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Adam Lambert Tweets About President Obama's Gay Marriage Endorsement!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anne Marie said...

He said that same sex marriages should be allowed. He is not actually endorsing it. Don't fall for it. Mark my words, after he might be realected, don't expect the gay marriage to be endorsed any time soon. He has always made promises, remember he is on the trail to get more voters.

Anne Marie said...

He has chosen his words very carefully.

Anonymous said...

We find these truths to be self evident that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of HAPPINESS. LIVE AND LET LIVE!!

I for one am proud to have our American President take an official stancd on this important Human Rights issue and having the moxy to do so!!

Adam -- time will tell honey. If marriage is meant to be in your future you and Sauli are both romantic and smart enough to know not to take LOVE for granted and cherish it for all it is worth.

Anonymous said...

Please, people, don't start bugging Adam now about getting married. He's got enough on his plate right now.

MotoMoto said...

Whether he does it or not (i doubt he would be able to do so even if he wanted) Obama has shown major balls by making that statement. Which other sitting president has endorsed same sex marriage especially during an election year. Its a small step in the right direction so lets look at the positives instead of being a prophet of doom.

Adam made sure to clarify his tweet before the media interpreted it into him wanting to get married (Yes I'm looking at you Finland) :D

Anonymous said...

Carrie's underwood debut#1 but her record label spent BIG $$$ money for 2 weeks,and she only sold 267,000 in the first week wow!.And WHY isn't adam getting any support from these RADIO stations!! come on guys

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:41 and MotoMoto - I too am proud of President Obama to take a stand on this very controversial issue and, yes, he has shown major balls. It's a risk for Obama, as there are probably people who like him but don't like the stand he's taken on this issue. So, I say "good for you, President Obama!" So glad that marriage equality is getting closer to a reality in this close-minded country of ours. I figured Adam would comment on this very quickly once he heard the news. He shows so much support for his community.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, some things never change. Adam still wants to please the crazy Tommyberts. That is the reason I left the fandom and became a casual fan. Life is much better when you can stay away, as far as possible, from that drama.

Jadam NZ said...

3.01 WTF are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:01 - what are you talking about?? Adam trying to please the Tommyberts?? That's just nuts. How is he doing that. I believe you're waaay off on your comments.

Anonymous said...

Imperiously telling someone they can't get married because it's against your religion is like angrily telling someone to put away the donut because you're on a diet. (Only a whole lot worse.)


Anonymous said...

I mean, I don't think anyone is telling Adam he must marry Sauli, so he shouldn't have the need to explain it to us. That's why I feel he is explaining it to the Tommyberts.

choons said...

OT but MY TRESPASSING DELUXE arrived TODAY!!!! It's fantastic. I love every toon on it. no kidding my heart jumped when I saw it in the mailbox. So happy right now.

Anonymous said...

3:27 No, he was heading off THE PRESS. I think the Tommybert thing is dying out. Perhaps you would have picked up on that had you frequented the site more regularly.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama in in re-election mode, knows he can't stand on his record because he's accomplished very little of his hype and cringe and he's looking for votes. It's so obvious that when we heard it on the radio we both did a double take, my cat and I that is.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know the Tommyberts are more active on twitter and more visible there, but they are only a very tiny part of his 1,4 million followers. Maybe Adam thinks they are more relevant than they actually are.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:50 - don't want to get into a political debate here but ... Obama could have done SO MUCH MORE if he hadn't had a Republican party that was strictly the "Party of NO". The Repubs will not do anything to help the middle class, the LGBT community, etc. - they only want to see Obama fail and they use lies upon lies to try and accomplish that. It's not a political debate -- it's a human rights issue.

Anonymous said...

Obama better worry about the economy and the fucked up health care system instead of who is marrying who or what. The Government has been killing citizens by neglecting health care needs and treating diseases as diseases. He better be doing something about health care for the diabetics and the outrageous prices for hospital visits and medicine.

Anonymous said...

Having a mother who is diabetic, she has struggled for many years with the government for her healt care needs. They are a damn joke. They say she is able to work when she can hardly see and has one kidney. She has lived in nursing facilities and at home, but still has needs. The government treats diabetics like they are a piece of shit. Diabetes is hereditary and should be treated like all other diseases. It robs you of your true identity. The Government is greedy and could give a rats ass about the suffering of those with this horrible disease. It won't get any better and the government don't wanna pay out the money for the citizens. 700 billion is paid out yearly for diabetes and it will continue to rise in the next 10 years.

Anonymous said...

3:57 (I am 3:45 -- forgot my SS) Again, I really don't think Adam was thinking about the Tommyberts, in fact, I doubt he thinks about them much at all. He is going into Press Mode again with the upcoming month of radio/tv gigs, and it follows that that's most likely where this came from.


MotoMoto said...

Its 2012 and we are gearing up for Trespassing...Tommyberts are so irrelevant and do not fit into the new phase of Adam's career. Besides which they open up numerous twitter accounts so that they look like they're many but in essence they are but a handful. They talk so ill of Adam and make fun of him, mocking him when they feel like so please don't classify them as true Adam fans.

Adam just got into a serious relationship and is still young, why should he get married now when he doesn't even know if he'll be in LA or touring the world at the end of the year. Also who says Sauli wants to get married? Let them be happy and maybe three years from now if they are together they can think of tying the knot :)

Anonymous said...

Though it may be that Adam is not the marrying kind, literally.

Anonymous said...

Adam was surprised when the first album
went platinum in his own country!:)

Yay!!!! Congratulations and finally of course:)))))

Love yah!!! Adam!!!


Adamluv said...

@4;13 - agree with your comments! A hugh thank you Pres. Obama for this statement. He will pay for it unfortunately since the right wing conservatives will play this for all its worth. How anyone can come to an Adam Lambert site and not support the rights of the LGBT community is truly strange? Peeps, please send a thank you to our president and let him know that so many of us agree 100% with his opinion on this subject.. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is the first sitting American president to come out (pun) in support of equal rights for gay people. It is a big deal. Other presidents have signed anti-gay laws and bills while saying their person belief was opposite of that legislation. It is still a controversial issue and it is an election year so I say it was even more brave as this by no means cements his re-election.

Anonymous said...

Every gay person in the public eye got asked the "are you getting married" question today.
The world does not revolve around Tommy or Sauli.

Anonymous said...

My husband called to me today "come here quickly"when I saw President Obama's face on TV my heart sank, being a worrier I was sure it was a special report of a tragedy and braced myself. My husband was grinning and said "He got your letter!" Since we are supporters of the DNC we send in donations whenever we can, they always have a few lines where you can include a message.
HAH! A few lines for me, that's a joke, impossible! I note "see other side" and fill the page. Mostly harping on being bold and backing same-sex marriage. BTW, stating his approval of such a stand IS endorsing it! Ive pushed and pushed, not alone, I'm sure he got many letters like mine. He already set one precedent, our country elected a black man president. I begged him to set another, be the first president to agree that all our citizens should have equal rights under the Constitution. Folks, nowhere does the Constitution define marriage as only between a man and woman, marriage isn't even mentioned. Read it! I almost know it by heart since I'm always looking up some of Fox News fabrications.

This country is not a theocracy it is a Republic with a Democratic form of government and the first amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion!

No religious denomination shall impose their ideas on our citizens.

Of course the president's stand probably will mean he's cut his own throat in the election. But dammit, it's a brave and compassionate thing to do. This will go down in our history books. I'm so excited and proud of him I probably won't sleep all night, just like his election night.

I'm not naive, his opinion won't push a darn thing through, it will be years of slugging it out state by state, but the hope had to start somewhere, I'm glad it has begun with him.

He promised Hope and Change, we've had both, he didn't promise miracles, but if he'd had even a tiny bit of cooperation who knows what might have been accomplished?

Unfortunately the losing party in that election stated the day after President Obama was sworn in ,that their goal during the next four years was to see that he didn't get another term. Not a word about helping our bleeding financial condition! Just concentrate on getting him OUT!

They've been diligent in that pursuit, to the detriment of our country.

Maybe enough people of good heart and good intent will "do unto others" and "judge not, lest ye be judged" and decide to follow a man who is willing to follow his conscience and risk his job on a long shot.

Anonymous said...

@10:26, difficult to solve the problems of the country when this is the goal of one party:
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told National Journal‘s Major Garrett in October.

Doesn't mean I'm pleased with the other party either. Both sold us out.
Great book shown on Bill Moyers

daydreamin said...

Anon 10:26 you said it all so eloquently and I aplaud you! Obama did do a very brave thing and yes, it may cost him the election, but I am proud of him and our Vice President for bringing this issue to the top. I am hoping it only helps him in the election. After all, 50% of Americans now support equal rights for ALL, so let's see who comes out to vote. I so totally agree that if the Republican's didn't make it their agenda to do everything in their power to get Obama out of office instead of doing something positive for it's citizens, we'd be far better off than we now are. OMG WTF did the last Bush ever do to help this country?! Ok, I'm done and off my soap box. I'll say no more.

Anonymous said...

During Obama's first two years as President, Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House and Harry Reid lead the Senate. That meant that for those first TWO YEARS, the democrats had the majority in the Senate and the House and had a democrat President. He could have gotten anything passed, but didn't even have the democrats behind him. If you remember your history, it was Pelosi who told the republicans in the House that if they wanted to know what was in the 2,900 page Obamacare bill they had to pass it. And now we're finding out what was in the bill and it is before the Supreme Court and will be found to be unconstitutional.

Obama bailed out a bankrupt "green" company using an Executive Order (no vote from the House or Senate)to the tune of $500 billion and within 6 months Solyndra was bankrupt again:$500,000,000,000 down the drain...oops. The General Motors bailout? GM still owes the tax payers $37 Billion...oops. Those shovel ready jobs "weren't quite so shovel ready" said Mr. Obama...oops.

I applaud him for saying "I think
gay people should have the right to marry." I think they should too. Read his words carefully. "think" and "should." It just seems a little fishy to me that it comes at this time when he's running for re-election and needs votes desperately.

glitzylady said...

President would not throw out those words on a whim. He has probably been thinking long and hard about how to announce that he feels all should be able to marry. I appreciate and applaud him. The governor of my state, Gov. Christine Gregoire, came to the same conclusion a few months ago when she supported and signed the Marriage Equality bill in WA. I'm proud of both of them. And hope it will one day be a reality for ALL citizens.

Anonymous said...

@3:50, the republicans are also in election mode. And they can throw out the propaganda and hype just as well as the dems.
And speaking of accomplishments...we are all enjoying the benefits of 8 years of Bush/Cheney's hype.
And also speaking of gay rights, doesn't Cheney have a gay child? I may be wrong, but has he ever publicly supported her rights as a gay woman?

Anonymous said...

Nothing accomplished?

A Health Care Reform Bill was passed. BTW that bill started out as Barack Obamas Plan for a Healthy America and it was 15 (fifteen) pages long.

Then the Republicans, House and Senators included who were standing on the lawn with signs saying NO! Got busy, wittling away, adding adding adding and in trying to get bipartisian cooperation the Presidents 15 page bill ( which even a republican should have been able to read) became a 2900 page bill. Obama gave and gave trying to salvage some semblance of a program to help our much needed health problems and in the end it was finally passed by Democrats. Not a perfect bill, but a start. Ever since Teddy Roosevelt was in the White House this had been a goal. A nationwide plan to make our citizen's health care more comprehensive. We are way down on the list of modern nations who care for their citizens in a comprehensive way.

Only a few of the provisions have taken effect, but one I applaud is that young people can stay on their parents ins plan till 26 yrs of age. That's saving a lot of our youth who usually just went without health ins while trying to get a job with benefits. Many of the plans provisions are scheduled to come into effect over the next 2 years, by 2014 the majority of our citizens would be covered.

I love the way Romney tries to weasel out of the fact that as Gov. he set up the prototype for this plan for his state with great success. Of course now with the tea party and consv. Christians on his back, he pleads innocence and is dead set against the plan. "Give'em what they want Mitt!" When it's a Republican plan it's God sent, when it's an Obama plan it's socialism and leading the country straight to hell. It's tragically laughable.

Cheney was fierce in his hatred of giving any gay rights, until it became known his daughter is a lesbian, now he's all for it. My how change occurs conveniently.

Don't just listen to biased reporting, read the congressional record, see what's really happening in the House and Senate. It's good for a laugh if you can stomach it. Obama is beating his head against a stone wall. Presidents are not kings or dictators, they can't MAKE things happen just by snapping their fingers.
If you don't read the facts for yourself you are stumbling and grumbling in the dark.

This is a govt by the people, do something people! Something intelligent!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read things about your politics - in many ways it's different from Europe. In most western/northern European countries it's possible for G&L-couples to register their relationship, which gives same kind of juridical rights as in the marriage.

And what comes to political matters, there was an election of the new president in Finland this year. There were 8 candidates, two of which were selected by citizens to the second voting round. This year that other candidate was openly gay male politician, who has a boyfriend from South-America! He got 37% of the votes on the second round. Of course there are homophopics also in my country, but I am proud of the fact that 37% were ok with the idea of homosexual president. I think for more than half of people it was a matter of politics, not sexuality.

What comes to the marriage of Adam & Sauli, hold your horses :)! Definitely not the right timing... And many people just happily live together many years.

Anonymous said...

I even got denied health insurance because I have high cholestrol by blue cross. Something absolutely has to be done and I am all for O'bama attempting to change this unexceptable health care system we have today.

Anonymous said...

In Obama's plan you cannot be denied insurance coverage because of a pre existing condition!
Sounds like a good idea, right?

Anonymous said...

Let's add the Citizens United decision to the issues we face. It is hard for us to have a voice in our own government when corporations and the ultra wealthy are not limited in the amount of money they can contribute to politicians through super PACs.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:40 am

Now about the GM bailout FACT CHECK.
The government (Obama's team) gave GM a bailout of 49.5 billion to keep the company from closing. Workers agreed to take paycuts in order to keep their jobs. To date, GM has paid the govt back 26 billion and at Obamas insistance the taxpayers still own 30% of the GM company. The company that made 7.6 billion profit last year. Their highest profit in 103 years.

Oh, and those workers who willingly took paycuts to keep working, they recently learned that they will (and some already have) receive profit sharing checks of up to $7000 each!

So the smart guy from Harvard looks pretty good to me for the next election...the opponent, also from Harvard stated at the time of the bailout...thumbs down on GM, let them go under and all their workers with them . Well his deeper than a well SuperPac is digging deep to make his decision look good. Millions and millions of endless money on ads to fabricate and twist attacks on Obama. Verify what you hear!

Anonymous said...

Obama is being hosted by George Cloony tonight at a $40,000 per plate fundraiser. The libs in Hollywood are going to be orgasmic rubbing elbows with the POTUS. Funny how things work with the Hollywood elite being in the despised 1%, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

West Virginia held their Democrat Primary yesterday. The results are in. President Obama received the majority of votes but a prisoner (yes, a person in prison) received 41% of the votes. I find that just too sweet. lol

Anonymous said...

Just heard on Inside Edition that when Romney was in HS, when and a group of boys attacked a gay boy and Romney tried to cut his hair or something. Romney is having to talk about this because the others who did it with him are acknowledging that it happened. All this is coming out in light of Obama's announcement about gay marriage. This issue will be a hot one for quite a while.

As for Romney, I don't think anyone should be judged forever on acts they did in their youth. I am not a Romney supporter, but I believe people do grow up and change. At this stage in the campaign, both candidates are jockeying for position on many issues. It's true for both sides.


Anonymous said...

obama keep chnagingn minbd- he cnahnege his mind about this gay marriage for policial reason obama -what a trick.why now why not before-obama lacking of concentration bout this matter before- obama u were born or ur born a tricky man.

Anonymous said...

im democrat but i wont let obama trick me; is the econmomy stupid?and about this gay issue is more than one issue to select the ebst president in this country- obama cnanot foool me-rember that folks-; oabma IS NO BILL CLINTON- PEACXEFUL USA- AND AMERICANS WA HAPPY HAD A DOUBLE JOBS- ; EVEN THE BIBLE SAID one woman-one man- gay marriage is ok is thier idea and its ok with em but obama trick us- chnage mnd twice. its election day folks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


funbunn40 said...

I respect Obama for representing ALL people as it was meant to be, regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. This is exactly what a president was elected to do and Obama did his job, even tho' many oppose it. In the 1960s and before, interracial marriage was against the law. Owning slaves, stoning women,etc. were all acceptable according to the bible. Adulterers, divorced men and women are considered sinners. Should they and their children be denied medical insurance, domestic abuse protection,etc? In Charlotte today county and city govt. are already taking steps to abolish insurance benefits to county and state employees. It's only been 4 days since Amendment One was passed in NC. This is a valid example of why there is "separation of church and state." This country is made up of many religions. No one sect has the right to dictate their religious beliefs to a diverse country that doesn't ascribe to their beliefs. That is not the govt's place. Churches can refuse to marry same sex couples, as that is their religious right. Churches do not have the right to deprive tax paying citizens financial, medical and every other benefit this country has to offer by rewriting the states constitution. I'm a straight women that doesn't have any family member that this will affect, but it offends me that politicians believe they are entitled to interfere in private matters that should not concern them. I'm so disgusted and amazed at the self rightious manipulating and bullying of the power hungry, ego driven politicians that are determined to turn this country into a theocracy. The churches here have unabashfully sent letters to their parishoners telling them to support this amendment. I think they should lose their tax exempt status, because they are using the pulpit as a political platform. When I went to church it's focus was feeding and caring for those that were facing hard times, not judging others and coercing people to further divide this country. I didn't mean to go on, it's just a huge disappointment in humanity this week. If Adam should ever want to marry, I hope he will have that option. He may very well prefer to stay single. I really don't think he feels the need, as he and Sauli seem committed and happy the way they are.Retirement plans, medical decisons are all affected, single straights as well as LBGTs. Oops, just missed first half of Idol. David Cook singing now. Can't wait to see Adam on that stage again!

funbunn40 said...

@4:13 I so agree with you! ..@4:20 It wasn't Obama that started this whole inequality Amendment fiasco. It was the republican religious right that did not want same sex marriage to become a reality. It certainly doesn't affect their finances or personal lives, but indeed denies equal opportunity for financial stability and commitment.

Anonymous said...

I have one question for everyone who posts here and request that you think for a moment before you answer:

Are you better off today than you were before Obama was inaugurated?

Anonymous said...

Dear 3:08-3:11-3:14-3:16

Please please join Romney's election team, it would be a dream come true to see you standing at his side and introducing him at the convention.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:41 PM

I thought about it. My answer is YES YES YES, I no longer have a President I have to be ashamed of, it's bliss.

Interesting isn't it that none of the Republicans wanted Bush to campaign with them. It's as if he never existed. If only!

Adamluv said...

@5:44 - think I love you! Brilliant comment.

glitzylady said...

I prefer to have a President who is committed to helping take care of the people of this country, to ensure adequate health care for all, and to assure all citizens of their rights as human beings, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, etc... When both parties can work together to bring this vision of a better world to reality..then we'll be getting somewhere. Right now we're at a bit of an impasse. I am not going to be "political" here because I don't define my friends and those who I respect and admire by political party. My party of preference is Democratic because they best define my priorities and hopes for the future of my family and other loved ones, and for this country. I don't see myself voting for a Republican for president in the foreseeable future..and probably never, but then who really knows. President Obama fits the requirements for my vote. Mitt Romney does not.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.......appreciate the love

What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love...

It would be worth staying in town for the convention just to see that introduction!...JAK :))

Anonymous said...

# JAK, there you are. If my intuition is working and my last cup of espresso I would venture a guess thatyou have been forgetting your tags and very busy. 10:26 P.M
5:15 A.M? 11:15 A.M. 12:13 p.m.
5:44 P.M. 5:51 and 7:33? Am I right? You have a distinct pattern
and rhythm in your writing. NS

Anonymous said...

You're good!.....^o^

Anonymous said...

5:41, We were better off before the Bush administration.

Obama didn't have a magic wand to wave over the mess he created...and neither does Romney.

Anonymous said...

dragging us into 2 wars which cost 10 fortunes and at the same time giving tax cuts to the super wealthy was the act of an idiot. Wars are expensive and have to be paid for with money as well as blood and death. And so everything crumbled, the next president, in this case Obama, has had to sift through the rubble and try to piece things together, with absolutely no help from Bush's party. 3 years in office is not long enough to repair 8 years of
Bush destruction. No wonder Bush is hiding in a gopher hole in Texas. Do the republicans ever bring his name up? No, just Reagan, Reagan, if they could they'd dig him up and nominate him at the convention, come to think of it, even dead he would be more animated than Romney.

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