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Two More New Photo Shoots!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 24, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 24, 2012


Jadam NZ said...

Hells Bells Can anyone be anymore beautiful than he is in the second photo.

Jadam NZ said...

Forgot to say I heard NCOE belting out in the Mall here in NZ today, never ever heard BTIKM. Things are certainly looking good.

Anonymous said...

So pretty * drools*

Magiclady said...

I'm sexy and I know it!!!!

That 2nd photo is to die..

Anonymous said...

Geeeeez, that 2nd photo....Whew, that's a keeper!

OT I was watching cable TV this afternoon and switched to a music channel playing Pop Music (music only no video)and suddenly I hear Adam's song, "Better Than I Know Myself" and it gave all these facts about Adam....How he started his career in musicals at age 10, how much he weighed in high school and stuff like that! I was so glad to hear his song ,I was floored. They put a good plug in for 'Trespassing'!


Anonymous said...

CT glad to hear that. Where do you live?

MotoMoto said...

So hottt so sexy....come to mama u pretty pretty boy..rawr!!!! Lol at the troll in the other thread so worried about Adam's sales and acting all concerned, you know your big when your haters are that obsessed with you.

Not to be mean to Kris but his album has received very few reviews, I was looking at his reviews so far and there are so many major critics that have ignored it all together. I hope RCA give him a chance because some of his songs on the album are quite good and if radio gives him airplay (as well as Adam) I think he can have some hit singles.

I think HDD has predicted 24-27k sales for Adam this week which is good IMO given he has no singles on radio and much higher than Haley's & Kris' predictions for 1st week sales so hopefully he will still be in the top ten next week.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd photo is an ABSOLUTE KILLER! I could gaze at it day and night. :)

Anonymous said...

Wowee!!! gorgeous 2nd pic!!!

He can play the teenage "Eddie" in Munsters!!!
The eye browsssssssssss & EYES ofcourse

Anonymous said...

JAK here..........momentarily
..................speechless !

Anonymous said...

What do u want from me Adam????

Are u asking a permission or just wanna be cute??????

You areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Geeezzzz!!!! He!he!


Anonymous said...

OT .... tweet from Haley Reinhart in response to Adam's tweet to her ....

Haley Reinhart‏@HaleyReinhart

@adamlambert Thanks suga! glad you dig it :) Congrats on a #1 album, I cannot wait to hear it allll!!!

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert

@HaleyReinhart I love this album! Your voice is so sexy!

Anonymous said...

You know what? Adam makes the mall music all the time in Canada and I have a theory that that is more effective than radio because it seems to be a 30 minutes loop so if you are shopping for an hour or so, you will here it at least twice. In Canada a whole bunch of retailers pplay the same loop of music. I heard WWFM all the time. (They used Broken Smile instead of IIHY - think it was too fast for background music.)

Anonymous said...

Looks like aligator gloves to match the boots.

Anonymous said...

I know how to take my ipod's "Trespassing" and transfer it to both my kids' devices (they want it, bad, no influence from me either :)!!)... and I certainly am on a budge, but for Adam's second week, I will purchase "Trespassing" seperately on both their ipods. I have a teen nephew w/ a birthday this weekend who is getting "Trespassing" addt'l to two other cd's, he appreciates a good powerful voice, he liked FYE, he'll enjoy it. I have a teen neice going to Europe this summer, I'm putting a little care package together for her with it. Gonna do this things for Adam's second week!!! Beyond that I definitely have to watch my budget... but I truly sincerely believe that Trespassing absolutely has the ability to catch on with the masses; I am very hopeful.

Anonymous said...

the second pic is absolutely stunning. wow.

Anonymous said...

Always stunning!

Anonymous said...

I´ve been off my computer for a while, but I love THAT FACE!
Last weekend here in Finland we saw Behind the music-Adam Lambert Music television Sweden/Finland!!
Tonight we`ll have on tv THAT American Idol episode with Adam with amazing band (beautiful Ashely)
NCOE is killing performance.
Trespassing #2 fineeeee : )

Anonymous said...

I am also purchasing this wk. I have already gifted the 10 cds i bought. I'm A -OK with a few more. Everyone is loving it!. I really can't wait to see "Pop That Lock" when Adam goes on tour. C'mon Terrance! He could tear that up on the dance floor.

Anonymous said...


I ment, sorry

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That beautiful, sexy face in pic. #2. I can't stop staring at my BB!

Anonymous said...

That second picture looks awesome on my desktop- Change it every couple weeks withas there are so many I like of him.

Anonymous said...

Just got home after three days away and I see these incredible pics! I really missed ADAM!


The Dark Side said...

That second picture is almost too beautiful to look at, almost!

Anonymous said...

asdfpapk apdfpwekfwqerk
and now a cigarette (metaphorically).

Anonymous said...

Yow. Za.