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New (Old) Adam Lambert in Singapore Picture Posted Today

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 7, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 07, 2013

By RyAn SiXx:

"Omg!!! Adam lambert hahaha — at Universal Studios Singapore."


Anonymous said...

The other guy in the pic looks good from the neck down. The face.... Not so much. Adam on other the hand :) lol

Anonymous said...

How fun he's in front of a Makeup Studio

Anonymous said...

He needs to do some work on his arms, not a good look, especially now he's single again, the young guys won't like him too much if he becomes flabby.

Anonymous said...

I don't see flab but I do see a lot of handsome,sexey of a guy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he needs his idol tour biceps.

Anonymous said...

What is the tat on his right wrist?

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to do regular weight-training to gain "guns" and he probably doesn't have time. Whatever, leave him alone - he looks mighty fine as is.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:56 pm.....JAK here

The new tattoo on Adam's right wrist says in Latin...freak of nature!

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam looks in the pink of health and that is something not to be taken for granted. Yea black singlet-vest and carefree. Also, Adam needs a bit of tanning and that's easy, no need to go to the beach...just step outside, maybe chat on the phone or with somebody for half an hour; wallah a glowing handsome Adam. lol! Hope you'll come back to Singapore and perhaps undertake a fashion / theatrical or singing stint...yea movie star lol! Hmm they should invite Adam sing at our coming National Day parade, used to be 50,000 audience in the old stadium, now I think about 30 thousand on the floating platform by the bay. I'd like to hear Adam sing, Singapura sunny island set in the sea...rock style! lol!


Anonymous said...

@ Lam- my.....JAK here....I really doubt Adam could tan. Easter I sat all afternoon at a family gathering and couldn't keep my eyes off my grandson's girlfriend. She is a stunning redhead with snow white skin, almost unreal, like porcelain . She has tried and tried to tan with no luck, she doesn't realize how unusual her pink and white complection is, she looks like a doll. My husband said "I'm surprised you don't have freckles." My grandson spoke up and said " oh, she has freckles.....14 to be exact!" Her face turned as red as her hair and she smacked him on his knee.....then he made it worse by saying "but we won't talk about where they are!"

Men are so clueless, he had no idea he had embarrassed her....but we all sat around the dinner table wondering where they were! Nowhere in sight! ^o^

Anonymous said...

I always like to hear your heartfelt and highly plausible expanding family stories. Regarding the tanning, maybe the sun is not hot enough over at your place lol! Hey wow, when you're done drooling over Adam, now you are pretty fixated on your near-future daughter-in-law. Lucky you! I've always heard terrible stories about daughter and mother-in-law hating, and not on speaking terms. I bet you'll be the best there is; even in my virtual perception of're direct, at the same time kind. Regarding the freckles, that's a good indication of more exciting developments...hmmm lol! I'm going to tune in for the scrumptious bits to unfold, lol! That bit of Latin translation is interesting! Adam is nooo freak of nature; absolutely normal to me.


Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.....JAK here......sadly, my grandson shows about as much interest in marrying as Adam. His Mom and I fall in love with girlfriend after girlfriend....but he doesn't. He stays friends with them as he moves on and explains to his Mom, I love her but I'm not "in love". " I want to love someone like Poppie loved Nannie (my parents) and Pa loves Ma (that's my husband and I) and how Dad loves you(his parents). of course that made her cry....I hope he is
Lucky enough!

Anonymous said...

Your grandson seems to want an old fashion kind of relationship, steady and sound. Whoa, that is hard to achieve nowadays. Not to worry, when the right 'old fashion' type girl comes around, he'll swoon. This present beautiful girlfriend still stands a good chance, all's not lost yet! :)


Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.......that's true....she's the only girl he ever broke up with and then got back together after 6 months!

OT. I have wondered about that tattoo, Adam has used the word freak in several of his songs....does he think of himself as a freak or is that a term that is of revelance today in modern terms of description that I am to " out of the loop" to understand?

Anonymous said...

First, I got the in-law hierarchy wrong lol! should have been granddaughter-in-law and grandma-in-law. Yea actually I was wondering if Adam has been psyched often enough into feeling he's a freak. But probably can be confusing though to feel both male and female, I think. Researchers have come up with findings that it is due to a certain part of the brain development...not freak. Sometimes it's society that imposes these kinds of negativity. Anyway good news that your grandson and girlfriend got back together...good sign.


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping the grammar police don't give me a ticket for poor's my husband's fault....he was talking to me while I was typing. Just re - read and ouch! A couple whoppers!....JAK .