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Adam Lambert at LAX Airport in Los Angeles (4/15/2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013

For more pictures, head over to Adam-Pictures HERE!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Now that I call a RELAXED & HAPPY SMILE!
Rocking the outfit - and notice the necklace...hmmm... <3

Anonymous said...

Adam is very cheeky in the first picture but very smart and quick to make peace in the next. If you are alert, you'll probably be able to detect it. lol!


Anonymous said...

Comfy travel wear and his usual "disguise" :)

carolynj said...

My heart goes out to anyone going through tough times. With all of the tragedies in the world, it is wonderful to take a break and follow the fabulous Adam. And how does he just keep looking better and better??!

Anonymous said...

Baggy comfy pants, ragged cap and ? Vest - shawl? - scarf? Yep, that's ' our Adam.

Anonymous said...

Comfy pants for the long trip to China. So excited to see videos of Adam on the red carpet and performing and hopefully winning the award for best international pop star!

Anonymous said...

A campfire song we used to sing many moons ago:

A ship sailed from China with a cargo of tea
All laden with presents for you and for me
They brought me a fan and imagine my bliss
When I found myself going like this, like this, like this... (fanning)

Yea Adam, all the fans are going like this, like this, like!


Anonymous said...

Love it, Lam-my! How perfect for Adam, too. So excited for the China event. And yes, amidst the tragedy in Boston, we are lucky to have love and devotion in our lives as well.

DRG (Our boy is looking SO fine!)

Anonymous said...

DRG.....Thanks! Looking forward to seeing Adam receive a big big award.

Adam, don't forget to say, xeh xeh...wo ai ni and smile that broad beautiful smile. lol! Oh that beautiful 80-year-old 'girlfriend' of yours will be sooo thrilled to see you again. She adores you. lol!


Anonymous said...

I think Adam was so busy packing all his new outfits he forgot to pack shoes over the weekend. He's been wearing the same black sandals everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Probably comfy

Anonymous said...

That was nice Lam-my. I am sure at the CMA and red carpet he will have shined up snazzy shoes on!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Who is the guy with the grey hair that seems to be with and around Adam in several of the pictures I have seen here? Is he security? I suppose that Adam does need someone around him to get him through the airports or into concert venues because who wouldn't want to get near him if possible. Even if it is for a picture, it can be annoying and intrusive if he is trying to get to a plane or just for safety reasons, he should have someone there. And you need comfy clothes if you are going to be on a plane for hours. But he is still stylish.

Anonymous said...

The grey haird guy is Adam's manager from DMG

daydreamin said...

Those aren't sandals in the night time pictures. They are skull patterned slip on loafers. You can see if you blow up the picture.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue!
Nice to hear from you; had read that you and your dear husband need to have some surgery. God bless your lovely family!


Anonymous said...

What is it that we're supposed to see in the 1st photo??

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why no one noticed or responded...Thanks for responding; which also tells me it may be something Adam might have picked up or maybe he's not aware. But knowing Adam I think it's the former. Good I was afraid someone might elaborate actually. Very interesting question you asked and I'd just leave it at that. No big deal anyway. :)
