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Adam Lambert has left 19 Recordings!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 11, 2013

Via Hollywood Reporter:

Adam Lambert and 19 Recordings have parted ways, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

Although the American Idol season eight runner-up had split with 19 Management in August 2011, he remained signed to the recording arm of 19 Entertainment (now owned by CORE Media Group) for another 18 months.

According to sources, January marked the expiration for that contract, although he is still on the roster at RCA Records. “It’s good for both sides,” says an insider. “Adam can move forward with his plans and 19 isn’t stuck in the middle.”

Read the rest of the article over at Hollywood Reporter HERE.


Anonymous said...

I can't keep up with all that19stuff. Glad he is still with RCA.

glitzylady said...

Its all good news.....

Anonymous said...

This is good for Adam I believe. Hoping he will have mega success and hits with album #3. Trespassing is really a great album that he put his whole heart and soul into it sometimes just breaks my heart he couldn't get a hit. But I know we fans will enjoy that music for many years to come!

Anonymous said...

And so it begins.....

Anonymous said...

now we know what his A Change is Gonna Come tweet was all about.

Anonymous said...

19R & UMG as partners, Idols still signed to both RCA and 19R will be moving on as well from 19R.
Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, Jordin Sparks and Fantasia are all still with 19R/RCA.
Just wondering how long were their contracts since THR states Adam's contract expired this January.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06 - I think you may be right about his 'Change is Gonna Come' tweet. Hope this works out well for Adam. He most certainly deserves the best.

glitzylady said...

Adam chose to not renew his contract. The other Idol associated people named above have chosen to stay with them: They're most likely happy with 19 ... Adam already moved on last year anyway..

Anonymous said...

wonder what they (19R) acctually did to protmote TP. seems like they are mostly interested in maintining the AI link, this is a good thing to get past this. speaking of promotion -- Bruno Mars' new album is selling by the register at Starbucks in DC... anyone who can pay $5 for a coffee can easily pay $10 for an album. easy...

Anonymous said...

Is It the good sign and bad sign for Adam's career. Isn't it happen with Kris Allen and David Cook just few months ago? And everybody said that 19 didn't renew contract with Kris and David because the lack of the sales. So, what is going now?

Anonymous said...

This is a good thing for Adam. He is still with his same management group and still with RCA. 19 has all Idol contestants sign a contract and they keep making money off the contestants as long as they can. This means 19 is fully out of the deal now and means more money and control for Adam and RCA.

Anonymous said...

David Cooke and KA, we're dropped by RCA, think they were completely dropped! I know he said he and RCA parted ways, not 19 entertainment the one Adam CHOSE not to renew his contract with, sounds like he could if he wanted to. He obviously, has not been happy with them he changed managemt in 2011! The important thing is he still with RCA! kris did not say anything about 19 entertainment, he said he and RCA parted ways, not sure about Cooke, think RCA, K I do not believe is with a record company at this point unless he signed with someone else! I only interested Iib Adam I think this is great news, I felt for a while that the record company was not doing Adam any favor's and now it seems, this one was one dragging him down not making good decisions! I know KC had trouble with one of these record company a lot with a previous album! They choose to stay, that is there decision! Adam is such a unique artist, needs better backing of his music and everything that goes with it! He still with RCA, and this was his decision! I hope it made clear he is still with RC so the haters will not start their lies, guess will anyway! Looks like he could have signed, but chose not too! Now he can just deal with RCA,may be better decisions made for Adam now! Sue

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:01 PM
Adam was not dropped by 19, he dropped them. It was his choice. From all we've heard, this was a VERY smart move on his part. He had already signed on with a new management company. He had a contract with 19 that was set to expire as of now and Adam chose not to renew. Katy Perry has had very good luck with the people Adam is now with. He is still with RCA Records.. There was at least one article circulating that said he was "dropped by 19" which is NOT true...

It's all GOOD!!!

daydreamin said...

I wonder if this is why he now wants to make a 3rd album...

daydreamin said...

So soon I mean.

Anonymous said...

who is going to record Adam now that he parted ways with 19R? LOL man hateful trolls on THS now you can almost see flames coming from their comments.

Anonymous said...

12:37, Adam still has a label, he is still with RCA. RCA will take over anything 19 had control over.

glitzylady said...

Might I suggest that everyone read the article that is linked here (the topic of this thread...) before they freak out.... Here is the link again if you can't find it on the original posting by admins. All of the info is there. No need to panic for heavens sake!!!! He is with RCA and Direct Management (DMG), which took over for 19 Recordings...He was pretty much stuck with 19 until his contract expired. He essentially moved on with Direct Management (DMG) 18 months ago.. He has a contract, he still has a recording company, he's working on new music with them..All is fine...Adam is happy...Which is really all that matters..

Here again is the core info:

"According to sources, January marked the expiration for that contract, although he is still on the roster at RCA Records. “It’s good for both sides,” says an insider. “Adam can move forward with his plans and 19 isn’t stuck in the middle.”

A rep for Lambert says the two parties leave “amicably and with the utmost respect for each other,” adding that the decision is but one part of the singer’s “evolution,” which began when he joined Direct Management Group, home to Katy Perry among other clients

As for his third album, conversations with the label about direction have already begun, says DMG"

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady for clearing up the confusion for me. I didn't quite understand all the 19 recording relationships. All that matters to me is that Adam is satisfied with his label and mgmt. group and is given the freedom to pursue the visions he has for his music and artistry. As some people have said, the mystery is over about "A Change Is Gonna Come" tweet! I wish Adam the best of luck and great success with this new business arrangement.


Anonymous said...

He is still with RCA, read the whole article this is a great thing for Adam! He was splitting money with RCA and 19 entertainment and I heard Adam is the one that chose not to sign! Also he has a management to pay! You have to sign with them after idol if get contract! Adam had no choice but to stay with them until now, because when he changed to Perry's management he parted with them then, but had 18 months left on his contract! Now fortunately he just dealing with RCA, and the article said he already in talks with RCA for what direction third album will take! He is going to have a third album, and both RCA and Adam will make more profits and Adam may have more control over single choices and things! Adam made good money has had to split to many ways, article said 18 entertainment has made profits off his 2 studio album' all his merchandise, 6 albums altogether, remixes, acoustic, ect. They been making profits off Adam since he got in finals they said in 2009! Adam had already changed management in 2012, now he finally free of them, He still got what he needs and all he needs RCA! They will be more likely to back him on video's and stuff now because of bigger profits on merchandise, singles, albums just all of it! Profits will be bigger for both Adam and RCA, think Adam wanted this for awhile probably why RCA is now in talks of what direction album will take! More prophets for both means more for Adam and more RCA, better video backing and everything! This is very different than KAllen he was dropped from Both I believe! He said he and RCA parted ways, ad still has a record company, Kris does not think same with Dabid Cooke not sure! I know KA parted ways with RCA, he was dropped by then, it sounds like Adam chose not to resign. The trolls will only hear what they want, Ad still has a record company and both RCA and Adam will make more money, this is a great thing! I have a feeling Adam would have moved this break long ago, but just now he could get out of it! kA, probably did not sale more than 39,000 records, Adam sold well abroad and he getting another album, said he is now I talks for what direction THIRD, album will take, I sreiouy doubt Kris gets third album he was totally dropped, unless new record comp. comes in! Think Adam been waiting for this, to start new album, now he and RCA or doing ground work for new album! That was 19 entertainment not i8 and think Kris probably did not sale over 30,000 albums! Adam sold more in just America first week than Kris in11 months! Not trying to run down KA, Cooke sold much less than Adam. Too! Because Adam sold well world wife! Neither or world wide stars! This is very different from their situation, trolls will try and make it the same, Adam still had a major record company, and both will have bigger earnings, Adam probably get better backing now on new album! It also pointed out that Adam is a international star! Now the album will get started! Between concerts! I am happy for this, trolls can go to hell, this nothing like the KS situation! He is still with RCA! I think good things are comming with this album, because RCA will be more willing to back stuff, more money in both Adam and their hands! Sue

Anonymous said...

OK he is still with RCA we get it.

funbunn40 said...

Large record companies like Columbia in the past had iron clad contracts with a lot of fine print that tied the artists hands and funneled the majority of the revenue to them. That's why most artists today produce there own music, owning the rights outright. 19 also heavily promotes the winners of Idol the first year or so and then slacks off, striking while the iron is hot, like Phil Phillips, then going on to the newest darling of the moment, no longer actively promoting previous artists. I think now Adam will have more creative freedom and a bigger payday. I wish him every success and hope now he'll be able to be in films. Record companies have no interest in any other ventures outside of their recordings and promotions. Adam will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Yes thank you so much, I was trying to say that all and to read entire article. You do it so much better than me, everything is fine and actually way better! More money for Adam and RCA! Means more willingness to back video's and things for new album! Adam is a different artist than Daughtry and KC. He unique,and having to many cooks in his kitchen is not good, he can work Better with just RCA! Everybody different! They were taking prophets from Adam on merchandise, all albums everything along with RCA, since idol, RCA and Adam will work better together now stand more money for video's new album and lots other things! If any rag sites or papers or trolls report this wrong, glamberts will set them straight, hopefully! They did not drop Adam he dropped them, I think he probably very happy!better relationship with his main one RCA! This is totally different than KA thing! Sure trolls will try to make it the same, so they will be set straight but will still try to twist it! Sue

Anonymous said...

Hope only the best for Adam. It was my understanding he was in control of Trespassing. Thought he said he wanted it so if it didn't do well he would be responsible, or something similar to that.Not putting the blame on either but some terrible choices were made. When you have music that American stations want play there is a problem. I hope he can get going in the right direction with the new music. If it's more of the same it to want be played.Here's hoping #3 will be the one.

Anonymous said...

1.36 yea you get it,.

Anonymous said...

Sure Adam has learned much from this record, this album was very good! But I am sure he working with RCA, to get big sales and radio play! He wrote from the heart on this one, and was a damn good album! But he going for what they and him think sales, sure he enlisting more help with producing on this one and writing to get what sales and get it out way faster! Think that hurt it to, taking a bit long, KC takes long time guess she can afford too! Radio and people look for big names on the album Adam had them on this one, but more impressive to them on first album! It will not be more of the same, and this last album did very well abroad got good radio play in lots ar's abroad sure going for world wide appeal new one! I think we should now step away and let RCA make good decisions on this on and Adam he said he learned A lot about single placement and letting people help not doing it all! Think this is gonna be a compete 180! No more gloom and doom everything is fine, and it Bettet! But Asia and other world countries loved trespassing,but he wants to please them all!

Anonymous said...

I love the red hat with the silver thingy and Adam with long hair..of course I love the poncho look too..Adam is gorgeous with all his looks..

Anonymous said...

Done deal the urgency has began indeed!!!

Rock on Adam!!!!:)

We are just waiting for the next adventure he!he...


Anonymous said...

A change has come! Things are looking good and bright for Adam:) YAY!

Anonymous said...

Excellent article. Of course there are the green-eyed monsters' moanings. There are peskies out and about with nought else to do but troll but "our" boy will go from strength to strength. :)

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell give a damn about trolls, and about what they say and think! Like they have some kind mystical powers! Let them talk! Let them write! So What!! Is it possible to have a conversation on an Adam fansite without the dreaded "T" word?! Can we please leave them under the bridge to piss and moan with eachother in their Troll Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

Whatever direction Adam decides to take with the third album, I just hope that radio stations find singles from it that they want to play. Again, it depends on that first single release. Who knows what the listening public will be into later this year. Now it seems to be the boy bands. Who knows what will be the next big success in music. Adam worked with the best on Trespassing, and yet it went nowhere with the two single releases. Hopefully RCA and his management team will do a good job of promoting this new album and Adam will achieve the success he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

19R is just a broker which link AI alum and record label(RCA/Interscope etc.) while doing absolutely nothing but profit-lifting from both alum & label, but mostly from alum. it's one of many ways that AI extort its alumni. Again, 19R is a broker and is not record company.

Anonymous said...

And most of those dropped by RCA/Interscope are still with 19R.
Maybe they want 19R help them find other label or the contract is still not expired. 19R dosen't spend any money on so-called their artists, therefore no need to drop them actually.

Anonymous said...

Well, A CHANGE IS GONNA COME IN 2013! More freedom for Adam, hopefully better promotion and radio play, new music. This parting of ways didn't happen because Adam wasn't making them money. It happened because ADAM wanted to move on the next level of his career. Things are looking good.


Anonymous said...

I think KA and DC were dropped by their labels due to very low sales.

Anonymous said...

When their artist can't find new label for some time, then they drop the artist. House-cleaning maybe? ha!

anyway...i think there still is a possibility that Adam part ways with RCA and find new record company. Who knows if he already is with new one?

Anonymous said...

Now he can become the Lead singer
with Queen full time.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted about the Glamily cyber fighting. He really does check in once in awhile. Behave! An open mind makes life so much sweeter. Got the message Adam.

Anonymous said...

There are still a few artists out there who are still with both 19 Recordings and RCA, and they include Carrie Underwood, Fantasia, Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, and Jordin Sparks. (Thanks to Mjsbigblog for looking this up.) Adam, meanwhile, is reportedly already in discussions with his label about the sort of music that he wants to make with his third album. While “Trespassing” failed to launch much in the way of a hit radio single, it was actually one of the best pop albums of 2012.

Anonymous said...

19R is more than just the broker, they maintained a lot of control over the albums. It will be interesting to see what Adam and just RCA decide to do with the next album.

Anonymous said...


I see you are still on Troll Patrol. I thought you were going to calm down. Like the other commenter I am sick of hearing the word troll, by giving them an identity you give them power, just ignore their statements and do not respond. And Sue, you bring up trolls even when there are none around. Chill out! Love Adam and be serene. He's here to stay.

Anonymous said...

Few things! Let's not just completely trash trespassing, yes lots of mistakes were made that Adam has said he learned a lot from! It single placement ect., pretty sure he gonna target young people on this one. For radio play, and lots of His fan's are younger in Asia and abroad in general than in USA. Adam also has larger fan base of men fans as well as woman abroad in general. Trespassimg had 4 or 5 no. 2 on it here in the states , including for Trespassimg dance single sales! May not sold so great here, but has done well abroad, why he getting third album! All singles did well in Asia! Later 2 did very well lots of countries, sales and radio, and have racked up several no 1's, on both singles and album! Sales were quite good in Asia, Russia, Africa, fenland, Philaphine's and on and on! Sales only not as good here! The album did pretty well over all because of abroad appeal! Had many more no. 1's than first album! Sure he will correct a lot of mistakes, that single placement is important and to get more help on it, get it out faster! We. The older will buy whatever he puts out, for the most part!he got to target the younger ones for radio play! He had his personal album! I imagine now he going for sales! Wish him all luck in the world, this time he should get more support, because both Adam and RVA will make more money, without that third party, chipping away at their earnings! That was RCA! Sue

Anonymous said...

The article said that his contract expired with 19R. So what is a big deal he didn't want to renew his contract with them. His management probably helped him to sort things out. No big deal. He is still referred at American Idol on news articles. He is still promoting them with his name. Less hand in Adam's pocket. It's all good to me.

Anonymous said...

still keep up the radio requests and don't forget Cuckoo has been added to ten stations mediabase, check Adamtopia for links. A must !!

Anonymous said...

I mentioned trolls only because it was mentioned on here several times!miss no name! They said one article already saying he was this and that, several going on about trolls here, other wise I would not mention it! Since so many did mention it, why is it only me you keep targeting, guess because if I do not forget to sign I have the guts to sign, so you pick on me! 8.18, I said this one before and I will say it again, either sign your comment or do not comment to me at all! I do love Adam and I will say what I damn well want to, as long as it is in support of Adam. Lady!! And do not start the bull about me causing trouble, because I certainly am not, I am just not gonna let you push me around. Sue

Anonymous said...

I think if he renewed his contract with 19R he had to change his label from RCA to Interscope and probably he didn't want to do that cause he likes RCA. JMO

Anonymous said...

Keep voting for best fan base on Ryan seacrest

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with some latest comments even though I'm not quite sure I understood them right. And I also wonder why songs like Cukcoo and Chokehold are not made singles. Look forward to the next album. Hope to hear something like "Soaked" where his incredible voice stands out and also something like "The Show Must Go on" where his voice is a killer. Anything that shows his powerful voice--and is also fun like "If I Had You." And some pop-rock ppplleassse--I'm down on my knees.

Anonymous said...

7.03 that does not make much sense. Adam does not have to look for new record label he is very much still with RCA! 19 was doing very little for him at this point but hindering him, and taking his money. This way RCA and Adam have more prophets. Think they will afford more support with bigger intake! Think he was very glad to get this done, before the concert prophets started coming in! This is good for Adam, most artist have dropped then when they good! Adam is very much more unique, different than CU, Daughtry and the few that kept them, did not know really what to do with Adam's talent! But think with his new management and just RCA, he can get his idea's over better and more money to work with, and things will be much better! I do respect your opinion! Adam is right, we need to get along better, I get mad when that one person singles me out I will try no promises to ignore her stuff! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes! This is great news.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady I have one big question.Are you some one close to Adam or his management that really knows what is going on?I am a long time fan of Adams so your are really the only one on this site I really believe hope I am right.Thank you Blueeyes

Anonymous said...

By the way I mentioned the t word just one time, all those other unsigned ones were not me, I mentioned the word one, time bacause it was being brought up a bunch. So stop assuming that it is me! Once I'm a while for get to sign, but all those mention except for the one signed by me, the unsigned ones were not me Sue! The word was forget, do not pen all the unsigned stuff on me! Ok now I will be nice Adam as I always am! Sue

Anonymous said...

It's a bit rude to prioritize your posts by adding space to them so that they stand out. Everyone's post on here matters. It's a democracy.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam will ever become the lead singer for Queen on a permanent basis. He is a solo artist and should remain so. Queen may want to do several other concerts in the future with Adam, and I wish they would do a few here in the US. Whatever Adam chooses to do in the music industry, he will be around for a long time because he actually has talent and an amazing stage presence. Can't wait for news about a third album and any other projects Adam may have on his agenda for 2013.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:20,
I think you have posted several thoughts on here, and I find nothing wrong with what you are saying. BUT will you please spell PROFIT correctly not PROPHET, bit of a difference in the meaning. The first time I laughed, but after that I only chuckled. Don't mean to hurt your feelings, we are all friends here, and love Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am a bad speller, glad you had a laugh! Oh and my phone constantly correct what I write with a different spelling! But I am glad I was here for your amusement! But wht won't you sign? Sue

Anonymous said...

11.14 I wrote WHY do you not sign hit wrong key! 10.35 If you sign I believe we could all PROFIT by it! SUE !

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of factors involved in the sale of an album, but getting air play is a big part of it. In my mind, something went on with decisions on which singles to release, what effort was made to get his music heard, and the fact that the international markets were playing his music. Also, I think songs that truly showcase Adam's voice and not all the electronic distortions would solidify his place in American music. It is no accident that his live performances with Queen were named live performance of the year. I'd like to see him collaborate with Queen in writing songs that will survive the test of time.

Anonymous said...

11:20, you are correct, it wasn't an accident they were named live performance of the year - because Adam's fans voted for it!

Anonymous said...

10.35 did not mean to be mean but, it does make be feel bad that people say thing with no signature, I do forget sometimes but, sign 90 per cent of the time! I do appreciate GlitzyLady knowing all the right things, but all you had to do his read that article, it told all! But all glad she clears it all up! Sue

Anonymous said...

Since ADAM is released from both 19E and 19R, does this mean he will not be on Idol stage anymore?
Being with big RCA label and DMG managing him without interference from 19 is all great atmosphere for ADAM ahead.
Wish him all the luck and the best of everything.


Anonymous said...

@January 12, 2013 5:47 AM

I agree. LOL too. Totally. :)

Anonymous said...

I want to jump in here quickly (and please pardon if this is not a well constructed post, I am tired :)), but I just have to say that "Better Than I Know Myself" was an EXCELLENT choice for a first single... gah people, look at the climate of top songs over the course of 6 months predating it's realease!! More importanly, and I would bet the farm on this, his team's thinking that BTIKM was preferred because it was of a "feel" that WWFM was, which was a hit. NCOE was also in keeping with what was being played at the time of it's release, and the Bruno Mars connection was an excellent excellent gamble!!!! There was more at play with lack of radio spins... not going into that conversation right now, but these two releases were excellent choices. Many of the choices for releases that are bandied about on this site would NEVER EVER get top 40 radio play, maybe AC and HAC. Trespassing was a gamble imho and that dice was thrown, imho, with the hopes that it would at least bring about more attention to the album itself because it was the title track. I do believe, from the first two albums, that Fever and Shady would have been excellent choices for singles... I do have a little ache about that, but otherwise, all of the singles Adam and his team have released make very very very good sense to me. I am not in the business really, but am a huge consumer of top 40 radio, and not just because of Adam, because of many facets in my life. I am not special, just an avid consumer of Top 40 music and pop culture as well. I think BTIKM and NCEO were excellent choices for singles... there was more at play, in the mix, with radio play issues. Trespassing as a whole album was definitely left of center than your typical pop album, the funk this and that (which I LOVE), but BITKM and NCOE were very condusive to Top 40 radio play, very in keeping with playlists at the times of their releases!!

Anne Marie said...

Sorry I am the person who didn't leave my name about "profit". Hope we are all friends again, and I will use my name in the future. :)

Anonymous said...

@11:52 AM, I feel the same way. I'm going to go a bit further and say that I was totally shocked when some of the fans bashed both of the songs and wouldn't support them fully. Also, I think that if NCOE had a stronger video then the song would have done better. It needed more of a human touch. I'm going to go out and buy another copy of Trespassing to show my support for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I like the Anonymous posting because it makes each reader focus on what is written instead of the poster. It also keeps clique from forming on the site. I really like this fansite and think that it's one of the best around. It's Superb!

Anonymous said...

@January 12, 2013 1:41 PM

Thank you so much. That is EXACTLY why I don't post with a tag. Honestly, a lot of people seem to react favorably to my posts, but when I write something a little less than "fluff", something of a little stronger nature, I don't want posters/commenters giving me "a pass" or any kind of exception because they have thought me to be previously such a good guy, so to speak. I want to be challenged and taken to task if people want to do so. I have often seen something differently by reading posts on this site!!! Thank so much for your post.

Anonymous said...

References have been made to the two single releases from Trespassing(which I never heard on the radio here in the NYC/NJ area), but I still hear WWFM at least once a week. Just heard it today as a matter of fact. I feel that the listening audience today now prefers shopping on line for music rather than buying a cd in a store, esp. the younger generation. I don't think they actually care about vocal talent considering what I hear being played or see on the accompanying videos. Adam is just in a league of his own and for whatever the reasons, hasnt reached the success here at home that he has found globally. As a fan, I am frustrated for him and the lack of success and recognition he should have. I'm sure it bothers him also, but he continues doing what he loves and will not change to be something he is not. Hopefully this third album will be the one that breaks through and gets him the acceptance and tremendous success that has so far eluded him here in the US.

Anonymous said...

19 has the worst contracts that imposes on the contestants. Especially the ones that make it to Top 10. I have a friend that her voice and looks are beyond what can anyone imagine. She is 19 and raised in musical relatives with bunch of Grammys. I told her that she should audition for Idol. She said she knows contestants (one of Allison Iraheta) and they have the worst Idol contracts. Idol won't give them room to grow as they want to. Thankfully one of mega key musicians picked her and is working with her. Fingers crossed she will make it big. They are marketing her in Asia right now, then Europe, and then U.S.

This is all good for Adam. 19's hands is out of Adam's pocket. Now it's only Adam, his label, and management. It's all good.

Anonymous said...

2:48, can you show me some numbers or something that demonstrates this global success that is more than what he has in the US? Are there album sales numbers or what? I'm just trying to figure out how this is measured, how it was determined.

Anonymous said...

I almost always post with a tag, but I LIKE the fact that we can post ANON here. It keeps things sharp and edgy. Stirs things up sometimes, but, to quote Adam, "I like a good debate." (Even if it means dealing with the occasional crays.)


Anonymous said...

Everybody can calm down now, Adam has spoken:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Glamberts! I have so many ideas for my third studio album!!! So excited to start creating new recordings for you all! 2013 is gonna rock!!

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
We have evolved together with For Your Entertainment and Trespassing.... #3 will be a brand new exploration! :)

Anonymous said...

If the first two singles selected were such great successes, then why were they not getting air play? Two songs not even written by Adam on a CD billed as being his own personal writings? And if upbeat dance music is doing well on popular radio stations, why or why would they not release Shady or Cuckoo? And WHY or WHY was Sleepwalker not released as a single after If I Had You? Sleepwalker was a great Bellamy song that showcased everything about Adam as a vocalist, plus it had a definite message about loss, something many could relate to.

Anonymous said...

2:15 what a load of bull

Anonymous said...

Yet you posted without a tag! physician heal thyself mean spirited boob

Anonymous said...

If leaving 19 recordings benefits Adam that's great. 2012 really was a great year with the concerts with Queen and Diva's. To me radio is fickle,So many songs from FYE and Trespassing could of fit right in on America's stations. That is a different discussion. I believe RCA and DMG will get Adam where he wants to go. I believe in Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:24 P.M.... I agree with you that Sleepwalker was a great song that should have been a single from FYE album....but it was a great song written and produced by Ryan Tedder of One Republic. Matt Bellamy wrote Soaked on that album.
(also great)!.....JAK