Adam and Sauli Explain Last Night's "Arrest"
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen,twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, December 22, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, December 22, 2011
Adam and Sauli got into a fight? Well, according to TMZ, but apparently it wasn't such a bad fight as neither Adam and Sauli were injured. TMZ just loves to exaggerate.
Here's TMZ's article on the incident.

And here's Adam's explanation.

And Sauli speaks out on his blog:
"Publicity is not easy, but also celebrities are just human. Love is not easy either, but it lasts forever!"
Even Adam's dad tweeted about this:
"@adamlambert on the plus side: best morning google alert of the year"
"and apparently it wasnt really a fight to the Finnish."
In conclusion, this wasn't as big of a deal as the media depict it out to be! (IT SEEMS SITES LIKE PEREZ HILTON IS INVENTING STORIES ON THIS INCIDENT, SO BEST AVOID THAT SITE FOR NOW!)
Here's TMZ's article on the incident.

And here's Adam's explanation.

And Sauli speaks out on his blog:
"Publicity is not easy, but also celebrities are just human. Love is not easy either, but it lasts forever!"
Even Adam's dad tweeted about this:
"@adamlambert on the plus side: best morning google alert of the year"
"and apparently it wasnt really a fight to the Finnish."
In conclusion, this wasn't as big of a deal as the media depict it out to be! (IT SEEMS SITES LIKE PEREZ HILTON IS INVENTING STORIES ON THIS INCIDENT, SO BEST AVOID THAT SITE FOR NOW!)
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Oh shit!!!I can't believe I woke up to this news. Oh Adam- No! Don't know what to say- I'm shocked actually.
Glamberts, fair warning don't read TMZ comments. Just disgusting!
What's really bugging me is how Perez Hilton is relishing this. His smugness knows no boundaries and he keeps inventing stories about Adam's "rage problems". I think it's time for a Perez Hilton boycott.
This story is obviously wildly exaggerated and mostly built on lies (the Finnish newspapers are already dismissing it as no biggie).
However, I do wish Adam would take it a bit easier when it comes to alcohol.
Oh No!!! Cannot believe this news! Adam fighting??? Have been hearing soooo many rumors 'bout why it started. Adam's tweet I guess cleared it up and Sauli's blog too. Looks like they've made up. Publicity like this, bad timing. Hope it will blow over right away. I'll love Adam no matter what. He's only human afterall.
I love Eber's humor.
Wow....I just woke up too and this is the news of the day on entertainment sites ? lol. Glad I read about this on 24/7 first or else I'd be barfing after reading other sites' comments.
So where's glitzylady? What's the inside info? I want to know what will happen to Sauli and Adam's future. Breaking up? I'm already getting my popcorn ready for those Sauli bashers that will inevitably come here lol.
I think Adam and Sauli are soulmates <3 A little fight is nothing!
I was glued to twitter in the wee hours. Perez is a douche. The only truth is their own truth. There are no bruises, or injuries. So Perez can shove his "VIOLENT, RAGE" description up his changed India spiritually experienced ASS!
I've been saying there is trouble with Sauli and Adam and no one listened, now this huge fight. They should break up and I bet they will. Unhealthy relationship with violent public fights is not worth having.
I bet it was just another drunken fight people sometimes have, but of course because it's Adam Lambert it gets in news and is made to sound like a scandal.
And Adam and Sauli seem to have gotten over it so bet it really was no biggie!
It's funny how some people seem to know really well how "healthy" Adam and Sauli's relationship is.
Their love life, let them be already. None of our business.
You know how in horse racing, the race horse has a "stable pony" who is a horse that stays with the racehorse keeps the racehorse calm and under control. Sauli is Adam's stable pony. Hopefully, Adam will reach the point where he realizes that getting drunk is no longer cool. It takes some people longer than others to realize this. This will most likely be a major topic he'll have to deal with in interviews. It'll blow over. Haters will eat it up, but this incident is not Adam's natural personality. I'm not going near TMZ.
I blame it all on alcohol. Too much can turn you into a maniac. I think we've all been there--but our mistakes aren't in all thepapers, or allover the internet and TV tabloids.
If this non fight was about two straight men coming out of a bar, people would say something like "Great fight, guys!". This is SO ridiculous.
I know that this is a time of loving and sharing, BUT I MUST SAY HERE THAT I REALLY, REALLY DESPISE PEREZ HILTON. That guy must be so LONESOME in his IVORY TOWER with nobody to share anything with. Go on, Perez, continue spewing your hate and venim. You are and will always be alone. How old are you now??
I just read PH's version of this story. I don't think they are worsttha any other blogs' comments. Yes, PH deff obsessed with Adam, Hoever, I think this is just love and he is deff jelaous boy:D
Lady GaGa birthday story was much worst.
@10:05 AM I agree with you, celebrities have it tough !!
Sorry for my spelling:)
LOL. I just read Perez Hilton's stories and he kept calling Adam "VIOLENT".
@10:02 Stable pony?? That is the dumbest crap I ever heard! Sauli has got drunk in bars till he passed out before. He is a bigger drinker than Adam.
I think there is no need to start the hating game towards Adam or Sauli, they got over it so let us focus more in Adam's music and the amazing new single!!
And in the last post there was so much Sauli-hate so let me put this here:
UK Sunday Times, published 18 December 2011
"When the tour ended, I was exhausted and a little depressed. I was definitely in a dark place when I started writing. My songs were moody, broody and angsty. I decided to make an honest, organic, stripped-back album. Then, thank God, I met my boyfriend. I was so happy I started writing fun songs, party music."
Just saying.
I'm going to take my cue from Adam's dad. If he says "best google alert of the year" it must not have been a big deal.
Any chance that parasite PH mentioned the new single?
First Anon and 10:06am: I see here one difference compared to a bar fight between two straight guys. These two are a couple.
This doesn't sound that serious after the news have come out, but it may be perceived as a bigger deal. And this is EVERYWHERE, USA Today, HuffPO, ABC, Yahoo, CBS etc. Hopefully it will die down.
Talking about sites where you should not go to see the comments: Add People on it. It was disgusting.
Honestly this is being blown out of proportion especially by that low life Perez. It's too bad the incident happened. Adam and Sauli are human, so they fought and drank a little too much. I do think they should drink a little less, but how many of us at the holidays overindulge sometimes. They are still together as much as some of you for some reason don't want them to be. What is weird is how now the lyrics to BTIKM seem more real. Just like after the AMA's WWFM was fitting. It's just coincidence but the new single really fits this. In the grand scheme this will not hurt Adam's career. Look Bruno Mars was arrested for possession of drugs right before last year's Grammys and still won.This will blow over and like Adam said he learned a lesson.
This is not good publicity at all. It's like the FYE incident before the album release. People are now going to brand Adam as violent and abuser.
Not good before the album release.
We, the glamberts may see this as a non event because we know the truth but casual readers will not take it that lightly.
It is sad that when Adam sang with Queen or raised so much money for charity hardly any press or talk on tv shows about it. One unfortunate incident and its all over the news. Unfortunate that the world is like this. Adam is 99% of the time a kind wonderful person., but he is human.Relationships are hard enough if you are a regular person. When you are a star it must be quite stressful. Not making excuses for Adam because he has to watch how much he drinks and how he behaves in public but I will always love him unconditionally,even with his imperfections!
Because everyone knows of Adam's loving, sweet and charismatic personalty, I think this will blow over quickly. Adam will respond with his quick wit and charm and all will be forgiven.
I'm glad this whole thing is over. I was ready to catch a flight and break it up myself! I would make quite a sight - a 64 year old woman in an Adam Lambert t-shirt with wild hair flying around and glasses looking wild and crooked on my face! Actually, I just wanted to come between those boys.haha
Pop..Corned..Berts!! I like that, 9:53AM. In my non-native mind, that sounds just right!
No biggie, just itsy-bitsy... (stars) punching... We should write poem out of it. I know! Let's make a Glam-Rap!
Adam and Sauli have now been together for over a year! They simply had a couple's disagreement over something. No big deal. Everytime we see pics of them, they are happy and smiling and absolutely terrific to fans.
Ok I am not reading anymore comments on People or Us magazine! Man, there are some really big haters out there! People can be so cruel! I can't believe some of the awful things being said. I"m not looking!!!!!!!!
I think he is making a drama of what happened. They fought, yes, they had drunk too much, had jet-lag and probably had not rested too, yes, yes yes. But everything seems to have been settled between them, and Adam says he has learned the lesson and Finland has closed the case.
And here we all talking and speculating. Some support and other trying to denigrate. We do not know what really happened or not happened. But do not think it so grave
I personally will continue to support Adam and Sauli, and buy his music and go to his concerts if some day come to my country. I think everyone should give our support and encouragement.
From Barcelona
Maybe Adam isn't the sweet, precious innocent you all claim he is. How many of you actually know Adam?.....I thought so.
@Glamitup- I agree, I'm not looking anymore either. I can't believe all the articles on this. It's like they pounce on any thing adam does negatively and NEVER talk about the positive. I thought we were getting somewhere with all the homophopics- guess not! So many horrible comments and haters of adam. So sad!!! Now people are saying this was a PR stunt because of his new single. Time to shut off the computer and get away. And another thing I have not once heard adam's new single yet- just same old same old a million times a day. Sorry for venting glamberts.
What's up with Adam hitting the people that were trying to break it up????
I come to one conclusion...stay away from Adam when he's drunk!!
Common Adam. Get your act together honey. You need to be promoting your new album and building up your fanbase. This type of behaviour won't do it. Quit the drinking please. You don't want to to end up going down that long winding road that so many celebreties have gone down and that leads straight to rehab. You are so talented. Concentrate on that !
My husband got in the car to go somewhere and came roaring back in to tell me the news he had just heard on the car radio. I couldnt beleive it,, my heart was beating so fast I could hardly type to get here.
How come when Adam sang with Queen etc, the husband heard nothing but this is everywhere. Bloody Hell talk about bad timing. However it sounds like a storm in a teacupp as they say.
I guess we forget Adam is only human,not some Angel sent from Heaven.
I wont be going to any other site as it gets me too wound up.
PS I think Adams tweet explains it all, too bad what others say.
Jet lag, alcohol a bad combination.
For those who do not know, Adam and Sauli are always together and always happy! Recently Adam looked unhappy, ok, but it's just because he is tired, not because he is unhappy with Sauli is completely wrong! Adam himself said "When the tour is over, I was tired, I wrote the song dark .. .And thank you God, I met my boyfriend, I was so happy that I started writing fun songs and party music! "
And in addition, Perez Hilton really exaggerated, Adam has never hit Sauli, they just too bus and ended up arguing, no rasion is a bit crazy, but it's too much to drink alcohol, and I think Adam and Sauli realize it! The bottom line of all his is that love is always a winner, in the words of Sauli on Facebook, now Adam is probably Sauli in their house (the house of Saul's parents), and are very happy, this history has failed to separate them, so please stop talking about it yet, talk just now, Saul and Adam fought together and are still a couple! And Perez Hilton is just jealous, he is just jealous of the success of Adam! And he says that Adam does not take enough care of Sauli, I pointed out Perez, it's Adam who pays the rent of the house, who pays to eat, and he will go if Sauli smiling and so happy otherwise the relationship would never be that it is now, that is a stable and wonderful! And I say also, that in a relationship, even if Sauli and Adam are almost perfect, there is never a perfect relationship, there will always be ups and downs and that's good !
Maybe the pressure is mounting and Adam has so many expectations on his time and life.
Altho I must say, my ex and didn't even have a fight ever in public and not much in private either.
Oh well, what's the saying - great make-up sex!
I love Adam. But when somedody is claiming about Sauli´s behavior I simply get mad! (I happen to have material to show how things are, truly!)
Love You Sauli and Adam, but what the hell to do with these crazy people to stop this total absurdity!!
What in the world is happening here?! I'm on holiday in Lapland and haven't been reading 24/7 for a couple of days, but when a friend called me and told of this news, I borrowed another friend's phone to go on the Internet and I read all that's been going on... Whoa! At first I was just in shock but then I fell on the floor in fits of hysterical laughter. I mean, this is just so f**ked up that all you can do is laugh. I'm happy it wasn't as bad as the press made it out to be, though. And if Adam and Sauli are ok then so am I.
Someone on this thread asked where I was today..I posted this on the previous thread but will repost here..too tired from being up all night on twitter following the story. Here's my take: They'll be fine.
Wow! What a crazy night!! I'm on the US West Coast and all this started about the time I should have been in bed..still haven't been to sleep..Started following it on twitter and Finland news media, and couldn't go to sleep until it was all cleared up...
Bottom line, the guys had a bit too much to drink, and one thing led to another, they were still jet-lagged, had a spat of some sort, and ended up spending the rest of the night in jail to sober up and get things sorted out by the authorities. No charges filed, Adam and Sauli are together, no doubt feeling rather ridiculous. Rumors sorted out. And now every media outlet in the world has their own version of what happened.
The Glamberts of the world were holding our collective breath for hours. Its very bonding if nothing else. So many scary rumors and allegations, which mostly proved to be false and rather overblown. There were two main news sources in Finland that were reporting this events, one a tabloid, the other a reputable news source. Spent a lot of time using Google Translate.. Will be interested to see if Adam says more than what he has already tweeted.. I do hope the actual facts are reported worldwide at some point, like today, and not just the unproven rumors..that have long since been dismissed. This may take a little time to clear up in the media, to get their facts straight. Let us hope.
But on the other hand, again, publicity for Adam's new single and upcoming CD. Maybe not the way he might have wished, but publicity just the same. I also might suggest that the blogger whose initials are PH, start heading for the hills, because Adam will not be amused by his blog. Good thing they are on separate continents. Hopefully all of the BS has been deleted by said blogger. So not go there by the hits for his blog.
This too shall pass. And no one said being a fan of Adam Lambert was going to be easy..Off to take a nap..Gotta say too, still love those two in spite of the fact they almost gave me a heart attack last night! If it hadn't been so late at night for me, I would have joined them in a drink or two to calm my frayed nerves. Now I just need to take some Tylenol for this headache the events of the last 10 or so hours have given me. I happened upon it literally as the first links appeared on Twitter, just happened to go on there just at that moment and before long my twitter feed was all saying (pardon me..) WTF??? So off I take care of this'd think I was the one with the hangover!
It's back to the old Perez...'If I can't have you"... or should I say Adam... syndrome! Not going happen!
Eber is a hoot! Lot of respect for him.
Oh really, Eber? Maybe google search for Adam is hight but the numbers for Better Than I Know Myself is tanking on iTunes. Horrible business strategy! It's not 70s anymore. It's 21st century and these type of acts can cost you a lot.
ADAM has commented himself, and right to the point to clear up all speculation. He is human.... Who'd have ever thought!? Ha! Now, time to move on as this is not the time to lose one ounce of positivity
and all gossip does is tear down the good.
We love you Adam and Sauli!
Adam stop thinking with your balls. Start thinking with your brain. You're almost 30 years old. Act like one!
Adam, Adam...I can't believe this. He doesn't need any kind of negative publicity esp. now with the imminent release of his second album. I also wish that Adam would lay off the alcohol if it makes him act out of character. Was he really arrested? This just gives more fodder for the anti-Adam haters out there. This should be the beginning of the best time in Adam's life with a new single that has gotten favorable comments, a sophomore album about to be released soon, a 30th birthday and a relationship that we all thought was good for him. Don't let any negative publicity and behavior ruin all the accolades that Adam has received recently. My heart skipped a beat as I read the headlines to this story and I just hope it blows over and Adam learned his lesson.
Im beginning to feel like this fandom lives on a hamster wheel...
To the anon that said his single is tanking on itunes. Well of course it will go down before going back up. Once it starts getting radio play in January it will shoot up. The song did great on itunes with little or no promo yet. Adam will be just fine. I think he has learned a lesson and he is not perfect. It does sadden me about the hateful comments which I do not intend to read!
Never a dull moment being an avid bb fan!! I will always stick by him no matter what, but this is not good for my health lol
Perez Hilton lets all his jealousy show whenever he blogs about Adam. This happens to couples a lot when there is alcohol involved. Never seen so many stories as this has evoked. Well they say no news is bad news. Liked MJs take on this. Unfortunately, all the haters of the world come out to feast on a story like this. Truly hope that Adam and Sauli put this away and have a good holiday. Can't believe anyone thought this relationship would be easy. Pretty soon Adam will be on the road a lot, and I hope the love they talk about stands up.
They are human! and under constant pressure.
They were having an argument that went outside and people tried to break it up.
No one was hurt. Can you imagine if every time you blew your nose, fucking Perez Hilton commented on it?
I Hate that guy! He is poison.
Thanks glitzylady and all other posters who have posted as much info as possible about this unfortunate incident. I will not go to any other media sites or bloggers to read their take on what happened. It's just too upsetting. We all love Adam and are here to support him. BTW, why is anyone blaming Adam for what happened? We were not there, did not actually see or hear the words spoken or actions taken by either Adam or Sauli. Adam has always said he is not a violent person, maybe he has a temper but prolly he must be provoked by something to get so angry. So I will chalk this one up to too much alcohol on both of their parts and partying too hard. I'm sure this will blow over soon. I will continue to be an avid fan and believe in whatever Adam says.
BTW, Eber is hilarious!
I just came home from work and this is the news????
Please just give the right information before we react!!!! Especially me!!!!:)))
I need to check the twitter fandom first... Holy cow!!!!
What a day!!
I read about it first thing in the morning.I couldn't believe it!! I almost have a heart attack!! Well as many of you!! All the news where really confused, nothing for sure, just rumors and speculations.Then I had to go to work. I've been nervious all morning, looking my whats every five minutes! when I got home for lunch I check again about it but still nothing to clear. Now I've read all I could I really hope everything will be over soon and the tabloid just go to pick another victim. Being a Glambert is a really full time job!! Holy LORD!!
I hope I can sleep tonight.
Glitzylady I hope you feel better of you Adam+Sauli hangover!!
Adam dear, you know we love you, but please try to keep as alive!!:))
@ 11:51 AM
Yep,"these type of acts can cost you a lot". That's probably why Chris Brown's career is over. By that I mean he's all over the place. He beat up a woman and threw a chair out a window on a busy street in New York. And what do ya know? He's getting big bucks and good press. Adam got drunk and mixed it up in a bar. He'll never be heard from again.
Lighten up!
Adam...grow up. This isn't good. And I'm a huge fan and will always be but tsk tsk on this one. A distraction for your new music and while some say all press is good press..this isn't.
Adam's single is doing well, considering he has not done any promos. Remember that David Cook's "Last Good-Bye" peaked around #45 on itunes's chart after he performed the song on the American Idol results show.
It sure isn't a good press. All medias that covered this story, I browsed through the comments and they are negative. Adam wake up this isn't 70s. Rock 'N Roll is dead. You even record your songs to have POP appeal instead of Rock. This type of behavior can cost you a lot again.
@1:27PM Chris Brown has a huge Black American supporters. They don't like Rihanna cause she isn't Black American. American Gay community doesn't support Adam's behavior and they are a small segment that don't have their civil rights in U.S. Ugh! Adam should give himself some reality check before doing foolish stuff like this.
Hard to believe that it was just a little quarrel... At least two people (probably the staff also)tried to stop the fight and it still didn't end until police was called to check the situation and separate Adam and Sauli. That's no little argument. Finns don't call police just because some small lover's disputes between drunken couples. Police is called when it's clear that someone might get hurt/when it's clear that people who are fighting don't even care or aren't able to understand that they have gone too far.
Slow news day huh!
Oh Boy! Typical USA press!!!
silly silly silly stuff to report & to go on..boringgggg.....
but not our Adam !!!
Be safe Adam! Happy Holidays!!!
we love Uuuuuuuuuu:):):)
AND Adam is a lot bigger than Sauli... I wonder would people take this more seriously if it would have been a fist fight/ a wrestle match between a man and a woman instead of two men? I have never heard that Sauli would have been aggressive or violent towards anyone. With Adam it unfortunately isn't the same. He attacked that paparazzi and also in Gaga's birthday party he acted oddly and broke the ceiling. He might be a nice guy when not drinking,but getting THAT jealous and dramatic and aggressive because Sauli was talking to other guys in the bar?!! He should really re-think his drinking habits. Jetlag etc. what he explained in his twitter are not valid reasons for getting physically aggressive towards anyone, ever.
I won't go to PH site or any other site that bullys Adam . . I wish they would comment on all the good he does . . . at least the pics they use are nicer.
I've worried about Adam for a long time . . . the hate mail, the bullying . . he said he's use to it and takes a positive atitude
but I think he keeps a lot inside and drinking doesn't help.
These are two fine looking men and each has to realize they are going to get hit on in bars, so they need to have more confident in each other.
If they do beat the shit out of each other, they don't want the public to know it because it is his private life and he says he wants his private life private. dig?
Adam gets hit on by men and women. Sauli has to deal with it, because that is part of the fame game. They looked so happy with those female fans, so the fight started after. I guess someone got jealous??? who really knows????
2:09pm has a good point on Chris Brown. Also,his career would most likely be in quite a different place without the situation with Rihanna and his inability to show real remorse in public. He has a great, recognizable voice and he's had some good songs. But he is still not welcome in all places, is more likely to be criticized than some other stars and is not nearly as visible in mainstream music business than he could have been.
Another case is Kanye. He did a stupid thing when he interrupted Taylor Swift in that awards show. He apologized publicly and privately and kept a low profile for a while. Now when you hear the name Kanye West, what is your first thought? The Taylor incident or for example his collaboration with Jay-Z? To me it's the latter. With CB I will only remember Rihanna. I sure hope that people in general will remember Adam on something else than this incident 6 months from now. And I think it's very likely that they will, if he doesn't do anything else that is dumb.
Adam 'voilent'NOT! The media pressing the truth as always. Not the best move with the new single just out but I love the way Adam is always Adam. Part of the reason I love and respect him so much.
I don't think Adam is a SAINT and he seems to get jealous easy. I bet he has a Jealous nature that he hides from the public eye. I bet it really comes out after the booze.
Perez Hilton is there to hunt down Hollywood gossip and if it's about Adam, Perez will fall over himself
reporting it. Call it a Perez crush for sure, but it 'aint' happening! The Glambert is out of Hilton's league!
Black eyes can be covered up with concealer. Always keep some handy when going to a nightclub, because you never know who might try and beat the shit out of you.
Oh the US will have a field day for sure but tomorrow it will be old news. A lover's tiff that has gotten out of hand.
Imagine if there was hair pulling?
I don't think this is going to be a big deal at all or that Adam will be branded an abuser. Two passionate guys drinking and get into a spat where no one is hurt at all.
Testosterone. Take that GQ!
Adam made the 6:00 news in my town in PA (US), but, thankfully,there were no comments" from the anchor people.
(my husband laughed- have yet to hear from my sister.)
Great comment Anon 3:59.
I just wonder now that they have been "arrested", not just pulled into the tank to sober up, if that will affect Sauli gettting back into the U.S. There have been several great UK artists that have been arrested for fights and drugs and have not been able to get into the US. After 911, there is a zero entry policy if you've been arrested.
4:47pm: Sauli wasn't really arrested, he was put into the drunk tank. Knowing a bit about US immigration, I doubt this has future consequences. If he had been convicted, it could be different. Good point thought. Also, Finnish news said that Adam is fine in terms of staying in Finland.
I was at work all day and didnt hear any of this till I was driving home. First they played "Mad World" as an introduction to the story. I nearly drove off the road.
But like the media do, they will always blow stuff out of proportion to get something going!!
We love you Adam, and Sauli too;)
8PM EST THUR 12-22 Just watched Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood. No mention of Adam on either program (Thank God) Wonder if Adam's Management Team has contacted him yet and had a little discussion. Maybe they can influence his thinking to avoid any similar situations in the future.
Beat the snot out of each other and go have a burger afterwards.:)
Beat the snot out of each other and go have a burger afterwards.:)
ADAM's health ... music ... and charity ... are all I'm interested in reading about anymore. Things like this incident or ANY other Personal incident are strictly ADAM's **BUSINESS** ... and NONE of mine!!! That's all I have to say about this NON-ISSUE!!
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)
From what has been said in print about this, it appears to me that is was more of a loud, verbal fight instead of fisticuffs. It happens at bars. However, it's unfortunate that it had to happen just prior to the release of his second album. He lost his cool just as his first album was breaking and gave a horrible vocal performance, among other things, at the AMA's. (His father said it was the worst vocal he had ever heard him perform). Now as his new single is out and his fans await this second album that is supposed to put him in the big leagues, he manages to get negative publicity again, just after a phenomenal performance with Queen. Sometimes it appears he is somewhat self destructive and isn't sure he really wants the fame. Be careful what you wish for. Fame IS a bitch at times, despite all its supposed perks. Rise above it, Adam. You're that good. Don't forget that.
Ha, Sauli does not know Adam better than he knows himself, or else he wouldnt do things to spike Adams impulses. To whoever said the lyrics to the song are very fitting. Such drama always. Hilarious.
I think a break up is inevitable, one would grow tired of such actions on either side after a while.
We always saw Ashton and Demi smiling too. No one really knows anything, but them. This is nice coming to this comedy sitcom site. thanks everyone.
I bet those guys, if they read this nonsense laugh their asses off.
Didn't know that Adam Lambert has such a fiery temper. Read more about the Adam Lambert arrest here.
Eber always has a way of lightening up the drama.Have to admit I and others lost some sleep after hearing the first reports of Adam and Sauli fighting and taken to jail. It just seemed incomprehensible to me that these two sweeties would ever get that angry with each other, without some outside provocation. Alcohol definitelt fueled the fire and distorted their reality. Too bad some media, especially Perez have to speculate and sensationalize without first getting reliable facts, not just some other media whore as themselves to quote. I did share my views with the snarky gossip monger. Adam will prevail, hopefully somewhat wiser and sober in the future. They must have awful hangovers which is punishment enough. Oh, those naughty boys! Hope they learned something from this fiasco. Love 'em anyway, but wish they used better judgement and restrait!
I'm not one to preach at others what they should and shouldn't do but it would seem wise for celebrities not to get drunk in public places.
Sauli and Adam has been seen kissing each other yesterday in Helsinki after they were released.
2:14, how do you know they it kissed?
Adam and Sauli did go to dtm again thursday evening. I read the manager of the club was regretting they didn't leave happy the first time. xD
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