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New Adam Lambert Interview! Adam Talks 'Life' and 'Love'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 09, 2013

VIA South Florida Gay News:

Adam Lambert talked to SFGN about everything from his thoughts on being a role model in the gay community and building a fan base in China, to his upcoming album and his recent split from his boyfriend, Finnish reality star Sauli Koskinen.

Can you give us hint of what to expect at PrideFest this weekend?

I’m going to do some songs, mostly from my latest album. They’re real dancey, and high energy. I have two dancers with me who are my good friends and we’re going to throw one helluva party. I hope. That’s the plan.

I know you’re receiving GLAAD’s Davidson/Valentini Award at the San Francisco ceremony on May 11.

That’s really cool. I’m excited to go there. I like what GLAAD does. It’s obviously a very important time right now for the gay and lesbian community. GLAAD is opening up their umbrella, making some changes and really expanding.

Speaking of GLAAD shortly after American Idol you told media outlets you were uncomfortable with the idea of being a gay role model and/or gay activist. But in a way that’s what you’ve become.

I’m totally comfortable with it now [laughs]. You know it’s weird, I was just being honest. It’s a bit daunting. You’re a role model or icon or you’re supposed to try to be one so I was intimated by it at first. I didn’t realize that was going to come with everything. I was jus trying to sing.

I’m really, really thrilled to be as connected to the community as I can be.

My big goal is always to represent the diversity of the community because I think there’s so many different types of gay and lesbian people and I think it’s important to represent all of us.

One of the thing that drives me the most is when I was younger I didn’t really have a lot of gay role models who were proud and gay and open and were who they were.

I’ve gotten letters and met younger people in the LGBT community who have said “wow I really appreciate the fact that you don’t make any apologies and you’re just this wacky guy.” And that alone gives me a lot of confidence.

If I can help a young person feel more comfortable in their own skin or be the person they want to be it’s fucking awesome.

Can you name a surprising twist to your career since Idol?

I was really thrilled to have the success that I had with my last two albums. I think the international part of my career has been really exciting and unexpected. I didn’t think I’d be traveling outside of the states as much as I have.

Any favorites places you’ve visited?

I just saw South Africa for the first time and that was really cool. The people down there are awesome. I like Australia a lot as well. I like Scandinavia a lot. I’ve been going to Asia a lot and I’ve been building a big fan base there. There are so many people in Asia, it’s such a densely populated area.

I got to perform on the Voice of China earlier this year, and over 4 hundred million people watched the telecast for the finale. I was like, no pressure. It’s been really exciting meeting fans and building a following in Asia.

Career Highlight?

Grammy nomination was pretty fucking amazing and unexpected. And getting to perform with Queen this last year was such an honor and totally surreal. To sing lead for Queen and a whole concert of their music was like “WHAT?”

You said before you went on tour with Queen you were nervous.

I was totally intimidated and excited all at the same time. The first show we did was in theUkraine and there were 250,000 people in the audience. That’s the biggest live audience that I ever performed in front of so lots of butterflies in my tummy.

Any more plans to tour or sing with them?

I don’t know. We left it kind of open. We had such a good time and really connected. And it felt really good to all of us. I’m sure in the future there will be something. But I don’t know what or when.

And a lowlight?

There are lots of challenges. It’s not necessarily like a really foolproof formula being a gay mainstream pop singer. As far as mainstream goes, the music industry is a bit more black and white on how they categorize everybody. In many ways I think popular music has become sort of like a high school popularity contest. So it’s not always easy to be different.

There’s a lot of conformity in the pop music world. Figuring out what works and what doesn’t. But at the end of the day people do recognize good music and that’s really exciting. I think the music industry is shifting right now and changing and it feels like its getting more organic again. And getting back to valuing real music and emotional songs. It’s exciting.

Some people think that being on a reality TV show everything is handed to you. And it’s not a lot of work.

The reality show is the easy part [laughs]. That was fucking so easy compared to the career. I don’t think people realize how much goes into it. I’m happy to do because it is what I love. It’s my livelihood. It’s a full time job. The Traveling. Promotions. It’s tireless. You have to really commit to it and love it, to get through some of the schedule.

Traveling here and there, doing a show, not getting any sleep. But if you love it you love it. It’s definitely a lot of work.

Being on the show, your tasks and goals are a little more immediate. It’s week to week. You sing a song and it’s a minute and a half long. You either get voted in or out. In the industry it’s not as defined. It’s a lot grayer. You make an album and it takes a couple of months, a year. And then you have to pick a single and there’s all of these things that go on behind the scenes that I didn’t know about before I got into it. It’s complicated.

What’s up with all the Straight girls that love you?

I think I notice more female fans than male fans in general, which is great. I love it. But I would love a little more of a mix at my concerts. But I think Miami will give us a little more of that. But I really like performing for people that connect with the music and that’s the bottom line. So I don’t discriminate. I love women, straight women, gay women, straight and gay men. I love anybody in the audience that wants to have a good time.

What’s your favorite song you’ve released?

Whataya Want From Me from me is a great fucking song. And then there are songs that are really special because they’re talking about something real in my life. Aftermath. Outlaws of Love. Underneath. These songs address real issues that I’ve dealt with, that I think a lot of people deal with. Those songs are fan favorites because we’re connecting on an emotional level on those songs.

What’s something few people know about you?

A lot of people are surprised that I am tall [He’s 6’1”]. Almost half the people I meet go “oh you’re tall.” [laughs] And those same people say “oh and you’re nice.” Why does everybody think I’m short and an asshole. I’m tall and I’m friendly, I promise.

How’s your relationship going?

I’m actually not in a relationship anymore. You’re the first person I’ve actually told this too.

When did it end?

It’s been kind of on its way out in the last couple of months. Sauli and I remain really good friends, and I know it’s a cliché thing to say. But it’s totally, totally true. I just gave him a coffee and bagel earlier today. He’s a great person and we’ve had an amazing couple of years together. And honestly things have just run their course.

I’ve been getting really busy and traveling a lot and he’s been getting really busy because he has a show he’s filming for Finnish television. So we just decided to part ways.

Well there goes my next question, which was “any plans for marriage?”

[Laughs] I think everybody should be allowed to get married. Someday I’d like to.

Ten and 15 years ago that’s not even a question interviewers asked gay couples or people.

It’s interesting too because it’s a new concept for us. I’m 31. Once I realized I was gay I didn’t think marriage was ever going to be an option. It wasn’t a part of what I thought was the gay reality. So it’s really exciting and interesting that things have changed so much even in the past 10 years. My generation, people that graduated around the 2000 mark, were in this limbo with the next generation coming up with everything different, and the previous generation having their traditions. Interesting how generationally the gay community is shifting.

It wasn’t something we grew up with. It was so foreign. It’s crazy too, like the kids that are coming up now. In general they don’t have be as secret about being gay anymore. Gay is so much more out in the open. It’s much more accepted. It’s in the media. The generation before us, you and I, they had to hide stuff and be very private and it was taboo. I think that created a lot of shame. A lot of the bad habits of the gay community came out of that shame. It’s interesting to watch this next generation come up and I think they’re going to be a little bit more self-respecting in certain ways because they have the opportunity to be.

What’s a day off for Adam Lambert?

I’m pretty low key. I was on tour for six weeks. I just got back home. I’ve been trying to reconnect with friends. I know a lot of people here in LA. I’ve been here for 10 years. I moved into a new place a couple months ago that I was away from while I was on tour. So I might go shopping and look for a fucking pillow [laughs]. I bought some plants the other day for my balcony. I’m a normal person. I like to go out and meet people.

Any crazy fan stories?

I was in New York and I was doing a concert there with Cyndi Lauper. This was after the show. There were some fans waiting outside behind the barricades. I was walking out towards the car and the security was ushering me towards it and the doors open. Right before I get to the car this woman really stealthily creeps into the car and sits in the passenger seat. She doesn’t even look at me, she just looks ahead, like “if I don’t look at him he won’t see me” [laughs]. I get into the car and I’m like “wait, who are you?” [laughs] And security comes to the other side really quick and says ‘ma’am you have to get out of the car please.’ And she just sits there again staring straight ahead and not saying anything as if they’re not going to see her if she doesn’t say anything. It was hilarious [chuckles]. She was going for it.

If you perform a duet with anyone who would it be?

I could make a list of divas that would be fun to sing with. Everyone from Gaga to Beyonce to Cher to Christina. Any of the singers with big pipes would be really fun to do a duet with.

Besides music what else would you like do?

I do have a curiosity about doing something on film whether it be TV or a movie or something. I think it would be comedy but maybe drama. I have my whole future in front of me. So I’m not in a super rush. I definitely love music the most, and am going to focus on that. Maybe designing something. Maybe fashion. Or maybe at some point behind the scenes, producing or directing.

What can we expect on your next album? Will it be similar to the first two?

I hope not. I definitely see myself as somebody that wants to explore something new every time I do a new project. So I think the inspiration will probably be something different.

So country music then?

Totally that’s the plan. How did you know? [laughs]

We’ve actually started brainstorming what this next project is going to be. I can’t say anything more about it right now, but I’m excited.

I’m going to start working on new music soon. I don’t know when exactly. I don’t know how long that’s going to take to wrap up.

What else is new?

I’m doing a lot of little random gigs. I’m also playing Pittsburgh pride [Saturday, June 15]. I’m going to China right after Miami Pride to do an award show where I am getting some international award. I’m doing Life Ball in May in Vienna, which is an AIDS fundraiser. It’s huge. It’s the biggest one in Europe. I’ve been hearing about it for years. So I’m excited about performing in that.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I’m excited to come to Miami to get some sun [laughs]. People should know I’m a friendly guy. I like to make conversation, especially if the first thing out of your mouth isn’t “oh my God can I have picture” [laughs]. Tell me what your name is and what you’re about first, let’s make it human and not just about your Facebook wallpaper? [Laughs]

SOURCE: South Florida Gay News


Anonymous said...

He said he is getting an award in China. Hooray!!!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Lifeball and I live in Europe..

Anonymous said...

he knows he already won the award in China? no Adam if I meet you I am going to zoom right in on the picture but I won't be sitting in the front seat of your car anywhere. lol nice interview

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, the next album will be something different, but then Adam goes back to the fye glam thing as it happened with Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

3:37it is a gay doings.

Anonymous said...

So articulate!

Anonymous said...

now I really really really want to see him in Miami. whine whine

Anonymous said...

short person and an asshole ----- BWAHHHAHAHAHA!

Great interview

Anonymous said...

3:49I was laughing out loud at that too.

Anonymous said...

@3:49 Yeah so opposite of what Adam is. So was he suppose to say he got the international award or was he suppose to keep it a secret. He is up for best international pop star,so hope this means he will win it! It's as big as the Grammy's in the U.S. with just a few more people watching lol!

Anonymous said...

@3:46 I mean it is probably more famous event in the central Europe or in the German speaking countries and that's why I've never heard of it. I'm more familiar with Scandinavia and Britain. I have no clue what's happening in German speaking countries.

daydreamin said...

I loved this interview. Some interesting tidbits! I'll have to remember now that he wants to know our name and something about us. So nice and refreshing!

Anonymous said...

What happen to his pillows? Did Sauli take the the bed room set with him?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli was his pillow... :)

Anonymous said...

Have fun Adam. You deserve a bit of time off, meeting new people, balcony gardening, pillow shopping, what ever the heck you feel like doing.
It won't be long before you are back in the studio and touring again with NO time off.
You have worked so hard and have given us so much since you first graced the Idol stage.
Enjoy your LIFE!!! you gorgeous, friendly man!

Anonymous said...

He either wants couch pillows, or a body pillow for his bed, to take the place of Sauli. LOL

Anonymous said...

Josh Hutcherson is catching up with Adam.

Anonymous said...

JAK of his best all encompassing interviews I've read with Adam, interviewer didn't ask all those usual boring questions. Adam is quite witty, candid and interesting when given an opportunity to express himself..............of course we knew that..........he just rarely is lucky enough to have a good interviewer.

Anonymous said...

I think its odd that Adam would want plants. If he is travelling a lot, who will take care of them. Maybe he is going for plastic ones.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see a interview with Adam again. I new it had to be good. I haven't read a interview for awhile. The host was asking good questions. Learned something's about Adam again. I think some people say he is tall and nice, because there are star struck. If I am going to meet Adam I will remember to say my name and tell a little about myself. He likes that. His cuteness will take my breath away. But I will get it out some how. I want more interview's.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli were aparently together the other night, when they had the pics together. Probably a fairwell date, not knowing when they would see each other again. I am sure they will remain good friends as they continue on with their lives.

Anonymous said...

Lifeball is a huge AIDS benefit

Anonymous said...

5:03 PM
The pictures of Adam and Sauli in the bar were taken by a reporter from the magazine Sauli is working for. They were done for PR purposes.

Anonymous said...

perfect guy adam lambert- ambassador adam lambert?wow what a perfect singer. good human being.

Anonymous said...

Sort of OT.......JAK here.....I spoke with my grandson last night and he said Orlando is going to be a ghost town next weekend.....every gay employee of all 3 theme parks and hotel workers are coming up with ways to take the week end off to go to Gay Pride in Miami! He said it's like the old joke, employees keep giving him the "my grandma is dying and I need the weekend off to see her before she goes!" Then he reminds them of their grandmas who died before Key West and Tampa's gay pride parades, etc.

He teased me that it was my "hobbies" fault....they all want to see and pray to meet Adam! I said, "we'll honey, he's single now....that probably accounts for this last minute rush!" I won't tell you what he said. Orlando has a huge gay population......and many many of them are my grandson's friends, so he finds it hard to tell them, "we really can't operate the hotel without employees!"

Miami is gonna be a giant jam!

Anonymous said...

Adam 1440
Josh 1134

Anonymous said...

sauli going back to findlan-his birthplace.hes busy also hes fmaous in finland adam is famous in usa and asia and international super star. .

Anonymous said...

A friendly guy would not tweet so much with the Sauli haters though. Someone on an earlier thread that I can't find now, was asking if Adam does it on purpose. He has done it so many times that I think he is doing it on purpose. Maybe he likes to create conflict between fans. I don't know all the crays on twitter either, but it takes only about 30 sec to find out what kind of a person is.

lorraine said...

@4:06PM----I am crying with laughter at your comment---tears rolling down my face,crying!!! I can't imagine what Ad't know whenam must be thinking if he ever cruises around this 24/7 site. My goodness, I haven't laughed this hard since I don't know when. I'm afraid to go to my bedroom tonight and lay my head down on my PILLOW !!! I may have to bring lots of tissues and water to control my hiccups from hysterical laughing.....Thank you!

Anonymous said...

May I ask a question please? I really am not a troll but a little older and not from the generation that takes "hooking-up" casually - although that was not what Adam and Sauli had together.

But I wonder about Adam's comment that "things just ran their course". What does that mean? "We just weren't in love anymore; weren't attracted to one another anymore, didn't feel the need to be together anymore" ???

I understand the scheduling thing for them being a huge problem but "things just running their course' seems something so casual to say about a love relationship that was once so important, (and, let me be clear, certainly neither of them owe us what they truly feel).

I mean no disrespect but I find it an odd thing to say about a break-up - maybe "things were not working out" but "they just ran their course" seems like relationships have an expiry date on them.

Ideas/opinions please. And again - no disrespect,criticism or ill-will intended. I would just like to know what the phrase means today.

Thank you for any answers received.

l said...

@ 4:06 PM See-I can't even see the keys on my computer-I was laughing so hard! I was trying to write that I couldn't imagine what Adam would be thinking if he ever went cruising on this 24/7 site and read some of the stuff on here! !

Anonymous said...

When I saw Adam in concert in Jakarta,Indonesia I was surprised how many men there were in the audience... and many heterosexual couples. Maybe because it was a sunday evening, the concert was in a mall... and the men were forced to come along ? LOL...The ticket price is not too bad... around RP 600,000... (compared to Mika who will perform on the same stage and whose ticket is Rp 1,000,000.- when not bought in presale...) Still it was fun to see that it was not much female dominated audience.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 3.49 PM... yeah that was my favorite line as well ! so funny !

Really a f*ckin fun interview ! and if I ever meet Adam one on one.. I will introduce myself,wish him all the happiness he deserves, tell him how he has influenced my life and ask for a picture...

Anonymous said...

Adam used those exact words when he broke up with drake as well. I think he just isn't going to elaborate or really tell any details . To me it means it fizzled out without any drama or specific reason.

Anonymous said...

@5:55 I'm not in a relationship myself but perhaps they just didn't have enough in common to be able to stay together. "My big goal is always to represent the diversity of the community" (gay community) reveals a little bit about Adam's way of thinking.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:55 PM I'm real sure Neil, Adam's brother, will have an answer for you. Tweet him at

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is too flamboyant for Sauli. I thought it when Adam was on the red carpet for the Divas show, wearing the fur coat.

coloforadam said...

Just not surprised. He tries so hard to keep his private life, "private" and he certainly has kept the details where they belong - with him (and Sauli) but with those beautiful, soulful, expressive eyes. He does not hide much. That was the thing that made this new sadness evident some time ago. He has this brave solemnity that comes over his face that is hard to misinterpret. Sweet man. I just hope that in private moments of alone, he has some sense of how much he is loved and cherished for so much more than how he entertains.

I wonder sometimes what is different, ground rules wise, when two men are trying to establish a lasting relationship. It seems that neither would want to be outshone by the other and with Adam, that would be pretty hard to avoid. Bless them both. What is so cool is how men seem to remain friends so much easier. That is truly admirable.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:58 pm. Don't worry about the plants, I'm sure Adam has a cleaning service who takes care of such things. I do.

Anonymous said...

3:34 - AIDS is an equal opportunity heath issue - in some parts of the world it mostly affects women and their children. You just showed your ignorance and homophobia.

Anonymous said...

What a good interview with good questions! We haven't seen an Adam interview in quite a while. I'm glad he's talking about working on new music. WE ARE READY FOR IT! I was surprised that he said he won that international award. He did say that, right? And the Vienna event was unconfirmed, but now he has confirmed it! What an exciting couple of months! I hope there will be some more one-off gigs this summer and fill in between his recording sessions in the studio. I think Adam's "run its course" comment is just a way of answering the question simply without going into detail. I'm not bothered by him saying that.

I think when we see Adam doing so much clubbing (at least it looks like a lot to us), we forget how smart and thoughtful he is. He is learning so much about the music business. I love how self-aware he is. He knows he's outside the mainstream, trying to find his own special spot. He knows how hard it is for someone like him to appeal to a very broad audience. He gets it. I love his international fans. He knows how to spread the love.

DRG (I don't think Adam is too flamboyant for Sauli. JMO)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam seems TALL when you meet him but he's not a giant. There are men as tall as he is and those who are taller. No biggie (excuse the pun).

Anonymous said...

@ 5:55 pm

I think the passion that brought them together just burned out with time, separation, different interests and the dedication each had to their careers.. I think people can make a rational decision without anger and drama " this just isn't working anymore".

As far as the " the hooking up " goes, I am probably of your's a foreign concept to me....I found my guy, walked down the aisle and 56 years later he's sleeping peacefully 2 rooms away from where I sit.

Times change..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Some how I don't think Sauli will go back to Finland permently. He loves CA and the weather here. He can also do his Finnish job from here. I think he got over the Finnish winters. I am not from Finland but when he was doing the Tutka, I saw what a beautiful country it is in the summer time. I never knew anything about Finland until Adam found Sauli.
Keith Urban is a very successful country singer has a family and he is with them as much as possible, because he doesnt tour, but just sings in Las Vegas.
Adam will be touring for some years to come, even the biggest stars have to tour.
I have thought about Adam being single again, and cannot think of anyone who could fit into his lifestyle, with his kind of work. Maybe someday he will change careers, but that won't be anytime soon. Even if he found someone who would work with him as his stylist. Then they might be together too much

Anonymous said...

I checked the

I checked the Q104 poll it is closed but no winner yet I checked their face book & Adam is not on there any where.

Anonymous said...

5:55PM, did you date more than one person? To me the expression means as they were in the relationship they found there wasn't something to keep going with. I've had a relationship that ended with broken hearts and in tears and flames. It was awful :( I've also had a relationship that seemed great initially but everything wasn't there, it had run it's course or we had taken it as far as it could go. It ended without the flames and tears, just two nice people not meant to be and we both knew it. Neither relationship was casual, both were important. They just went two different paths to the same place. That's just for me but does it make sense to you?

Anonymous said...

Keith Urban will be touring in Ohio this summer. Is his family with him in the US? He had a job on The Voice in Australia and left it to come to AI, I don't think his family is with him.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Country music! LOL, just kidding as much as Adam was.

Anonymous said...

@7:40pm. Adam won that poll.

Adam Lambert voted "Best Artist" in Q104's (Cleveland) Q Music Madness competition

Anonymous said...

@7:40 p.m.

The Q104 Cleveland poll? Yeah...Adam won by a landslide.

Anonymous said...

6:54 if you think someone saying something is a gay doings is an insult you are the one with homophobia.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all of that voting then it is not on there I got wondering.Good job Glamberts congrats ADAM

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:53 PM
Keith Urban, Nicole Kiddman and family live in Nashville, Tennessee. He's lived there since 1992.

Anonymous said...

3:46 PM, I hope you are ESL and don't realize how prejudiced and hateful your comment sounds. HIV/AIDS benefits are not just for gay people and gay people aren't the only ones who contract the diseases. Go talk to the large heterosexual population in Africa who are HIV positive or have AIDS.

Anonymous said...

Regarding any future house plants Adam may acquire, he can always ask Kelly Osborne to water them when he is away. She lives across the way in the same building and they seem to be great friends.

This certainly was a great interview!

Anonymous said...

7;56, you are wrong. Saying gay doings is offensive and saying it in regards to HIV/AIDS just multiplies the offensiveness. I can't get over the ignorance of this fandom sometimes.

Anonymous said...

That story about the person getting in the car is kind of scary.

Anonymous said...

@lorriane. Hahaha...glad my comment made you laugh. The reason for my comment is that last year Adam tweeted a picture of himself on his plush pillow when he came back to LA from his Japanese tour and due to jetlag he couldn't sleep so he had a mini twitter party. Probably some of you remember which picture I am talking about. So probably he gave them away and now he wants to buy new ones. Anyway, moving to a new place requires some changes. Hope he finds the best ones to rest that precious beautiful head of his.

Anonymous said...

Some people have a lot of time to spend on analyzing Adam's relationship and career decisions and figuring out where his pillows went and what will he do about live plants. Why don't you come clean my house and mow the grass when you are done.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:24 PM
No thanks..I'd rather clean Adam's house :)) LOL!

Anonymous said...

@8:24: So damned true. I saw someone on another site analyzing the way Adam said I "gave" Sauli a bagel, instead if "brought", so that just had to mean the euphemism is true! *rolleyes*
LOL...this fandom is so entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the focus of Adam's next album. He said it will be different and I hope will get radio play for any single released. I'd love to see Adam do a collabo with some of the female performers he has mentioned for his album or for theirs. If Christina and Blake, Pink and Nate Ruess(of Fun) and others can put together a duet, I don't see why Adam shouldn't be part of one. That might get him radio play and bring in new fans. Great interview as usual with a few new things we did not know. It seems we know so much about Adam that he has told us, that it is refreshing to learn something new. I would have plenty to talk about with him after I told him my name. After spending many years in the classroom teaching English to high school students, I have run the gamut of questions, had great discussions and can talk about practically any subject, even the pop culture scene and music. Right now I just want two things for Adam: to be happy in his life and career and to make a great third album. Hopefully they will come true.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, this is 8:24, LOL, call me and I'll come help you :) We can do that while the crays and trolls are planning how Adam should properly deal with his next personal life or career event.

Anonymous said...

8:41, LOL, if Adam would just get a speech writer and carefully edit his prepared interview answers instead of just being his naturally charming self and forcing crays to look for non-existent answers via the bible of urban dictionary. More roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

8:15 I am going to the Miami Gay Pride week, is that somehow not PC to say anymore. Maybe just Miami Pride Week? Not everyone knows what the life Ball is for.I think poster 3:46 was trying to be helpful no need to get so huffy.

Anonymous said...

It's not a PC issue. They knew enough to say it was a gay doing. Which is incorrect, it's not just for gay people. It minimalizes the cause and the wide variety of people affected by it.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I don't think people here realize how huge the Vienna Life Ball is. Last year, Bill Clinton and a plethora of international movie stars, musicians and personalities attended this major event. And our Adam Lambert will be performing at this year's ball on May 25th!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adding to my comment at 9:11, it minimalizes the LGBT community - oh that giant European event is just some gay doing thing, pay it no mind if your are straight.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady this is 7:53 I knew that, it doesn't pay me to get up from a nap and answer questions on blogs. lol thanks.

Jadam NZ said...

Yes 8.41 I am with you. The part Nate sings with Pink could have been tailor made for Adam, not actually sing to Pink, her husband is in the video, but singing with Pink. It would have been gorgeous.
I have refrained from commenting on the Sauli/Adam split, though I felt it coming and was just waiting for the official announcement. Im am sorry of course, but life is like this never be scared to give or receive love. Obviously they are handling it in a mature and sensible way. Though I am sure they have had many personal moments, of sadness. Good Luck and love to them both.
I am looking forward to the upcoming events and new music.
I have been gobsmacked by the ridiculous presumptions, in some of the comments in the week or so. Why do people assume they know everything about Adams life from a few fan/acquaintance photos or tweets.
(Shaking my head in disbelief)
Thank God for a few sane regulars.

Anonymous said...

People here blab on about things they know nothing about so why bother to Google it.

Anonymous said...


The Life Ball is one of the biggest AIDS charity events in the world.

The international attention is particularly necessary, since the Life Ball serves as the voice of HIV positive people or people suffering from AIDS. The threat through AIDS is still present in the whole world; the HI-virus is deadly. HIV and AIDS can affect everybody regardless of gender, age, social status or sexual orientation. This is the reason why it is of the utmost importance to continue fighting the virus.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:52 PM
Its a deal! We can take turns watering his plants and fluffing his (new) pillow :)))

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam will take the entire band with him to the ball? God I am afraid to ask any questions on here lately some people so snarky.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:15 PM
I know the feeling...LOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:24pm. Since you are wiser then please spare what is your understanding after you read this article.

Anonymous said...

this was the first interview Adam gave to the media about the break up. It must have been so stressful for him, I am feeling for him right now.I could give a freak whose fault it is. lovely interview.

Anonymous said...

His favorite songs.. WWFM, Aftermath, underneath, OOL.. Quite melancolic don`t you think. And what happend BE. I think he has said several time it`s his favorite (too painfull mayby..)? Why did`n he sang aftermath if it is his favorite..

Anonymous said...

He doesn't always sing HIS favorites. It is not always about him he has to change things up from time to time.

glitzylady said... change the subject just a little bit...NEW PICS of Adam today in West Hollywood...

From Zimbio "Adam Lambert Stops By An Office"

"Singer Adam Lambert stops by an office in West Hollywood, California on April 9, 2013"

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would mind if Adam sang country music on his next album. I like all types except for Rap.

Leilani Aloha said...

Beautiful Adam!!!
Adam's articulate, smart, friendly with a great sense of humor in this awesome interview makes me smile:):):)

3rd album I guess may be rock/balads, more organic like Adam said where music is heading lately!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, glitzylady.

The things that turn us on .... photos of Adam feeding parking meters .... haha ;D

HK fan said...

@8.24 and 8.41
Maybe he meant what he said in that tweet......but many fans know how to use Urban dictionary...and coffee, Bagel and even a pillow take on a whole new meaning...
Certainly a lot of fun trying to decipher Adam at times!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady. I love those round sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

@11:48: maybe...but some fans do have the knack of deciphering the meaning of everything he says to suit their own wild fantasies! And then they think he's covering up when he sets it straight. *rollseyesagain*

Anonymous said...

No country music thanks, Adam. If I remember correctly, I don't think he likes it either.

Anonymous said...

I think he's sexy as hell in that combat outfit. Does that make me weird?

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the link...Adam looks so serious feeding the parking meter LOL! He's so cute in his combat pants and I love his posture...he holds himself so straight and tall. Handsome guy :) So funny, paps watching Adam "stop by an office in West HOllywood" Who else gets their picture taken by the paps just paying a parking meter LOL!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:01 PM
Adam's version of Country Music: three words.

"Ring Of Fire" :)))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Darn it! Now I have to wear a name tag everyday just in case I run into Adam. How else would I remember my name? lol I don't think Adam realizes the effect he has on people! I still think I would have to get my picture first, then try to form an intelligent sentence, if possible!
Magnificient Interview!

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of Ring of Fire, the original or Adam's version. I much prefer every other genre he sings.

Anonymous said...

I love the 'tall and very friendly' comments. HAHAHAHA! Adam is incredibly talented, honest and so so darn beautiful, plus full of intelligence! Life changed after hanging witht he Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Great interview and so Adam.
PrideFest will be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Adam better-er mention 'Australia'!
Guy is family. Love him!

Anonymous said...

What's a 'gay doings'? Seems disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

I think plants means Adam will be home a lot. Why buy them if you won't be enjoying them?

I would trust Kelly with my plants.

Adam and Sauli were apart a lot last last year. When they started spending quality time together in December they found they had grown apart so they decided to make the break. Long distance relationships put people in different head spaces and they can't put it back together.

If the Lifeball will pay to bring an entire band then Adam will bring it. That's how it works. We will see.

Anonymous said...

Adam is bringing his dancers and singers to Pride. Full show loud and proud.

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview! Imagine having a fan sitting in your car pretending they are invisible to the eye!L0L! Anyone we know on 24/7? Fess up people! I know it's not really funny, but it is kind of. I mean, what would you say, "I'm sorry Adam - is this your car? I didn't really notice you sitting in the driver's seat? Can we go back to your house for coffee? I can just see Adam's face! Thank God for security, however. Women respond to Adam like bees to honey. One of the curses of being born fabulous and being a Rock God!!!

tea said...

The car thing would make my skin crawl. I know my reaction would be to get right back out of the car and ask someone I know "who's that?".

Anonymous said...

The woman in the car was OTT. She could've been armed and dangerous (a dangerous Glambert - yep, I bet there are a few of those .... lol). Seriously, it wasn't a cool thing to do. I guess she thought she was being clever but it only made her look foolish and desperate.

Anonymous said...

5:35 PM Are you some 5 years old or something?

And how you know Sauli`s doings? He probably is staying to US for a long time for his show etc.

tea said...

Get a load of the sexy picture that comes with this article. WHEW!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the gifs that can be accessed within that article ......

Anonymous said...

The links to these pics are rolling in --- YAY, good publicity

Anonymous said...

4:35 glad to hear that!!

Anonymous said...

Whadya mean??

Anonymous said...

5:49 PM Adam just retweeted that awful "Liuzita`s" (or something...) tweet. She has previously sent a death threat to Sauli and used to slander Sauli for whore, bum etc etc.

I think Adam do that purposely, but I wonder WHY??

Anonymous said...

@8:05 AM I looked that Liuzita's time line when Adam rt:d her and it seemed "normal". I mean no hate tweets towards Sauli or Finns. I don't think that when Adam rt he looked those time lines for a longer period so how could he know that Liuzita is nasty and hateful person?

Anonymous said...

I wish Sauli moved out from Adam, but I suppose they split the rent or something. Just watched Sauli's video and you can hear Adam's laugh at the end of it.

Anonymous said...

Can Sauli have his own fan blog? We would like to move on to all news about Adam. Please!

It is not to create one. Just check out forums for easy set up.

Anonymous said...

@9:40 I'm going, I'm going to Exile.

Anonymous said...

For Sauli news follow this user on twitter


Anonymous said...

@9:33 AM I don't think that's Adam laughing!


"Hello and greetings from LA. We have been filming my own TV show Sauli's best friend. Two weeks, it's been little harsh, I have amazing quests and we havent have day offs', so we are pushing forward at maxium and we still have filming days ahead. I hope we get amazing program done. Now I'm so tired that I'm going to sleep, so Hollywood thanks and bows. Good night to everyone, I mean good morning to Finland. See you tomorrow, bye! *Adams giggle*"

Anonymous said...

Sorry I took that translation from Adamtopia and I dont know if you are supposed to do that. Thad add "Adams giggle" is of course an opinion that it sounds like him but as I said I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

This google translation from Russia is hilarious:

Adam Lambert, Sauli Koskinen treated bagels and announced a break

Anonymous said...

I used my Bose headphone and that's not Adam's laugh.

Anonymous said...

@11:15 Thanks. But can you tell is it filmed on the rooftop where Adam lives?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the next bf of Adam's has to deal not only with adommy crays but it seems also with saulbert crays cause there seems to be fans who cannot let it go. Poor guy!

Anonymous said...

Well there is not much talk about love.

Anonymous said...

11:38 am

Let what go?? They are very close friends, like Adam just said in the newest interview...they can still hang out and even live together for now. What is the big deal??Maybe you should let it go....

Anonymous said...

How ppl can know if they live still in the same place. Sauli is doing his program so he can stay with his group in some hotel. That would be logical cause they are moving together from place to place.

Anonymous said...

12:05 pm

Why does it bother you if they still live together?? Doesn´t bother me and I`m aware that they are no longer a couple. They are perfectly capable of running their lives. So how about people just let them!

Anonymous said...

A couple things in this interview stood out to me..."real music and emotional songs" and "it'll be something different". Yippee! JAK

Anonymous said...

I think they may still be sharing the apartment. I'm sure it has two bedrooms, two baths, Sauli and Nico were there recently, Adam and Sauli had what I assume was breakfast. They are both gone alot and it's not an unreasonable idea. Many people share apartments without a romantic entanglement. I shared an apartment in college with a guy cause I felt safer. He was my best friend's boyfriend. Adam and Sauli obviously don't hate each other.

glitzylady said...

That stood out to me as well. The whole discussion of the current and developing music scene was interesting and shows that he knows EXACTLY what's going on. It sounds like he might be working on some more "voice centered" music as well. EXCITING!

Anonymous said...

Adam and his dancers are going to "throw a helluva party." Uh oh.

Anonymous said...

Well, it will be for the right audience, they will know what to expect...JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli weren't together for 3 years. Geez, the media can't even add!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

AL should try shakin' up with a femme fatale. She would treat him like the Glam God that he is.

Anonymous said...

8:30 PM
Oh PUHLEEZ! Take a hike on your trike.

Anonymous said...

Troll alert, folks - IGNORE.

Anonymous said...

love the interview...

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