New Picture!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, March 3, 2012
Posted at : Saturday, March 03, 2012

ladyteti: @adamlambert stole my ♥ so I gave him a jet Juliette friendship bracelet! @ Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
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Did you notice that Adam's hair is almost better than the fur!???
I WANT TO TOUCH IT!!! just his HAIR ,the hair!!;)
Shhhh! it's a secret.....:)But I did it once... He!He!
I know what u r thinking right now but I'll give u all the pleasure indeed.:):)
Where? why?(ok..stupid question), why you didn't call me to join you!??:))If I had to croos an ocean it would be worth it!!:DDD
Ha!Ha! U r HILARIOUS!!met!!!!!
Enough of this otherwise I might gonna spill something again:))
Oh! Shoot it's 7:53 am here my dear I need to go to work... Check up on you later:) Have a nice day.
Just keep on staring Adam but don't do anything yet till I come back.:)
@SG .... lol! In this photo, Adam's hair does look very similar to the fur!! :+)
Furry head Adam! :D
I wonder if he's wearing the Juliette bracelet on his right wrist???
Adam's hair is a gift from heaven, like sunshine and green grass. Wanna run my hands through it and tousle it (like I imagine Sauli gets to!). Don't you think that girl is wearing a hat?
Thank GOD!!U"just"meet him!I almost die of envy:D I think I even seen THE LIGHT...Adam was there telling me...Trespass(ing)!but I said NO! Before thatI must see you at Knebword!At least I would know for sure,you're real and not just a product of my imagination!
Do you know it's ilegal(or should be) to get up THAT early on saturday!??
Give me your adress so I can send you a mug with a top, I don't wanna be responsible for any kind of accident!!
AHA!! and the best, YOU tell me that I should be staring on Adam and DO NOTHING till you came back....ARE YOU CRAZY!?? Do you think I'm that strong!??
Have a nice day too!!:DDDDD
OT Yay BTIKM was #17 on VH1 top 20 countdown, and it's moving up on itunes. Keep voting on VH1 and of course requesting on radio. I hope we get videos from his Vaille Colorado concert, the whole band was performing!Adam looks gorgeous!
Sooo glad BTIKM finally made it on the Vh1 Top 20 Countdown! Yes, let's keep voting daily for our 20 votes per day!
Wow! Lucky girl! How would you like to have Adam's arms wrapped around you nice and close....thud.
Sooo glad BTIKM finally made it on the Vh1 Top 20 Countdown! Yes, let's keep voting daily for our 20 votes per day!
Wow! Lucky girl! How would you like to have Adam's arms wrapped around you nice and close....thud.
I will never forget my Adam hug! When I went to reach out and shake his hand (What was I thinking?!), he grabbed me and gave me a great hug!
TOP 20 VOTING. I'm voting my 20 votes on regular voting site each day. Then I go over to that other voting site which allows UNLIMITED VOTING and vote, vote, vote as much as I can. I sure hope they all count.
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