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Rolling Stone's Review of "Never Close Our Eyes" in New Issue

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scan credit: @80s_and_sunny


Anonymous said...

NCOE is a very catchy song and I hope the radios latch onto it. A big thanks to all the stations that are already playing it. Someone on another thread said it is being played alot in Canada, Thanks Canada.

Anonymous said...

Yahooo! Rolling Stone magazine rocks. Such a great review and such a true review. Love Adam singing his heart out. Review made my day.

Anonymous said...

RS is correct - there is no mathematical equation, formula, comparison, or explanation for Adam's vocals!!! And, a big F.U. to the radio stations that refuse to play Adam's songs over all of the other crap songs that are on constant loop. Lazy asses.

Anonymous said...

Great review. Some stations are spinning it already even before the add date. I think we just need to be a bit more patient and of course request. NCOE is a great song and very radio friendly. I am remaining positive that it will be a huge hit!

Anonymous said...

Yes every review that I have read has been great and they all talk about how amazing his voice is (which we all already knew). I've been requesting NCOE over and over again with my local radio station and yet to hear it..So well said @11:02, F.U. to them, I will keep on requesting. They play the same lame songs over and over again. But Adam will prevail!


Anonymous said...

102.9 kdmx Dallas is playing NCOE twice a day at great daytime hours. Just heard it for the third time on 103.5 KTU New York a top 40 station! Playing on other stations too,so keep requesting and give your stations a chance.It's very early on and this song sounds amazing on the radio!

glitzylady said...

Yes, apparently the "Impacting date" for NCOE is May 29th...which seems a little weird..but I suppose that's the way it works, for whatever reason..It does sound like stations are playing it now, and I'm loving the reviews its getting..all positive like this one..I think its going to be a great summer song. Hoping for one more single this summer. Like Shady, or Naked Love, or Pop That Lock or any of the other fun, sexy, and dance ready songs..which also happen to be perfect for Top 40 radio. Broken English is really amazing too. Love the sound of it...Right now, I'm just dying to hear all of the tracks in their entirety. Only 20 days until TRESPASSING release date....

SG said...

I love all this info about radio stations! It seems that many of them are playing NCOE,during good day time and a few times every day!!Great!Well, as Adam said, the radio stations "chose" that song to be the next single, so is logic that the like it & play it and just in a few weeks there will be the video too.Also there are all this "mini" concerts and performance that I'm sure will bring lots of new fans!Ah! and of course that "little" thing with Queen!! What an amazing adventure!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love that last statement in the review --- PERFECT description of Adam's voice!!

OT - Don't know what happened to Adam's segment on The Insider ... I even e-mailed them, telling them how disappointed and frustrated his fans were, but have not received a reply. bummer -

Anonymous said...

Things are looking up! But we can't let our guard down. Request and vote!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending an email to The Insider letting them know how upset we were, keep us updated on what they say about it. This gal in Northern Ky is requesting every day, several times a day!


Anonymous said...

queen on a i tonight maybe adam will show up curious to see how the singers do

Anonymous said...

Adam on Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow night. 1iota added more free tickets. Sign-up and get your free tickets:

Anonymous said...

but don't anyone be too pissy with The Insider... that doesn't help either, and this wondeful Lambert fandom has to be mindful of that IMHO. Good to send communications to these media outlets, but must leave out the cray (which I'm sure was done, :), thanks!).

Anonymous said...

Reasonable review by RS, I'll take it! :).

NCOE download info from blogosphere:


Anonymous said...

And look at the pic that comes up with THR's internet coverage of the AI Queen selections tonight! :)


Anonymous said...

forgot the link! :) MGF

Anonymous said...

29,000 units first week downloaded of NCOE. They were giving away a free download so it would have been more. I am sure a lot more people will download it after they hear Adam sing it and it gets steady radio play.

glitzylady said...

Oh!! Look what I just saw on Twitter:

Adam and band are filming new AOL SESSIONS today!! YAY!!

Shaun Amin ‏ @ShaunAmin
Stage Managing AOL "Sessions" today featuring Adam Lambert. #shouldbeinteresting

Keisha Renee'
‏ @KeishaRenee
Me ane @SincerliOctavia before the taping of the AOL Sessions #Glamily

Anonymous said...

Now THAT's a review!!! Awesome, thats the type of reviews, buzz and publicity Adam needs. Well written & covers it all. SHOUT it out... READ that RADIO, and PLAY
NCOE! Such a catchy song, fabulous beat, so well done.

Keep requesting it every day...
YAaayyy... Hope this gets read millions of times and gets people's curiosity up...
Sssooo cool that Kelly's show used it too. This should be the smash we're waiting for.
GO Adam, YAY RS!


Anonymous said...

@Glitzlady thanks for posting about the AOL sessions, you beat me to it! That's really exciting. So much to look forward to. I am always listening to the song snippets but have to go and watch Adam singing to see his beautiful face and expressions. It adds so much for me!

Anonymous said...

please everyone read the second 2:11.

Shiggles said...

I wonder what Adam would have to do to get a ***** rating from this RS critic. I reread the article three times and every word is highly positive. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the news about the AOL Sessions! I sometimes go back and watch the first set of AOL sessions Adam did a couple of years ago. It was soooo wonderful watching him sing and move! This is great news!

RS review: Great, positive, don't quite understand their rating system (3?) but they are acknowledging Adam in a very positive way so good on them.

I also was so disappointed that Adam's Insider segment did not air and so far no further broadcast date mentioned that I know of so if anyone finds out please let us know. Thx.

I know I've posted this here before but here I go again....I'm seeing Adam tomorrow at the Mini-Outdoor concert!! I hope it doesn't rain (storm was predicted today in L.A. but so far nothing. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if NCOE will make Billboard's Hot 100 tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

have a good show tomorrow CT please let there be no rain!!!

Anonymous said...

Kris A. single didn't even make the charts even though he performed it on Idol.

Anonymous said...

@4:02 Weather news here in L.A. said there is a 20% chance of precipitation, not even rain. They're 99.99% of time correct. Don't worry, be happy!

Anonymous said...

If you are in search of more tickets for tomorrow night Kimmel's show, 1iota added more free tickets. To see Adam for free, that's something. Sign-up and get your tickets here:

Anonymous said...

OK, Thank you for the positive thoughts...although it's starting to rain here in L.A., clouds and winds kicking up at 4:40pm......(just light rain so far)but I'm staying positive that it will be over soon. I pray weather won't spoil Adam's show! Wait, wasn't it in Canada last summer (where he debuted OOL) that the band and he kept going even tho the rain was coming down hard? He's such a trooper! He never gives up! Wishing him and the band lots of good luck on his performance tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Any predictions for NCOE for Billboard's Hot 100 tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I just saw Adam on Entertainment Tonight briefly..They were talking about AI contestants singing Queen songs and they show a clip of Adam and his performance with Queen, and they said is Adam singing with Queen now?. It went so fast I didn't catch exactly what they said. I thought they were going to talk more about it, but they didn't. But it was so nice they mentioned him!


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:11 and 3:23 - I'm the one who e-mailed The Insider and was very appropriate with my comments - just asked for an explanation as to why Adam's episode wasn't televised and expressed his fans frustration. Still haven't heard back from The Insider. Anyway, rest easy, folks -- I KNOW how to conduct myself and use good judgement on behalf of Adam. Sheesh -

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God, bless the "Queen" and Freddie Mercury, indeed.
@my follow who always complaines about my addiction to Freddie. However, I didn't mention AMA in my comments like you said, darling May be once. But she/he blames me in many negative comments.
Anyhow.For some reason, I can't use my computer at work for personal needs. However, I break the "LAW" and check the news about Adam once or twice per day. AND, guess what did I find today? NCOE got 29,000 downloads in first week. However, Clarkson and Underwood are still head. Because their songs were downloaded 51,000 more. And they released their single long time ago!
And I felt myself terrible and guilty. Do you know why? Because I just made a comment few days ago that Adam has just slighlty over 20,000 real fans! And most on his REAL fans, including me, downloaded NCOE few times on the first week it was released. After short calculation,I found that Adam has even less than 20,000 fans. And I feel terrible about this. Because...........everybody called me troll when I said that...
Adam's new single will be relased for Christmas and music video for Valentine. And I was right about these dates. I said that BTIKM will never become hit and the music video is terrible. ANd I was right:( After all, I said that I love NCOE, but this is a wrong time for such a beautiful ballad. We can hear Adele's ballads all day on radio. Everybody need funny dancing song! Which would make Tresspassing absolutely perfect new single.
So, guess what? NCOE failed also!29,000 in first week? NCOE supposed to be downloaded 500,000 times in first week!YEAH! This is the reason why this dwarf JB or sick GaGa get their numbers! Because they have millions of fans in US.Instead just few thousand middle age women. Some of them doesn't have any idea how to download the song or what is Itunes store!
And these are the reasons why I said God, bless the "Queen". Because they believe that Adam is genious and Freddie sends his blessings to Adam from the heaven. I know Adam will enjoy this summer tour. After all, they will have five big shows in one month! Isn't ti sound as "Queen and Adam Lmabert" July tour?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to add. No AI performance on season 11!I made a comment about this also. Sames as Chairty Water campaign.
So far, it seems Adam never got real advise or support from his fans or family.Isn't it weird?

Anonymous said...

WOW WOW WOW!! What a great review for Adam! I am so happy for him and I adore NCOE! All of Adam's songs sound so great! I'm in lovvvvvvvvv.

Anonymous said...

well this is a answer to 6;34pm Just because people did not down load NCOE does not mean we are not fans I have bought several albums,I am on internet every night watching Adam have followed him since wicked been to several concerts have requested like crazy to radio stations have e-mailed Kelly for Adam to co-host & I know there are many many more fans like me. Adam is here to stay may be some of the others are not.

Anonymous said...

Troll @6:34 PM & 6:33 PM

Shame on you! Take your negativity and vitriol elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:34 PM

You are the most depressing person. Do you have any friends? Does your family avoid you? I can't imagine anyone seeking you out as a companion. Do you seek to depress everyone or just us?
It doesn't work you know. We pay no attention to your dire warnings and gloating over supposed failure on Adam's part. You make a few of us angry, but mostly we just feel sorry for you and your poisonous personality. Tell me----do you like you? You poor pitiful thing.

Anonymous said...

NCOE Finnish download chart #12



Anonymous said...

@April 25, 2012 6:34 PM

You are not a troll - simply uninformed and not particularly knowledgable of the business of which you are speaking, terribly uneducated as to the music/radio business... that's all

Anonymous said...

6:34 Just go away, please.

Anonymous said...

Hey troll I would not dignify your comments with an answer you know why YOUR JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST HAVE SOMETHING VERY TINY I'M SURE YOU DON'T HAVE A GLAMBU--E YOU NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!