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London Evening Standard: Adam Lambert is Long Overdue New Prince for QUEEN

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 15, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 15, 2012

@129aquarius: Just getting home and saw this from the London Evening Standard on @physcogramma FB page. I want a copy! A long-overdue new prince to enliven Queen without Freddie! 4 Stars!


Anonymous said...

This is very good and very bad news. Happy for Adam and Bryan and Rodger. However, this article will make Freddie's fanatics VERY VERY MAD!and this is the bad news

Anonymous said...

theyll understand-freddie is dead and adam lambert now;its all about music-voice is voice.its a modern tiem now new generation.they wont think bad about this; we will be positive.

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM here!!! He has been overtaken!!! PLEASE!!!

V Camilleri said...

He can not be ignored or past over! He looks so happy and enjoying the moment! Love sharing the adventure with all of you.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......It's been like living with a three week "buzz" on!
I need a quiet week or two to come down off my high and get some sleep. I imagine Adam does too.