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ADAM LAMBERT on "Watch What Happens" Live w Andy Cohen on BRAVO!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 24, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 24, 2012

@BravoAndy: OMG @adamlambert is in the clubhouse and he is much taller than I expected plus his eyes are gorgeous

@BravoAndy: Beth Ditto an @adamlambert are uncensored on Bravo at 11! #WWHL #getreadytobleep


Anonymous said...

fast moving fun program, all three seemed to have good chemistry together. dang I am so jealous of that #1 fan bartender lady.Pretty cool she was wearing the fan club shirt.

Anonymous said...

OMG that was hilarious! I've never seen that show before and everyone had such a good time! Adam could not stop laughing at Beth Dittos comments.. Both Adam and Beth were really funny. Adam looked so handsome and dreamy...yummy!


Anonymous said...

Check out the picture with the corndog! Ha!

HK fan said...

Does anyone have a youtube link to this programme please, the videos on the Bravo site just come up with a still photo then go to the next video, then same thing again.

Anonymous said...

did anyone catch that Adam said he had "hooked up" with a band member (Tommy)?? wonder if anything more went on between them behind the scenes??? loved that he couldn't think of anything nice to say about Clay Aiken..I guess not after the way Clay dissed him...Adam looked amazing..better than he has ever looked..what a gorgeous hunk of "Man" as he said in response to being compared in looks to Kris that guy so damned much

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could see this video. It sounds great.

SO 3:02, you are a member of Glam Nations Flat Earth Society? LOL

Anonymous said...

@3:02 - WTH is the "Glam Nations Flat Earth Society"???

Anonymous said...

I have watched the show this morning and it was hilarious indeed...

The corn dog picture s***! Ha!Ha!

Nothing to say about Clay Aiken that's great! Nothing:)))

Grrrrrrrrr! Adam....

You are funny u need to be in the movie c'mon now!!!


Anonymous said...

Check the Vimeo folks:)


Anonymous said...

So it´s true,Tommy is the One,cray lauren was right.
i´m so glad i didn`t buy hi`s CD yet.

Anonymous said...

Flat Earth Society believes the earth is flat. 3:02 believes that Adam is actually hooking up with his bass player.

At least the Flat Earth Society has a sense of humour.

Besides, I'm convinced that Adam is in love with Brian London. The other night on-stage, he saved his best line in NCOE for him and actually walked over to the keyboards and made full-on eye contact.

I can see things, too...

Anonymous said...

Watched the show last night and had to laugh along with Beth and Adam. It's not the typical interview that we are used to seeing with Adam. I am sure he had lots of fun there. And Adam looked better than ever and so happy. Then this morning I turned on the radio to WPLJ here in the NYC/NJ area which did its show from the Jersey shore at Point Pleasant. And there was Adam with the band performing at 7:30 in the morning. How does he do it? The crowd loved him; the djs Scott and Todd had nothing but compliments for Adam and the band and were going out to buy the cd after the show. They talked about his concerts with Queen and then, of course, about the #1 ranking for his album on the Billboard chart. He sang Trespassing, WWFM, Shady and NCOE. I understand the crowd was one of the largest they ever had for this Memorial Day weekend event. I would hope it was for Adam but TRAIN was also there to perform. Adam Lambert and the Jersey shore...perfect together. And the only one Adam seems to be "hooking up" with now is his boyfriend Sauli. Let's not make waves in this relationship. The only waves I want to see are at the Jersey shore. The weather here could be better because showers are predicted on and off through this weekend, but if you have to stay indoors you could listen to Trespassing, dance along and still have a fun time.

Anonymous said...

I missed this! It is on repeat next wed 3:00 a.m. ET on bravo station.

Anonymous said...

3:03, 5:11, 5:52 - you guys are nuts. Go away. re: Tommy - the question was about kissing "on stage". That's all. If you people don't accept, after all this time, that Adam is in love and has made it clear who that is ... then please keep comments to yourself.

Anonymous said...

@Anon May 25 7:40 AM - Thanks for info!

Anonymous said...

Some "aftershow" vids (not just pix) from Bravo

link for one of them, there are a few:


Anonymous said...

oooh dang - this is a good one, good on 'ya Andy C.

MGF (who really needs to get back to RL ;))

Anonymous said...

7.55 am
I am sorry if i hurt you.:(

me 5.11

Anonymous said...

oh wait, there are vids up for the actual broadcast version I think

just hunt around Bravo site

MGF (really, I'm going back to work now...damn you Adam Lambert)

Anonymous said...

I'm getting really tired of everyone dissing each other. If you don't like a comment - ignore it. Every time Tommys name is mentioned the words cray or delusional are mentioned. I remember saying I like Tommy on guitar and was immediately attacked and branded as a rabid adommy fan. I am not interested in Adams relationships in my opinion that's private - I would love this blog to be about music... I do NOT want to hear about Sauli because he isn't part of the band and I only want to hear about Tommy when it's relevant! I guess you can't always get what you want! I'm done here!

Fan4fun said...


Anyways, fellow, watch out the edge of this «flat world»... although we are beyond it!
And HAPPY TWO YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP with this salted glambitch over here, in the middle of the Atlantic... oh, and special kisses from Icon!

Anonymous said...

Hello there Fan4fun... I don't get on here as much as I used to (or if I do I don't read through the comments sections on the threads) but hello to you Glamsista. Thanks for the shout out, so thoughtful. Take Care.


Anonymous said...

Ain't it the truth 9:03????
Except it doesn't bother me. I think it's funny as can be. I love it when someone actually wants to talk about Adam's career for a change, but the comments about his personal life ARE hilarious. I don't give a flip about Sauli because he's not MY boyfriend, he's Adam's. And as far as Tommy goes, I don't care about him either except in a musical sense. But the controversy surrounding him does have entertainment value.

Anonymous said...

What's up with Adam's eyes in the close up picture. His left pupil is so dilated and the right one is not. How does that happen??? There used to be two nurses who posted here who might be able to answer.

Anonymous said...

did anyone see the pic of Adam holding the corn dog at his crotch level and Beth bending down with her mouth over it? Adam just cracks me up..seriously funny as HELL..god, I wish they would put him on SNL or in a comedy flick...

Anonymous said...

I use eyedrops in one eye that makes the pupil smaller temporarily, also I have one eye that light affects more than the other so pupil size is occasionally different.

Of course there are also serious medical problems that can cause this. I'm sure Adam watches his health pretty carefully.

Anonymous said...

@MGF, unfortunately that link says the video is not available at this time. It said the same thing the previous time I tried to watch it. :-(

coloforadam said...

Love the closeup of those, beautiful, unusual eyes but we need a new one of the sexy lip freckle. What an adorable man!!!!