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Brazilian Fans Wish Adam Lambert A Happy Birthday

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, January 28, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, January 28, 2012


Josy Loos said...

thanks for posting our vid!!


Anonymous said...

Bravo Brazil! Hope Adam will get to tour there next time. You are great fans and it was a nice video!Love all the love and support Adam gets worldwide!

Anonymous said...

very good video Monica!! Thanks to all the Glamberts that participated in it, I enjoyed your happy, smiley faces.loved hearing BTIKM too!!

Adamluv said...

WOW! Fabulous and edgy video. Beautiful faces and lots of cute guys too! Hope Adam sees all these videos from around the world and realizes how much he is loved and admired by so many. Absolutely love BTIKM!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

love love it!!! great job

Anonymous said...

'Trespassing our souls' how bloody awesome is that Brazil! You are fantastic! Awesome tribute! LOVED seeing the guys in there too, who all looked amazing!!!
If you look at all the world tribute's pouring in for Adam you have to acknowledge that he has changed lives all over this globe in the most amazing, accepting, positive and loving way ever! Mindblowing and incredible!

Anonymous said...

@Josy Loos
We could feel the love in Australia even! Loved your video and the fact you played 'BTIKM'!

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Adam will be so thrilled that you used BTIKM for the background music! Love the roll call of fans at the end. So many of you. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...

Beautiful tribute...however my eyes must be slowing down, I wasn't able to read many of the messages, they seemed to zoom by at warp speed. South American fans have been so appreciative, I really wish Adam could make an "America's tour" with this new album. Patagonia to the North Pole!

My sister in law is from Brazil and she says music is as necessary for life in S.A. as food and drink.
They LOVE Adam! She says he sings with his whole heart! Nice...<3

Josy Loos said...

JAK, thanks!!

We are so grateful that u liked our vid, u know, there must be hundreds of messages and vids for Adam's birthday so we did this one as quickly as we can, otherwise it could have been boring watching it in slow mode, hope that u can understand our real purpose ;)

Where does live your sister in law here in brazil?!! Do you know the state/place?

Anonymous said...

@ Josy Loos

JAK here...

My sister in law no longer lives in Brazil...but Rio was her home.
She is an American citizen now and lives near Orlando, FL.

She met my brother on the internet
9 years ago...she was a police officer in Rio and he was a state investigator for FL. arranging the return of a criminal to the U.S.
Instant attraction...after 4 very expensive trips back and forth to meet each others families,(she was a widow with 2 yr old and 12 yr old girls and he was divorced dad of 16 yr old boy) they got married.
He teased that the girls fell madly in love with him on their first visit to his home....from the airport they passed Disney World, Universal and Sea World theme parks!!! That made him extremely eligible as a new Dad.

He had 7 joy filled years before he passed away and left me with a dear
Brazilian sister and 2 beautiful nieces! :)... :) ... :)

Bing said...

@Josy Loos congratulations for this very impressive video from our Brazilian Glamberts, i loved watching it specially with Adam's BTIKM! Wow that's lot of Glamberts out there. Glad that you included friends from the other countries, that was special!

Thank you so much for doing this and for loving Adam the way you guys do! Loved this tribute very much :D


funbunn40 said...

@Josy Loos & Monica, Loved seeing the beautiful faces of Adam's Brazilian and South American fans & reading the thoughtful Birthday greetings. It will warm Adam's heart as it did mine with so many fans loving and appreciating him. My daughter's Swedish ex-boyfriend has lived in Sao Paulo for many years. She stayed with his family for 6 weeks and had a wonderful time. They both have since married others, but for the past 30 years he still calls me every month on Skpe. I became his "surrogate mother" lol His stepmother, Clay was a very famous Brazilian model. I don't know her last name before she married Claes's father, but her married name was Lindqvist. They brought me back a bottle of Pinga? (Tasted like tequila)and beautiful, precious stone and amethyst jewelry. My daughter has a good ear for language and picked up Portuguese, which she still remembers. His family sponsored an orphanage and my daughter became very attached to a 13 yr old girl and had a hard time leaving. My daughter was 17 at the time. She has wonderful memories of Brazil. I think Adam will make every effort to come to South America to meet his many supportive fans! Thanks for sharing this great video!

Anonymous said...

The work and effort that went into this video all the way from Brazil warms my heart clear through. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece!