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Adam Lambert Performing "Never Close Our Eyes" at Jimmy Kimmel Live and MINI CONCERT!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, April 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 27, 2012


Soundchecking "NCOE"



Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for these- NCOE and trespassing are all over the internet yeah! Haven't heard broken english till now- Love love it also.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Broken English sounded fantastic with his amazing vocals. All the songs were amazing and I can't wait to hear the rest of the songs on the album. His voice live is just out of this world!

Anonymous said...

Broken English is my absolute favourite song. It has the kind of melody I really like. I don't dislike NCOE, but to be honest, it sounds a bit too much like a song from the Eurovision song contest.

Anonymous said...

I really love Broken English, is one of my favorites

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Adam, you did it. You made me believe in music again. Such stage presence, his overall style and most of all, that spectacular voice. The band, the backup singers just made it a totally amaaaaazing experience. He looked so happy up there, so upbeat performing all those songs. I can't stop watching all the vids. I hope NCOE opens up radio play for him and brings in new fans. If this mini concert is any indication of what his tour for the second album will be, then I hope I will be able to get to see him if he comes to the NJ/NYC area.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He has never looked more gorgeous, the all black with the leather pants, the boots, the long black hair.
I can't take it! Sexiest most talented man alive! and I adore my husband.
LOVE the back up singers and the power of this band. Holy moly, this tour is going to be so HOT.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I have a puzzle. Could not understand any of the words to Broken English...? Tried with and without earphones. The speakers seemed so loud and couldn't hear Adam well enough to hear the lyrics...? It's not my ears, I could hear others well enough. Can a computer "fuzz up" one video?

DJ Jason LA said...

Complete and in 3D

DJ Jason LA said...

Anonymous said...

When Adam introduced the band do he skip Ashley? Couldn't hear to well.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I continue to be completely blown away with that voice! Loved all the songs - thought his little bit of 'rap' in Naked Love was cool. I think the whole audience knew that Broken English was written about Sauli and they were very appreciative. DVRd Kimmel and was kind of disappointed it was only NCOE, but am thrilled he did so many songs and we got to hear some of the complete versions for the first time. Gotta go watch all of them again - Wow.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful performances. Can't wait for album release and tour. Wish I was in L.A. for sure--BUT-- I will be in London for QUEEN AND ADAM- I am so psyched!!!!!

glitzylady said...

@DJ Jason LA
THANKS!! That is very cool..not sure where my 3D glasses are, but with the 3D off, I can watch the whole show, start to finish, nothing left out....YAY!!

Anonymous said...

While I watched Tresspassing on youtube, I continued to remind myself that I'm married woman. So, I don't have to pay to much attention on Adam's leather pants!LOL

Anonymous said...

oh, do pay attention delilah5... and use your focus on your husband... he'll be appreciative I'd imagine. That's rock and roll girl, nothin' wrong with that.

Lambert's vocal slayed, as per usual, no surprise there.

Anonymous said...

@2:17 PM Actually, you gave me some idea about my husband behavior this morning. He brought me flowers and Nordstrom's gift card!

Anonymous said...

Am loving the back-up singers. Listening to all these songs, I realized how much they add to the performance. Can't stop watching and listening time and again. sigh ....

Anonymous said...

JAK, I had trouble understanding Broken English, too. Seemed muffled on the video. I heard the other songs fine. Just have to wait for a better sounding version.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam. You did it to me again. Thanks ;)

24K gold

Anonymous said...

I love love NCOE, but now I'm hoping he does broken english on idol instead! I know he won't because it's not his new single- just saying he could do any of his songs and it would be awesome. Broken english and underneath are becoming my favorites- geez they are all so good in there own way for sure! I don't want to hear anymore songs however till I have that delux album in my hand and get to hear 5 new ones. It's like christmas when you were young lol

Anonymous said...

Damn! Adam was busting out some sexy moves during Broken English! Sauli was in the audience, so I guess Adam was inspired ... can't blame him.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm hoping to find a nice clear version of Broken English. I'm anxious to hear that one.

Underneath grips Outlaws of Love. Makes my heart ache even while it makes my ears happy.

Never Close Our Eyes makes my heart soar!!!! Cannot wait for this album....I will hole up in my room and play it over and over till I am forced to stagger out for food!

Anonymous said...

@JAK Underneath & Outlaws of Love always make me cry.

Anonymous said...

JAK - found partial lyrics for Broken English:

Tower of Babel has fallen down again
Information disarray
I don't know who I should believe in
Everybody's an authority
Fragments don't count
They always end up falling through the cracks
Don't think out loud
Cause once it's out your mouth, can't take it back

Can't say all the little things
That I wanna tell you right now
I know you won't understand
But I gotta tell you somehow

Here's the link:

Anonymous said...

Here's another link with lyrics for all the songs!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...Hmmmmmmmmm....I think my husband must have worked on Broken English with the writers...
can't count how many times I've heard "Don't think out loud...cause once it's out there,
you can't take it back!"


Anonymous said...

Adam's performances define the

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking more like a superstar every single day now.
So darn classy too!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady ... Help!

How do you turn the 3D off so you can watch all the show without it? It's all fuzzy in 3D on my screen at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Not crazy about Broken English but I love all the other songs.

glitzylady said...

I LOVE Broken English the song! Gorgeous!

Complete lyrics here: via @Kathryn17


Tower of Babel has fallen down again
information disarray
I don’t know who I should believe in
everybody’s an authority
fragments don’t count
they always end up falling through the cracks
don’t think out loud
cause once it’s out your mouth, can’t take it back
Can’t say all the little things
that I wanna tell you right now
I know you won’t understand
but I gotta tell you somehow
And on and on and on I go
connect the neck to what’s below I know
now your body language is broken, broken english
Lost inside communication breakdown
better just read my lips
coming in clear when we get down
iceberg just the tip
my words get lost
can you read the look that’s on my face?
wires get crossed
in communion with the human race
Can’t say all the little things
that I wanna tell you right now
I know you won’t understand
but I gotta tell you somehow
And on and on and on I go
Connect the neck to what’s below I know
now your body language is broken, broken english

Can’t say all the little things
that I wanna tell you right now
I know you won’t understand
but I gotta tell you somehow

And on and on and on I go
Connect the neck to what’s below I know
now your body language is broken, broken english

glitzylady said...

HOW TO TURN OFF 3D in the vid at 12:58 PM posted by @DJ Jason LA:

Instructions are posted under the video on You Tube as well:

You do this by going to the bottom of the frame of the vid as it starts and you'll see the RED 3D icon. When you click on the red 3D, it brings up a group of possibilities including "TURN OFF 3D". Click on that option to make the video revert to NON 3D and click on the 720p icon..At that point you can watch it without 3D glasses. Easy! And then click on the full screen icon to expand to full screen. You can watch the entire concert segment from the introduction of Adam by Jimmy Kimmel to the end of his mini concert..with no interruptions. Of course it is now posted as its own thread topic too.

Anonymous said...

I find the message in Broken English very universal.

Anonymous said...

I read that not all liked the audience screaming after BE. I mean what the heck, people are not allowed to react anymore? It made me wonder, if it's because they think the song is about Sauli. We don't know that, and I wish people wouldn't say it's about him. Don't get me wrong, I like my fellow countryman, but I don't want people to turn against a good song either.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:24 AM
I'm pretty sure I recall that Adam said "Broken English" IS about Sauli...This whole album is very personal..and chronicles Adam's life for the last couple of years (Adam has also said that as well.) I think that is SO beautiful, the song and the personal meaning it has for him..Why would ANYONE turn against the song because of that?? If I were you, I wouldn't pay any attention to that sort of grumbling. I could understand the concerns about the screaming in a song like "Underneath" or "Outlaws of Love" tho... The screaming was because people are excited to hear Adam sing this gorgeous song AND because Adam was pretty darn SEXY while performing it..Who could resist expressing their approval! Sometimes those screams are more or less involuntary..And I speak from experience here : )))

"Broken English" is one of my most favorite songs on far. Adam always adds another dimension to any song that he performs live. The studio versions are all fabulous...the live full performances are always stunning and exciting....

A New and "Improved" version of Jimmy Kimmel Live performance of "Broken English"

Anonymous said...

Folks, great idea for those who want to gift Trespassing album. Texas LGBT youth have an amazon wish list requesting 500 Trespassing (Deluxe album) and 500 Trespassing (original). So far they got 222 pre-order of both albums. Go to the link below and pre-order as many as you can:

Share this message with other fans. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Broken English is about Sauli, right? I think it's disrespectful of Adam towards Sauli to make such erothical moves with hips and hands in such a personal song. As if we are all allowed to masturbate all over "sexy Sauli with an accent". I'm disappointed. I bet Sauli is embarrased. He is worth more than that... Sometimes I don't get Adam at all.

Anonymous said...

I partially agree with you. I often don't get Adam, but I just chalk it up to age and culture difference. I'm def in the minority, but so far Broken English is the only song I don't like. That does not mean I'm not counting down the days to album release.

sue s. said...

Get over yourselves! Broken English is a sexy love song and Adam's voice just soars. Anyone know when he'll be on Idol? Haven't heard anything. Trying not to get worried!

sue s. said...

Get over yourselves! Broken English is a sexy love song and Adam's voice just soars. Anyone know when he'll be on Idol? Haven't heard anything. Trying not to get worried!

Anonymous said...

Gee, aren't we allowed to like or dislike any songs we wish? I don't like Kickin In or Pop That Lock, does that mean I turn in my Glamily membership? I don't like my Aunt Catherine, but I don't want to kick her out of the family.

I guess it was a good thing I never mentioned before that I didn't like Music Again on FYE either!

Let's be sensible, everyone is allowed to have preferences.