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Adam Lambert Live in Bali - After the Countdown

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 31, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 31, 2012

Via @katzolicious:

Adam sang a bit of Auld Lang Syne


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that's how he spent his f**ing new years :-( With a bunch of foreigners. How sad - what a waste of his career. Get your ass back to the USA Adam and make some noise w/ YOUR people!!

Anonymous said...

And for those of you who want to bash my previous comment - you know you're thinking the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Adam said in an interview that Sony booked him. I am sure he was well paid, since the tickets were $600 and up. Not a bad place for Adam and Sauli to spend NYE together. US has not been supporting him near as much as other countries. Don't put down his fans in other countries, they love him, and are also his bread and butter. He has Glamberts the world over.

Anonymous said...

6:35 oh no I am not thinking that. He is one lucky guy he has all those "foreigners" for fans. You sound like a big troublemaker, troll elsewhere.

daydreamin said...

Anon 6:47 I second the motion! He is there with Sauli and it's a cherished place for them. That's good enough for me.

Now for the tiny bit of that song he sang, WOW! Gotta learn that one Adam!

Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems "YOUR people!" aren't offering him work. Adam has to go where the work is. As an American, I'd love to see him a lot more in the USA. Try to empathize with Adam's issues. please. I'm more than happy to see foreigners love him. Look how the USA adores and gives out big awards continually to foreigners.

Anonymous said...

That is funny, I thought that Adam knew every song written. It seems funny he has never had to sing that before, he must have been completely surprised, or he would have had the words on a piece of paper. He must have forgotten that is part of NYE, of course he might have had his mind on Sauli for the celebration after the show, LOL.

Rebecca said...

to spend New years in a tropical paradise sure wish I could have taken Ashley up on her offer to hide in her suite case. I would have sold my soul to spend new year in paradise with friends and my hubby. Damn Adam was lucky

Anonymous said...

@ 6:35 P.M. How rude can you get?
Foreigners? We're all foreigners somewhere. Adam is a foreigner in Bali. And he's wasting his career? Entertaining is his career!

You remind me of the boobs who take an exotic world tour and return home and say "Yeah, we saw a lot of great stuff, but there were so many foreigners!" GEEZ

As for my thinking the same thing you are, fat chance. I'm damn grateful that foreigners have welcomed Adam around the world and by doing so enhanced his success!

Anonymous said...

I have no intention of bashing you, 6:35 PM. It looks to me that you only want what's best for Adam. That's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

again we let the troll take over a thread.

Anonymous said...

jealous over Adam's international fans, my Gawd what next?

Adamluv said...

@7:03 - thank you for saying what I hope a lot of us feel regarding that ridiculous and ignorant first comment left on this thread. . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

it's called international stardom - please get used to it. country and rap music rule the US (sadly to some of us). love the quick news on this site, but not many of the comments/commenters.

Anonymous said...

6:3pm- new year's suggestion- get out of the US and see what the world is all about. expand your horizons.

Anonymous said...

All hate n crap aside, has anyone noticed that, as of right now, Adam is the #1 trending for the comments about Les Mis? I agree with him. The editor of EW said Anne Hathaway had the most profound moment in a movie musical. I'm guessing he has never actually SEEN a musical before (Sound of Music, Funny Girl, even practically anything Disney is better!) Anyhoo, Happy New Year, Glamily!

Anonymous said...

OK, please disregard the post above. Working long hours, not looking at all the posts, I had no idea I was an entire day behind the times. Sorry about that! But I still agree with Adam.

daydreamin said...

A pic of Adam from Bali:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

7:55 OV I am new to twitter where did you find that trending ? Trying to learn new stuff. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year !! to most.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Adam following Ace Young came about.Just checked the people he was following and saw that.

Anonymous said...

I wish you all a Happy New Year, hope I'm around to enjoy it. Hope the explosions I've been hearing for 2 hours now are fireworks. Hope that in 15 minutes at midnight none of Florida's one million legally licensed gun owners and God know how many unlicensed gun owners don't indulge in their usual firing their guns into the air celebration. Last year 2 people were shot in the head from falling bullets in our county, one a 12 year old boy, who now has a shunt in his brain! Yep, our state knows how to welcome the new year in with a bang. I think I'm gonna crawl under the bed and hope for the best!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, AL 24/7berts

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Adam and everyone! Hope this is a much better year financially and healthwise. And prosperous for Adam.

Anonymous said...


Ace Young asked Shoshanna if he can follow him on twitter:

@shoshannastone Hello Sho. Can you ask Adam to follow me so I may direct message him. I know him, and he knows me.. I promise

@adamlambert Dude, follow me back so I can direct message you. :-)


Anonymous said...

So, Adam had to spend his NYE at home, watch TV and enjoy PSY performance!

Anonymous said...

Happy new years to everyone, weather we agree are not, all the time or half the time or sometimes!! Happy New Years too all!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam has a very healthy career abroad and I am grateful and happy for him, because I Truely love Adam and want the best all the time! Everybody seem to have a good time in Bali, it was not a every time concert, people had a drink or two and it was New Years eve, just was not that serious! Sue

daydreamin said...

@JAK I have the same problem here in Calif. It's time we wake up and put the guns to bed!

Happy New Year everyone!

Anonymous said...

9:44 Adam is home already? I am sure he is not alone and watching TV will be a luxury to him.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

10:35 oh boo hoo hoo go watch some FM tapes and cheer your lonely ass up.

funbunn40 said...

Adam's foreign fans love him as much as we do,also taking videos and pics for us to enjoy.I'm happy that he's so warmly welcomed and supported by them. They also offered him a lucerative offer in a tropical paradise where none to our knowlege was offered in the US. I think Adam, Sauli and the Glamily has a great NY Eve together in beautiful surroundings. It would have been nice for us in the US if he were in NY on TV, but he's not freezing and most likely very happy where he and Sauli had spent special time together 3 yrs ago. It was all good for Adam and seeing him have a good time is good enough for me. Happy New Year everyone! May it be peaceful and loving.

Anonymous said...

@10:11 PM: I think 9:44 PM:s comment was sarcasm. Adam leaves Bali the 1st of Jan (evening) and goes to Vietnam where he has a gig on Friday the 4th of Jan.

And Anon 6.47 PM, 6:56 PM and Becca: I totally agree with you. You go where you are listened to. And NYE in paradise-island with hubby and friends sounds so good.

daydreamin said...

Back to the business of looking at a gorgeous man:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

awww daydreamin you always save the day. thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why this gorgeous man is keeping these f....background ladies and the idiot dancer. Terrance is a brilliant. And all band sounds fantastic!

Anonymous said...

12:19 you are getting pretty overbearing tonight. Why don't you go sleep it off.

Anonymous said...

Let's all make a New Years's Resolution to totally ignore the trolls. It would be great if we can add a little more positivity to this place as well instead of nit picking every single thing Adam does.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, thanks for sending this pic, Adam is indeed a beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

12:28 I try hard to ignore them but think I will need a 12 step program eventually.

Anonymous said...

12:28 AM. Couldn't agree more, but it's hard sometimes to reason with ignorance.

Anonymous said...

12:34, that's the point, they can't be reasoned with. If they are ignored they eventually move on to some place where people will respond to them.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't ignore the first two comments. All I could see were those sweet fans in Bali wearing Trespassing colors and holding up signs saying Adam we will Never Close Our Eyes on you. One of them could have been on this site and read that, they don't know about trolls.Anyhoo have a nice first day in 2013 folks.

Anonymous said...

OT: I'm totally more concerned at this point with all the blogs going viral with Adam's twitter comment on les miserables ( most of the comments are horrible.) That concerns me far more than a skit with his two back up singers and dancers!!

Anonymous said...

comment sections on Adam are always horrible.

Anonymous said...

I really think the viral comments come from people who never had time for Adam in he first place, there have always been a number of haters out there. I'm sure it will all blow over. Fortunately, a large number of professionals have come out in support of Adam's comments, including VH1 who stated if any celebrity was going to make a comment regarding Les Miserables they were glad it was Adam, this is reassuring because they know Adam is knows what he is talking about. If you read some of the professional critics comments regarding Les Miserables, they have been far harsher than anything Adam had to say and they were also criticising the singing and how it let down the whole movie.

Anonymous said...

Reading comments written here I am not sure is this Adams FAN page...:( There is complaint about dancers, back-up singers (and their weight), show itself, Adam`s costume changes, his relatinship (is Sauli there/ are they happy..) and what else. Oh he is performing foreigner.. We not as important people as americans can also enjoy and appreciate Adams music! Go figure!! Of course there are also normal, nice people too. For them I wish Happy New Year!! (mayby I wish it to everyone else too!)

Anonymous said...

1:10, did you just say Indonesian fans on the internet don't know what trolls are? Hmm, are you a troll or just insulting?

Anonymous said...

To be a true Adam fan you need to get off your high horses people and start to show some support!!! Supporting means wanting and appreciating him to be who HE wishes to be, NOT what you want him to be!! Simple as that! It´s stupid to argue about fans nationalities...Adam has said that music is universal and it´s about time we realize that! He spends his time where ever the hell he feels home and appreciated and whom ever he loves and is loved by. And it seems, at least for now, that his professional territory is outside US soil. Sad but true. Hope it´s going to change in 2013:)

glitzylady said...

Okay, my opinion (s): I'm thrilled that Adam was invited to spend New Years Eve doing what he LOVES and LIVES to do, and as a bonus, could spend time enjoying himself with his friends and his love, Sauli. And in a place as beautiful AND romantic as Bali.

As far as the "foreigner" comments: What?? Adam's fans are Adam's fans. There are no borders (boundaries..) separating us. He appreciates each and every one, and I am also very thankful for each person who supports and admires Adam Lambert. I think it's fabulous that Adam is able to travel the world, is in such demand worldwide, and that so many in the world are excited to see him. We Americans have to share. :))

Anonymous said...

Well said 1:50 - Supporting means wanting and appreciating him to be who HE wishes to be, NOT what you want him to be!!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady 1:58 AM. Thank you for bringing some sense back on board to this site.

Anonymous said...

So happy that finally Adam Lambert has performed on Indonesian soil for the first time. Hope to see him in Jakarta in March 2013 !

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 - are you sure Adam and Sauli spent time in Bali 3 years ago? To the best of my knowledge, Adam didn't know Sauli then. Adam spent time in Bali during his Glam Nation Tour as a tourist relaxing with the Glamily band, before he performed in Finland and subsequently met Sauli there.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Adam post a pretty nice and sexi photo of him and Tommy. First foto of this year.. I`m wondering where is foto of him and his bf..? And yes I am a Tommy fan but also a Adam fan. And I don`t hate Sauli. I just think Adam and Tommy would be better pair. And what things Adam well we will see about that. What I know there is no fotos of them together in Bali and yes I know he was there.

Anonymous said...

Just stopped in to check for videos ....gonna check out to much negitive energy ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

If the US were more accepting of Adam he'd be back America. The worlds leading the way right now and his become a World Treasure
adored by SOOOOO many countries. Adams 'people' are ALL over the globe and I know become I'm one of them and I've been there 100% way prior to AI.

Anonymous said...

'Foreigners' Honey there's one hell of a big world outside the USA and their a lovin' the Glambert to the max!

Anonymous said...

Adams gig in Indonesia and soon Jakarta are barrier breaking moments. By the way, just a thought, OMG isn't Sauli classed as a 'Foreigner'?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:22 AM: Wasn't it Bali in February 2011? So it will be 2 (not 3) years soon. They met in Finland 6th of Nov 2010, so they have known each other 2 years and 2 months.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:24 AM: I'm glad you're so thrilled about the first photo of 2013 by Adam. May I ask: Why would Tommy be a "better pair" with Adam? What else do they have common than the work (Adam being his boss) and friendship. Why would he be better match with Adam? The thing that they would look better in photos is not enough when you are in a long time relationship?

What should Tommy do to prove you that he likes women and maybe, just maybe does not like sucking men's dicks (sorry folks)?

There are no pics of Adam and Sauli together from Bali, you are right. But did it come to your mind that they look each other all the time in the villa and make things together in privacy. They don't have to prove anything to the world. They live together. The photo is from Adam's work and from his work mate.

I must say that at the moment I saw Adam putting that photo to his Instagram I knew the fuss about "the real love/fake love" would start. He's not always very wise when it comes to this "fandom".

Anonymous said...

Yes it is a nice picture but that`s that a picture. Somehow I have been thinking that A and S realtionship is quite a roller coaster. They are both very passionate people and I would think that when they love they are very much in love but then they also have bad fights (and I don`t mean violence). Because what I`m noticed there are times they post lovely fotos of them, speak/write lovely things of each other and then there are times it almous seems that they can`t stand each other. I call that passionate love. But it can end up very nice healty and interesting lifelonging relationship or it could rip them apart very huskily. I hope the first one for them!

Anonymous said... are so hilarious!!!:DDDDDD kissing and loving pics of Adam and Sauli during related pics with Adam and Tommy in Bali...yeah I guess he´s in love with Tommy (cracking up!!!!)

Anonymous said...

I agree when I saw the foto I also knew there would be fuss about it. Is Adam where of these intense feelings among his fans. I think he should sometimes think what he is doing with us LOL. No he does what he wants and that is it!

Anonymous said...

1:50 AM. Well said, your comments are spot on.

Anonymous said...

3:24 And that´s exactly what Adam and Sauli have...a passionate, healthy, solid and secure relationship. Adam has said that out loud more than once, even though they need to prove nothing to the world.Perfect fit as we all can see:)

GLb said...

I love to see that all of you, happy (and angry) people, have managed to survive into this new year... and world!.. with all your vices intact!! I guess we've all escaped the Sanity Police. Good for us!
You've been my best entertainment in all these years. And somehow I don't find that sad at all. HaHaHa.
I'm watching Vienna New Year's Concert on TV right now and that makes all the "noise" here (in a odd way) quite nice. A piece of Strauss to cure the grimness!
I like you all, ladies and gents! and I'm very sober, cross my heart. I passed out one hour after midnight (after videoing the fireworks... well, actually I didn't record anything since I pushed the wrong button) and slept 7 hours like a... corpse. My body is aching, but my mind is fresh as a.. glass of water, and my soul is full of love.

The skit was like... farting while wearing black tie. Embarasing and/or funny, depending on one's love life! :-) I think it was stupid, but great to have as funny memory. Haven't I told you that I hate perfection? I think I'm allowed, since it doesn't exist. I'm sure the concert was amazing and I hardly wait to see the videos.

@Dec. 31, 6pm I'm glad you posted it so I can agree with some of those who responded to you. You're MINE! Please don't make a scene out of this. :-)))

@ JAK May the synthetic biologist finally admit they're cloning humans too so we could (eventually) buy a JAK for every one of us! :-)

@Dec. 31, 10:35pm Sister/bro, let's share our tears together (me for you, you for... whoever).

@Jan. 1, 12:28 am Better yet, let's not ignore anything and exercise our spirits.

@glitzylady HaHaHa. Yeah, please do share with me a house on the beach, a 1000 sq ft pool, and a crossover SUV! God bless your heart, my friend! :-))

Happy New Year!... TO ALL (of us fricking ..Berts)

GLb (the usual foreigner)

Anonymous said...

Adam often says you can't please everyone, if he read some of the negative comments here he'd probably be laughing, his well and truly used to handling this and why should he bow and scrape to negative people. Adam's to proud for that, and it's great that in spite of what others think he is not afraid to do things his own way. He's a trouper and has so many loyal fans that love him for who he is, so if people want to continue picking go ahead, it's not going to bother Adam, he's too smart for that.

Anonymous said...

Prosit Neujahr!

Anonymous said...

@Anon. 3:47 AM
Adam and Sauli went to Bora Bora in February 2011, not Bali. Adam holidayed in Bali with his Glamily band (and from memory, Neil was there too) during his Glam Nation Tour BEFORE he met Sauli in Finland.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam and Sauli went to Bora Bora and there are some fantastic photos of that holiday together. :)

Anonymous said...

Of all the movie critics bashing "Les" . . . they talk about Adam . .I find this funny but great that they would consider Adam's opinion . .which from a musical theater star is probably spot on..

Anonymous said...

:-) "Dec.31, 6pm" is actually
"December 31, 2012 6:35 PM". Yup, soobeer.

@24/7 Admin. Thank you for keeping this place open and clean enough (but not too clean, thank God!). May this year be your best so far!


Anonymous said...

I've seen Les Miserables and love, love, loved it. Excellent cast!

Anonymous said...

@4:38 AM I'm 3:47 AM: Yeah, sorry! I remembered the place wrong. I've seen the pics from Bora Bora with A & S but also some of the older pics from Bali w his band (didn't Adam wear those famous shorts then and was that camera-gate in Bali?)

Anonymous said...

I am planning on seeing Les Miserables myself, I love the story and I believer the acting is great but from the previews I've seen the singing does sound a bit off and I can understand why Adam made the comments he did. This by no means would stop me from seeing the movie.

Anonymous said...

5:19 AM Maybe Adam did some good PR-work for the film. People want to see if he is right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

@5:16 AM
No, "camera-gate" was on a beach in Florida where he wore those "famous" shorts.

Anonymous said...

5:33 AM here.

P.S. "Camera-gate" happened during the Glam Nation Tour and it was the 1st time he wore those "famous" shorts for all the world to see.

Anonymous said...

5.36 AM here.
Oops - my mistake! Miami was "camera-gate" and those "famous" shorts, not Florida.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:38 AM! So much has happened and so many photos been taken after AI that I'm totally confused what, where and why, lol.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the actors' voices in Les Miserables aren't perfect but they sound more authentic than professional singers. I really think this whole singing thing has been blown way out of proportion and should be put to bed.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I feel so happy to be following Adam's career for another yr. Wherever and whomever he performs with!

Anonymous said...

This should be the top New Years resolution for everyone.
When there's a difference of opinion, let's just agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

Adam and entourage are leaving Bali at the moment.. There are pic of them at the airport. Sauli also sent a picture of him and Adam on his blog.

Anonymous said...

I like that idea, let's just agree to disagree makes good sense to me. Wishing everyone here at 24/7 a very Happy New Year. I've really enjoyed following all Adam's adventures though-out the year and will look forward to following him this year as well.

Anonymous said...

For those wondering if there isn't a picture of Adam and Sauli together in Bali, there is a nice one on Sauli's homepage from today:

Anonymous said...

Guys,guys,guys,never drink and post!

tea said...

LOL 8:05
I was thinking I needed to start drinking to post or at the very least throw back a few before reading comments.

Anonymous said...

On the basis of vids I'd say Indonesia is like South Africa. No good, lol.

Anonymous said...

Do I dare to come here... Is there a peace finally...

Anonymous said...

Oh, here's one vid. Whatta glamily friendly show.

Band introduction

Anonymous said...

Who stays at home on NYE any way?

I partied until wee hours and I am soooo tired.

Happy New Year to you all!

Anonymous said...

A pic of Adam at the airport, obviously taken by a casual fan(=not a tommybert) ;)

Anonymous said...

Music Daily News ‏@musicdnews
2012 Music Daily News Awards winners! #adamlambert #psy #ladygaga #pink

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone another album of the year win for 'Trespassing'. Go @adamlambert !

2012 Music Daily News Awards Winners

"Album of the Year goes to Trespassing by Adam Lambert. This is the former American Idol contestant’s second studio album and was released on May 15th. It is truly an amazing album, which not only our readers, but we highly recommend. There are a couple of tunes in there that are definitely worth buying it. Make sure to check it out and congratulations to Adam Lambert."

Anonymous said...

Its so heartbreaking to know that Adam doesnt have many loyal fans. He deserves better. What happened to Glamberts that supported Adam no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Media has the feast and they got from our Worldwide Superstar!!!!

Damn!!! Now they realized how powerful Adams voice eh!!!!

2013 here we go!!!!

Who can deny it now???? Haters are scrambling and it's good.... They are ranting like rats he!he!!!!!

Adam you are brilliant and FIERCE damn it:))))))))))

I'm dancing right now and bragging to my friends and family indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

I would have thought that Adam knew the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne, but I guess not. I think he's done NYE shows before.

These threads about the Bali show really show how passionage and protective we are about Adam's every move. We tend to want to micro-manage and worry about every little thing.

Adam is like no one else. We something tend to think that he won't be successful unless he becomes someone else. He will be as successful as he can be by being who he is. No amount of our wailing and hand-wringing over him will change that.


Anonymous said...

1:46 I am not a troll nor was that an insult. I was worried, they looked so young and may not come here often they might think the comments were from regular posters and I was horrified at the thought of that.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:52 AM
Adam still has many many loyal fans..the negative comments sometimes seen here in this blog do not reflect those of the majority. From what I see on twitter and amongst my "Adam" friends, things are QUITE fine in the fandom. I personally love Adam for who he is, not for who someone else thinks he should be, or what they think he should do or say, or how "they" think he should change himself for others. He is special because he is Adam....

tess4ADAM said...

Correct me if I am wrong but ... I have pics on my computer of ADAM & Sauli on jet skis vacationing in BORA BORA ... not ... BALI. Is that the vacation that is being referred to?? I believe it was shortly after they had become an 'item' ... right??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM That's right. The pics are from Bora Bora in February 2011. I don't remember was it before or after the Perez Hilton interview where Adam said he is dating "one guy".

Anonymous said...

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