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BUY "TRESPASSING"! It's released today!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Anonymous said...

I pre- ordered my copy from Barnes and Nobel, called and not in yet. Can hardly wait. So proud of you Adam. All your hard work and didication pays off. lOVE YOU SO MUCH.

Catharine Sloper said...

I am really surprised about how Cuckoo sounds on the album. It is a lot more crowd pleasing and accessible. I think it will go far. This album is very meaty.

Catharine Sloper said...

I am really surprised about how Cuckoo sounds on the album. It is a lot more crowd pleasing and accessible. I think it will go far. This album is very meaty.

Anonymous said...

My house has never been so clean lol. On constant replay on my i-pod. I love every song, even pop that lock and kickin which were my least faviorite- after 3 listens, IMO every song could and should be a hit!! What a masterpiece of an album.


oh- Wow- runnin (no words)

MotoMoto said...

Sooo proud of Adam...he is doing better so far than he did with FYE at this stage and that's just beyond exciting. This album will sell more with word of mouth than promos because it is that good and is speaks for itself.

He is #1 in US, Canada and Finland. Can I just say Bertlandia takes the cake he is #1 & #2 overall in Finland and that's amazeballs :D

As for singles Runnin is proving popular and is currently #79 on itunes Pop Chart. Love it!!!!!!

Arthas said...


Anonymous said...

GO ADAM! It's your time! And it's about time!


Anonymous said...

Love you Adam..Your smile is worth a million words!


Anonymous said...

This is SOOO maniac :) Adamfever is spreading all over! And there are many big countries (Germany, Australia, NZ and much later UK) in which TP will be released 18th or later something...

Haven't got my fan edition overseas :( So tomorrow morning have to go to some store. I will scream if they don't have Deluxe!

I think UK release is tactical delay - Adam will be in London most of June so there's also a possibility to promo the album before it is released :)


Anonymous said...

This is SOOO maniac :) Adamfever is spreading all over! And there are many big countries (Germany, Australia, NZ and much later UK) in which TP will be released 18th or later something...

Haven't got my fan edition overseas :( So tomorrow morning have to go to some store. I will scream if they don't have Deluxe!

I think UK release is tactical delay - Adam will be in London most of June so there's also a possibility to promo the album before it is released :)


Anonymous said...

Double posting?? Well that's worth it!


Anonymous said...

Received the deluxe edition yesterday in the mail from Barnes and Noble. Bought another copy today at Walmart and played it on the way home. Each song is better than the other. These songs are so upbeat that they are great to dance to, exercise, just move and sing along. Adam Lambert has done it...this is a masterpiece, a real gem, the one that should get him the accolades he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why, but the news that Adam's Idol friends congratulating Adam just got me tearing up. They know how hard it is to make it this far after Idol, and must really root for Adam, who they all pretty much looked up to during that time of their lives. I loved their Season 8 because they seemed to have so much fun and respect for one another. Yay, Adam!

Adamluv said...

OT - When gagas last album came out (I think last year?) Amazon had it on sale for 99 cents for 24 hours and it sold over 45,000 copies. That was done during the crucial (for bragging rights) first week of its debut. I then read that the powers to be were going to change the rules to read that if an album was promoted in this manner it would not be eligible to be listed as being the number 1 seller for the first week due to the inherent unfairness of it being so cheap up against albums being sold for the regular higher price. Never read again if that decision was made but sounded much fairer to me. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is truly spectacular. I am so happy for Adam- Its got beat and cool and groove on the frontend,and beauty and depth on the finish. Did I mention those "vocals"?

Thankyou Adam and Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

@Jax May 15 10:45AM

thanks for info, i'll check out twitter myself now, thanks

Anonymous said...

I received my Deluxe EDITION copy today and its off the did it worth the year it took to write and produce it.SOUNDS AMAZING!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I cried upon hearing it's doing very very well. I cried thanking GOD for this is an ANSWERED PRAYER as I have been praying for ADAM's success with Trespassing and his later gigs with Queen.
I just love you so much, ADAM baby!

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded Tresspassing Deluxe from Itunes 3 times by accident. Also, they sent me e-mail that I can download my pre-ordered Tresspassing truck.

ksgirl01 said...

Adam !! this album is crazy, love it! you worked so hard, its so amazing. I cant wait to take my daughter to your next concert. we waited forever for this, so worth it ! can't stop listening to it, make them all singles plzzzzz....:)