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QTV: Glam-Pop artist Adam Lambert in Studio Q

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On the occasion of the release of his sophomore record, "Trespassing", Adam joins Jian to talk about moving in new musical directions, and about making history as the first openly gay artist to have a number one album.


Anonymous said...

As always...Adam is gteat...

Anonymous said...

great....still haven't recovered from Queenbert

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Who IS this interviewer? He has the sexiest whispery voice. He should be a midnight dj. Soft voice introducing soft music as you sit fireside with a glass of wine and a "companion" and talk into the early hours.........smoooooth! ^o^

Anonymous said...

We have seen this interview before. Didn't mind watching it again. Adam as always... great. And yes... Jian has a lovely voice, very soothing... I could listen to it all day. He interviewed Adam 3 years ago and that interview was a pleasure to listen to as well. :)

Anonymous said...

He is one of the finest radio host in the country:) Very smart and also respected indeed.


Anonymous said...

Keep requesting NCOE everyone.Adam tweeted today to do so!

HK fan said...

I think we have heard this interview before but not had the video. I too love his voice, his previous interview with Adam is one of the best ever.

Here's the link to my photos again for those that missed them..

Anonymous said...

@LadyBRrinehart: Adam has spoken! #NCOE Call in Campaign TODAY!

Hi! So we're going to do the call campaign again since we got a good response from radio and everyone involved. Q102 said they'd gotten more requests during that time than in months (yay) but Z100 is still maintaining the song isn't requested enough for them to play. So, let's take away that excuse :DD

Please call, text, or tweet daily or as much as possible over the next week (ranked in order of importance), especially Z100 and Q102. We're going to need as many peeps as possible to make an impact, be united, and any little bit helps.

Remember to be polite, don't get discouraged, and above all else don't let anything take away the fun of being a fan of someone so amazing :3

Time: ANYTIME during the day or night, whenever works for you

*Z100 NY: 800-242-0100 | text 55100
*Q102 Philly: 800-521-1021 | text 71021

KTU NY: 800.245.1035 | text 31035
KISS-FM LA: 800-520-1027 | text 41027
CHUM FM: 416-870-1045
Fox All Access: 877-268-6815

Time: 7-8PM, 10-11PM EST

SNOL 888-313-9393 (Saturday)
OHP 1-800-669-1010 (Saturday)
Club Kane 877-975-2582 (Sunday)

Other SNOL stations and info:

Anonymous said...

I wish every interviewer of Adam was so smart and sensitive and articulate. He asked such well-crafted questions that Adam could answer so intelligently. I know Adam loves a silly, goofball interviewer, too, just like the rest of us do. But, wow, this guy is great. Adam is SO smart and loves to look into himself. He expresses himself so well. And yes, I have seen this interview before. It's one of the best.


Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing about this dj. voice. So soothing. He looked like he really liked talking to Adam. And wanting to go on. Did't we all. What a great speaker.

lorraine said...

@ JAK Just curious, What COMPANION did you have in mind? I just love where your thoughts go sometimes-and I often follow along for the ride!!!

Jadam NZ said...

Yay, Just recieved my UK Trespassing CD. Two more songs to love.
It is time to revive our requests, votes etc lets go!
Tho I have to say everytime I have the radio on I hear NCOE and even WWFM and IIHY.
I requested NCOE on a US radio station put this address, dont know if I should have done that.

Anonymous said...

Well, this one is pretty in-depth but we, here, more or less know quite a bit of what transpired. I like the lighting in the studio; it gives a nice tan-glow to Adam's face; also reminiscent of having a conversation with someone in a warm environment as opposed to sitting on a couch/chair being 'interrogated'. More informal. But I still think this gay 'inquiry' should be put to rest, not that Adam minds but rather if it's reiterated at every interview, it tends to shift the attention from the real and more pertinent issues regarding the artist Adam to one of less importance, the gay Adam. In short, let's just enjoy Adam and not grill him, like a delicious chunk of meat. lol! But this interviewer has a fair mix of good questions.

Anonymous said...

@Jadem NZ How wonderful that in New Zealand you hear Adam so much on the radio! Your country rocks,might have to move there haha. Well let's all get requesting big time and see what happens,it sure can't hurt.I see Q102 dropped NCOE from its playlist and they are great supporters,so I would make their station a priority,but do all the others and your local ones as well!

Magiclady said...

Love all your posts!

Great interview!

Anonymous said...

Thank you...And I remember you saying you'll be going to an Adam concert real soon...really envy that; looking forward to your report! :)

Jadam NZ said...

Thanks Anon8.13 for your response.

I think we need to really get going on the "Trespassing" promotion now.
We have been really caught up in the Queenbert world, which was wonderful.
So lets do it guys, maybe one more album or single download?

Anonymous said...

THIS IS one of the best interviewers and interviews I have ever heard with Adam. THanks for posting this! Lindsay Parker also does great in depth interviews with Adam.

Anonymous said...

I keep going back to Queenbert concerts. I think the Elmo jacket and zebra pants (thx to ripped lacers)add a nice "Adam" touch to concert.
BTW I'm beginning to think Adam is too good for radio, he's in a class by himself.

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine.......JAK here

Over the years I've had a lot of talk all night possible candidates for a "companion". Not just the ones I'd like to snuggle with. I worship brains! Always had a professor or two in college I had a crush on, but the dream "companion" my friends in high school used to tease me about was the dumpy actor Peter Ustinov!!!! I read his book and searched out the late night talk shows he appeared on. He was endlessly smart and droll and had the very best stories about his show biz friends.

I was lucky to stumble upon the perfect man for and brains! We've been talking into the night for 57 years and I still find him witty, interesting....aggravating occasionally....but so sweet, I get lots of love notes. I am the most fortunate of women.

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK again

If I were a young woman today, I would find a young man who was a combination of the Lambert boys, Adam and Neil....irresistable!

Anonymous said...

Truthfully I think some of the other songs are more radio friendly than NCOE>TAKE BACK-MAP-RUNNIN-SHADY-CUCKOO. My personal opinion is Adam is such a great performance artist and when he sings Naked Love and Trespassing etc. I love them all! !!!!! I heard
IF I HAD YOU the other day on the radio and though thatis waaaay beter than most of the stuff that gets played. On the summer camp bus we sing TRESPASSING-CUCKOO-yes and ) SOOOOO FUN

Anonymous said...

So I saw this interview posted on another site and someone made a comment that Adam's eyes were brown and was probably wearing colored contacts (as he does occasionally). Now I have seen this interview a few times and thought to myself... his eyes just look darker because the lighting in the studio is low so his pupils are dialated. Then I watched it again and indeed his eyes are brown in this interview. How did I not notice that myself? Too mesmerized by the beautiful voices of the two men I think. Just thought I'd share the other person's more astute observation.

Anonymous said...

His eyes are blue. They were blue as a child and they are blue now.
All kinds of things can affect how they appear at different times. They are blue.

Anonymous said...

Eye color

I have def blue eyes, but if I wear pink or red my eye color looks muddy. Notice the background in that studio. Pink and red. Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:14

I KNOW he has BLUE eyes... that is kind of hard to miss. I have seen him wear both yellow (music video and costumes) and green (blonde fashion show) lenses before. His eyes in this interview definitely look brown so he is either wearing colored lenses or perhaps it is the colored lights of the studio like @9:21 said. I have blue eyes too and they never have looked brown under any lighting but who knows. Think contacts are more likely. It was just an observation.

Anonymous said...

By the way. I watched the interview Adam did with Jian 3 years ago in the same studio with the same lighting. His eyes look blue. Although they look more gray blue than usual, perhaps some would say muddy, but not brown. None of it is a big deal,I just thought it was an interesting observation that someone else had made.

Anonymous said...


AAAWWWW!! You are VERY fortunate indeed!! :)

(I agree... I love big brains. For me, you have to be intelligent to be truly sexy. Otherwise you are just eye candy.)

Anonymous said...

Love the part of the interview that talks about my favorite song "Underneath"off the new album!!Amazing vocals and a view into Adam's soul!It gives me chills everytime I hear it!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....eye candy can be deadly dull ! I speak from experience ! Dated a swimsuit model .... ONCE .... 5 hours of mind numbing boredom. Looking good just isn't enough!

lorraine said...

@JAK Of course I was being light-hearted in my response to your "companion" post---and I also let my thoughts wander into that naughty zone, as the night beckoned.I agree with you more than you know. Intelligence draws me to someone like nothing else. In my early twenties, I used to listen to Dick Cavett because I loved his quick wit and he often tended to have guests who were interesting- and conversations went a bit deeper than Hollywood "trash talking."I still lived in New York then and had a limited view and understanding of life on the west coast. You probably will find this hard to believe but I'm one of those weird creatures who isn't drawn to George Clooney, Pierce Brosnan and so many "heart throb" personalities.{Although I do appreciate Clooney's political activism.} My favorite actor is Morgan Freeman--and I would see him in any movie or just listen to him speak. I have always imagined how extraordinary it must have been for Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre to be able to have such a deep intellectual connection throughout their lives and how that sustained them beyond the physical attraction. I met my husband in a political science course in grad school and was seduced by his beautiful mind ,his passion and intellect and still find that those moments of intellectual exchange in our marriage are some of the most intimate.
It seems you have truly found your soul mate in that dear husband of yours and you are both blessed in abundance. It still astounds me when I hear Adam speak---hard to believe his formal education didn't go beyond high school.Besides his other obvious attributes, his articulate manner of speaking, wisdom and intelligence drew me to him when I first saw him on television---and of course, the rest is history because, once again, I am hopelessly seduced!

Anonymous said...

why don't Lambert ever talk about his one time sexcapade with a female????? I would love to hear all about the dirty little details.

Anonymous said...

why don't Lambert ever talk about his one time sexcapade with a female????? I would love to hear all about the dirty little details.

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine........JAK here

Smart guys rule! Cavett was always must watch viewing in our house. Dry wit seems scarce today.

OT...our family gatherings always include some type of game playing, one night we each had to answer "what should God look like"?
We wrote our answers and then had to guess who wrote what...My answer was...if he's white, he should look like Spencer Tracy...if he's black, def Morgan Freeman. Of course they all guessed Mom. Considering my age Spencer Tracy gave me away! :)

Anonymous said...

@ 6:37 P.M. This isn't a porn site. Obviously you are lost.