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Another Video: Adam Lambert arrives at Friends 'N' Family 2013 pre Grammy party

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Ferras so incredibly talented and gifted! Remember seeing him on national morning tv show, major network, singing Hollywood is not America and hoping that would help sprinboard him into stratosphere! (see peeps, we should be happy I suppose at all Adam has accomplished so far!). Ferras' album Aliens and Rainbows still one of my all time favorites?

Anonymous said...

Werk it Adam, werk it! Adam chewing gum - love it! I took up chewing gum for a short time in order to stop eating. Well, the sorbitol (spelling?)in the gum made me lose weight alright but also made me extremely sick! Had to go on-line to find out if I was the only one. Turns out I wasn't. Check your "gum" before purchasing - could be more than you asked for! I must clarify that you have to CHEW A LOT before getting sick. I never do anything half way (sigh)...nancdruuu2
(p.s. Hope this wasn't tmi!)

Anonymous said...

The paps go crazy when Adam appears on the Red Carpet. Love when they call him "Mr. Lambert", yes he deserves the respect!

What a gorgeous man he is. Professional model caliber in his spare time LOL!


Anonymous said...

OMG, I love seeing all those flashes off for Adam.

OT: I hope Adam saw the reaction he got from his 37 second snippet of the song STAY. If he did, he would then understand WHY his fans are begging him to sing RUNNIN live. The media would be nuts for his live rendition of that amazing song!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so gorgeous in this video.........he is more than Fifty Shades of Grey!


Anonymous said...

Ferras should be in the spotlight too, a very talented man.

Anonymous said...

Ferras is very talented and it goes to show how difficult the business is to break into. Adam is doing very well and will only continue to climb! @12:02 I get really bad headaches if I chew too much gum,lots of stress on the jaw.

Anonymous said...

Love love love Adam's outfit.

Anonymous said...

Could be why ADAM has lost much of the fat under his beautiful chin - keep chewing gum.

Anonymous said...

Adam lost the fat off his chin, as well as the rest of him, because he starves himself.

Anonymous said...

He's getting ready to go on tour, he always gains weight when he travels so I think he wanted to slim down while he could still eat healthy. Doubt he carries a juicer with him!

Anonymous said...

BEST dressed man ever ;)

Anonymous said...

No matter how many times I view this video, I can't get over how handsome, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning a man Adam is. He really wears this grey suit so perfectly, complementing his blue-grey eyes. It must have cost a fortune, but no one could have worn it like Adam. Notice how long this interview is--it's as if the camera person didn't want to leave this entrancing creature alone. Why not, he not only sounds like an angel, he looks like one too. Be safe, Adam, and Godspeed and keep you safe wherever you go.

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam does not chew too much gum, especially the kind that contains sorbitol, no more than 10 grams a day, as it can cause all kinds of intestinal pain and problems. Just googled it, and apparently, sorbitol is a low-cal sweetener,a basic ingredient in sugar-free foods and gum; for this reason, diabetics trying to avoid sugar, may become even more vulnerable to its debilitating dangers.

daydreamin said...

@GMT he IS 50 Shades of Gray!!

I also hope Adam will sing Runnin' live sometime. Just for the fans. I honestly wonder why he doesn't want to sing it. He knows how much the fans want him to.

Safe travels Adam! xoxo

Anonymous said...

In ref to RUNNIN' it may be too difficult to arrange it for live performance. There are parts where there are 3 tracks of his voice singing and complimenting each other! Cut that down to a single voice and you lose the effect that makes the high parts so spectacular. Some songs just aren't written to be sung live. It's too bad, I sure like it!

In ref to 50 Shades of Gray, the book. For any of you who read it and feel a little guilty (it was poorly written) don't be ashamed! It's sales volume in 2012 meant that the publishing company Random House paid all the publisher's employees, from top editors to warehouse workers, $5,000.00 bonuses in December!