Go On" but not for Adam anymore. He closed the show. Yes, Adam has some fans who will stay with him till the rest of their life.
Compared to the stuff some celebrities do (and still stay successful), Adam is a choirboy. Seems like he gets dissed more for his "sins" that others in show business do. If we can get ourselves back on track with the MUSIC (remember that?) I think this trouble will pass. Adam has some damage control to do when he gets home. He needs to get out there and SING his single and do interviews. I am a fan who is not abandoning him in any way. I hope many of you are with me on that. PLEASE continue buying the CD if you haven't already, and pre-order Trespassing if you haven't already. Adam needs us. This is by no means the end of anything for him. The album will sell well, I'm sure. This too shall pass.
One problem I see - when Adam starts doing interviews to promote BTIKM, he is continually going to be asked about being arrested in Finland, instead of the music. Remember how questions about the AMA's took over every interview about FYE.
Easy solution.
I love you, Glitzylady!
You always keep me on track!
Have a nice holiday, M (finn fan)
@A Finn Fan (M)
Aww! thanks! We all try to keep each other on track for Adam! : )
Happy Holidays to You!
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