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Another preview of Adam Lambert for FAULT Magazine Issue 10!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 5, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 05, 2012


Anonymous said...

nice suit and jacket the picture of Adam just so-so. Still anxious to get my copy though.

Anonymous said...

He really looks thin in this pic

Anonymous said...

He's not THAT thin on other pics. Probably bad camera angle. Don't really like this one. The other 3 that we've seen (especially the one on the mag cover) are absolutely FABULOUS.

Someone retweeted on a radio station site the following fan's comment: "I didn't know that Adam Lambert had such a following!".

You can all see Adam's BTIKM music video charting at #5!!!! on CHINA's international music videos chart. Other people in the top 10 include Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift and other international mega stars!! Let's all remember that China has a population of 1.2 billion!

Anonymous said...

This is anon 11:06 -- I wanted to add this after my comment:

<< Someone retweeted on a radio station site the following fan's comment: "I didn't know that Adam Lambert had such a following!" <<


Anonymous said...

First, Adam does look very thin in this pic, but I love it anyway. It's different. Not just a normal, straight-on pose.
Second, I love how others are seeing the scope of Adam's fanbase. This is one reason why these promo tours are so important. They touch lots of non-fans who see Adam's followers giving him the love. It may seem like small potatoes to sing for a small group in a radio studio, but it can pay off in wider exposure, LOVE the news from China! Their sales potential is HUGE! Love that Adam's CD will be released internationally right away. At least that's what I heard.

GO ADAM! We're right here with you, babe!

Anonymous said...

too much juicing? remember eat! :)

Anonymous said...

I think most of us(who keep up with Adam's career) know that he has a tremendous international fanbase. It just seems that here in the USA he hasn't reached those extreme numbers yet. Who knows what the reasons are although I could venture a few which I won't do here. Hopefully with all the promos and interviews Adam has done lately the release of TRESPASSING will finally bring him all the success and fame he so rightfully deserves. I still like the previous FAULT mag cover and pictures better than this one, but I will look at any new pictures of Adam Lambert on any given day.

Anonymous said...

Adam does look good, he does look thin. He looked wonderful and buff before. I hope Sauli lets him eat solid food every now and then.
These cleanses should start to get old you would think.
Adam dont starve yourself, you are beautiful. Inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I like all the Fault photos of Adam, they all stand out as being unique and interesting compared to others, he makes a great model apart from his many other talents.

Anne Marie said...

I read that Queen never did as well in USA, but were huge in EuropeOT I want to whine now, why haven't we seen any pic from Colorado, All the guys went including Neil and Eber. I know Adam was more busy, but the concert was on Saturday, maybe no films allowed, but I thought we would see them in the snow skiing. Not Adam, I think he said he went skiing once when he was 12.

Anonymous said...

JAK here........I like the photo, def looks like a fashion shoot pose and I've never really seen a nostril shot of him before! :)
Remember to show clothes you have to be thin and when Adam gains it goes to chin and belly. Right now he's a perfect size for his height.
A lean, mean singing machine!

Mean in only the nicest way!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OT: There isn’t any (more proper) topic here to post this... and I’m (by nature!) compulsively OT anyway... and I had to share this with you... So...
"8": A Play about the Fight for Marriage Equality :

We recently decriminalized homosexuality which was punishable by imprisonment. (State) socialism doesn't go well with sexual libertarianism, no matter what some right-wingers might say. Gay rights? Marriage equality?! What's that? Let aside my personal thoughts about marriage in itself as social construct, the simple fact that you have this as a topic for public discussions... I'll be grateful for such a day.

(I hope I’m not redundant on this, since I haven’t read all the comments, I apologize if so)


PS: Oh, yeah, on-topic... Olé!

Anonymous said...


That's what radio station 94.7 Fresh Music tweeted earlier. They're saying that they have HUGE HUGE HUGE news pertaining to Adam and that it's UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!!!

Anonymous said...


I saw #8LA yesterday,it's long BUT it's TOTALLY WORTH IT!! I really had a good time, cry, laugh,get angry...and it's really interesting and informative.
GREAT actors!! ALL of them! but special mention to George Clooney, he's absolutely fabb!!!!! ENJOY!!
GLb, great idea!!


Adamluv said...

@GLB and @SG - there was a long positive article in todays LA Times re: the play. Tried to get tickets but at $500 per seat (as I remember) way too much for a commoner like me. They needed the big bucks to get the 2 million to fight for marriage equality, and I understand that completely. They sure got some heavy hitters to take the roles. Article said that in the past major actors management never would have allowed their actor to be involved in such a hot button issue but that "times they are a changin" Yay!!!!!!!! All good! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I love this photo!! When is someone going to publish an entire magazine of Adam Lambert photos? What a seller that would be.

Anonymous said...

He looks more younger here.

He is a stellar indeed!! Whew!



Anonymous said...


Really expensive but completely undestand it's for a good cause.Well,the important thing is at least we all can watch it on line. Really good think they got positive mention in LA Times and I also think that times are really changing for better!Just have to look to our ROCK GOD!!:DD


Anonymous said...

1:48, wow! You have really got me curious about that 94.7 Fresh Music news! Wonder what it is! Hope we hear very soon.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is such a great photo of Adam. His face looks strange. I mean he's gorgeous but the photographer messed up on this one. Very awkward stance.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Adam looks gorgeous!! Lean, meran sex machine! Love the suit, his hair is God!!

Anonymous said...

OK - The picture of Adam in that suit takes me back to 1966. I met my husband at my first real job. I'll never forget the first time I saw him in a suit! Believe it or not, he looked like Adam in that retro suit! Am I just now making the connection between my sweet Adam and my decades long, dear devoted husband? I guess he was a real looker then and, to me, he still is. (sigh) How lucky can a girl get!

Anonymous said...

THESE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daydreamin said...

@nancdruuu2 it sounds like you caught yourself a gem!

Anon 1:48,I looked into your post and it's from the Washington DC radio station that is probably hosting Adam. They say to listen at 6:25am Eastern time (lol, that's 3:45am my time). It sounds like he will be making a visit to another Washington DC station.

4.7 Fresh FM - Today's Fresh Music
Glamberts unite! We have HUGE HUGE HUGE Adam Lambert news for you tomorrow at 6:25a on The Tommy Show! Set your alarm now so you don't miss out!
The earlier you find out, the better! BUT, if you absolutely cannot, we'll remind you throughout the day. It's BIG news. It's up close and personal. And it's only through Fresh FM.

@Glb, I heard about the play from @Cheeks tweet. He went. I unfortunately tuned in right at the end. I hope to go back and watch that at some point.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks deliciously slender in this photo and I imagine he'd like that. Think it's the angle the photo was taken.

I wonder what the B.I.G. news is?!!!

Anonymous said...

CD release date big news is my guess