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Pictures: Adam Lambert in Dallas MIX 102.9

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 5, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 05, 2012


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Must be where Kevin and Adam went after Vail CO. I saw on Kevins twitter that he was in Dallas. and I wondered why, now I know LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:49 PM........JAK here...

The remnants of my libido would have to second that.

Anonymous said...

WARNING!! I fell off the chair....


Anonymous said...

SG, I fell off my chair, too. Thanks for the link.

mimi said...

If this man gets any better looking, I don't know what we fans will do. This new hairdo is just so perfect on him--love Adam so much--he just takes my breath away!!!

Anonymous said...

This is how he looks when his hairdresser doesn't travel with him. Could we pay her to stay home?

Anonymous said...

omg the hair! Adam is truly mesmerizing

gfl said...

The black & white profile above is to die for.

l said...

What a perfectly gorgeous profile....

Anonymous said...

How can one person have such perfect facial features?

breathe, breathe, don't forget to breathe

glitzylady said...

Whoa!!!!!!!!! Eating dinner..scrolled down to this thread and am joining others on the floor....I also choked on my dessert...which I THOUGHT was a cookie, but is OBVIOUSLY these pictures of Adam..and Adam! Ditto every other comment. : ))

I now have three friends going to the Portland radio event...Happy for them!!!..imagine seeing this gorgeous creature up close and personal....

coloforadam said...

Not sure I would survive "up close and personal". The black and white profile took my breath away.

Happy 3rd anniversary of Glambert Heaven!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking mighty good. His toned down uncovered look is so hip.
Keep it up Adam, you Rock.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That black n white profile pic...I'm speechless!! How can anyone look so gorgeous?!

After the Houston Glamnation concert, Adam came out to sign autographs. I was about 3 ft from him....I almost fainted!! It's so true what people say, he is breathtaking in person! I don't know what it is, but there's just something really special about him, that shines from within. I will never forget that moment!

My next "bucket list item" get one of those rare "Adam Hugs"!I may really faint into those arms LOL!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuvr in Tx:) 9:44PM Do you know what is in my "bucet list"? To see Adam's photo with millions of teen-angles instead of women between 30 and 80...Sorry, but I'm one of these women and can't find any of my friends's daughters who loves Adam. And none of them like JB!

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuvr in Tx:) 9:44PM Do you know what is in my "bucet list"? To see Adam's photo with millions of teen-angles instead of women between 30 and 80...Sorry, but I'm one of these women and can't find any of my friends's daughters who loves Adam. And none of them like JB!

Anonymous said...

Whew! That black n while profile pic is "movie star" gorgeousness!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, Adam is such a handsome devil, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. The black and white profile .... SHIVERS!!! (literally) I love his less make-up look and everything else about his look. <3

Anonymous said...

It looks as though Adam has radio concerts all week. BTIKM is finally on the move. Timing is perfect.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who said Adam needs younger fans. Too many older women keep showing up where ever he goes.

Where are the teens or 20 somethings? I'd like to see younger fans guys and girls embrace his music. I'm sure he would too!

Maybe Trespassing will bring in the younger fans. his career means attracting more younger than older fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam does have younger fans and older. He's got different demographics all over the world. Be happy for ALL the people enjoying his music . Looking forward to fans being labeled as just FANS! rather than older and younger blah, blah blah.

Anonymous said...

It would help if the radio events weren't during the day. Not that easy to get off school. Adults can re-arrange their work schedules. Kids can't.

Anonymous said...

JAK here........Okay, I'm pi**ed!
One too many comments about Adam's "older fans". "Too many older women show up wherever he goes"....hah, it's a good thing they do. They buy his music, they go to his concerts $$$$$$$$$$, they donate to his charities, some of them even support political candidates who are reasonable about LGBT civil rights, all because they admire this young man and thru him have had their eyes and hearts opened wider. Face it, with few exceptions, bless their hearts, teenagers don't "dig" him. He is not a teen idol. He is not going to be a teen idol, I doubt you will be seeing his picture being swarmed by teenagers. Maybe 10 years ago that might have happened, but not now. He is appreciated by people who value the unusual clarity, beauty and purity of his voice. So sorry, most of those people are of mature years! Should they be rounded up and confined somewhere so they won't be seen in his audiences? Are the happy faces of 40,50 and, gasp, 60 year olds so destructive to his career? Get them out of those lines, take away their tickets, herd them into trucks and haul them away and hide them from the media! Sadly, if you did that those audiences might be skimpy.
I'd like to see teens and 20's appreciate his special qualities too, but you can't MAKE them! You can't wish it so. Give up. Hopefully more of them will appreciate him after this new album. We'll see, but don't worry about his we old crones die off today's teenagers will be turning 30 and 40 and will have developed the taste to appreciate his talents. I never knew there was an upper limit age wise on being a fan of an artist, I guess I should spend what time I have left buying Tony Bennett, Rod Stewart, The Stones, let's see what other geezers close to my age range are still recording?
I wish those geezers in Queen would record with Adam live at the upcoming concerts....that would make this old gal extremely happy.
Now, it's past my nap time, so to soothe my ruffed feathers I'm going to crawl into bed and snuggle up to my 75 year old sweetheart who has started his nap without me.

Anonymous said...

JAK______________LOL !

Anonymous said...

10:03 forget about that bucet list. why don't you get a spell check now.

Anonymous said...

I also am on the floor. Is there any angle that he doesn't look good? That would be a BIG NO!

Anonymous said...


YOU'RE THE BEST DEAR!!!what's wrong of being a Glambert over 30 or 40!?? I never ever felt better, cause now I have live experience and Iam still young to live my live 100 MPH!!!!I remember in my early 20, I went to a Rolling Stones concert, almost everybody was over 40/50 even 60! They were having fun and moving the asses like crazy!! I thought, WOW!! I wanna be like them at their age, feel that way too! and guess what!? I'm feeling like a teenager!! and I'm sure all the "old" Glamberts out there feel the same way. Come on girls! Move your YOUNG asses!!GO! GO! GO!!!!


Anonymous said...

I've been shaking my old ass to the Trespassing song, works great, it's 56 years old so there's more to shake! :)))))

coloforadam said...

Never heard Adam saying anything disparaging about older fans - just that he would like to see more guys in the audience.

Anonymous said...

10:03 P.M. and 6:03 A.M.

Just what do you have against older fans? They shouldn't be allowed to enjoy Adam and his music? They are detrimental in some way? That's cr*p!