Adam Lambert on Jay-Z's Gay Marriage Endorsement
Filed Under (video ) by Admin on Thursday, May 24, 2012
Posted at : Thursday, May 24, 2012
American Idol and current number one Billboard artist Adam Lambert tells us why Jay-Z's gay marriage endorsement means so much.
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I agree with Adam re; the importance of this endorsement of marriage equality but find it very unsettling that the hip hop/rap community is the current role model for young men. Many of these artists use very homophobic lyrics in their songs not to mention the total disrespect and hatred shown towards women. . . . Adamluv
gay marriage equality-equal opportunity also same benefits i agree with this.if they want to marry is thier choice-but in the bible said;one man-one woman also.
p;s never been an issue-non issue
p;s american will concern about econmy -jobless americans strugglign now. obama pls help the jobless americans-stop beign big spender. 5 trillion dollars now defficit(
Acceptance will set you free from being ignorant:)
Wow, first time I disagree with Adam. Please don't say the hip hop/rap community is the current role model for young men. We are all in big trouble. They very much show disrespect toward women. No matter what your beliefs you must have respect for one another.
maybe adam dint think-later on he regreted it. so i forgive him smile;
I also disagree with Adam's statement that the hip hop community is the current role model for young men. If it is, we are in trouble and I suppose we already are from what I read and see around us in today's society. There is that disrespect shown for women and if you look at most of their videos, all you see are scantily clad women gyrating all over the men, liquor is involved and a life style that is so over the top that it is ridiculous and unrealistic to even think that is acceptable. Love your music Adam, but I can't go along with this statement.
Adam speaks the truth. It's not what we want to hear but I would say at least 50% or more of young men look to rappers for coolness - look at the Biebs, all clean cut and religious but he's hangin' and relatin.'
Certainly dress codes and swagger and speech are mimicked. Of course there are loads of cool dudes who have good hearts and do the right thing but the bad ones give the whole look a bad name. Anyways, hurray for Jay-Z for speaking out - maybe he can help change perceptions. And hurray for Adam's eloquent explanation.
Although I hate hip hop-rap with a passion which dominates are music airwaves today) i understand what adam is saying! Teens especially and this new dreadful world of music do look up to these hip-hop rappers. So if they endorse this, it only a step forward IMO! Although wasn't happy with justin b grapping his crotch 20 times on billbords award show the other day. Just pathetic. No I wouldn't in my life think j-z is a role model, but it's a new world of what people respect. sad but relistic!
Adam is a Beautiful man, God like in his beauty.
I'm hoping that what Adam meant to say is that since Jay Z is looked up to in the hip hop community that perhaps he may influence some of the homophobic ones to think twice about their attitude.
and @ 6:32 PM
It also says in the bible that Abraham's wife Sarah was too old to have children so she gave him her handmaiden (slave) to be his concubine and he had 12 children with her. The bible is a story book of incest , adultry, murder, witches, persecution, and redemption. People can pick out anything they want to prove a point and ignore what they want.
And millions of people don't believe any of the stories.
I was brought up in a very traditional and conservative family where being gay was associated with being corrupt and immoral. I continued to believe that until I met gay people in my church I really respected. That began to change my mind. But I have to say getting to know Adam has completely changed my attitude and my assumptions about other people and the choices they make for their lives. So I feel that it is really excellent that Adam is willing to be open about who he is and express himself so eloquently about gay marriage. I think Adam's influence, his work on American Idol and subsequently has been a powerful force for change for the better.
I can only assume that Bieber's crotch grabbing was cause he was looking for something and was alarmed at not finding it!
@ Cathy
I appreciate your comment, with one exception. Adam didnt make a choice to be gay, it was made for him by nature.
I so agree with him on this important issue. And, isn't he absolutely gorgeous?
Adam was just on "Watch What Happens" on Bravo!! He was sooooooo funny! Especially his response when asked about Clay Aiken!!!
just watched Adam too. I never heard of Beth Ditto before but her and Adam were so much fun together.
I also watched that show on Bravo with Adam. He looked gorgeous. I was wearing the same fan club Trespassing shirt that the lady bartender was wearing while I was watching the show!! Ha! It was a fun show - and very R-rated with the language, which is fine with me - but it kind of irritated me how that Beth chick (never heard of her either) never shut up and kept interrupting. Adam sure got a kick out her tho. I too loved his 'honesty' about Clay - hilarious! Go Adam! Gonna go back and watch him again!
In L.A. and can't wait to see ADAM
on "Watch What Happens" tonight!
I don't like hiphop either, very degrading to women, but I agree that it is good to have a hiphop mogul endorse gay marriage.
Magiclady - I'm in LA too and just watched the show on Bravo at 8:00PM and taped it. Hope you get to see it. They won't be showing the show on any of these blogs because the language was pretty raunchy. Fun tho -
Can someone who is hair savvy explain how Adam can change the color of the tips of his hair so often. Is it a spray on color?
I'm glad that Jay-Z is using is status and clout in the Hip-Hop world to try and set a progressive, socially-aware example for all his younger fans. Maybe fatherhood has given him more perspective. It's a shame about the public image popular rap music has created for hip-hop culture as a whole when there's so much more substance to the essence of Hip-hop than it's given credit for. Especially when there is, and has been for years, so much wonderful thoughtfully crafted, socially and politically conscious hip-hop music being created by talented artist that doesn't get played on TV or get millions of views on you tube or make it into the mainstream. Fortunately the overly aggressive,derogatory,stereotypical,machismo, braggadocio style is starting to fade out of popularity.
I have heard and listened to Beth Ditto of Gossip. She has a tremedous voice. Look her up.
I think what Adam was saying about Jay-z was maybe a hip hop icon like him will have an influence on the usual crap they all sing about.
Anon.7.52 to Cathy you are absolutely correct, no choice in the matter at all. We are who we are.
Hope someone posts the Bravo episode - I missed it. Can't bear to miss anything ...
OT - but just saw this info about Sasha:
Sasha's bio : living the dream as Madonnas dancer. 1st loser SYTYCD season 8. danced for the Glamazing Adam Lambert. !!!
So, looks like Sasha may not be joining Adam when he finally tours. Or maybe, by the time he tours, she'll be done with Madonna. Hope so.
@10:14PM, maybe Adam won't have dancers with him on his next concert tour.
Whether I like it or not, Adam is right on the money, right smack dab on it... and this blurb is him exhibiting yet another time his eloquent speaking, his finger being on the pulse, and his ever increasing caution when public speaking... cuz once it's out'ya mouth can't take it back ;)
@ 7:40
Yes the bible is a story book of incest , adultry, murder, witches, persecution, and redemption. It has been like that since the beginning of times and unfortunately still is. This is exactly why Jesus come once and will come again for the 2nd time. Watch out for the 2nd time though!!
there is nothing sexier than a strong man with a stronger woman. God made Adam and Eve, but woman should bow down to NO man. I think the male and female relationship is the sexiest thing ever, but women are treated like dogs nowadays. I think alot women choose being alone because of it.
does nature REALLY play a part in who becomes gay or straight??? hmmmmmmmmmmmm How does nature play a role in bisexuality??? Women that tend to make more androgens have a higher chance of being lesbian. Hormonal maybe???? I heard a man say once that bisexuality was wanting the best of both worlds. maybe?????? It is the great debate
I was told to love a sinner not the sin.
First of all---everyone should be able to love whoever they want to---that simple!!! As for Adam's comment about hip-hop etc--I don't believe they present a good role model for boys and certainly not girls!!! I love Adam and he just calls it like he sees it---it's his opinion---I respect that!
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