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More VH1 Videos: Adam Lambert Talks Divas Wardrobe Woes

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 14, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 14, 2012

Only a few days until VH1 Divas 2012 and Adam Lambert still doesn't have his costumes ready.


Anonymous said...

OMG! A shooting in an elementary school (K-4) just happened.

There are 27 people dead of which 18 are poor little children :((. My heart aches really bad right now. People say that it's not the guns, it's the people that kill. NOOOOOOOO! IF THEY COULDN'T GET GUNS, THEY COULDN'T HURT ANYONE. WAKE UP!!!

Really, really sad...:(((

Anonymous said...


i have been glued to the TV all morning. omg. so sad. I hate that those reporters are interviewing those crying kids. WTF?!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new "quiet beard" rather than the old blackened majician-looking one he had a while back.
Yes, love the new more natural looking beard thingie. XXX
He could die it purple though and I still would listen to him daily! :)

Anonymous said...

Been in town all day sad .,,what are we coming to in today's world ....rose petal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As a retired secondary school administrator; every time something like this happens I remember the increase in violence and lockdowns that occurred in my last years. Fortunately, guns are much harder to obtain in Canada and therefore I've never had a student die inside any of my schools. Outside of school is another story as involvement in gangs took the lives of many of my students. From my experience people like this shooter show many signs that they are troubled but parents/ people are often reluctant to take any action. If you have ever had a bad feeling about a person or a situation I urge you to act on it. It is better to be wrong then to be sorry later.


Anonymous said...

That shooting is awful, that's a real under statement! Waiting for my daughter to come out of surgery? Missed much of it husband told meissen evening news, if any of these were my grandchildren I would be going nuts, my daughters would be beyond devistated, I could. Or stand to loose these grand kids. I am so sorry for these people, patents, grandparents ect, this just hideous! They have no metal detectors in these schools, in old days no, now it is necessary! I don't know! Your right there has to be signs! I am so, so sorry for these people and these lovely children who went to school and lost their lived God bless them all!!

Anonymous said...

horrible horrible nightmare day.

choons said...

yes, horrible, but this is an Adam site - maybe exchange each other's emails to continue conversation?

Anonymous said...

Guns have been banned in my country but now we have a much higher rate of knife attacks. This is tragic news and my heart goes out to the families, I can't even begin to imagine how they must feel.

Anonymous said...

2:28 no we will talk about it freely here. Come back in a few days if it really bothers you.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm just now hearing about this tragedy, ironic that just this week Florida "celebrated" the issuing of the one millionith concealed weapons permit...we lead the nation in numbers! What a terrible thing to acknowledge.

Those poor families, the magnitude of their grief is overwhelming.
As a former school director I know the responsibility you feel for the safety of your students, it was a constant prayer "God please keep them safe". This is pain beyond belief...nothing can be said or done to ease the agony these families are now facing.

Anonymous said...

Praying for all those affected by this tragedy and for the souls of those who lost their lives.