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Now FUSE: Adam Lambert Blasts "Les Misérables"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Adam Lambert tweeted that the actors in "Les Misérables" should've sounded better and star Russell Crowe isn't arguing.


Anonymous said...

thanx for the publicity. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I don't know if "blasts" is the right word to use. Adam gave his honest opinion about the movie using his own musical theater background as a point of view. His comments were not made out of jealousy or hatred, just a truthful feeling about the performances. And it seems there are other reviews out there that do agree with what Adam had to say. So now the haters come out with vicious, ugly comments about Adam calling him everything under the sun. We are getting to the point where you can't even express your opinion in this country without someone coming after you either in words or with a weapon or with their fists. Adam doesn't need any of this ugly negativity just because he found some fault with the film's performances. However, I would be interested in knowing which actors he would like to have seen in the film esp. playing Jean Valjean.

Anonymous said...

What ever is the topic about, these haters made their mind about Adam....

The good thing is the more they express their hate, the more Adams popularity exhale.....:)

Imagine the world explodes when Adam take actions....:) What can I say more he! he!... For sure Simon and Paula are just smiling on the side...:)

Very powerful indeed!!!!


Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm probably going to regret this, but since they asked, here goes. If you are making a musical, obviously the music is the 'star'....or why make it! There was a perfectly fine dramatic adaptation of the Victor Hugo story made with Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush a few years ago.
Since this production was a film of the story told thru song from the Broadway play get excellent singers or dub them! It's been done forever....I watched My Fair Lady during the holidays and never once winced when Audrey Hepburn opened her mouth and the lovely voice of Marni Nixon came out. Audrey Hepburn could sing and did in a few movies quite charmingly but for that music you needed a powerhouse. Rex Harrison 'talking' his songs was not a distraction, the director made the right choices. A fantastic song needs a fantastic voice.

The director of this new production was determined to have reality....well reality is not as special as it's cracked up to be. Jersey Shore, The Bachelor,
Real Housewives of Hell, Honey Boo Boo....these are so-called reality in today's world.

Ah yes, today's world where the members of our Congress are getting a raise, I presume for the excellent job they are doing or avoiding doing! That's reality...not so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Agree with you Canadian! Sue

Anonymous said...

Agree JAK too! Sue

Anonymous said...

Last ugly rediculous remark I heard on USA, have not read many! This coming from a man who talked on a pay phone! And he just makes fun of people on face book! Just nuts stuff! Sue

Anonymous said...

I'm watching "Inside Edition" on CBS. They had a report on Adam and Les Mis. It seemed okay to me, but they said Russell Crow "Hit Back" with his tweet. They gotta make drama where there is none.

Anonymous said... rule :)

Anonymous said...

Inside edition comes on late here, I will watch! Russell agreed with Adam. Said nothing bad, he just commented he did not fire back! They just want views, and ratings! On E tonight, I just went over it fast, they mentioned KA, accident, think fox too husband said getting his name out there, do not mean that mean so happy all are fine! They were talking about people expecting. They showed at the beginning of the little article! They showed over a three year old picture of Adam, Kris and his wife! Adam does look more handsome now, put them all shame now! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam's newest twitters are breaking my heart. I think he is really hurting and trying to make the Les Mis critique right. BIG virtual HUG to Adam. We need to circle round him and show him all the love we have for him.

Anonymous said...

Ironic that right now on my tele 'Cinderella Man' is playing (Russell Crowe plays a boxer in that movie). :)

Adam should now move on. Talk to us about Vietnam gig and other great things coming up for you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

At least my radio started playing WWFM. Not Adam's singles from Trespassing. I guess that's good. A little stir radios play his popular single now.

I can't believe couple of tweets of opinion about a movie can cause such a fued on entertainment news all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Adam has tweeted again about Les Mis.

This matter has been well and truly done to death. Time for everyone to move on.

Anonymous said...

Adam should shut the eff up.

tess4ADAM said...

@7:05 PM ... NO!!! You SHOULD get the "eff" off of this fan site & go somewhere else where they actually CARE about your 'opinion' ... 'cuz we sure don't here ... THAT'S "MY" OPINION without any frills!!! GOOD BYE ..... JERK!!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:05 PM
Adam can say whatever he wishes to say about the subject. It's HIS subject after all. He's a busy man and maybe has just now had time to really check out some of the tweets and articles (there are MANY..) and the drama swirling around his Les Mis opinions. That was rude of you to say that....but I suspect you know that. The subject will go away in a day or so.....replaced by some other sensationalized non-event somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Fans, I respectfully disagree with many of you ... I FLOVE ADAM, beyond!!, but he screwed up, painting it pretty won't work this time IMHO. it will blow over yes, BUT not be forgotten. adam needs to learn now & hopefully not too late. I think Adam is special, once in a generation performer, nice guy, but we live in sound bite society now ... & that has to be contended with always

Anonymous said...

Adam is too quick on the twitter. He needs to give his tweets a little more thought to possible consequences. Honest or not, he was being rude with his original statement. Just because you are fans you need to realize he does screw up on occasion. That's life.
He is not perfect no matter how you delude yourself. He's just a wonderful singer, a handsome young man with charisma and a basically kind heart, he's not the Messiah.

Anonymous said...


You seem to be tipping over into idol worship. I think the voice of reason title no longer fits.

Anonymous said...

Media is making a field day of the comments. Adam has worldwide attention and it's turned out positive. He actually, far as I'm concerned expressed he's comments correctly. The music in the movie for me was a huge moment and when it fell short it was disappointing.
As to the acting, well, that's a different matter.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this kind of stuff keeps the heat alive and gets everyone going. Honestly, Adam can say any darn thing he wants. His a musical theatre guy with a passion. Why is it when someone with good self esteem speaks out everyone comes out with the negative. Everyone seems to think they can be an Adam adviser - but think again! It ain't gonna happen in a million years! - and thankfully so.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam would be the first to laugh at the 'Messiah' comment!

Anonymous said...

OMG. Seriously. It was a comment about a movie!!! I make bad comments about movies all the time. I bet you that if it were someone like justin Bieber who had commented on this movie then there would be no problems hey. How sad is that?

Anonymous said...

Remember to be talk about is better than being ignored. Let the media go nuts.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:45 PM
I never asked for the title to begin with. :)) And is it because you disagree with my point of view that I suddenly have lost my perspective or whatever? I don't worship Adam, but I do respect his right to have an opinion. Is that "idol worship"? I don't think so. This whole thing has gotten so out of control its ridiculous. Fan bashing fan, fans bashing Adam, non-fans bashing Adam...and the rude comments earlier about his Bali concert, about his crew, before people really even saw his performance vids, has left me slightly saddened. Thank goodness for the concert review that talked about what a great show he put on. And thank goodness for Russell Crowe's comment on twitter.

Look, when I commented above that "Adam has a right to say whatever he wishes to about the subject.." it was in response to the comments telling him to shut up. I should have been more specific and direct. Adam started it, he can comment on the fallout. He does NOT have to just shut up and take the crap. That's called censorship. He has a right to rebut what others are saying about his comments. He has a right to clarify. And so do I.

Sorry Adam and I are such disappointments.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you and Adam have my back, because you speak the truth when it needs to be spoken. Those who would say to muffle you should turn that muzzle on themselves. atm

Anonymous said...

Add me with that 'disappointment'
mention along with Adam and yourself.

Anonymous said...

You musn't see yourself as a disappointment, I come to this site everyday and I know you are a genuine long time fan of Adam's. I've noticed how you often attempt to calm things down when things start getting out of hand and I really have a lot of respect for you.

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady- this site would never be the same without you. Keep voicing all your opinions.


Anonymous said...

I respect how Glitzylady has conducted herself on this site immensely!!! However, in my humble opinion she is simply refusing to acknowledge some less than positive truths in regard to this Les Mis situation. I don't know her at all, this is just my point of view that I am offering just as Adam offered his with the movie. I know nothing and nobody personally or beyond the scope of this site, so allow me to be honest (and obvious) about that. I don't know why it is bothering me that I feel that some of you are turning a blind eye towards some ugly truths associated with this Les Mis scenario? But since this is a forum to discuss our opinions and points of view on Adam I thought I'd throw that one out there. Skip on by if you're over it :), I get that too! lol

Anonymous said...

Simple fact = Adam goofed.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady does have a tendency to get a little precious - with her sermons.

glitzylady said...

To answer the comments above: I'm not as "all accepting" as you are assuming regarding Adam's every move. However, I feel that he has enough shit thrown at him on other sites and sometimes from here as well. I prefer to be a fan first and foremost and not his judge and executioner. You assume too much about me. I said that he is free to make his own choices. And I support his right to do so. It's none of my business to tell him what to do. That goes for a lot of other areas of his professional and private life as well. I leave the Adam bashing and criticism to others. Because God knows he gets plenty of that in just about everything he does.

Anonymous said...

at glitzylady, this is 7:58, very good and fair point, thanks for sharing it. It's made me some thinking, because funnily enough, although I am a huge Adam fan, I of course have opinions about his "human" behavior, :), but usally never comment negatively about them in the blogosphere... so I guess I am more in line with your thinking than I thought :). It was just getting to me, all the turning a blind's eye, I guess I'll have to examine myself further as to why... but right now I have to get back to real life! And I'm sure you do too glitzylady. Have a great day, you're a good fan. I'm still feeling how I've been expressing, but you're a helpful fan indeed.