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Adam Lambert at GMA Sound Check - Behind the Scenes (5-14-12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 15, 2012


MotoMoto said...

Sooo proud of Adam...he is doing better so
far than he did with FYE at this stage and
that's just beyond exciting. This album will
sell more with word of mouth than
promos because it is that good and is
speaks for itself.
He is #1 in US, Canada and Finland. Can I
just say Bertlandia takes the cake he is #1 &
#2 overall in Finland and that's
amazeballs :D
As for singles Runnin is proving popular
and is currently #79 on itunes Pop Chart.
Love it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to hear that conversation between Adam and Tommy!

Adamluv said...

OT but good stuff -believe me! Opened up the LA Times newspaper this morning, went to the calendar section and surprised and shocked to see the main item on their front page was about Adam! Hugh good picture of him too and very long and positive article written by a man! Actually had to do with singing, new album, Queen and all that stuff that should be discussed! It was not a review of the album, however. Will email this guy and thank him for such a fair written article. Are you listening moronic woman from EW?? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It was a great way to start off Monday morning watching Adam and the band perform on GMA. Robin Roberts really seemed taken with him and the music from this album. It is infectious and I can't stop listening to it. I can't wait to see him on IDOL this week. I am certain it will be another powerhouse performance.

Adamluv said...

OT - Adam is on the repeat of Kimmel tonite. Thought it was last nite but sorry, my bad. Hope no one but me stayed up to see it and then Adam wasnt on. He's listed tonite in the paper. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

That jacket is the coolest. Looks like a photograph of a horse, with person with bow and arrow.
Anyone know where it is from? Adam, way ahead of his time.
He looks so happy and excited. Think i'll go buy another album for a friend right now just because I love this man.

choons said...

LOVED watching these sound check clips - such a beautiful, expressive face. Close up of Isaac's tats was cool, and Tommy's hair.

Anonymous said...
Coookoo And NCOE played on serios radio, also talking about a Memorial weekend concert Adam has recorded for them. Thaey talk about how Adam has to only do it in one take.

Anonymous said...

The Sirius radio snippet is very good. The announcer talks about Adam being there and doing an on-the-spot fabulous mini-concert just for them that will be broadcast on Sat. May 26. He gushed about Adam in general and esp. about his voice and ability to sing impromtu so professionally. The man spoke about another Idol alum who was not nearly as professional.

He mentioned that Adam is under doctor's orders to rest his voice because he "blew it out" last night (I think). Anyway, I'm sure he'll be fine for Idol on Thursday and I'll be seeing in Chicago on Friday night. !!!!!!!!


daydreamin said...

@DRG AWESOME you get to see Adam Friday night!!!!!