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Inside Edition and The Insider Report Adam Lambert Judging American Idol

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, July 13, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 13, 2012


Anonymous said...

Okay, the word that perked my ears up Adam. Well the first piece of news that has so far used the word...spoken...which is one step nearer to sitting on one of those panel chairs. Adam will swipe the table and floor clean and shiny, one more time! lol! :)

glitzylady said...

Wow!!! I loved the clip they (The Insider) used of Adam speaking about the possibility..He looks sooo good and is so well-spoken.

Although Nigel is on my naughty list right now for suggesting the idea of Adam being a judge "came from his fan club"..How rude, unfeeling, and as far as I can tell, it seems to have originated from the Idol camp and from "a reliable source.." the plot thickens. If nothing comes of it..its still really great publicity for Adam: gets him into the public eye again. Now, if we can just get some mentions on those shows about his EPIC concerts with Queen in Europe....

Anonymous said...

Go to Yahoo home page and under Polls vote for Adam "who would make a great American Idol judge"
lower right on the page.

Anonymous said...

Forget 3 judges, just put Adam in and he will rule supreme.
(Steven Tyler was cool)

Anonymous said...

After a week of Queenbert...just listened again and again to Trespassing and it is truly a work of art..loving Adam Lambert more each day how is this possible..hope to see him on Idol.....

Anonymous said...

First I had to have black nail polish(which I haven't used in years), then metallic, then yellow and after watching Queen vids now have deep navy blue..loving it..Adam always looks so beautiful..

Anonymous said...

The media is really rocking this Adam for Idol judge, and I'm LOVING those round sunnies he wears sometimes. They really suit him.


Anonymous said...

American Idol to be dramatically different??? Yes please, and a whole lot better with Adam Lambert as a judge. I will watch the show again if he is part of the judging panel.

Anonymous said...

I do not feel Adam should be a judge. He needs work on his career. I think this will be a big mistake and alienate more potential fans. I have always felt his career would have gone alot better , if he had not been asked to do the AMA's.(Not because he kissed a boy). Because he was asked to close the show, which is saved for the most successful acts. Adam hadn't even started his career. I feel this judging thing will have the same effect. Most people have not followed him to see how his carrer is going. They only know about the gossip that surrounds him. I believe he would be a fantastic judge, just not now.

Anonymous said...

OT There is a petition being started to have Adam and Queen do a concert in the US. You can sighn it here.

Anonymous said...

I just saw E! News and they are saying it is Mariah, Miley and Adam, but might depend if Randy leaves if Adam will join or not..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They would not have 3 ladies, so if Randy leaves it might be Adam maybe that is what they are waiting to see if Randy leaves.

Anonymous said...

In an ideal world, my AI judges would be:
Adam Lambert, Brian May & Roger Taylor. :-D

Anonymous said...

why miley she can't even sing since she left that kid show the only time I see her mention is when she's with her "Hunger Games " boyfriend

Anonymous said...

OT .... have a look at this wonderful photo. Taken at the 2nd Hammersmith Apollo concert -

Anonymous said...

Adam, Miriah and someone older

like Harry Connich Jr.

Can Miriah string two sentences together....does anyone have link to interviews she might have done?

Anonymous said...

@7:50....One of Adam's godfathers

Thank you Brian and Roger

Anonymous said...

Randy needs to Go....DAWG

Anonymous said...

I know Ryan's pulling for Randy because he doesn't want gorgeous Adam on the show.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard about live feed to London concert...last one should be great.....for now.

Also what about sales in England.

Anonymous said...

@7:50 that picture makes me cry, these two men, Brian and Roger taking Adam under their wings, guiding him through Stardom..

Anonymous said...

I hope they create a credible panel for next season. I think 4 judge format could work if done right. Perfect combination in my opinion is one performer, one producer, and one executive, and one serious singer-songwriter/musician. A performer should understand being on stage, entertaining,vocals, acoustics, and the live atmosphere; a producer should understand what it takes make success album/singles, has an ear for sound, and can hear raw potential that can be refined and cultivated in a studio; an executive should understand marketability, demographics, selling points, and how to jump start a career; a singer-songwriter/musician-type should understand the art of music,how to read it, how to write it, how to break it down, how to build a good song from the ground up while maintaining substance, this person will be important to keeping the other judges and viewers at home grounded when they get too caught up in the flash and commercialism and overlook artistic quality.

With all four of those perspectives giving honest constructive criticisms, throughout the season, they should find the best talent yet.
If they find judges with more fit more than one of those roles (a la Harry Connick, Jr), then maybe they can stick with three judges

I can't say who'd work best in those roles but if Rick Rubin was a judge on idol, I'd watch religiously.

And please, no Miley Cyrus. If I was auditioning, I don't think I could take her opinion seriously (not that she isn't knowledgeable or experienced, she's just not time tested enough for me and I don't really like her voice)

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:50AM
Thanks so much for posting the link to that very special photo of Adam and Brian.

Anonymous said...

@July 14, 2012 9:25AM

Agree wholeheartedly. I don't know who Rick Rubin is but I'll google him.

Anonymous said...

OT Please sign this petition to have Adam and Queen do a concert in the US. You can sign it here.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would be a great judge, because basically he always has an opinion about things. He was very well spoken as a judge on Project Runway, and as a mentor on AI....remember he told a contestant, he was boring and that person was voted off that week.I would just like to be able to watch the show again, and have a judge, actually do some judging. Adam is my man!!!!!

Magiclady said...

Love the picture of Adam and Brian! I think I may become very emo watching tonight's concert. It has been wonderful having them together and watching the concerts. I hate to see it be over.

I think It would be good for Adam to be an Idol judge, if only to show people how articulate and intelligent he is!

Anonymous said...

Please universe make this happen. If this rumor comes true, it means I get to see Adam's picture on Clear Channel (also owns 850+ music radios in US that don't play Adam's new singles) billboards on my way to work on Olympic Blvd. and Pico Blvd. in L.A. Adam's pictures will be plastered on Billboards across the nation.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam, Justin Timberlake , Miriah, Pink , Beyonce, Usher, Reba, Mary J Blige. Any of those would be my picks and Harry Conick JR. NO MILEY her voice grates on my nerves. We have gotten to where we just zoom through the judges comments, because you already know what they are going to say.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the heartwarming picture of Adam and, so beautiful. I really think Brian and Roger are truly going to miss Adam so much, and vice versa, since they've made magic together for the Queenbert concerts and what looks like became incredibly close friends. I just can't believe they will end this love fest with only 6 shows. The Show Must Go On!


Anonymous said...

Everyone sign this petition and maybe the show won't end!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Signed the petition! Hope they really will be able to perform in the U.S.I would go no matter where it was. A chance of a lifetime. The videos are great but nothing like seeing a show live!

daydreamin said...

Thanks Admin for posting these!!

My local newspaper actually mentioned ADAM as a potential judge! They never talk about Adam! It was on page 2 just on the inside of the cover! They had a blip on the cover and then said read about it on the next page!

@Glitzylady I heard Nigel is also fearing for his job so I bet he is lashing out!

Anonymous said...

WHO will replace Adam when Queen performs at the closing ceremonies of the Olymics??? On the 12th of August. Wish it was possible to make him an honorary British citizen for that day.

daydreamin said...

I do think this could be a really great opportunity for Adam to be a judge and here is why.

Adam HAS been scorned since the AMA's and because of the gay thing. The reason for the AMA's (in my opinion) is because he didn't do what he set out to do. He changed his performance in a way that shocked many people as well as ABC. Only 1500 people called in to complain, but we heard from plenty more who said they were stunned and that changed their mind about him and that they would no longer support him.

By being on idol, EVERYONE will get to know and see that EXTREMELY articulate, charming, charismatic, professional that WILL give his honest opinion but with grace, style and flair. He WILL win hearts back as those that left his fandome will realize he hasn't done anything crazy like that since, (well at least not on tv.) The Finland thing I don't think wouldn't have hurt his image one way or the other. Just bring a slight bit of forgetful negative attention for a few days and then be forgetten-which it was.

If Adam were to become a judge he would also be able to perform (I hope). I don't know what the new format will be, but those OTHER singing shows has their judges singing on a REGULAR basis. The only other thing I HATE is the way voting is done. Ever since Adam was screwed I have hated the fact that people can vote as many times as they want for their favorite. It's easy to see who actually has a decent career after idol and who doesn't to know that the people voting are voting for their favorite over and over and over (I am guessing that they are teens voting for the cutest guy.)

Well that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!

Anonymous said...

Is there a twitter or livestream link for the last concert coming up real soon? Please post or direct me somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Twitter list!/LambertUK/adamlambert-queen-14july

Anonymous said...

You are a GODSEND!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...disappointed because no live stream tonight, but since they are filming for DVD I guess it makes sense. More $$$$$$$ !
Even though I've seen 5, I'll gladly buy a DVD of the 6th! :)

Totally engrossed in the concerts, I can use some sleep....I now know all the lyrics of all the songs!
It's been a treat beyond belief!

Anonymous said...

From a big QUEEN fan. Very good read.

QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT, Hammersmith Apollo (July 12)

Anonymous said...

petition signed. up to 132 signatures now

Anonymous said...

@1:15PM Thank you, dear! This is the best review I read so far. HAL

Anonymous said...

AMERICAN IDOL: Could Nigel Lythgow and Simon Fuller Be On Their Way Out?

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that American Idol producer, Nigel Lythgoe, has yet to sign a new deal to stay with the show, and that Idol creator, Simon Fuller may have a reduced role with the show next year as well.
Nigel, Simon and Ken Warwick could all be on the way out. Core Media Group, the company which now owns American Idol, and FOX, the network that airs it, are prepared to make MAJOR changes to save their sinking franchise. Idol lost 23% of it’s viewership last year. American Idol has always been the cornerstone of the FOX network’s rating dominance and has brought in billions of dollars in revenue.

Anonymous said...

But, JAK, there was a live stream, I hope you got to see it.
It worked probably for half of the concert.
Adam was thanking Brian and Roger for everything and the audience was chanting some awe sounds, then Adam said "for now", then everyone starting screaming! I think it's just a matter of time now that they will plan a concert or two here in the USA. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:15p.m
thanks ! Awesome review!!!
Who's the making of QUEEN 2 in the future!!!

Adam;s Amazing vocals rules!!!

Anonymous said...

Seen the last 30 minutes of the stream....HOLY SHIT...ADAMAZING
Can't wait for the DVD with a catalog of pics I hope.
If I was there I'm sure I would have had heart attack.

Anonymous said...

There's a reason why it's taking a while longer for the decision on Adam Lambert as judge. America has a strong segment of conservative types who would bolt if Adam were to be signed on. Fox is weighting their choice of Adam on the gains versus the losses. If they do decide on Adam, it would be a bold move indeed, as FOX would be making a giant leap from its conservative position. For Adam, the offer would signify a coup, in a sense catching the fox by the tail, which he has worn hanging from his waist, kind of a badge of conquest for the hunter, which Adam has become with his latest conquest of Queen. Whether Adam accepts the offer or not is a moot point, by that time. But, because of the possibility of his singing/songwriting career right now on rocket ship to the stratosphere, Adam will have some thinking to do and could decline if the logistics doesn't allow him to "have it all". Adam is on the verge of having it all, having fulfilled many dreams already in his young age. It's just a matter now of juggling it all and determining whether the pros, (i.e. the gig could finance his tours; he gains more exposure and fans), outweigh the cons (nil downtime, AI could be an albatross). Whatever he chooses, so long as we have him to see and hear forever, we are happy, whichever way the wind blows, we will follow.

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT is slaying it in London. Singing Who Wants To Live Forever and the audience is CRYING!!!

Anonymous said...

OH NO! There was a live stream? I missed it. I didn't see a link posted in any of the threads here at 24/7 and I am not savy enough to know how to search for one on my own. :(

daydreamin said...

Hey EVERYONE, Billboard is doing a poll to see whom we want for idol judge and Adam is winning by a mile. Vote here:

Anonymous said...

@ 3:18

It's true. Adam will bring in his fans but there is a large segment of America that will stop watching. They won't even give him a chance because they are simply to closed minded. :(
I'm pretty sure that is why they leaked his name before even talking to him about it. To see if they would gain more than they would lose. So hard to tell... there has been A LOT of negative feedback but they haters always seem to be the loudest.
I truly believe AI is a sinking ship. I don't think Adam could save it, nor anybody else. The question remains, what would be best for his career in the long run. I surely don't know.

daydreamin said...

Not sure if we saw all of one of the most recent interviews, but this might have a bit more info from Adam on the judging thing. You have to watch all the way through to see it all between Queen+Adam gigs.

Anonymous said...

Saturday, after the last Queen + Adam Lambert show at Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK. I thought I'd go check out twitter to see what people in attendance who did not know Adam before thought about his performance.

EVERYONE is tweeting how incredibly amazing he was; they're calling for an album, for a world tour, for continued collaboration, some saying that Adam ranks as their top current singer and live performer. They're hashtagging #Adam Lambert and QUEEN in their tweets.

I think Adam and Queen should jump on this unique occasion to create a new sound together, do an album and tour it like crazy worldwide.

Adam is HOT, HOT, HOT right now. Why would he sit as a judge on AI listening to other people sing? AND, Ricky (whatever his name is) is already talking about how AI is cutting its budget for season 12 (salaries, etc.) Probably why JLo and S. Tyler left. Couldn't get $$$ they wanted. All in all, AI would probably be a lesser version of what it has been in the past. PLEASE ADAM, think about that very carefully.

Anonymous said...

I want a TRESPASSING TOUR it's the best CD out there.

Anonymous said...

People here in America are going to say Adam is riding Queen's coat tails. I think he should tour with Trespassing and do specials with Queen.

I can;t wait for Trespassing Tour to see out BB.

daydreamin said...

Oh no, Adam NOT performing at Olympics with Queen! It's Jesse J and Queen :(
When the Victory Ceremony comes to a close there is due to be a sudden blackout followed by the opening chords of Bohemian Rhapsody. Also due to be part of the show is a tribute to John Lennon, with footage of the late Beatle talking being screened in the stadium.
According to the latest running order, the acts appearing near the finale are Take That, who are due to sing Rule The World, and Queen, who will perform We Will Rock You with Jessie J.
The band’s late lead singer Freddie Mercury will appear as a projection. Celebrating the Olympics’ birthplace, the Greek national anthem will be played.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

IMHO being a judge on Idol would be the biggest mistake of his life. Idol has become the "red-headed stepchild" in the TV music show line-up. Viewership has waned progressively since Adam's season of being a contestant. The key group Adam is trying to "court" (18-39, younger crowd) for the most part not only doesn't watch it, but thinks it's a joke. Long gone are the days that the winner is the best singer, it's simply a personality contest.

So, let's say he does it and the show fails: they blame him....he'd be the easy scapegoat, and any "street cred" he's built in the "rock / pop" world is flushed down the toilet. And all of that's before you even get into the whole "he's gay" part of the issue.

I know us Glamberts want to see him all the time, but he needs to gain a much greater, widespread (and younger) audience than us lovely older ladies, in order to continue to ascend to his fullest potential.

I'm hoping that instead of attacking me, you'll take a moment to really, fully and unselfishly take a look at the broader picture, and the consequences that could become a reality for him.

PRS (not a troll)

daydreamin said...



Anonymous said...

omg everyone has a plan for Adam. The man will do what he thinks is best for him and us hashing it out won't change anything.Love all the different views though.

daydreamin said...

@PRS I read your post. I respectfully disagree. Even if idol went down the toilet after Adam judges, I think there would be a greater respect for him because we all know how he woo's us all in. He would do it again and again whenever he opened his mouth. I even hope the gay stigma would diminish because the world (USA)(crossing my fingers on this one). There will always be the naysayers that will never give him a chance, but I really can't help but think the more people that hear him speak, the more they will fall under his spell. Idol really has to be careful this time round in choosing the right judges so as not continue down the toilet. It wouldn't be Adam's fault.

Anonymous said...

4:27 thanks for those links I was wondering if Tommy and Sauli were spotted anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be in Japan around the time the Olymics have their closing.
Besides he's not British

Anonymous said...

@ 3:18, i totally disagree with you about conservatives tuning out if Adam is a judge on AI. You do realize that there are gay conservatives, do you not?

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2012 9:25 AM
AGREED! That would be an ideal panel/format of judges! The only problem I can think of is that the best people for those roles probably wouldn't even consider doing Idol at this point. To reclaim their former glory, idol needs at least one judge who's either a legendary performer, or a current, young superstar with a hot career and both those kinds of people have better things to do. A popular artist would be busy recording and touring while a really big-name, decades-spanning artist would be too far above doing a reality show and would overshadow everybody.
Rick Rubin is awesome, but he has almost too much credibility. Don't know if he'd risk the criticism and flack of doing idol.
Everything is just so up in the air right now with idol that i don't know what's gonna happen. It might all come together, it might not.

Anonymous said...

Non British citizens are not allowed to perform. They are hosting so they want to keep the glory in the family and promote their own acts. It makes some amount of sense.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:08

There are also many gay people who do not like or support Adam. :(

Anonymous said...

AAWWW! I just noticed that Adam posted Suz's video of SMGO on his Twitter.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:17, I agree and it's their loss. But, there are tons of conservatives who admire Adam. This is about talent and it shouldn't be a political issue. AI seems to be failing anyway, even the producers may be leaving.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of all this talk about American Idol....hope videos are up soon.
Just want to enjoy BB.

Anonymous said...

Suz video is from Thurs...I notice the ripped pants

I hope they keep the pants in the DVD.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:37

You're right. I think people might mean closed minded... not conservative. Unfortunately there are closed minded people in all ranks.

@ 5:40

I second that!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JAK here...I went back and forth between 3 Ustream sites, all with black screens for about 40 minutes before I gave up today....wish I'd stuck with it! Oh well, c'est la vie! Waiting for vids...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:27 Thanks for directing me to Adam's twitter and the video of SMGO. I loved reading all the + comments too.

Anonymous said...


Adamluv said...

@PRS - I so agree with you. Thank you for stating it so well. Dont want Adam on Idol! He needs to stay as far away from that sinking ship as posible. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


I busted my pants...
I busted my pants...
God knows I busted my pants.

Anonymous said...

I would watch AI again if Mariah, Adam, and Miley were the judges. Awesome. Miley for the young kids, Adam for us, and Mariah for the classical older folks. Great!

Anonymous said...


I busted my pants
I busted my pants
This time is for
I busted my pants
God knows...God knows I busted my pants
Why didn't he warn me... lol! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

AI is a sinking ship and the rats are leaving before it goes completely under. I know Adam still sees it as a great opportunity, but if it still tanks, then he and the other new judges will take the heat. I'd love to see Adam get a whole new kind of show all his own, NOT A SINGING COMPETITION SHOW, but an entertainment show of some kind. He could host and perform and do lots of things. He's so damn funny and talented. I still want to see him on SNL.

Reviving Idol may be a lost cause, even with great new judges. Seems like people are growiing weary of the whole genre. I want Adam to tour with his own music and perform the hell out of it. What he needs is NETWORK TV EXPOSURE, and I don't mean on Idol-type shows. He needs to be seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. showing off his singing and his likability. People have to be convinced that it's ok to like him. There's nothing to be scared of.

DRG, just musing

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the stupid gaffe about conservatives; I paused when I wrote that, and meant to edit, but age and lack of sleep, Adam's fault, caused this to slip by without being corrected. I embrace all views as a legitimate part of the political conversation, and must apologize to those who have taken umbrage.
Just wanted to add also that Adam loves challenge, and I'm sure he's intelligent enough to know AI might be a "sinking ship", but his personality profile includes that of "changing up" things like songs, and making things for the "betterer", like wanting to save lost souls or navigating controveries, like the one he caused at the AMA. Remember how cool and confident he handled that fiasco. The personal and professional war has not yet been won, but it's one battle at a time, and Adam has won many royally. Adam loves challenge, and I can see he'll bring great ideas once he boards the sinking ship. Adam feels beholden to AI, and this is not about money for him. It is about his vindication as artist and worthy person in a medium that has declared war on him, and for a cause (LGBT) that is has yet to be won. atm

Anonymous said...

1:37, You just said a mouthful. I never really thought of the AI thing a something Adam would want to do to "prove" himself to those in the AI audience who abandoned him after the show (AMAs, etc.). Perhaps he does feel like this would be his chance to prove that he is worthy of their attention again. Yes, maybe to him it isn't about money. It's about showing that it's ok to like him, that he's not someone who must be shunned or purposely ignored. I guess in that light, I can see why he would be so eager to do it. To prove himself.

AND, as you also say, he is SOOOO creative, I'll bet he would bring lots of fresh ideas to the show that would liven it up. He has no tolerance for boring singers or people with no new ideas. I truly think he will not get the AI gig, but I really like your take on it. Makes me feel better if he DOES get it.


Anonymous said...

With due respect to all opinions regarding the AI stint, my view is firstly, Adam doesn't do things to prove himself or something done to him or not. It does appear though, he seems to be trying to right the wrongs. He leaves the door for opportunities wide open and simply grab what appeals and benefits him most, depending on the circumstances he is in. He goes with the flow, a vivacious free mind and soul; and loves to express his innate talents to the highest he can scale them to. He is very adventurous and sometimes it's compulsion, something we all can identify with, that terrible urge to want to do whatever. As I see it, AI is just starting to sink, lol! and can be propped back up with lots of innovative, original ideas and strategies. Also, money is always a strong factor with regard to any kind of work or business and Adam sees it there. Going on the road and calling the tour bus your home is not exactly the most comfortable work; he has to look into all aspects because if anything goes wrong, his head rolls first along with his money. Moreover, now with Sauli on his mind, AI will provide a fairly less hectic life-style and he has said he has grown accustomed to spending some quiet time with him at home. After the initial auditions, the work of being an AI judge is quite settled and home-based. For his art/talents to flourish, quiet time to reflect is imminent and may even be more beneficial than incessant shuttling, partying etc. He has done this all his life climaxing with Queen; so perhaps it's time for a more mind-stimulating, reflective type of work. In short, if you will, he is returning to base to tidy things up a little. This AI stint might eventually rocket him, nobody knows, so go with the flow especially when it is an avenue for lucrative Trespassing sales, like what it did for WWFM, an overnight success. Music now has to be viewed as a business not just music/talent perse. This AI stint may well prove to be the most helpful in terms of networking, see how Queen provided the best ropes for him to climb; also as fodder for his own future setting up of his own show or company some day.

Anonymous said...

I just love the fact that whenever anyone posts some comments about an Adam interview, the words articulate, well-spoken are usually mentioned in addition to intelligent, confident, polite, and candid. How many other performers in the music business possess all those qualities?? And add to that extremely talented. Adam would be a welcome addition to the AI panel and it seems he has said he would be interested if asked. I don't think he is in it for mega dollars, but for the opportunity to help young talent with constructive, thoughtful comments. Afterall, he has been through the process and who would know it better than Adam. Even if he doesn't get the job, at least his name is out there, being talked about with some positive publicity. Even if it is only for one year, it is still a platform for Adam to continue to "grow" his career. I would be overjoyed to see him each week as one of the judges and maybe it will bring up the level and variety of contestants on the show. Whatever happens, Idol does need a change. There are just too many of these singing talent shows on reality tv and obviously some of them lose viewers because the audience at home becomes easily bored and is always looking for something new and different. If this is a show looking to find the best new talent out there, then maybe the judges should have the background and talent to make those decisions before asking for the audience vote.