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Adam Lambert's Miami Beach Pride Press Conference Interview Answers

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 13, 2013

TWEETED By Jason Parsley @jeparsley:


Anonymous said...

JAK here....I don't understand the concept of only appearing in order to promote a new song. That's very limiting. Can't an entertainer be booked to just entertain? Does that mean no guesting until new album is out? What about the songs from former albums that have never been performed, some of which are my favorites?

Okay, here it comes again.....entertainment opportunities were "better in the old days"!,,,I'm a relic of bygone times!

Anonymous said...

@JAK Clay Aiken is scheduled to perform on AI and has no new music that I know of. Casey Abrahms did some Beatle song during Beatle week.But most of the former idols that go on do have new songs to promote, where Adam doesn't right now. I'm sure next year he will be on. But yeah people need to hear his beautiful voice!

Anonymous said...

He's been on most years since S8 so I think this the first year hes not. Looks like Idol having all the winners over the years on. Maybe Kris and Lee will be invited.

Anonymous said...

single = wanting to mingle and make your body tingle.

Anonymous said...

Now I wonder if they will be doing the segment what are they doing now on Adam . Oh well whatever would have been cool though.

Anonymous said...

Well Adam already bee Invited to the brand new China Idol to the finale no less, that is really great! His album and singles done very well there that will probably be in Sept. or so, so new single may be our by then or he can drop another one off the album. Bet he sings new one for plus trespassing for china music awards! Sue

Anonymous said...

clay A. Has not been on that show in years, they are gonna point what he sold 10 years ago he has not sold much of nothing in years. He was on the apprentice but still album did nothing! May have Kris probably with 19, doubt could get new management and they need to find him a record comp.he has not got one now. They said they were gonna have some that were not so successful as well as successful. So who knows. Adam done quite well for himself.

Anonymous said...

JAK, I agree. I wish he'd just perform SOMETHING on the show to remind the viewing audience that he is out there with a career and is very busy performing worldwide. So many people just don't realize that. He could sing anything he wanted to. It wouldn't have to be a brand new song. Most people have never heard any song from TP. Well, it's a moot point. If he says he's not going to be on, then he won't be. Too bad.


Anonymous said...

I am more than thankful for the China AI appearance and promos he is doing.The other Idols that have never been on Idol might get together and gang up on Adam. lol He has been on every year, no complaining from me.

Anonymous said...

They did have him on with "Never close our eyes". And I assume the video promo mentioned in TV Guide is still upcoming so that will be good.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would appear on some talk show such as Ellen just to let the viewing audience know what he has been doing over the last several months. There is Queenbert, his international concerts, various awards,etc. Many people don't realize he has an amazing music career and will be working on a third album. All they've probably read or heard about is his split with his boyfriend Sauli and that's it. Someone with so much talent needs to be heard.

HK fan said...

Casey Abrahams was on this year and he didn't have anything to promote, didn't even sing one of his songs....
I agree JAK, they should just be on their to entertain..he has an album out,so any performances would help the album.
I have been watching Idol this year...but not the results shows, I refuse to watch until they have Adam on...they've been having 2 past idols perform on each results show so far...but nobody that I'm interested in seeing. This week is JHud and Clay Aiken...neither of who I like.

Anonymous said...

I know, what happened to the episode of idol adam was supposed to be on? wondering if it's because he cut ties with RCA or maybe everyone wanted him as judge and they picked Nicki and she doesn't want him on? He's a ratings magnet- just don't get it? I agree with Jak- he has so much music he could sing.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been on AI every year since he was in it except this one so I think he's done well. Of course I'd LOVE to see him on Idol this year, then I'd definitely watch it. I guess they're giving other former Idol contestants a go.

Anonymous said...

Adam OUTSHINES IN EVERY WAY everyone who has either won or been in top 3-5 of every AI season - that's why they don't dare to have him there every year, cause his UNIQUENESS becomes clearer with every passing season. My opinion anyhow and I'm sticking to it. :):):)